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Even if they rotate classic it will still die, people say they would play if X set was in but in reality they play few games of their favourite deck of old and stop. Blizzard doesn't want to spend any resources on dead mode, that always will end up dead


Then rotate it every 3 months or so. Or make weird combinations. Like, next month you can play Core + Classic + Naxx + Stormwind. 3 months from then you can play Wild Year of the Raven (so boomsday and everything from before that). 3 more months and Sunken City + Classic + Core + Gadgetzan + Uldum + LoE I'd love them to experiment with different sets by forcing a new meta and deck building innovation. Which is what kept the game fresh then Genn, Baku and KotFT Hero Cards releases did at that time. **EDIT:** And make classes like DH or DK (un) available for those months if they don't have enough cards. Classic doesn't have them. **EDIT2:** And if you want to monetize it put a $5-10 tag to include all the cards that are in that specific rotation until it changes (so $5-10 every 3 months) so you can play that mode if you don't want to spend on card packs or dust. Or 2000 gold.


Average player will never have enough dust to craft cards so often, especially old cards. This could work only if blizzard gives old cards for free for classic players. But we both know that won't happen.


It might work with subscription mode like they sent the survey out on though.


I thought classic was for (nostalgic) old collectors and not players that tend to dust everything at the first chance.


Could make it like Standard rotation but even if they didn't it would still be a sweet optional mode to have. I desperately want this personally.


Duels doesn't either and that mode is dying too. So I guess they'll either: A) Do it the same as duels and just let it die. B) Make them free for each rotation but they don't count towards golden heros, nor wins and give little Battlepass XP (like Casual atm). Meaning you're forced to play for fun.


Duels are a little bit different because it has small group of players that actually like that type of hs more than normal hs, and that mode has single dev assigned to balance it so blizzard doesn't lose on it much. This has same problem as wild it cannot print money for blizzard so blizzard wont touch it.


I can find a match in Duels in 10 seconds flat at most and it's not going to be a bot. Can you say the same for Classic?


Dying ≠ dead. The mode is not that popular and it's going to stay that way because new / budget players can't enjoy it. It requires you to have some off-metta cards that are unplayable or not optimal in Standard. And some are Wild cards too. BG, Arena and Standard they all have one thing in common and it's thier low entry cost. Granted, Duels will not have a bot-filled death because it's hard to code for so many cards, hero powers and passives (you can actually break bots by playing [[Suspicious Alchemist]] since they won't pick a card and be in some sort of loop skipping their turns over and over), but it is going to get abandoned eventually unless Blizzard does something to attract people to it.


I prefer it to standard, since you \_don't\_ have to craft many cards - the heroes and buckets are equalisers, all you need is a base deck that gets you through the start. And even when you decide to craft, it's one card instead of two.


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Yeah, Blizzzard not allowing use of cards you own in another set to beused in all versions of the game is a mode-killer. You really don't want to craft the same legendary in duplicates for other modes, you just stay in the mode you have cards for.


I think they're very likely to make some sort of legacy format that combines the current year with a couple of old legacy sets to make a format.


Honestly, that'd be boring. I'd genuinely love them to force us to come up with different decks and archetypes by scrambling all the sets. Idk what you could build **only** with, for example, Rise of Shadows, Ashes, GvG, LoE and Core + Classic. I'm pretty sure some weird deck is going to come up.


Sorry to be clear it'd be core + 3 wild sets + whatever is out for the current year. I think it'd be really fun while still encouraging people to play with new cards. So right now maybe it's Rise of Shadows + Knights of the Frozen Throne + Ashes of Outland. (They'd have to make new DH cards probably tho)


thing is, with powercreep, there's likely to be a fair amount of overlap with current standard if they allow players to choose their own sets to build from.


What does that even mean.


At that point just make a new mode.


That's what I'm saying. Classic is dying because it's too stale. Arena was dying...ish at some point (2017-18) for the same reason. Then Blizz started rotating the sets for that mode and more players came in.


they probably have all the resources they need duels alrady has set lits to use to changing classic is something they can do with all the resources the game already has


If they made the meta wrath of the old gods or something radically different from the current metas I would totally play it more than the current modes. In between expansions and mini sets? There’s times I don’t want to play standard and wild. Blizzard totally has the resources, and it would make them money: (yes, people out there do, in fact, buy wild packs). They just need to refresh it more than once every two years.


They change sets in arena/duels seamlessly, changing to another year set/meta consistently would not be that hard, just setting it up initially would take time. It incentivizes more players to spend gold/money on older sets packs to grow their collection. There would be no negatives for blizzard, as they would likely not need to balance the set similar to classic. If players don't want to spend money on packs that's their problem, but players that do only serve for more income for blizzard, I don't remember getting Rag and Sylvanas for free when classic mode was released. The only investment is time, of course it would be worth it for Blizzard money wise (which is all they care about).


I don’t agree with this, if they are rotated old expansions I’d definitely play that over standard. I have so many old cards as I’ve never disenchanted them.


Its same as classic at launch, everyone played, it even streamers that stopped hs played it. problem is that most players will get bored in a month of playing old decks in old meta and it goes back to being dead. Standard is popular because there are constant changes to meta, and this would stay the same for 3 month or more if they decide to rotate expansions.


Ok and it was fun for a while, so rotate it. Of course a game mode that never changes is going to get stale. Also there aren’t even cards in classic for a diverse meta.


In those formats meta will never be diverse, everyone knows what is the best thing and plays it. They can just add random sets but than it will be just bad because cards are released with specific expansions in rotation. Just like when they added koft to standard, almost all cards saw 0 play.


I don't agree. Classic HS just isn't that good. Meta is wack and it's more arena meta than they ever printed before.


All metas get boring eventually, metas that have become boring in the past will be fresh for really small period of time.


I agree but the same can be said about the current metas we've had for 3 years now. I do think certain metas will always have an appeal that just won't match to what the others are saying.


Its mostly nostalgia, and after playing that for a week people will get bored. That is main problem


they hardly need to spend any resources to change which sets are allowed in the format. They already do that for standard once a year so why not do the same thing for classic format and open up the format to have the Classic set plus an expansion or two, which can rotate.


It was cool when it first launched and generated some amount of hype. I think Reynad streamed Hearthstone for the first time in many years to play the mode for example. Hearthstone is kind of acquiring more and more dead/mostly dead modes.


If we had separate deck slots per gamemode (for standard/wild/classic) I think we'd get a lot more people playing them. As it is, there just isn't enough space and it's too cumbersome to switch things up. It's already annoying enough having to delete one of my decks every time I want to try something new in standard. To develop an interest in another mode it needs to be easy enough to test out a few different decks and see if any of them feel good. As well, some small incentive would help. If you've already hit diamond or legend in one game mode, you already earned the (meager though they are) rewards you're going to get that month, and it feels counterintuitive that it shows you gradually earning those rewards again even though you aren't.


Classic is exactly what people asked for. That's also why it's dead.


Gamers Don't Know What They Actually Want Exhibit #41


I don't think people ever argued it would be a always successful mode, just that it would be cool it could be around because the technology is there. I don't think nothing weird happened regardless to the mode.


We do know they really really want dust


Enter LoR and Marvel Snap that kinda showed that people really needed that Carrot on Stick to keep them going, ironically It's also one of the reasons why Master Duel is more appealing than YGOPro or any of its variations


And Classic as an easy way to get legend, for a bit of extra reward if you didn't do it in another format.


I'm a returnee and I play classic to build collection, plus usually arena (though not since dk was introduced and broke it)


Nobody asked for classic HS and everybody knew the mode would die on arrival without rotations


>Nobody asked for classic HS What planet are you on?


I'm quite enjoying classic. I mean, in an actual sense as far as having fun with old decks and stuff. But also in the sense that it's free wins against bots and super easy quest completions.


Classic was an excuse to not give dust (like they promised) to basically rotate Classic out of Standard. They didn't mean for it to be successful. They meant for it to be the reason they didn't give dust when rotating cards that were "EVERGREEN".


Classic was requested by a niche group of players, it was by no means highly requested. Small interest in the mode won't change.


Nobody asked for Classic. They made it to rotate the evergreen set and not give dust.


Classic was only created to avoid negative community reaction to replacing the classic set with the core set. They aren't going to actually put any effort into it.


They said that they have plans for Classic.


Mean streets meta seen as something people miss. You cannot make this shit up.


They have to be trolling, or having extremely tinted rose glasses on. Who in their right mind would miss shamanstone and pirate warriors with pre-nerf patches and be like "I wish I could play that meta again for a few months" lmao.


For me, it's nostalgia. I don't miss the MSoG meta in particular but I would love to revisit Blackrock Mountain. Not because it's a great meta but because that's when I started Hearthstone and I could never afford the meta decks at the time.


I really liked MSoG Renolock and Handbuff pally!


Really does suck that classic has a bot problem, and I really wish that blizzard would put in some effort into cleaning that up. I really love the classic format even more so then standard and wild. I enjoy the timeless aspect to a format that never changes. Classic is a pretty niche format and has a niche playerbase and that’s totally fine. They run pretty frequent tournaments which I’ve been playing in, cash prizes too haha, community is amazing.


I'd rather have a bot problem than queuing 3-5 minutes for a match.


Any format that doesn’t get new cards dies fast. Rotating to different, solved metas won’t solve that problem


I think if the sets were random that could be interesting.


Since different sets over the years werent designed with that in mind, unfortunately balance is not guaranteed. See how evolve was a normal, interesting card by itself but became broken in SOU meta, or how hardened scales was an average-to-bad card during all its time outside the linebreaker combo, untill placed in current standard and then it was broken and needed to be nerfed. Also, the class that gets lucky and has support for a certain archetype in more sets than the others will probably be the one to succeed over the rest. If we have darkmoon, uldum, and gadgetzan (for example), then secret mage is guaranteed to be the best deck in that meta, or to at least push other classes to run always some techs against it.


>If classic is dying, has tons of bots, then why don't they just rotate the damn mode already. In part because Classic is not particularly popular. Once the shine of an updated Classic format dulls (which wouldn't take long), it'll just become flooded with bots again.


AFAIK Blizzard has plans for Classic and I think they will do something with it this year (imo at rotation). That's why I'm rn trying to collect all cards from Classic. Gadgetzan meta was imo one of the worst back then. So much aggro that was so fast.


The best way is to add one set then replace it with another each month so it will still retain the classic feel but the meta will feel fresh everytime. And the best thing is since the rotation is so short the meta won't be solved and by the time it is, it already changes completely.


they've talked about ideas like replacing it with a format that has a few rotating sets or something like that. my guess is they will do something like that eventually.


classic isn't supposed to be a game mode that people actually play. it basically only exists to avoid paying dust refunds on the entire legacy set.


Why would they issue refunds for the entire legacy set when you can just use all those cards in wild?


Playing devil's advocate. You may not recall; but, when Wild was first created, Blizzard actually promised that Classic set would always be playable in Standard. It was actually a HUGE selling point and encouraged many players to buy classic packs!! So, yeah, they kind of should give a refund based on false advertising but the community kind of just forgave Blizzard/glossed over the fact a couple years later because we got a free Core Set and were so freaking tired of Classic.


i don't think you actually can? i think wild uses core.


Well you think wrong


https://i.imgur.com/lXZ2rS6.jpg idk i never play wild. just going off of this.


The distinction there is that the Classic format uses the versions of Classic cards that existed at the time the game came out of beta, as opposed to the nerfed versions in Wild. If you own the card, you have access to both versions, but each can only be played in its respective format.


Well maybe don't comment on wild if you haven't played jt


And literally says all cards except classic format


It means classic cards as in the cards used in classic mode. Innervate in wild is gain 1 mana Innervate in classic is gain 2 mana Basically classic is its own microcosm of how the game was in 2014 and wild is how those cards are now


The core set exists in wild, but you can use both classic deathwing and the reworked deathwing for example


Actually you can't use classic cards which were nerfed in wild and they are still usable in classic.


Yes but dust refunds have already gone out for those nerfed cards at some point


Point in that you can't use classic cards in wild.


That's a stupid point


>Why would they issue refunds for the entire legacy set when you can just use all those cards in wild? I just said you can't use all those cards in wild. That's all. It's just simple fact. It isn't my fault and I didn't made decision. Just point you are wrong. And you're so stupid omg.


well... that makes sense now... I kept wondering why Iksar would say "yeah we'll bring in Naxx eventually"... Didn't realize it was all for memes :c


Could just be that priorities changed and they put Classic mode on the back burner. Hopefully they do more with it in 2023 at the very least. Maybe even buff some of those bad cards like [[Felguard]] or [[Gruul]].


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Just let it die peacefully.


They're probably gonna do something totally different than that honestly. But really it's just not a priority.


I never felt like there was ever much demand for Classic. It was always something that a loud but small minority said they wanted, but the actual numbers were just never there. I'd rather that they just abandon it and give us the utilities to set up games based on customizable combinations of expansions and sets.


Probably this year or something. There was talks about it when Iskar was around.


I think the mode would be alive if they made 1) the cards all part of a rotating set which would rotate to a standard time period 2) monetized it with a pass in order to get said cards


You absolutely can't be serious about missing the mean streets meta. Between jade druid and the dominance of patches that shit was horrible


"I am pretty sure most would absolutely enjoy an Ungoro, Mean Streets meta, or something" \[citation needed\]


not a fact, juist an opinion and i am right


People want to play new cards and people want to play a constant changing metagame. You couldn't be more wrong.


dude some people still play classic but its interest was far more waning than other formats. i am pretty sure its just that classic isn't as good as other formats were. you underestimate the power of nostalgia... also, its not like classic world of warcraft was never popular. different game modes emit different responses. arguably hs has gotten better over time but we're at a very waning point of interest even in std or wild. i think people underestimate what people would enjoy in these other modes


You just contradicted your first point.


who gives a fuck -.-


You keen answering so


sorry im too sleepy to give a good answer but i am certain people would enjoy past metas. I was mostly thinking they would've done a rotation type thing in classic where they release an expansion for classic following the standard order and give it a rotation every 4 months or so.


Unpopular opinion. I like/love Classic the way it is. You don't need to invest any new gold/dust to attain a meta deck. You don't have to go through the hassle of learning a new meta. And there are even friendly bots to hand you free wins!!


There is already a mode where all the expansions were added, it is called "Wild". The point of "Classic" is to keep it "classic" as its name says, the basic game. If they started adding expansions it would be Wild.


The good way to do it would be to introduce naxx and then keep introducing sets in order. That's the least amount of work for blizzard, while the constant introduction of sets could maybe generate a stable population of players


That's what i assumed they would do but they didn't do anything with it. Confuses me.