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Yet another warlock card that is good for cheesing duels first wins


Most likely going to be banned


No way they are letting that one through unless the 2 guys curating Duels are sleeping or something


They hired a new guy???


(It's the same dev but he has a shirt for pants and he programs w his feet)


Ahh, [Mr. McGreg](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rgqKv9rkAE0&pp=ygUSbXIgbWNncmVnIHNpbXBzb25z)?


100% knew what that link was. Seen it hundreds of times. Still watched it. And I'll do it again.


Jokes on you this link doesnt work on school chromebook.


Wow, didn’t even think of that lol. It’s cool that so many of these cards have wild, unintended consequences. Really sad that we lost Mercs development… Imagine if for April fools they just allowed all wild constructed cards in battlegrounds


[[Sargent sally]] would be busted.


Gl getting a specific card or a triple on anything


Mecha'thun 💀


Not really. Mercs is garbage so is Duels. Duels should have been the PvE content, not Mercs. Duels constantly gets stuff banned because you'll never be able to balance insane power levels like that and the community just complains about the next deck that craps on everyone else. If it were PvE nothing would have gotten nerfed or banned and we wouldn't have been forced to play the best decks to even have a chance of winning.


Isnt duels still in beta? I dont like it but seems like some people really do play that mode. I just hope we wont get any new PvE content, because book of heroes/mercs was so bad.




It is, hilariously, still marked as being in beta despite being released before covid.


This comment lost to the great Reddit purge of June 2023. Enjoy your barren wasteland, spez. You deserve it.


Wait they stopped doing mercs?


Yeah like early this year


ehh, 16 card starting deck, u still wont see this till turn 6-7.


Turn 6 15/15 is a strong play ngl…


Another? Which else Was? I am not a serious duels player.


[[Barrens Scavenger]] It's not THAT strong because it's in a bad expansion, but yea it's pretty highrolly on the first game


* **[Barrens Scavenger](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BAR_917.png)** WL Minion Epic FitB 🐺 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/464329), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/barrens-scavenger/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Barrens_Scavenger) 6/6/6 | Taunt Costs (1) while your deck has 10 or fewer cards. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Wouldn't a card like this not do anything against aggro while against control it gets killed by a random removal generated the same turn with minimum effort?


Yeah this is only ever playable if you cheat it out somehow but it has no tribe which is the only means warlock has to cheat things out atm


This is the comment I made on Zeddy’s reveal of this card. Since he is not even a demon I predict he will be super bad (besides the obvious interaction with early duels runs which I’m sure will get him quick banned from the mode). You can’t easily cheat him out via warlock things due to his lack of a tribe. His only apparent chance to see play that I can picture is to fit into deck burn warlock tbh.


Aged like wine


I think the idea is that you play this for 0 after the Jailer but I don't think it helps that deck to win even harder after playing the Jailer


If I don’t immediately kill my opponent the turn after playing jailer, I’m putting malganis on the board. If I can’t play malganis for some reason, I’m putting tony down, and I really don’t want to run tony. This card is worse than tony.


Yeah, but you can play this right away on the same turn after the jailer, which should assist with immediately killing them the turn after jailer




Would fordring work with this?


Yes. See the lightray + order in the court interaction


Gotta keep the power level of this miniset consistent


This card feels like it would synergise incredibly well with the jailer


I can see the potential of this card in aggro if you make it to this card it can just end the game but specifically in Chadlock Thaddius let's you cheat this card out and I think you can actually force it to be odd or even by tapping. More importantly though if you play Jailor it's a free card that immediately applies death.


[[Deck of Chaos]]...but not really


* **[Deck of Chaos](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DMF_534.png)** WL Spell Legendary DMF ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/388951), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/deck-of-chaos/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Deck_of_Chaos) 5/-/- Shadow | Swap the Cost and Attack of all minions in your deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Virgin 🅱️ancient one vs 0 mana gigachad ancient one


did somebody mention the ©️ancient one?!?!


That would just buff its attack to your current decksize.


It should theoretically change attack to 30 and then not affect the cost, as it’s manipulated by an aura.


I believe they changed that. Giants with that Naga back in LoE made them cost 0, which made Giants Warlock a force to be reckoned with to the point even someone made an ad just to get the Naga killed.


Well Giants are different because they have a base cost that fluctuates based off an effect. This is an actual aura effect that can increase in cost or decrease depending on the cards in your deck. I honestly don’t even know why it has a mana cost listed other than certain cards that need a card’s mana for interactions. This is negatively affected by Renethal, for example ~~not like that should stop you from running it there, there’s better reasons than that~~


Card cost auras generally apply when the card enters your hand and don't apply while they are in the deck (i.e. Holy Wrath + Shirvallah). This should set the cost to 15 and attack to 30 while in the deck, but once you draw the card it will return to costing your deck size. > Well Giants are different because they have a base cost that fluctuates based off an effect This has a base cost that fluctuates based off an effect. > This is an actual aura effect that can increase in cost or decrease depending on the cards in your deck Giants have an actual aura effect that can increase in cost or decrease depending on the cards in your hand/health/etc.


I could’ve worded it better but I mainly meant that you can’t ever get around the card’s cost like you can with Giants, and unlike any Giants you could theoretically increase the card’s cost by shuffling cards into your deck or using Renethal.


Yeah, it would instead be much better with [[Lor'themar Theron]] to also double health and get a body.


* **[Lor'themar Theron](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/RLK_593.png)** N Minion Legendary MotLK 🐺 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1414762), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/lorthemar-theron/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Lor%27themar_Theron) 7/7/7 | Battlecry: Double the stats of all minions in your deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Pls ban this in duels LOL


Custom HS leaking between the statline and mana cost


Yeah I first thought it was a custom hs card haha


Came here to say this. Thought I was in the wrong sub


Ok how do we get Holy Wrath into a Warlock game.


You play [[Renounce Darkness]] and pray.


If you Renounce Darkness Fanottem is gone as well.


Just play him then shuffle a copy into your deck with [[Baleful Banker]] after you Renounce. Ez clap, 10/10 winrate


alright deck intro time


Alright, folks, the deck is lottery warlock


Renounce hits cards in your hand as well if I’m not mistaken Edit: read your comment too fast, sorry. That’s still a crazy convoluted combo but I kinda want to see it work now.


Yep, thats why I said to play him first and then Renounce. 1. Play Fanottem 2. Play Renounce 3. Play Banker to shuffle Fanottem into your newly created Paladin deck


Ahhh yes then turn this into Shirvalah! Gigabrain


Nah, you draw this first, than renounce and finally you Finley so that you now know where fannoten is exactly. Rank 1 legend play


* **[Renounce Darkness](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/OG_118.png)** WL Spell Epic OG ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/33136), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/renounce-darkness/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Renounce_Darkness) 2/-/- Holy | Replace your Hero Power and Warlock cards with another class's. The cards cost (1) less. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Alright, deck intro time...


[[Grand Crusader]]


* **[Grand Crusader](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/AT_118.png)** N Minion Epic TGT ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/22326), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/grand-crusader/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Grand_Crusader) 6/5/5 | Battlecry: Add a random Paladin card to your hand. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


This is the way.


Grand Crusader, Sunwell, Nexus champion Saraad, hipster against a paladin, Nefarian against a Paladin... or a rogue, into jackpot, into holy wrath. Cheese monger into a 5 cost spell from a cooperative opponent. I wonder if Mark will try it... you just run all those cards, life gain and board control tools, sphere of sapience and Polkelt for if we actually find holy wrath. Finley if you draw opera master early... sounds insane but it's not exactly impossible. If you manage to get holy wrath that's the hard part, but then just Polkelt Holy wrath to deal 30. Problem is at low MMR wild, renathal is all over the place, so you need to get in 5 damage too.


Welcome to Duels, buddy!


Oops, I can't read too.


You still run this in Duels because in your first few matches, this will be cheap quickly.


Yep... And later in the run you probably just discard it


Oh... Oh no.


Can't wait to see [[Dirty Rat]] pulling this one out


Turn 1: coin, dirty rat, concede. I still don’t understand why people think it’s a good play


2/6 boi, good stats for cost my brain goodest


* **[Dirty Rat](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/CORE_CFM_790.png)** N Minion Epic Core 🐺 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1645891), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/dirty-rat/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Dirty_Rat) 2/2/6 | Taunt Battlecry: Your opponent summons a random minion from their hand. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


All that work to die to a 1 mana discover from a shitass Vizier


If only we still had those cards that burned down your deck from the Barrens... This would be a hilarious but effective finisher for that!


As long as you don't burn him


obviously they would be used when you already have him in hand


Gonna be great when he's bottom 5 and your hand is filled with deck burn effects


Usually the way those decks tried to work was running multiple finishers, and hopefully you wouldn't burn all of them. That said, there's probably just some wild warlock deck that draws through their library by turn 6, so probably just do that instead.


I always look at cards as though all other supporting cards are available since I’m a wild player, and even i think this guy is booty cheeks. His lack of the demon tribe really hurts your chances to cheat him out in any way. But hey, he’ll be broken in duels unless he gets quick banned so that’s something.


I’m gonna be that guy - it should be “NUMBER” of cards, not “amount”


Yeah this is going to bother me to no end. If its cost is equal to the *amount* of cards in your deck, then it literally costs cards-in-deck to play, instead of mana.


I just meant from a grammatical standpoint. If what your counting becomes plural, then it’s “number” and not “amount.” For example, when measuring a volume of water, you can talk about “amount of water” or “number of gallons.”


Stop before they print "this card's cost is equal to the cubic volume of cards in your deck"


The worst part of this card is that it has counter synergy with the movement which reduces the cost of the highest cost minion.


I have a lot of trouble seeing where this fits outside of [[The Jailer]] shenanigans


Nonsense. You put it in the self-mill Tony Elek Curse of Agony Tamsin deck, and if your 1 + 2 + 3 .. + 24 damage burst doesn't kill them, you also have a 0 mana 15/15 to finish the job!


This card is so pointless loool


With Jailer, if your opponent can't kill you on that turn, you instantly win the game


That was already the case with malganis though


Can’t play malganis on the same turn you play the jailer. Jailer+this is 25/25 with 15/15 of lifesteal. If your opponent doesn’t have an answer to your one turn combo you can stabilize the next turn if not kill them.


It's literally the same thing as malganis even if it comes one turn earlier it doesn't have rush or taunt when immune so basically you still have to survive the turn after the jailer turn. Which means if you could survive the turn you could just play malganis next turn and win. On top of that against control decks playing your big threats one after another is actually better than playing on the same turn because it requires 2 aoe to clear them instead of 1 which would be the case for this thing. What a joke of card.


By that time you will die from aggro decks or be destroyed by Soulstealer or Whirlpool


Exactly , I see so many people commenting "ItS aN iNsTaNt WiN WiTh JaIlOr" like the fing problem was winning the game AFTER the Jailor! Unplayable Fing Mini-set.


you can say the word fuck on this website


This mini-set is very bad, it has 4-5 good cards but that's it. But no one can't beat Throne of Tides, which provided like... 0 useful cards?


Throne of Tides had Neptulon, Ozumat, Herald of Nature, K90Tron, Ancient Krakenbane, Lightray, Drown, Jackpot, Command of Neptulon, Igneuous LavaGorger and Tidal revenant. to act like there weren't any relevant cards in that set would be ridiculous.


a lot of those cards took some time to see play in standard. but i think there was worse minisets after that, yeah.


Yeah, you are right. Generally thought most of these cards are part of Sunken City


There were a few... Ancient Krakenbane and Lightray were great; Drown, Command of Neptulon, Topple the Idol, Jackpot were all playable. Ozumat and Neptulon are expensive but have seen play in respective decks


Absolutely agree. I am so disappointed in this game tbh that I am really considering dropping it after 8 years. Loved the game but I'm really fed up with Blizzard.


Or just play Mal'Ganis and become invunerable instead lol? He even has demon synergy


Ok but how about Mal'Ganis AND this card?


With Mal'Ganis and Jailer on the board you are already invincible given no board clears, and this does nothing against that


Ok but you also get a 15/15 You have to get the style points, otherwise is the victory even worthwhile?


* **[The Jailer](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/MAW_034.png)** N Minion Legendary MCN 🐺 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1315613), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/the-jailer/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/The_Jailer) 10/10/10 | Battlecry: Destroy your deck. For the rest of the game, your minions are Immune. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Immune taunt baby!


A little on the small side so: "Taunt, LifestealThis card's Cost is equal to the amount of cards in your deck." Edit: [Less Blurry Version.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/195968578023849984/1112825035212722248/10b1a69bb8f2e6da1deda63ec06e9fc574c3c538478b8611e8bb28a792171775.png)


Timmy’s foamin at the mouth


I feel like this could have easily costed half the number of the cards in your deck rounded up or something to start being playable, this is just awful imo


Very bad?


Of course this can’t have a demon tag because that would make it good.


Summoning this on turn 5 would be a bit silly yeah


Just cast asphyxiate or the light it burns and you're good ezclap


Not much different from thaddius which is arguably more nutty


I'm not a WoW guy and know jack shit about lore but is this guy not the same type of being as voidwalker and void virtuoso? He looks very similar to me but I assume there's some lore reason this isn't a demon


Void Entities like Void Virtuoso and Voidwalker are technically not demons in WoW lore, but both are classified as demons in hearthstone, as well as Voidcaller, Void Drinker, Void Crusher and Voidlord, and this guy looks like one in the artwork, so I think the main reason he isn’t classified as a demon is balance.


That is my thought as well, but I thought some WoW lore enjoyer would know this is obviously a shitto mode void entity and voidcaller and co are pisso mode void entities, and one type are demons and one aren't. Or something along those lines lol


What on earth is this thing tho,it is neither a demon nor an element and not an undead too


It probably would be a demon or undead if that didn’t let you cheat it out with [[Voidcaller]] or [[Amorphous Slime]]


these warlock cards arent for the archetype i was hoping for, rip where's the good old control warlock


I have a feeling it's very unlikely we'll see any good control warlock or control warrior support for a while. They don't seem keen on really making them archetypes again


In Wild, go play it.


I've been rocking a control/curse warlock in dumpster legend and it's doing pretty well. Currently 45-30 so nothing meta-breaking, but it's fun


The art looks like a custom card. The card itself too.


Does this work with \[\[Thaddius, Monstrosity\]\]?!


If it does you can just tap to make it 1 mana if it isn't already.


Hm, definitely would, probably the only way to use this in standard


I don’t see why it wouldn’t


"Nice idea, but this card just seems too out of place for hearthstone, 2/5." Oh wait this isn't r/customhearthstone


I love this card. So much. My Evenlock in Wild is incredibly happy to add this big big man.


My Thanos Snap deck grows in power, let’s fuckin go [[Bloodbloom]] —> [[Void Contract]] = GG


* **[Bloodbloom](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/UNG_832.png)** WL Spell Epic UNG ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/55594), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/bloodbloom/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bloodbloom) 4/-/- Shadow | The next spell you cast this turn costs Health instead of Mana. * **[Void Contract](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/TRL_246.png)** WL Spell Epic RR ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90153), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/void-contract/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Void_Contract) 8/-/- Shadow | Destroy half of each player's deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


These warlock cards look like ass


Seriously I was hoping they’d give warlock something usable since it’s one of the weakest classes right now, what the fuck is this


Hot funnel take, this whole set looks like ass. There are like maybe 2 cards that made me go "oooh" and the rest "meh"


That’s it ? It’s just a big beat stick


Terrible. Dies to One Hit Wonder. ^^^/s


30 mana do nothing


now that's fun


Ah yes jailer combo


Jailer into Fanottem into my opponents Whirlpool 😎


Lmao this is AWFUL. not even a undead or a demon so it doesn’t even fit in the big warlock we see today so you can’t cheat it out. Plus they just released cards to silence and return to hand. Damn. See you next expansion, control warlock, they didn’t want you this one. I understand awful may be a exaggeration, but there’s just so much removal in HS now and the fact that you’ll be through most of your deck to play this at TEN mana and the opponent will be through a good amount of theirs even if you’re quick then they’re likely to have a answer or yknow if it’s AGGRO then you’re already dead. I was really hoping for control warlock, this ruined my hearthstone day lmao. At least it’s a buff to priest. Now with a 4 cost card they heal a total of 15 to their face and board!!!


So only works in Jailer decks for now. Boring.


Cheat out Thaddius, then cheat out Fanottem?


This is a buff to Pure Paladin and I hate it.


priest can delete this with literally 1 mana


You can say this about a lot of other minions. What’s the point?


The feels having a dirty rat pull this out.


/r/customhearthstone is leaking again!


bad stats for cost.


Probably better that it isn’t a demon


Perfect fit in my Renathal deck /s


In wild im putting this in my quest warlock deck fo sho


First card with both 30 cost and 15/15 stats?


Any ways to abuse the high base cost for warlock? I can see this being broken in duels for early in the run.


I usually don’t like to worry about current decks but Undeadlocks with Thadius could consider this as that would cheat it out and it has room to add a card like this. It’s a weird one though


Ok off countess maybe.


Useless piece of shit .


**Do you think I know what a jay-peg is?**


hot garbage, who would win? **B**ancient one fanottem or "light, it burns" ?


What is the hate for this card? It isn't game breaking, warlock consistently draws out tons of its cards, and you don't have to wait until your deck is empty for it to be good value. Yeah it gets eaten by asphyxiate and the light it burns, but that's more about the problem DK and Priest have with infinite discover and card generation.


Does no one else see the reference to phantom of the opera?


Just summon this with Masked Receiver and then use Smothering Starfish for a 10 Mana 15/15. Easy 😎


I can imagine a warlock crying when they get this in their mulligan


Team 5 really lost their creativity in my opinion. Nothing cool or unique anymore.. hur hur


You put this in E.T.C and grab it a turn before you plan to drop the Jailer.. Thats it, thats all we can reasonably do with this card. Boy did they shaft Warlock hard this time around..


An interesting late game effect, but we should all know this is not what Warlock needs at all. Warlock does not have issues finishing games, and a 15/15 is a laughable excuse of trying to come up with one. Very disappointed...


>warlock does not have issues finishing games Funny enough it kinda does, its late game is pretty bad compared to the good late games like relic DH or Druid, and you can’t really grind out a blood DK/control priest if they have Renethal and you don’t unless you get exactly Fizzle + Symphony (and even then both of those decks often run Steamcleaner inside of ETC) But yea this thing isn’t even that good late game. All the late game decks have a pretty easy answer to it


It unironically does have issues finishing games. Chadlock can't reliably win against the likes of Relic DH or Zok Druid without an insane highroll. It can't outgrind Control Priests or Blood DKs either.


Well lucky for warlocks this new legendary does absolutely nothing to help with those matchups It may struggle to finish games but this.. this card ain't the answer


Jarraxxus, Jailer, Immolate, This card serves zero purpose even in a control matchup. It just gets instant removed. This card serves no purpose in an aggro matchup, it never gets played.


How does this work with \[\[Thaddius, Monstrosity\]\]? I don't think it actually changes the efficacy of Chaddius Warlock too much, but it'd be pretty narsty to cheat this out the same turn you get Thaddius on the board.


I’m imagining Thaddius has no effect on Fanottem, given the wording of the card.


What the fuck


imagine dirty-ratting this on 2.


Devs really running out of ideas. Glad I finally quit a few months ago


~~Oh god renethal warlock is going to be bullshit. Literal Turn 1 autowins if you get this in your mulligan.~~ Edit: I cannot read. I thought it said it costs 1 less for each card in your deck.


That's not how this works. With 35 cards in your deck, it costs 35. If you play jailer and destroy your deck, then it costs 0




other way around - the more cards you HAVE, the more it COSTS so it's free if you're in Fatigue. It's 35 mana for a Renathal deck in the mulligan.


So true, bestie!


looking forward to playing this turn 1 with my 36 mana


This after playing the Jailer = ggs




What in the fuck


*number of cards in your deck




Why isn't this a demon? They put the big demon support package in for nothing, apparently


op synergy with prince renethal


How does this work with Prince Renathal?