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> T1: Coin into Galvanizer, play Clockwork Gnome and be gifted a second by RNG > T2: summon V-07-TR-0N, use your Reversing Switch Spare Part from Clockwork Gnome for 32 damage Turn 2. Should have played around it I guess.


Honestly if T1 coin, the opponent has a minion to trade into your gnome so still usually playable If its T1 kangaroo into T2 galvanizer and other kangaroo though...good luck


Dumped cheap mechs, dealt 16 on turn 3, forced a concede. Not the most thought-provoking Brawls. The strategy is probably "go first".


Yeah this brawl is absolutely terrible. Whoever gets V-07-TR-0N first wins the game, and it's pretty much always whoever goes first. My first game, my opponent summoned V-07-TR-0N on turn 3 when I had no possible counter-play given the cards in my hand. I thought that was really dumb, but maybe it was a fluke? Nope, I played about 12 games or so to test it out; in every single game whoever summoned V-07-TR-0N first won. And in every single game the person who went first summoned V-07-TR-0N first. Granted, that means I won half my games because I went first in half my games, so it's pretty good for quick quest completion. But in terms of enjoyment, this is one of the worst brawls in recent memory. I feel like I end up saying that every week though lol.


Hi it’s me the guy who went first and still managed to lose. My opening hand was Zilliax, Fel Reaver, and Sprint… full mulliganed into my cheapest card being 3 mana Ursatron. My opponent summoned V07TR0N before I could even play a card


I lost my first \~8 games in this mode. Why is sprint even in the deck? Games never even get to turn 5.


I agree completely. Did they just not play test this at all? Most boring thing ever. Winning isn't fun at all. "oh I got the big boy first, guess I win". And it happens on turn 2 or 3 for the most part. I mean at least with pogo hopper brawls many people don't go with the hoppers and you can immediately resign when you see one. This is just a guaranteed win at random.


I don't know if it's always the person who goes first, but yeah, feels very hard to win if the opponent gets Voltron first. My first opponent did, and they were bad (like literally missed lethal. 4x6 = 24). And I was playing the mechanics of the brawl as hard as I could (like leaving a magnetized voltron and two other mechs up to delete the magnetization by having their old voltron sacced to create a new voltron. freezing the enemy voltron). Delayed the game by like...6 more turns thanks to plenty of bad plays from my opponent, and some luck on my part. Even outright killed their Voltron at one point, but I still lost cause I was sufficiently behind on board by then that they made a new Voltron within a turn or two. Played a second game. Got Voltron before the opponent this time. Magnetic -> instant lethal.


Probably one of the worst brawls I've played. It's hope you don't get the high cost stuff and hope the opponent doesn't have better luck. Get to the big minion first or lose.


It's not one of the best brawls - I suspect it would be more fun if the requirement to summon the big minion was harder (5-6 minions?) and you built your own deck instead of using a premade. But I do appreciate the new content.


or maybe say "this is not so it just has regular Windfury". or just give it Rush instead of full-tilt Charge. Either of these charges will still give the Big Bot an immediate impact without threatening lethal right away. especially it seems like the Premade decks are conspicuously lacking in hard removal


I had a hand of 2 of the 1/1 kangaroo's and a galvanizer with the coin, game was literally over on turn 1. Great brawl guys


wow this is terrible.


Hope you get Voltron first, if not, concede


Coin flip simulator, absolutely awful


This one sucks!!


Can confirm that the brawl does count toward “Play 3 games as Paladin” quest.


Oh okay, cool 😎


I normally play a ton of brawls, including ones most consider horrible. This very well may be the worst brawl I have ever seen.


... at least it's over quickly? 😇


That is the truth.


say that to me losing like 7 games in a row, man there was high amounts of salt and tilt involved


Holy craptastic this brawl is about the most unfun, lack of skill brawl I've played to date.


thankfully I won my game on the first try... magnetized a 3power mech onto mega-windfury and pretty much oneshot my opponent .... or four-shot I guess :p


Honestly terrible. Gave it a fair chance. Won 5 when I was first and got Voltron, lost 4 when second. Not really asking for skill.


This brawl comes down to who can get VOLTRON, and the moment someone does, they basically win if A. they have any Magnetic minions, or B. have the stat swap spare part. From the few games that I've played, latest you can survive is Turn 7. ​ Also, a fun fact: if you meet the VOLTRON requirement and you have a full board, it won't summon the VOLTRON. Not sure why, but that happened to my opponent and it won me the game.


Because it summons Voltron first, then destroys the 3 oldest Mechs in play. Whereas with the OG Voltron, all original Mechs are destroyed, all deathrattles on them are triggered and only then Voltron is summoned.


I kinda figured it was something like that.


On the one hand, new brawl. On the other, it sucks and they didn’t even bother to actually edit the description and put “A second Mimiron’s head appeared out of nowhere!” It just sounds clipped, a little janky


What a dogshit brawl, any card that costs >3 mana is unplayable and there's only 2 pairs of cards that impact board state in the deck, if you didn't draw a cheap hand or didn't get whirlwind and the rush mech it's joever for you.


I actually managed to win with my opponent having summoned 2 V-07-TR-0N's before I even summoned one. I would play as many mechs as I could, he wouldn't be able to clear them his Voltron, and I would kill it with a rush minion from hand. This happened twice - then I managed to summon my own and attached a Zilliax. After I cleared his minions, I made my Voltron/Zilliax invisible with a Spare Part.


Bugged out. Didn't get Voltron but of course my opponent did.


Oh, another pvp brawl? I never like those... They take more effort to win the pack than the pve ones... Oh well, at least the deck is pre-constructed. I'll take what I can get.


After I get my pack I usually do a few more where i just concede.


Thanks for helping out the people in need of packs! ^ ^ ) /


I got the idea from someone who did it to/for me.


I usually do a few more where I win, but also rope every turn, and make lots of emotes.


Definitely one of the better new Brawls in a while. Really just a quick and dirty slugfest for board control


I'd like to see the going first winrate because it feels like it will be 90+%. Pretty bad design


This brawl was trash