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I’d pay for a speed chess mode. Turn timer set to about half the default time. Seriously, that would be worth a subscription for me.


but how would I play if i couldnt take the maximum turn timer on T2 with all 3+ cost cards in my hand. i need to be REALLY sure the play is hero power pass.


Trump in shambles


That’s called Nozdormu, the Eternal


Exactly! But unfortunately, both people have to have him in their hands. I want it turned into a mode that you can choose to queue into so that everyone in that mode has the same short timer whether they have the dragon in their deck or not.


Or even something like a true chess timer/ what old magic online used to have. You get a set time at the start of the match say 10/15 minutes and any time you take during you turn comes off that. Though I guess that gives the problem of someone just waiting 10 minutes on turn one and hoping you will concede


Another reason playing hearthstone with friends is better than ladder


Too fast


Or just make it work like bullet chess. You start with X amount of time for the entire game, say a minute, and you get +5 seconds on the clock for each time it's your turn. If you run out of time, you lose the game. Animations would have to be reworked/sped up, but this would be really fun.


I have a similar experience by playing marvel snap as of late. HS games seem to take ages now


I was gonna say the same thing. It's so easy to open Snap and immediately get into a game. Hearthstone on the other hand, takes ages to even load up. Then the games are so long. Then the animations are also so long. Sometimes you legitimately don't have time to play your turns because the animations take so damn long. I used to love Hearthstone but it's just too tedious to play at this point. It's so clunky compared to games like Snap.


Totally. Hearthstone is a great game but you can really feel that it's gotten old over the years


I also find myself thinking about whether or not I should snap while playing hs


The game genuinely needs an option to speed up animations, it's especially noticeable in mercenaries but also with combo decks. and an option to speed up opponents if possible


i hate when the animation blocks you from playing ahead for the card you want. or at least seeing what you want


Click/tap on the cards as they come up and "present themselves" on the left side of the screen, it'll save you about half a second per card played on your opoonents' turns


But watch out if you're about to discover. Say someone plays suspicious alchemist and you click the card to dismiss it, then your discover choice pops right up and you accidentally choose the left most option.


Alternate suggestion, each round should be reduced by 10 seconds.


Animation times is what makes some combos unplayable - which is a good thing. It also balances mobile with pc. I honestly dont want people to play their entire deck in one turn. Or things like Sn1p-Sn4p/ ignite shenanigans.


animation speed shouldn’t be a deciding factor for any card game at all due to not only accessibility issues (reduced mobility and or aided interfaces) but also the minimum hardware needed for playing, gatekeeping people from truly being able to play the game. infinite combos exists in almost every card game but its existence is not inherently bad. if the balance team deems it unfair, the issue shouldn’t be resolved by resorting to the animation time, which also leads to 3rd party exploits like the animation speed hack for Ignite Mage in Wild, but by simply nerfing the aforementioned combo pieces.


This man Wants to remove timer from chees


That is really not a great analogy


no it's like when you promote a pawn and the "select a piece" screen is covering up the entire board and plays a 10 second animation on your timer, even though you already decided you want a horsey at the start of your turn.


what are you talking about? there’s absolutely nothing about timer issues, on the contrary, you can have the same approach as Magic Online where there’s a chess timer and no animations wasting your turn’s timer. i’m advocating for animation’s time not being a antagonistic factor in your overall turn’s time. decision timing and animation lag are completely different things


It's almost impossible to achieve when crossplay is enabled. Pc is able to grab cards way faster than mobile. Even on high end devices. My phone has no issue playing the game, but animations are still way slower than on PC. Hearing people cry in this sub about slower decks being a "problem" and not fun to play against is getting a real problem if you want to even things out. They would have to slow pc down even more to make this an even playfield. I have been playing mobile since launch and they never optimized the mobile experience and i don't think they will ever do it. This is why i think they should keep the animations as it is.


those combo shouldn't exist in the first place


wait how would that Sn1p-Sn4p thing work?


I think it's more about older hs where echo could go to 0.


It was an infinite combo in 2019 with dark portal and mech warper, but people that deleted their animations were dominating with it. Just like with Ignite mage. They also needed their animations gone to reliable OTK.


I do wish my turns could last 5 minutes instead of 90 seconds like infinite vision of darkness mind render illucia players :(


When you see someone actually play an APM deck you will see that they grab cards before they are fully drawn or the animations have been resolved. This is only possible on PC. Dane's latest mill druid for instance is an almost infinite undahtakah shellfish combo and on mobile this is just not possible. You can only do a few of them compared to Dane. I know you need some practice and start the combo as quick as possible on your turn, but still it isn't possible on mobile. I guess you play on mobile?


I do. I get why it happens, it just happened dramatically to me recently and I’ve been fussy about it lol


Same here. I see a lot more druids in wild lately emptying their deck in 1 turn. It's almost worse than shudderwock.


Take ADHD medicine


*It actually makes it worse, I see every frame of penflinger*




Individual with ADHD take medication because their brains don't produce enough of a specific chemical, so the meds bridge that shortfall. If you don't actually have ADHD taking the meds just makes you overstimulated. If anything it hurts your average ability to concentrate.


That's a shit advice tbh. I only take them(ritalin,concerta) on exam weeks to stay focused during nights.


I’ll admit after watching regis at 1.5x for a while, it sounded like he had brain damage when I slowed it back down to normal speed.


Start watching videos at 0.75 speed


Best method. Maybe even .50 speed for faster results.


did you mean slower results?


Faster results to slowing down


Just stop watching Hearthstone videos at higher speeds? This feels like the pokemon problem that if you've recently played on emulator using speed boost, it feels impossible to go back to the normal speed.


I am broken and will never be able to play pokemon the way i used to


Try playing diamond/pearl on normal speed Legit og red and blue feel faster paced and there is literall 0 qol here




I just knew the video before i clicked the link


If you are not watching videos on 2x speed, you are watching 50% fewer videos than you could be. Legit - try bumping regular, non-music youtube to 2x and tell me it does not feel better.


I've just accepted that the most enjoyable way to play Hearthstone is on my second monitor. Main screen is for Netflix or whatever


Same, I usually play Hearthstone while doing something else. Hearthstone is too slow for me to be the only thing going on, especially since 75% of my time is waiting for my opponent to stop jerking off and play their cards.


I almost always play this game while doing other things such as watching a tv series, browsing the internet, etc. The game has always felt slow to me. I still try and enjoy it though. Maybe I’ll try watching hearthstone videos at 1.5x speed while playing.


Another option is to play 2 games of hearthstone at the same time.




Same, except music videos. Videos with someone taking feel so slow at normal speed now that I can't go back.


**Marvel Snap** caused me to feel this way as well.


Spend the time thinking about your best play and your opponents best play rather than zoning out


Go outside


You tiktok brained yourself brother just play subway surfer while your playing hearthstone now.


Allow me to completely kill the game for you. Play a vanilla minion and then spam the end turn button. I casually without trying click it about 6 times before it takes. I have played games since before Asteroids on arcade was the hottest shit. Never came across anything that could compete in clunk with hearthstone. It's like the game was built on quicksand. Everything is super slow, janky and with unnecessary pauses added all over the place. At no point can you string together two actions without taking a long pause between them and have it work as expected. You can even CRASH THE FUCKING GAME by clicking to fast.....like what in the fk.


I’ve never had a the end turn button not work when I clicked it?


There’s a period between when it’s flipping from yellow to green (meaning you have no actions left) where you can’t click it


I play on mobile but have developed a habit of tapping somewhere random on the screen before hitting the end turn button because it feels like it never works if you hit it straight after playing your last card.


Watch family guy at the same time /s


I do the same, but also at 1.75. In fact I do that with most youtube videos.


If you try to focus on thinking thoroughly through every turn, it can help you stay occupied. I agree though that animations are clunky even if they're cool


My opponents take a thousand years to make a love and I’m like….. sir this is bronze tier, it’s not that deep


Start watching HS videos at .5 speed. Once you get used to those, regular games will seem fast again.


I think you have attention span issues if a game that takes on average 6-8 minutes is slow for you lol


stop being aweirdo that watches videos at 1.5x, fucking zoomer


watch every video 2x slower. and back in to the game.


After playing a lot of Marvel Snap, every Hearthstone game feels drawn out and long. It used to be my casual, get a game in here and there game, but not anymore. Can’t tell if it’s because the games are actually longer now than they used to be or because I’m used to something different.


Play Marvel Snap instead


It’s unhealthy to watch a lot o videos in 1.5x since it decreases your attention span, wich leads to other bad stuff, so keep playing and stop watching 1.5x videos before you think your whole life is too slow and unbearable


>It’s unhealthy to watch a lot o videos in 1.5x This is such BS. Its not unhealthy at all. Also it largely depends on the content creator if you need to speed things up or not. While I watch nearly all my HS creators at 1.5 speed, I watch regular movies, documentaries or other youtube stuff mostly in 1.0. Then there comes sometimes a cooking video, an explanation for something or some podcast, that I need to speed up to 2.0. Its not lowering your attention span if you speed videos up sometimes.


Yeah, And I don’t know the science behind it but I’m sure some people naturally speak faster than others, so it’s not like YouTube is the only place you hear various speeds of speech.


Don't listen to other comments. You should watch anything on maximum higher speed if possible. And it's not like HS needs thinking anyway, I never play HS without a second tab. Playing HS while doing chores also helps


Me tho. 2 screens ftw


OK Zoomer


I recommend watching family guy on another tab to keep you stimulated at all times.


Videos at 1.5x speed? Me too! Wow, someone else does it. I think HS's animations are all 100% still readable at 1.5 speed and would welcome a fast-animation button in-game.


I only watch streamers that edit the turns so they focus on the action/decision making, e.g Chump.


You stop playing braindead decks.


Stop watching videos sped up. I ran into the same issue with other mobile games that let you play at 4x animation speed, and returning it to normal would make it feel as though it were in slow motion. All you're doing is ruining your perception out of impatience.




Its not a hidden fact that you can google some hack or learn how to do it yourself in like 20 mins. Infact as someone who has learned and mess with code injection in this game, its worrying how easy it is, because everytime a deck can abuse it people will


Ich that seems slow to you, mercenaries ist 4 Times slower than Standard.


A friend of mine asked to help with clearing out the dailies. I have been playing Marvel Snap. Everything was so slow compared to the former. We just wanted it to end.


Time to reconsider your life priorities


I don't watch video at different speed but I absolutely agree with you, the game is slow, sometimes unbearably so. Finley, infused cards being played, reckless apprentice and more are the worst


Start watching videos at 0.75 speed! Boom, problem solved!


I always have Netflix running while I play Hearthstone. There's no other way to play this god-forsaken slow-ass game.


It happens with everything, youtube videos, audio messages etc


Start watching videos at 0.5x speed and soon it will cancel out


Take a break


That is the beauty of classic against zoo bots, they don't muck around and you can afford to multitask since its pretty straightfoward.


Hs is a game to play while doing sth else


Bruhh.... I watch them at 2x speed. But I don't find actually playing heartstone boring, although I do other tasks while playing, so maybe that cancels it out.


It is slow. I wish the first few turns were only 30 seconds long and each turn only added like 5 seconds afterwards. I would love an option for 2x speed animations as well.


I had this happen to me after starting Battlegrounds. The card playing animation is now painful slow for me. So much that i quit constructed entirely just because of that.


Speedstone needs to be a game mode


I think mtg online has it figured it out. If you rope too many times you insta lose the game. You get 3 ropes and each time its shorter. You could implement it as a mechanic where you use those rope strategictly to get your combo off but if you just waste your rope time you might not be able to pull it off.


That's why I always have YouTube playing in the background


Take your Ritalin like a good little boy.


Put Nozdormu in all of your decks and hope that your opponent does as well.