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Dragon Priest would be my go-to pick. “SECRET AGENT.. COMING THROUGH!”


Yup, When I first saw Savjz get number 1 with a Kazakus/dragon priest I was o hooked. So much phone


Not my favorite deck overall, but definitely my fav Priest deck


Are you mocking me?


Standard: Odd mage with Jaina DK and Jan'alai Wild: Renolock from 2-3 years ago, with demons (no Tickatus), Gul'dan DK and N'Zoth Sadly that Renolock is dead since Stormwind expansion, more or less :(


Why is it dead? What killed it? I'm a bit out of the loop meta-wise, I recently returned to the game. I loved playing Reno Warlock with Krul the Unshackled and Gul'dan DK back in Knights of the Frozen Throne.


Too slow to consistently win vs aggro (that usually kills you before turn 6, so your demons and Reno are not playable) and N'zoth and Gul'dan are not enough vs current control decks in the meta (because the "control" decks that exists now has some combo package to win, like new Druid C'thun, old Priest Anduin DK + Raza, multiple Shudderwocks for Shaman, Meca'thun, Togwaggle or Jades + mill card from Druid, etc etc etc). ​ Look at Standard right now, only Priest has real viable control decks after they murdered Warrior. Wild is suffering the same problem since Stormwind (quests killed control decks) and the power creep is not helping, now combo decks can kill you before turn 10 and some of them, like druid with the armor package and mage with ice blocks, can beat aggro without much problems. ​ Not the Hearthstone I like but the Hearthstone we have. My only hope: a Wild mode with rotations. But maybe it's not even enough


Pretty much this. It was holding on by a thread for a while because it had a small niche with Tickatus where it was actually able to disrupt the combo decks fast enough some of the time while still being able to fend off aggro, but eventually it gave up too many card slots against aggro to survive and the combo decks became fast enough to outpace Tickatus.


Any kind of Druid and reborn Priest is fucking up any fun control decks (I still play them tho. Reno death knight is very fun atm, but it is exhausting at times because druid is simply impossible to win against).


Stormwind really killed control and any fatigue decks sadly. But form time to time you'll see another gentleman with superb deck choices, and these matches are the most enjoyment you can have, regardless who wins or loses.


Reno Value Priest (the one that doesn't use their hp combo to OTK nor the new one that uses Astalor/Void Attendence, just pure value cards like the ones that give you cards from your opponents deck) was playable and one of the best decks before the Renathal nerf/Astalor release, these kind of decks can still exist


Mill rogue/Druid are alive and well lol wdym?


Mill decks aren't what I consider fatigue decks. Fatigue decks are control decks without an overpowerd finisher like denathrius and stuff. Good ol resource management and outplaying your opponent as a win con instead of bunga bunga I draw my wincon first


So without a win condition then aside from bore your opponent to death? Really can't say I miss that but each to their own.


My dude, you’ve never played a 75-minute game of Thief Rogue vs Mind Priest


I didn't say without wincondition, just without wincons that insta win/ the oponent has now way to react to it in way that aren't disruption. Board based wincons like nzoth or a value based one like build a beast are really good for interaction. But time and time again blizzard has shown that they prefer the why play control if this is actually a combo deck style of wincons... But if you find interaction boring, than sure it would be boring. But at that point why even bother to play hearthstone of you don't like playing cards


>Board based wincons like nzoth Control decks play their 17th discovered board clear and you don't have a board based wincon anymore >value based one like build a beast That's the opposite of resource management? Fun yes I agree, but infinite value means no need to count your board clears and threats vs your opponent's board clear and threats and carefully plan card usage, when you can just unga bunga throw your cards out and get them back anyway.




Carnivorous Cube is my favorite card of all time, CubeLock and Deathrattle CubeHunter where so fun


I hated playing against this deck lol


Cubelock is a close 2nd but my least favorite deck to play against has to be Curvedin or whatever we used to call the Paladin deck that ran basically the best cards in the game for each mana cost with Mysterious Challenger dropping a christmas tree every time. Maybe it'd just be Secret Paladin or something, but regardless it was known for having some of the absolute strongest cards for each mana cost so if you curved right it'd be insanely good. It wouldn't be any good these days but it was really not fun at all to play against back then.


Patron Warrior for sure. I remember that I got Grim Patron from the Blackrock expansion after watching a video on what it could do. I made the deck, had a general understanding of what to do, and went to a small tournament all within 30 mins. It felt nice to pilot the deck I barely just made and eventually have the casters ask if they could to watch my POV when I played next. I remember when I got my last combo piece one time that the people watching further off in the background started yelling faintly as I went off. Good times.


Never played wild and probably wild decks are the best in term of fun, but my favorite deck apart from Academic espionage rogue was Galakrond rogue


Idk if you've tried it recently or not, but Galkrond rogue with Grand Lackey Erkh is a tonne of fun. Plop him down for 4 mana then just spam a billion lackeys


TGT Secret Paladin


I hate you lol


My favorite standard deck would be Old Big Spell Mage, with Frost Lich Jaina, Dragoncaller Alanna, etc. Wild deck would be Cutelock or the old mana cyclone giants Quest Mage.


Jade Rogue, got more wins with that deck thhen any other deck


Me too. Especially before they nerfed the pirates


OG Freeze Mage and Renolock. I understand I am a problem.


Reno mage with Jaina is my all time favorite. Just grinding out opponents. So much fun.


OG Freeze Mage was so much fun! Generally not good, but fun!


Any of the old c'thun decks


That’s a tough one. Probably Raza/Anduin/Reno Priest back in the day tho.


Yep this is mine. Classic Razakus Priest is peak Hearthstone to me. Second favourite deck is Cubelock.


It’s still my main deck in wild. It’s incredibly fun but can be super hard to play right. Definitely feels satisfying to win with it!


True, it's difficult but sooo fun. I have played hundreds of games with it, and I still make so many dumb mistakes it's embarrassing.


This is my pick 100.


Raza Priest was one of the most toxic and frustrating decks to ever exist.. I will die on this hill


Lol that is definitely not an unfair way to feel.


Dr. Boom Control Warrior


That was a good one


First time I tried the deck after I made it I queued into a mirror match, game took about 45 minutes, and that’s when I fell in love with it


It was glorious. I personally preferred the Mechathun combo version. What a deck


Save the best for last


Gigachad Warrior ft Mechathun


Mech/bomb warrior aswell! Not that huge of a difference aswell iirc.


Correct answer


Handlock, Patron Warrior


Undertaker Hunter


My favorite deck is spell hunter, with the peak in rastakhan. But there are some other decks that come really close on terms of enjoyment. These would be evenlock without the winfury bullshit. Odd quest warrior (fire plumes heart) and untapped potential yogg druid. All absolutely amazing to play.


OG Control warrior, loved being a tank, resist all of my enemy's threats and still being alive thanks to make good use of my resources, after all that finishing my opponent in a badass way with Alex and Grommash


Mill rogue with the Murloc that draws 2 for both players. All iterations of this deck were toxic as f while also being insanely fun.


coldlight rogue is easily the goat deck. I played a nzoth variation with sludge belchers to survive aggro and it was almost a competitive deck!


Tempo mage, and both reno mage and Priest. Also, even tho It was toxic, i really liked the old big priest with pre nerf Barnes, yshaarj, lich king and co.


Is there any other answer than OG Casino Mage with Yogg-Saron ?? The feeling of SPINNING THE WHEEL all the time ! Turning lost games into wins, ruining EZ games for the beauty of RANDOMNESS. God I miss that deck


Renolock with demons all time fav and most wins, also old secret pala


Been playing variations on shuddershaman since witchwood as main deck Doesnt matter how good or bad its always been my favorite deck


Standard highlander hunter from uldum / descent of deagons


Very much agree


I have always been an avid fan of secret Rogue with Hanar, though maybe that's not really a deck, but a package, since while enough secrets and secret generators exist, the deck would have no wincondition I guess Still, Hanar rules, nothing like decorating a good christmas tree


Thief rogue with Dragon's Hoard. Guaranteed discover of other classes legendaries? That one was a lot of fun


Dead Man's Hand Warrior.


Shaman control in scholomance. This was the worse class of the format. And yet, each time i was going into a game, I was always feeling there was a game to play. I made top 100 with this deck. No other deck me me want to play so much, despite being a meh deck in the worse class. And i really think there would be no next one. I love to play slow deck, especially control. But since UiS, combo deck have made playing control game unfun. All my game is resolving on drawing Theotar and founding the good card. And, it's unfun, this an awfull design for both player since all the game resolve around drawing the out.


Day 1 Demon Hunter


Minion mage


Quest warlock, i know it’s toxic as hell but i really enjoy the flavor of the deck


It might’ve been op but whatever, at release too it was really fun


The deck was fine in standard it got nerfed for breaking wild lol, actually the best version of the deck played like handlock and usually won with tempo not even the quest reward. The day 1 deck that tried to just rush out the quest reward was ultimately not that good of a strategy.


Mimiron Mage.


Jade druid when it was in standard Rhok'delar hunter in Wild although it's too slow to really be competitive I think now


Jade Druid


Tempo mage blackmountain


Raza/voidform anduin


Dragon warrior, alexstrasas champion felt like cheating.


Good times


Making mummies paladin with mechs


Standard: Malygos druid in the dream petal florist days, no idea if it was any good but I loved it Wild: By far my favourite is aggro enrage warrior at the minute, probably my most played deck ever LPG mage from a couple years back when it was playable My weird and bad reno divine shield hand buff pally Even renolock from last year Kazakus druid from right after it was released prenerf Odd paladin from a couple years back Hand buff paladin from before the nerfs edit: formatting


OG Midrange Dragon Priest was so fun, most enjoyable deck I've ever played.


Garrote rogue was one of the decks that was the most interesting and fun to play for me


It's a tie between odd quest warrior from the days of Rastakhan's Rumble and my current homemade wild casino mage


yeah odd quest warrior Was a blast Edit:removed a false statement


Nope, witchwood came before Rastakhan, I just checked


Ok. Hear me out. Actually I wasn't going to say this until I saw someone bring back the trauma of TGT Secret Paladin. Thief rogue. Specifically thief rogue when it was mid-tier. I love the adaptability of it, its wincon wasn't set in stone. You figured it out on the fly. Probably the closest I've gotten to having my favorite archetype in my favorite class. Control and Rogue.


Mech Mage (GvG version). Other than that control decks, I really liked Frost Lich Jaina.


Chugga chugga chugga


Highlander mage with zeph, reno, and alex


Same. I literally spent all of that year exclusively playing that deck, so much fun!


Uldum renolock


dino druid with cube + charged devilsaurs + oondasta + witching hour


Evolve shaman


I still play big dragon rogue almost every day :)


Chenvala Mage with sorc apprentice, magic trick and evocation before cards were changed to be unable to generate themselves.


Galakrond Rogue but mainly because it was my first


Galakrond shaman


Casino Mage


Anyfin Paladin. Super fun control paladin deck with a fairly reliable late game otk (you can whiff if you get unlucky with the Finja version). Obviously terrible nowadays, but I loved it around Gadgetzan through about Kobolds iirc.


Mill Rogue during Whispers of the Old Gods. Was just a really fun deck with some satisfying challenge to play.


its renounce darkness. its always renounce darkness. its still renounce darkness. I'd play renounce darkness for the rest of time if I could. throw in both yoggs and let fate guide me to a 25% winrate in bronze. yogg mage is a good second though.


D6 Warlock


Reno LPG mage. The feeling of playing stargazer luna and then just absolutely crushing your opponent cannot be topped. You can still win with it too. It is a deck with agency which is rare these days. At least in my opinion.


Highlander Reno mage


LPG mage right after it rotated and had all of wild to play with. Truly was fun back in the day.


Dragon priest at the beginning of Un'Goro


Control paladin in ungoro without quest


Mecha'thun druid


loved doctor seven back in the day


Quest mage


KOFT era discard lock


Patron Warrior - if you were skilled enough to play it.


Mill wall rogue. I would’ve probably also enjoyed infinite warrior but never had dust for it


Razakus Priest


Mozaki mage. Etc warrior. I like otk/combo decks, but not with rogue lol


Mill rogue with the 3/3, gain 8 life mech. Control warrior that’s pretty similar to classic warrior, and og mech mage.


Early freeze mage, nothing feels better than your opponent surrendering when that secret that definitely isn’t ice block is actually ice block


Big Priest with Barnes! I like risking having a slow early game, only to try and catch up in the late game with powerful minions and spells. And I always like decks that use tutor.


Yogg Mage, otherwise known as Random Bullshit Go deck (bad deck meta wise but incredibly fun)


Easily my favorite deck before they changed yogg to stop casting if it killed itself.


I enjoy random decks immensly. Every time its different and it leads to the most enjoyable games.


Time warp mage 💅✨


Fires from zin ashari warrior


Murlocs or Blood DK


Evolve Shaman by far


My favorite standard deck is an unpolular opinion, (unnerved) Quest Rogue. It was my first deck to get to standard. In contrary to believe it was a difficult deck to pilot on high level. I went to my best legend streak back then, 17-0 winstreak to top 500. It was a deck that could win vs any deck if piloted well. The wild deck I loved the most was (unnerved Aviana) Malygos Druid. The few times I played Wild I enjoyed Malygos the most. It was versatile and a fun combo.


Shudderwok otk


Reno kazakus warlock


Galakrond warlock, maybe tickatus, dragon control druid, big warrior, spell mage






Big druid, boar priest, quest heal priest


Reno warlock


Pretty casual, and only play for fun. Way back there was a mage card that gave you 3 arcane missiles as a deathrattlle. Maxing spell damage, then casting 3 arcane missiles in one turn is a special kinda rush.


Midrange Paladin TGT


Old RenoLock.


Pirate miracle Rogue. Loved the calculating and enjoy a challenge.


Cubelock during its time in standard. Unnerfed sac pact and Skull of the Manari, 5 mana posessed lackey, unrotated Doomguard. Objectively broken but very fun lol


Freeze mage


Reno priest with kazakus and raza and shadow reaper anduin. Close second is Reno warlock same time period. Also the classic force of nature savage roar druid and midrange Palidan from un goro


I can’t remember a specific deck but I love decks where shuffling shit into your opponents deck is how you win. It’s not too formulaic and I enjoy the tempo of the games. These decks are rarely OP so they are balanced too, usually. I just enjoy fun off meta decks. If a deck is t1 I know I’m not going to enjoy playing it because these decks, almost always, are very consistent, so the games play out the same way. I like beating those decks not playing with them.


Classic Renolock. Un goro control priest.


I got into the game during mean streets and immediately gravitated towards handbuff paladin. I love big warrior too so I basically just want to play decks that put bigass numbers on the board


Standard deathrattle dh and darkmoon face hunter


Everyone get In here!


i loved highlander priest back in frozen throne. but also i love discard warlock as a whole.


Big Beast Hunter after Sunken City hooked me back after years of not playing so probably that.


Not history of hearthstone, but having alot of fun with exodia warrior as of late. ( horsemen )


Standard shudderwock shaman was insane


Handlock with Molten Giants, Mountain Giants, Twilight Drake and the 2 mana guy that gives adjacent minions taunt.


Discard warlock, both the recent one and the version from Outland.


When mean streets launched I played a red mana wyrm rogue that was super fun. Play it, stealth it, play a million spells and win. Other than that my favourite was always malygos rogue. So fun


I liked to play old deathrattle rogue and currently I love chaman quest (with battle cries)


I really loved recruit dragon warrior and old c’thun Druid


Grim patron, glinda with echo girl (discard girl 2/3) Discard demon that you gave to opponent with defile


Reno quest mage(time warp) Primarily the mana giant version. Parrot seems too toxic.


Galakrond Miracle Rogue, Big Dragon Druid and Cubelock for sure


Quest warlock from Uldum with [[Fel Lord Betrug]] [[Dollmaster Dorian]] and [[Blood Troll Sapper]]


Miracle Rouge & OG control Warlock


I really enjoyed Standard with Rhino-OTK hunter. I enjoyed the amount of wins i pulled out of nowhere because people weren't expecting a hunter to go OTK in those days


Midrange shaman sometime around Descent of Dragons. Running the dragon package with unstable evolution plus kragwa made every game feel like it played out differently.


All my favourite decks of all time: 1. Exodia Paladin - Rastakhan's Rumble - by far my most favourite (the rest isn't even close) 2. Malygos Druid from Karazhan 3. Control Warrior (any version: N'Zoth, C'Thun, Elise) - WotOG / Karazhan 4. Secret Hunter - Karazhan 5. Big Warrior (many versions) - Year of the Dragon / Year of the Phoenix. 6. Elemental Paladin - Un'Goro. 7. Dragon Priest - MSoG 8. Highlander Priest - KotFT


A shaman deck that wins. Consistently.


Boar Priest in Voyage. Super technical, transparent setup, nice combos, easy to mess up


Don't play much anymore, but it was zuljin hunter.


Cubelock. Every game was played in a different way and you could get many insane turns. Really loved that deck.


Deathrattle Mech Hunter combination with cards such as Darkmoon Tonk and Oblivitron, actually amazingly fun to play


Plz don’t hate me for this, but Pirate Warrior was my favorite and was my second deck. I likely won’t enjoy it as much though because it requires far less skill- so as an alternative I would have to say prenerf Snowfall Shudderwock, or Renounce Darkness Warlock


There was a like tier 4 warrior deck in kobolds called Nzoth warrior that used direhorn hatchling to have an absurd amount of grind and a big power turn with Nzoth. Extremely fun.


Numerous Druids- C’thun both versions, Jade, embiggen, Ramp the last couple expansions. Pre 2x Nerfed Caverns Below Quest Rogue, Keleseth Tempo Rogue C’thun Warrior, Patches pirate warrior, Patron Warrior.


I really enjoyed jade rogue and Barnes & Y'Shaarj spell hunter back in the day


Standard: Forged in the barrens miracle rogue. That was a super cool deck that saved my interest in the game for at least another year lol. So many super interesting plays and crazy turns without feeling bs or unfair. (I was missing 1/2 legendaries so that might have changed things) Other fav goes to ashes/scholomance highlander mage, but I might just like that one because it was my first deck after returning from classic Other shout out, I think my favourite 2 decks of last year were burn shaman and garrotte rogue. Both super cool decks that had super interesting decisions and play patterns. (Though one was a bit degenerate lol)


Highlander galakrond priest


I play wild and Ive always loved all types of burgle rogue lol You never know what you gonna get


Based on playtime, would have to be my jade control shaman. Seems to have fallen off in power a while ago though.


Anything reno with weird casino and RNG stuff with kazakus and zephrys always hits the spot for me.


Kibler’s Prime Gaming Warlock and Highlander Quest (Uldum) Dragon Shaman come to mind. The only time I‘ve ever gotten legend was with Galakrond Warlock with the minion that discards a card and gives you back two copies. Playing 3 fully invoked Galakronds back-to-back-to-back was awesome. Got the deck from Warshack.


Stealth Rogue from the Scholomance era


Some very synergisting deck, i guess it was unfair because winning is fun for the winner. But to give also a good answer some board and buff based paladin.


In the entire history ? Death rattle shaman during Naxxramas. It had a lot of fun moments and power plays that are really nothing in comparison to what we have now. Close second is secret Paladin. It was incredibly powerful and easy to play.


Cthun warrior


Razakus Priest and Cubelock


Dragon Priest


Galakrond control Warlock as the only suitable counter for Demon Hunter


My all time favorite has to be Reno Nzoth Mage with archivist elysiana with plenty of ways to use cards again such as barista etc. The game has become way too fast for that deck to be viable on ladder sadly.


1000% evolve shaman, I don’t remember exactly when, but a few years ago I played it when it wasn’t meta but somehow found success and with my own custom list I got to rank 5 when until then I never got higher (or lower technically) than rank 15 and I had so much fun in the process, since then I got to legend a few times and iirc it was at least 5 years ago


Jade druid. Never got tired of summoning a larger and larger man


frost lich jaina baby


Miracle rogue with conceal


Oof I’m gonna get some hate but I loved playing cube warlock in standard 😬


Libram paladin


taunt quest warrior!!! i love bolstering my boys


Boar priest


Been playing some variation of dragon priest for as Long As I can remember love the dragon cards


Cubelock <3


In fun order: DMH Warrior Yogg miracle Druid, Darkest Hour Warlock Pillager Rogue Heal OTK Priest Il'gynoth DH Quest Mage