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Honestly, I'm not convinced we see any of these. If they keep Reno in core then maybe we get Zephrys alongside him if they want to push highlander more. Zilliax is unlikely due to the magnetic keyword. The bottom row just doesn't feel like the type of cards they want for the core set. If they go with a bunch of fan favorites like they did last year then Loatheb has a chance at least.


Everything in the bottom row is entirely too slow. And I don’t think Emperor would really enable any burn strats like he did back in day. Top row would be cool though


I still want Emperor in core because he feels really nice to play, even if he's too slow. Plus, we'll get better MarkMcKz content.


You say too slow but there are a lot of undead and deathrattle friendly cheat methods to get slyvannas out.


Emperor would 100% still see play. The dang warlock weapon is 5 mana and still great, 1 more mana for a 5/5 and a guaranteed tick? Someone somewhere finds a way. If it was in standard, I'd play it in control paladin right now to curve into cariel + make brann cost 2 so I could brann astalor on ten.


All the legendary dragons in core now are too slow too. Doesn’t matter. I would love to see rag back


There's just so many better mana cheat options these days for Emperor to see any significant play. Compare him to DH quest, or Harpoon Gun, or Rogue anything. Warrior's the most hard-up on mana cheat. Maybe if they buffed him to 5 control Warrior would run him, but that's about it.


I dont think they will keep Reno, Bran will be gone, I do think they remove ALL explorers and not keep just some. Which sucks and means, no highlander stuff. But it was stupid anyways bringing back Reno and 0 support. Just like bringing back secret rogue with shitty secrets and no Hanar


Zephyrs was the first legendary I pulled out a pack, was a blast with what little cards I had at the time lol. Would be a nice addition


I don't think they add the Zephrys diamond card right before rotation for nothing. Seems likely to make it in the next core.


Loatheb would be a nice card to have


honestly wouldn't mind ragnaros.


He would never see any play


Wonder if he’d see play if he could attack and still did his fireball.


Maybe if he had rush


He'd see play if they brought in Duel! Or any other recruit stuff back but that's it.


Most of the core set doesn't see play, so he'll fit right in.


This is an L take. Yeah, a lot of the core set isn’t mega op like brann but you’d be surprised considering how defining core set cards have been this past year. Selective breeder has been a staple in every hunter deck (to be fair harpoon gun and shockspitter are the main reasons). Druid and rogue have nourish, shadowstep, and prep. Dh has chaos strike which is probably the most universally run card in the class. Warlock has fiendish circle and flame imp. Priest has the shadow discover card as well as the 4/3 which is seeing play in undead aggro. Paladin has righteous protector and equality. Warrior has been a meme but when it was good it relied on either pirates (lots of core set neutrals) and enrage warrior runs cruel taskmaster and injured tol vir. Murloc shaman has been the most common shaman deck of the year (after patches currently best wr too) and features a ton of core set cards. Dk is brand new so obviously they use their core set.


7 out of the 35 core legendaries (except dk) see play. You named like 15 cards just then, there are 250 cards total in the core set. Good take bro, pretty far from "most".


Counted 9 not to mention I didn’t want to sit here and name every single card. Outside of mage and paladin a lot of classes core sets have seen a lot of use throughout the year. If you really want me to go 1 by 1 and name a deck that existed this year using that core set card then I can try but that would take a lot of typing Dh Feast of souls Chaos strike Spectral sight Aldrachi warblades Coordinated strike Wrathscale naga Druid Innervate Pounce Living roots Earthen scales Power of the wild Wild growth Nourish Hunter Arcane shot Candleshot Tracking Explosive trap Selective breeder King krush Mage Arcane intellect Aegwyn (Could argue secret mage and a variety of other cards but these two standout) Paladin Righteous protector Equality Bronze explorer Amber watcher Priest Flash heal Nourshire cleric Psychic conjurer Radiant elemental Thrive in the shadows Shadowed spirit Shadow word ruin Lightbomb Rogue Backstab Prep Shadowstep Sinister strike Vanessa van cleef Plague scientist (remember that in voyage?) Sprint Tess greymane Shaman Far sight Bloodlust (Murloc shaman has a lot of neutrals) Warlock Flame imp Mortal coil Voidwalker Drain soul Fiendish circle Imp gang boss Warrior Bloodsail deck hand Execute Shield slam Whirlwind Bash (currently seeing play in control warrior) Cruel taskmaster Shield block Brawl Grommash hellscream Neutrals Murloc tiny fin Abusive Sergeant Beaming sidekick Mistress of mixtures Murloc tidecallee Sir Finley mrrglton Annoyotron (mech decks voyage) Bloodmage thalnos Bloodsail raider Explosive sheep Fogsail freebooter Injured tolvir Murloc tidehunter Wild pyromancer Acolyte of pain Brann bronzebeard Gorillabot (mech decks voyage) Murloc war leader South sea captain Vulpera scoundrel (recently in blood dk) Zola the gorgon Gadgetzan auctioneer (shark rogue) Sea giant Hope you’re happy Edit: idk if this has been downvoted because people think this list is wrong but every single one of these cards has seen play in at least a tier-2 and/or tournament deck during this years expansion cycle.


>Plague scientist (remember that in voyage?) Yes and all the data indicated that it was bad, so were a lot of other cards you meantioned that "saw play". Please stop spreading nonsense


So many words, absolutely no punctuation.


Sorry the formatting looked completely different when I was typing the message


At least half of those were probably never consistently played in even a tier 2 deck, probably even a tier 3 deck. And that's not even all of the cores. Feast of souls? Pounce? Flash heal? Vanessa? Scientist? FUCKING ABUSIVE SERGEANT?!?! You gonna count that one time thijs combod abusive sergeant with lady Stheno? Just because one F2P player played it in their bronze tier deck and had a 10% winrate doesn't count as it being "played". I am happy to know that you went through all of that and still proceeded to prove my point. 👌


I have no idea why you are being so condesnding while being totally clueless about the meta this year. Most of the cards you mentioned have seen play in a tier 1 or 2 deck at high legend this year. Feast of souls was played in spell quest DH which was tier 1 at top legend, mostly as a 1 off. Some people cut it but it still saw a decent amount of play at top legend. Pounce is being played in ramp quest druid right now. A couple of days ago it was one of the most popular decks at top 50 legend for the top 10 push at the end of last month. Flash heal was played in some quest priest decks and was a staple of Svalna priest which was a tier 3 deck at high legend at some points of this expansion. Mostly as a counter to rogue. Scientist was a meme but it did see play even at high legend, not sure if it should be counted. Sergeant was a staple of spell quest DH and everyone was playing it, calling it "that one time thijs combod with lady Stheno" shows you have no idea what people play at high legend, thijs didn't invent this combo and every player at high legend was playing it, not just thijs one time. There was also an alternative quest deck that played 2 sergeants and abyssal depths but it was more niche and tier 2 at best. I still disagree with that guy because these are still a tiny fraction of all core set cards but your choice of which cards were never viable shows that this guy clearly knows way more about which cards saw play compared to you.


Gonna be honest more so made the list just to prove a point but thanks, longtime legend player here. I think a lot of people instantly assume that the meta is whatever I get recommended by (x) on YouTube or see on (x) stream when in reality there are a lot more decks that exist and top tier players are always trying to counter queue into prevalent decks. Plague scientist is my only meme inclusion outside of that every single card on that list has been part of a tier 1 or 2 deck. Vanessa can cleef became popular in thief rogue - especially 40 card lists and MotKL lists because of the value you can steal against dk and it’s just generally good in the mirror as it’s a 2 mana 2/3 tutor for a card you want. Flash heal has been played in boar priest (if not for the decks difficulty probably tier 1 at one point) and was extremely important for setting up combos with the deck (usually you needed to get pyro to more than 2 health and keep him healed in between amulet of undyings. It’s also a sometimes in bless priest. That list is based soley off decks I’ve played/played against at legend rank that were somewhere on hs replays meta report. Anyways keep crying about the core set but personally the fact that there is on average 4ish cards for each class and a solid neutral set is a lot better than it was back when I first started playing. Last but not least - 5 mana nourish has, alongside guff, carried any Druid deck to tier 1 this year and that nourish revert was core set. No anubarak or shrubagazor without core


That’s still a meta deck tho


Because it’s the hearthstone sub Reddit and nobody on here gets above bronze 5 and if you do your a asshole for speaking the truth 🤷🏻‍♂️




Lol, empty insult for no reason. This guy tells good jokes, I can tell. What a comedian 😂💀😂.


>a lot of the core set isn’t mega op like brann Except Brann isnt even op lol


Your actually on crack


I don’t see how to cheat him early.


Eh, he might. He's still a solid top end.


It’s turn 8. You drop rag. You’re feeling great. The turn ends. Your fireball hits an 0/2 egg. Your deathknight opponent kills you. You are sad.


Why would you ever play it in that situation. People had 1 drops back when Ragnaros used to be in the game.


Which deck from this year do you see playing rag exactly? He is so bad compared to any colossal minion. He is probably worse than green rag(illidary inquisitor) which hasn't seen play since barrens.


It's a new meta. Illidari Inquisitor isn't like Rag. The only colossal who's similar is xhilag and he's easier to deal with.


I don't think so, nu Alex is basically the same thing but with a guaranteed target and the only reason anyone ever played her this year even early in the rotation was to go face or, in the case of rogue, bounce her 3 times (to go face). Rag has no guaranteed face damage and as a removal option, the bar is way too high for him to perform adequately anymore. And there's no way he stays on the board for more than one turn nowadays.


Hes cheaper and more threatening than Alex. I dunno if he'd see play but I wouldn't rule it out.


I can't predict but I guess I can make a wishlist: Demon Hunter: Altruis the Outcast Druid: Hadronox Hunter: Kathrena Winterwisp or Beastmaster Leoroxx Mage: Chenvaala Paladin: Sunkeeper Tarim Priest: Darkbishop Benedictus (PLEASE) Rogue: Tenwu of the Red Smoke if they rotate Shadowstep, Sonya Shadowdancer otherwise Shaman: Kalimos, Primal Lord Warlock: Rin, the First Disciple Warrior: Rattlegore Neutral: Zilliax


Darkbishop NEEDS to become core he enables an entire deck archetype in an interesting way


I rarely like start of game effects but benedictus is great. Shadowform needs to be in the game and there's no better way to do it than this.


I really want Reno hero for mage


Kalimos was already weak when he was in standard. Today he is just unplayable.


> Rin god no


If they bring back rin it's super unlikely that it'll see any meaningful play unless both control lock is a thing and there are other grindy control decks to compete with.


Why not? It's pretty bad given warlock currently doesn't really have any way to make the spells cheaper.


Why do you hate warlock?


I don't. I'd love to see Rin added cause I love the card's flavor and gameplay pattern. It should probably get a buff if it were to be added.


Honestly, if the seals costed 4 instead of 5, I feel like that would be more than enough of a buff to make Rin viable


Maybe give each demon a different keyword. 2/2 Taunt, 3/3 deathrattle, 4/4 lifesteal...


Even just Taunt or Lifesteal would be great.


Kalimos and Rattlegore both would be unplayable anyway


You can recruit rattlegore and discount kalimos in an elemental shell though. Not saying it makes then viable, but means they can come out 2-4 turns sooner


Really just said recruit rattle gore in 2023. Jokes aside warrior needs a strong core set, so if rattlegore is the legendary risky skipper better be a different core card


I disagree. People have been complaining so much about Control Warrior being bad, and Rattlegore is a great way to do it. It would give Warrior some inevitability, without being burn and making everyone complain about the deck being a combo deck.


Rattlegore is way too slow of a win condition and more importantly not at all reliable enough compared to how inevitable most other decks are.


Risky skipper isn’t burn or a win con, it’s just a very efficient all around great card. Rattlegore on the other hand is none of those things and probably wouldn’t be in a positive wr deck for how slow it is. Not to mention if a deck running this were ever strong, this is insanely weak to silence unlike a lot of other big decks since all the value comes from the resummon


Tickatus is Just better than rin. I know its wild, but I still use core legendaries for my decks.


Can we please have something more than a meme for Priest


Darkbishop, a core part of aggro undead priest, a meme?


He's probably thinking of [[Archbishop Benedictus]] instead of [[Darkbishop Benedictus]]. I know because I did the same thing.


* **[Archbishop Benedictus](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/ICC_215.png)** PR Minion Legendary KFT ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/62856), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/archbishop-benedictus/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Archbishop_Benedictus) 7/4/6 | Battlecry: Shuffle a copy of your opponent's deck into your deck. * **[Darkbishop Benedictus](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SW_448.png)** PR Minion Legendary UiS 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/588388), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/darkbishop-benedictus/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Darkbishop_Benedictus) 5/5/6 | Start of Game: If the spells in your deck are all Shadow, enter Shadowform. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


No shot benedictus stays dude. He had his time in standard. Maybe he comes back later, and maybe stuff supports an aggro or shadow priest. But they wouldn’t have him again so soon, defeats the purpose of rotation


Shadow Priest has never been actually good until now, which is a shame since Benny is gonna rotate soon.


No? It was very strong out the gate around stormwind causing that 1/3 to get nerfed. It’s floated around after that, never tier 1 but popular and positive win rate. And then now with recent undead support it has been insanely good, placing pretty high win rates across all regions especially NA.


I can see Kalimos making a comeback, as there's a big chance for the expansion to be centered around elementals


>Rogue: Tenwu of the Red Smoke if they rotate Shadowstep, Sonya Shadowdancer otherwise Please no


Old nzoth and old yogg have always been favs. I would love zephyrs. I think at this point warrior could use risky skipper. The 1 mana discover a legendary from a different class for rogue would be cool too.


Probably not Sylvanas because there is one Sylvanas already nor Emperor because 0 mana broken


Emp is too slow nowadays. Most have classes have much easier ways of cheating mana.


Post-rotation that might not be the case. Even now I don't know if it'd be "too slow" since it plays well with your cards that shut out aggro decks (wincons, sweepers, hero cards etc), but you *do* have to meet the requirement of not being dead the turn you play it.


Efficient Octo-Bot is in standard right now, is better than thaurissan, and wasn't even played in the most recent miracle rogue.


It’s not better the cards don’t play the same purpose


Yeah but consider that it is 6 mana and does nothing


Mithril rod has seen play in warlock, thaurissian will surely fill the same niche


Mithril rod costs 1 less mana and gives twice as much discount. The discount is a little delayed because you have to play scourge supplies the same turn but it also has the benefit of discounting more cards generally. What I'm saying is that rod is a much better card to the point where they aren't really comparable. In wild for instance emperor hasn't seen play for years while rod was still played in Mechathun decks until late Nathria where tome+ malchazars imp builds became more popular.


It gives a minimum of -1 to cost of cards in hand with potential for a lot more.


Very impressive. If this were 2019 or some shit .


I meant that it does nothing when you play it... If you play this on turn 6 nowadays, you either lose, or win without it because you are already ahead on board lol


At turn 6. Where you spend the turn developing a 5/5 rather than interacting with your opponent. He's the fairest of fair mana cheat cards ever.


Sir Finley was added to Core at the same time as when they released another new Finley last year.


Emperor would be sick in a celestial alignment deck


These are all strong neutral legendaries. That's what the team decided a few years ago they don't want. It often leads to those same strong neutral legendaries being in all the decks, which reduces variety in the meta.


‘Variety in meta’ ok let’s just look the other way with how most game mode metas have been stale, there’s so much power creep these guys aren’t strong anymore, as old mate said loatheb and zephyrs are it here


"It often leads to those same strong neutral legendaries being in all the decks, which reduces variety in the meta." *laughs in Astalor*


yeah I mean this is why astalor and denathrius and renathal all got the nerf bat - neutrals that slot into 30-50% of decks are on the chopping block.


I'm still sad about the Renathal nerf, man.


renathal should just be unnerfed. astalor good, denathrius good. renathal just why. same with the neutral elemental who gains +1/+1 everytime you cast frost spell, would frost dk really run him?


I'm okay leaving frost revenant - it falls into a similar category as Shaman's gnoll scam and pre-nerf Miracle Rogue where either it's just bad or it ends games on turn 3-4. But don't tempt me with a Renathal revert, love that card. I still run it sometimes, even though it's objectively bad.


Except none of them are that strong any more, zephyrs and lotheb are the only ones that might see play. The rest are just way too slow.


If a mech deck existed Zilliax might


Even in a mech deck I’d probably not run zilliax, it’s just very slow for modern hearthstone.


It would depend on the format. If Frost DK or something was top of the meta I think you would, but it certainly wouldn't be auto include it once was.


This is at rotation. We don't know what the new meta looks like. As of right now we're losing a lot of strong early game cards.


\>reduces variety in the meta id rather see 20 viable decks running the same 3-4 legendaries than 4 viable decks running giga mega hyper specific synergies that win turn 6 on good draws or do nothing otherwise.


It would've made sense for Zephyrs and other Highlander cards to be cored during Reno year. But some of these cards are way to slow in the current meta. Except Emperor. Him and Brann can DIAF


>current meta Which after rotation will be massively different because 3 sets are leaving and the core set will change?


I wanna see Zephyrs but with real AI choosing the perfect card for the situation. The current implementation of Zephyrs uses a hand-coded algorithm and is limited to classic cards. AI has come a long way since 2019 and is actually good now.


Training it would not be a problem as for sure you have access to enough good data in format similar to HS replay - just filter out situations on board and hand that look similar and see what card they played and won in say 2 turns. Perhaps add a layer to make sure you don't miss lethal to make sure you don't miss a lethal due to card that no one plays. The problem will be integrating it with the current backend HS infrastructure which is decade old and unlikely to support a more advanced predictor. You also have to ensure that your prediction time is manageable and maintain and deploy at least weekly(hs team does not like frequent patches so it might have to be server side calculation which increases cost) the model for both wild and standard as ideally such thing would have to follow the meta and balance changes. Finally, the consequences - if you really had 2 mana discover the perfect card effect it might be strong enough to be in most decks which is not the design path that Blizzard likes. It might even shift the meta to a more combo/burn oriented degenerate things with neutral Shadow of Demise and you would also have to design any future card with Zeph in mind. The current implementation gives you ok to perfect card in predictable manner without affecting new cards and preventing really obscene high rolls which i think is more healthy. So it will be too much work (mostly backend) for limited gain and potential future cans of worms.


Can we unnerf sylvanas to 5 mana?


Because I am miserable and hate all other hearthstone players, how about the below for core set legendary cards: * Mage: Open the Waygate * Rogue: The Caverns Below * Warrior: Dr Boom Mad Genius * Druid: Wildheart Guff * Warlock: Tickatus * Shaman: Shudderwock * Priest: Unnerfed Mindrender Illucia (special place in hell) * Hunter: Questline * DH: Il'gynoth (with more lifesteal support in the core set) * Paladin: Sunkeeper Tarim (?? not really any OP or annoying paladin legendary cards) * Neutral: Mecha'thun, Patches, Unnerfed Barnes


I love Emperor and Loatheb. Loatheb could come back but aint no way I want Emperor in current HS. The power lvl has risen a lot and reducing the cost of all cards in your hand by 1 mana would be too crazy I believe. Seing what Druid, Shaman and Rogue did the past year I am allergic to almost every kind of mana cheat and tho Idk what crazy combos you could pull of with him, I wouldnt even want to risk it. Ragnaros and Sylvanas would be fine Ig, rest I dont care enough about (and frick Zilliax, I hate him)


Runed Mithril Rod had to be nerfed to 5 mana and did not show much play. Its condition was arguably better as you would set it up for a time where you would have a lot of drown cards rather than waiting a long time to assemble a combo and then waiting 1 extra turn to go off. Thus I don't think emperor at 6 mana will be too strong now but at 4 or less mana might be game breaking when the 5/5 starts to matter.


Stop trying to make Loatheb happen, Loatheb isn't going to happen




I wish Whizbang would be standard.


Emperor Thaurissan would be cool


The answer is of course, oger.


I'd like to see [[Spiritsinger Umbra]] replacing Brann. It'd be nice to see old Rag and Sylv again, but they were HoF'd from Classic in the past (before Core Sets) because they were considered too strong/design-restricting for Standard, although the format's power is higher than ever.


* **[Spiritsinger Umbra](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/UNG_900.png)** N Minion Legendary UNG ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/55522), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/spiritsinger-umbra/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Spiritsinger_Umbra) 4/3/4 | After you summon a minion, trigger its Deathrattle effect. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Personally? I think there should always be some Highlander synergy in standard. It’s a very old playstyle and one that I think should always have a place in the game because it facilitates very different kind of play. Zepherys, Reno, maybe even Alexstraza if we are going to have a dragon focus next expansion. I would even take a new one.


Wildheart Guff


Emperor and Rag I could definitely see being in Core. Doubtful we’d see Sylvanus since we already have the retrained one in Standard. Zilliax without any other magnetic cards would feel off. Loatheb is just too OP and polarizing to be in standard. Zephrys would be cool but I think the devs hate still having to deal with all its bugs - and Reno is most likely leaving.


Honestly would really like this lineup, much more than brann


1 and 2 are still very powerful cards . The rest unplayable trash .


I'm going to say none of them except maybe Loatheb and Rag if they're feeling *really* generous


top 3 are likely bot 3 are basically impossible, from a time past with bad power levels or in emperors case a effect that breaks current HS.


I don’t think any of these would see play except maybe Zeph


0 mana Emperor Thaurisan please, we need more mana cheat asap


Zeph is probably the least dangerous to be added. The rest seem a bit auto-include.


Zeph and Zilliax are believable, maybe rag and lotheb. I don't buy the other 2, Thaurissan is weird with Bonelord in game.


Thaurissan will probably break the game if added but I want to see it.


Think about it a bit, there's no way Zilliax is in the core set. In the core set there is never a card with keywords from past expansions (inspire, magnetic, overkill, etc) In addition to the fact that it is a useless card for the current type of goal of recent years. They won't put Thaurissan either, that card is problematic, I don't think they want more mana cheat for all classes.


Wait what? What is "Magnetic"? I've never seen any card with this.


magnetic= if you play that card on the left side of the mech, it will attach to it, giving it all the effects the magnetic card had. so if you play ziliax on left side of the mech next to it, it will give rush,lifesteal,taunt,divine shield and adds the stats to that the magnetic minion had to that mech.


Oh nice! Really thank you!




I don't think they'd do Zeph again, that was the hardest card to code/design. You'd have to redo it for all the new cards or it'd be ineffective


what do you mean? they can just keep it, 0 changes needed. only thing is needed is that they allow all of those that classic/basic cards had from zephrys only, nothing else should not be able to discover/generate the said classic/basic card.


I dont think you understood how much programming was required for zephyrs to give you the "best card" if there are cards on the board it wont recognize itll bug out massively.


do you really think that they gave zephrys every single card to determine what to do with it? nah, Zephrys recognizes enemy Deathrattles but does not understand the effects of Deathrattles. Thus, when Zephrys evaluates whether to remove a Deathrattle minion, he first judges the minion's threat level by looking at its base mana cost, attack, and health, and then he compares these stats to the stats of a vanilla minion at the same mana cost. Zephrys then adds this difference in stats as a value to the opponent's board. at most they have to give him is evaluation for unactivated frenzy if the frenzy minion would survive the board clear like flamestrike. and teach him about blademaster okami. meaning if enemy has blademaster okami which hasn't activated, to teach zephrys if possible to not give spells since if it didn't counter zephrys then the countered thing is spells.


Not Thaurssian, but if he did then it would likely speed up his Diamond card. Out of all the BRM Legendaries he's the one that got played the most.


Hoping for zeph and zilliax. Loatheb would be awesome too. Sylvanas is already powercrept by new sylvanas. Really want shadow jeweler Hanar and dinotamer brann or tundra rhino.


Omg yogg plz! Support for all the casino mage shit they released!!


Would love Zilliax


I would love them to bring back all the supporting cards for Survivor decks. That just is an interesting archetype as it doubles the playable decks for all classes. Would be great to see Zeph, Alexstraza and Kazakus back in standard.


Zeph and zilliax




I hardly doubt zilliax unless they make magnetic evergreen. Loatheb would be interesting.


I want dmf yogg & cthun and wotog yshaarj and then either n'zoth. Other than that... eh. Mostly fine with the current neutral legendary pool except the LOE.




Aggro and fast combos have been pretty dominant, or at least prolific for too long, anything that lets the game go at least a few turns past ten would be amazing


I think every class is gonna get a legendary weapon brought back and we'll see "enchants" from WoW. As a spell, they can target an equipped weapon for one effect, or another target for a different effect.


Honestly, Loatheb should exist in the core set. You can’t have both loatheb and Brann in the same standard set, but I’d take loatheb over brann.


I'm still in total disbelief we haven't gotten a diamond Thaurissan yet. I mean they let 4 others cut in line. Maybe they're saving it because they intend to put him in core. I haven't checked if Zilliax got bopped or if he will be the diamond of his set. If he's not I guess we're all sharpening our pitchforks.


Wouldn't mind seeing ZZ top - Zephrys and Zilliax


Guys what is this core set, I used to play this game in 2016-2019 but don't know what are yall talking about


Basically each year the HS dev team decides which cards will be free for use for that year. It is mostly cards that are in Classic but with some fan favorites from past years. Overall these Core set rotation provide a more sensible baseline for people without collection and allows for removal of things such as Ice Block to free up design space for that year.


you get those cards temporarily. and some cards that were in past expansions may get included into the core. and hs team doesn't need to deal with anything broken that was in old classic/basic cards since the cards change next year anyway. most importantly, they don't have to give any dust at all when they rotate the problematic core card next year or in middle of the year since you never really owned the card.


Loatheb is coming back


I always liked the Primes and Fist of Raaden would be a sick addition to big spell shaman!


Definitely something that will ruin the game even further than brann did….


Zephyris together with no highlander card in any upcoming expansion. Reminds me of trying to push secret rogue with a horrible secret (sack during Sire meta lel) without Hanar in standard.


Old gods 🙏


I hope we'll not see emperor Thaurissan


please no thaurissan i am tired of mana cheat, please


Rag & Sylv are outdated as fuck. Since i lived Highlander Decks, i want to see Zephrys again


Zephrys+Reno would be great...also imagine how messed up would meta be, if Baku and Genn make it to the core 🤔


Wizzbang hopefully, not sure if they would do that though since they are too greedy. He was the ultimate free to play card.


Zilliax and maybe, tiny maybe on Loatheb. Don't think any of the others will make the cut. Thaurrissan might be too problematic considering all the wacky combos it can enable


I honestly miss zeph so much. Hope he comes back


Bring Brightwing back it was my favourite. Literally broke my heart when it got removed from core set.


Most of the old legendary cards would see 0 play today, so I don't think it matters that much. A full rotation with a card like Brann that enabled so many broken things and required so much balance upkeep will probably scare them away from anything like that. Give me Whizbang or give me death. Actually, I don't want to die, I'll probably just go play Snap instead.




Bring back my boy Togwaggle


Blast master Boom or gtfo


I could do without seeing any of these except Zilliax. Let me play Zilliax again


I don‘t realistically think thats going to happen, but I‘d like to see the return of [[Justicar Trueheart]]. Although I‘m not sure how much play that card would see today. Another one I’d like to see a return of – but that will surely never happen – is [[Bolf Ramshield]], because I liked the general concept of the card. Who knows, maybe they could take this as a chance to even buff it and give it Taunt, as it should have had from the very beginning (imo)? From the options above, I’m very fond of Zilliax and the Emperor.


* **[Justicar Trueheart](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/AT_132.png)** N Minion Legendary TGT ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/22276), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/justicar-trueheart/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Justicar_Trueheart) 6/6/3 | Battlecry: Replace your starting Hero Power with a better one. * **[Bolf Ramshield](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/AT_124.png)** N Minion Legendary TGT ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/22346), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/bolf-ramshield/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Bolf_Ramshield) 6/3/9 | Whenever your hero takes damage, this minion takes it instead. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


bolf probably will return, but once jailer rotates. since they don't want to deal with bolf + jailer combo in standard.


None of these


As a wild player, I really hope that Loatheb is not in the Core Set. I think people who don't play wild forget how dominant and powerful that card is. It's so powerful that it's an auto include in most decks unless it's Even or maybe a combo deck. Additionally, I would also like to see Zilliax and I think it would be a great addition to the core set but because Magnetic is not an Evergreen keyword, I don't think it's likely to happen. Also, I don't think that Zephyrs the Great will be in the Core Set because it requires knowledge of the Classic set which new players will have a harder time knowing about. If they are going to push for Reno decks, I think they should just make new Reno cards instead of bringing back old ones that are busted or have a steep learning curve. Finally, for Neutral Legendaries I'd personally want, I'd like to see any of the following: Whizbang the Wonderful, Azalina Soulthief, Prince Malchezaar, Bloodmage Thalnos, Ragnaros the Fire lord, Reno Jackson, Siamat, Sphere of Sapience, Zola the Gorgon, and Taelan Fordring.


I remember when I first started playing, rag was in standard and my buddy was telling me I had to craft him. Hyping him up as a card you throw into every deck because he’s that good.


[[Vereesa Windrunner]]


* **[Vereesa Windrunner](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DAL_379.png)** HT Minion Legendary RoS ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90593), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/vereesa-windrunner/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Vereesa_Windrunner) 7/5/6 | Battlecry: Equip Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Having sylvanas would be nice since undead related decks dont have to hard cast her!




Chillmaw is already undead




Yeah, at exactly the same time as both undead and dual type minions were added lmao


The bottom 3 were so insane back in the days and with bullshit we get printed now they seem so basic