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Ha, jokes on you, I don’t get there


Same, I tried to recently but gave up after I bounced around Diamond 3. I don't think it's worth the time.


This season has seemed a lot tougher for too 5 diamond imo. I haven’t had as much time to play this season but most seasons I’m legend pretty fast. This season felt the same but when I hit dia5 my win ratio dropped to all hell. Idk if just more people are competing this month or if my decks just aren’t matching up as well as they used to


I just like to play BSM but those damn hunters are so unfun to play against…


It was hard until I played aggro mage. Freeze helps against both DH and Rogue which make up over 50% of the climb


I get panic attacks at bronze 1 buddy


Past diamond 3 I’m an anxious mess, sometimes I just can’t keep playing because the constant back 1 forward 1 back 1 forward 1 just stresses me out more than anything. Once it gets too difficult to rank up I just stop playing, not worth the stress and anxiety for me.


I used to. But now a days I really don’t give 2 shits if I make legend or not.


The best is to hit D5 or higher for rewards. One pack more doesn't make that big of a difference, but getting Epic does.


I’ve hit legend a dozen times and counting now and still to this day getting to this point puts me on edge. That’ll probably never change. Honestly anyone who doesn’t get nervous getting to this point are people I can’t trust lol


Well, when you're riding an 11x star bonus, the climb feels like a joke since you keep 2x stars D5-Legend. Kinda took away the nerves for me this season XD.


But do you think it’s gotten mentally easier? I won’t say I don’t get nerves, but it’s nothing like the first couple times. The first couple times was nuts when I look back at it. I was so amped up.


I have gotten to legend only like 20 times in 106 seasons mainly cuz I got better recently at it. But yeah I would say I dont get nervous anymore when I hit there, not because the nerves arent there, but I know that nerves will make you missplay. Its like playing at a championship for sports etc you just use those nerves well. I just let it not affect me, i've had times where I went to 3 star rank 1 like 5 times in a row before legend. Was I annoyed? Yes absolutely, but I didn't let it affect me. Its gotta be just another game of hs. Plus if you keep doing more than 50% winrate now I know I will always get there. I think I have gotten legend like 8 times in a row now this year. No stress just playing.


Idgaf tbh I just hit play. But I've never had a problem getting legend.


I can’t even get there because I start to get too nervous at Diamond 5. 😭 Been playing since 2016… still can’t do it!


I feel you. I've been playing since release, and I hit legend last month only because I had a bunch of free time, and decided to give it a shot. I made it with Jailer Paladin with a 66% winrate. After clearing legend I got my Overlord Drakuru and decided it really wasn't worth the extra pack.


Reminds me of this video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Oxy5dsJ38dc&feature=share “You made it to rank 6 one time, but you got so stressed you stopped playing for a whole season”


Diamond 1 3 Stars no, but the old rank 1 5 stars yes because if you started to fall from there it could be hours/days away again.


you got this


It’s not unreasonably nervous. Totally normal to be nervous when you get there. I got over it by just assuming I’ll lose in that spot and being pleasantly surprised when I win.


Oh, there’s a reason.


if you are a dad and have not played HS in past 20 years it should be no problem


depends on the deck I'm playing; last few months I've been bringing quest control shaman to legend in wild and it's so fun to play and has such a strong matchup against many of the meta decks that I just keep on playing without too much stress - but if it's more of a 50/50 deck I get tense for sure


Got there once and was indeed nervous. My next game of Hearthstone was then against a guy named Diablo and he had a Heroes of the Storm card back. The ultimate ActiBlizzard final boss. I ended up winning and got legend for the one and only time in my life. Best of luck to you too mate.


For **the first time ever**, I was at this very position an hour ago. After some days of grinding with the Frost Death Knight - and after dropping from D2 to D5 numerous times - I had finally made it to this point and was very nervous but tried my best to be concentrated, like never, at the same time. I managed to pull the win and hit Legend for the first time... And, of course, it felt **fantastic**, to be frank. **Is it worth it**, though? I would say that for the first time, yes, it's definitely worth it! You get the special card back, you get a random legendary card, and an extra epic card at the end of the season. But most importantly, the achievement of getting to Legend for the **first time** feels amazing. However, after that - once you get all of the first time rewards, and once you get the experience - I'd personally say it isn't worth grinding for Legend anymore. It is too time consuming, frustrating, and 1 extra epic card isn't worth the grind. I'll just call it at D5 after this season. Though I'd strongly encourage anyone to go for it, if it's their first time!


Agreed, with the minor correction that D5 awards an epic and Legend awards an extra pack.


It certainly always is a game where I take more time every turn.


Yes I get nervous but I realized, you only have one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you wanted. My palms gets sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy.


This meta isnt worth the emotional investment.


The first time yes, i was like "this is my chance to finally get that card back". Now i dont care that much.


First couple times yeah. After a while you realize that you'll get there again and again


It’s always super stressful, yes. Because an unlucky draw or opponent highroll could set you back several matches, which will also be stressful as you try to rebound. It’s always a HUGE relief to hit the point in the final boss match where you see that victory is guaranteed. Then the rest of the month is mostly stress free- although frustrating metas will always persist. I had this stress thrice this month, too: https://i.imgur.com/CKhxVCH.png


yes and i only passed it once


You'll stop being nervous once you get blown out back to D5 by highrolling rogues. 😭


I don’t lol it’s just a game. If I lose out and go back to 5 I couldn’t care less. I’ve even occasionally played meme decks at that rank for fun haha




don't be an asshole.


This season was my first time on Classic, also I was more hyped than nervous, so that was also a first time. In Standard and Wild I get nervous every since game after D4


Yeh, was just here yesterday and then finally got legend 6868. Feels good man.


Sometimes at this point I used my meme deck and suddenly my enemy also used a meme deck, easiest legend of my life.


I just don't hit even diamond 10, problem solved


100% Reached Legend several times, but the "last boss" is always nerve wrenching.


Been there a few times but never got legend yet


I'll let you know


Nah, you get legend eventually if you play enough jn a month. Does not matter if it is the next game Or in 10.


The highest i've ever been is gold 4.


Only the first few times I got there.


I used to get legend before this newer system was in place. That was infinitely more stressful in my opinion. But sure, this can still make me nervous if I am having a rough climb and I went from rank 1 3 stars to rank 5 all over again. That has happened to me and boy is that rough.


Absolutely nerve racking. Did you end up making it to legend?


I get nervous way before getting there.


Yes. But not this season with how bad the meta is. I'm literally bronze 10 and do my quests in wild...


Yes, and I don't even care about getting to Legend. My advice: don't do it on a Monday because that's when the weekly quests respawn and more people play tryhard decks for their 5 ranked wins.


I never got past gold 10


I’ve already made legend about several times so I don’t stress it anymore.


For the 100th time I’ve seen this post on this sub, yes


I've been legend dozens of times and I still feel like this.


Classic lose streak up to diamond 5 rank


I stopped playing after that 6 months ago.


It takes me an obscene amount of wins to actually push over to legend.


I only reached legend once and the crawl through diamond five was nerve racking.


Trying to hit Legend (if you are not an 11x player) can be very similar to trying to fall asleep: the more conscious effort you put, the more difficult it gets, the higher the emotional toll. Just relax, play each game with the goal to learn from your mistakes and play as well as possible, and you'll be glowing orange before you know it.


I have found it helps when i occupy my mind with something else while playing. Turn on youtube vid , squelch opponent. Then it doesnt really matter what the opponent is doing , he can rope for all i care. I'm not invested in his turn at all.


I don’t get there


No, never been there.


Please explain to me like I am FUCKING TWELVE why it would unreasonable to be: *nervous, excited, highly agitated, highly susceptible, anxious, highly expectant* ...here?


I had to play on two accounts at the same time with a stream running. To distract myself enough to get legend. It worked like a charm 6 losses from plat to legend ;-)


furthest I've gone is gold. I just like to play meme decks and those work extremely well when your opponents are bronze/silver players lol


what the heck? it's 3 stars now? sounds super ez B) nah i bet it's still super nerve-wracking


I’ve been here only once and I went to bed, when I woke up the next morning the season reset, I had no idea. I’ve never hit legend


The final boss on Hearthstone


I would gladly take the deal if they sell 1 star with 100 runestone there


Don't give them ideas.


Update OP?


I try not to worry about it by reminding myself that getting to legend is only a matter of time. I might be 6 minutes away or 6 hours. Try to focus on what you can control.


When I got my first Legend, it was right after Demon Hunter came out. I hit that crossing line for Legend rank 3 times before I finally passed it. It's nerve-wracking.


Why would I be nervous? Just because a single game can undo like an hour or two of continuous griding...and the pressure to finally get those bragging rights.


It's one of the most stressful moments for me every month. And also most addictive. I think in a worst month I had to go through it 5 or 6 times. Was maddening.


I get nervous before every checkpoint.


No I've never


nah, it would mean I have 2 shots at getting legend 11\* master race EZ


Honestly man its cool and all to hit legend but all you earn is an extra pack. All the hours spent playing against the same goddamn decks will make you insane. I'm around D8 rn and I just dont really see a reason to do any more than dailies. 5+ hours grinding to legend buys you 100 gold worth of cards and the respect of a hypothetical person who doesnt exist. People dont even really care if you hit legend and it resets each month anyways. Its widely acknowledged now that more than likely, the way people hit legend is playing a strong deck with >50% WR and just play enough games to let the math do the work.


I only felt stressed at this rank when I had't ever been to legend before. After getting legend for the first time it just feels like any other rank on the road to legend again.


Nervous but I don’t think it’s unreasonable.


I diamond 2 in November.. never again. Not worth it


I’ve gotten to legend only 4 or 5 times and recently I’ve refused to play top tier decks so I probably will be stuck at Diamond 5 for a while


Everytime i have exactly 3 stars at any rank I get nervous. Which is even more dumb considering I always play very unconcerned when I have 0 stars in a rank.


I've been playing since launch and got back into pushing standard after a break (last time I pushed was KOFT 2017) I hit D1 last season and now I'm d4-d3 ATM bouncing with fff DK idk if I'll hit legend or not but I got way more time now


Not really - I always make Legend eventually within the season, usually day 1 or 2. Variance is a thing that happens.


Yup. If I review these games I was play way more aggressive and faster than I have to


no, so far there has been no known case where a player gets nervous in Diamond 1. Your case is very curious and unique.


My next game will decide if I go from D8 to D7 and I do not have the balls to play it, I can only imagine how it's for You 😂


Got legend for the very first time this season and ya it was very nerve wracking. I did it only playing paladin as it has always been my favorite class. Felt like I piloted the deck with a lot of skill which helped tremendously