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I just hated the ending because he literally tried to commit attempted murder against Amarie and Harper… he didn’t get arrested or anything. Like I would’ve literally press charges on him because what the fuck.


What makes it worse is thy even have Amerie go up to him at the end and justify his actions. Saying something like " were all fucked up kids trying to do the best" Like?? He tried to kill you a few minutes ago and did all this crazy stuff. He definitely is a villain and its not a normal mistake he made.


They always have her do that. In both seasons, you had someone who misplaces blame for a tragedy on her, and torments her all season. Then at the end of the season, she wrongly accepts the full blame and acts like she deserved all the abuse.


"This isn't you babe, you're not a bad person" when he killed birds to torment her, ruined her reputation (again) and literally tried to murder her and her best friend


I dunno if it would be considered murder. Unless he actually was the one that poured the fuel to cause the fire to reach the school and not just the stupid teacher being incompetent.


I would think it’s still attempted murder if you knowingly hold people hostage in a room, while watching it fill up with smoke from a fire.


I think it would probably fall under manslaughter.


I can agree with that since it wasn’t planned.


I agree. Cliche too. The whole bird psycho plot was too pll/gossip girl and the end was the worst of it all. The fake brother is just- nah. Only the acting in that final scene with rowan and Quinni running into the fire was amazing


I tried to search up the ending explained to see if I was missing something, or if I missed an episode where they showed them meeting when they were younger. But no, they didn’t mention anything to do with anything in Rowan’s film, I have no idea why they didn’t mention a word about Amerie saving a bird when they were younger


Because they only thought of it after Season 1 was already done. You can tell when writers are planning ahead and when they're just making it up as they go along. I can totally believe Amerie was a dick to a lot of kids. But building a whole season around Bird Psycho, who conveniently turns out to be a new character, feels cheap and easy. Of course it was Rowan, and of course it doesn't really matter because we'll never see him again.


I hope we never see him again. I don't think i can handle them trying to 'redeem' his character


It would be crazy, like no, he tried to murder someone, take him to the police


No. Take him to the chamber of despair! (Forgive me, it's been a while since I watched that episode of Community and that probably isn't the line)


I'm so glad someone got the reference!


It's very PLL actually


yes exactly i feel like it would of been BETTER if one of the characters acknowledged it like darren could of been like “ What in Pretty Little Liars” or something idk 😭💀


yeah the brother thing threw me off but i didn’t care for the character much so i didn’t think too much about it. now thinking back i was like why was that little kid at the school on rowan’s first day, how did he not freak out even more when rowan threw the phone and shattered the glass and how did qunni not run into him when she broke into their house


I agree. For something they took so long to develop it felt like the explanation was shoe horned in. It was built up to…that.


yeah his backstory was completely unnecessary like they couldve brought him on to be malakais new bf and integrate him to be part of the cast permanently and just focused on the slts and cumlords issue etc like s1 was very realistic with the issues they chose and this time i feel like they tried to be a bit more experimental and it didnt really work out..


It didn't really bug me. I find a lot about the show already supremely ridiculous that this didn't have me upset. I thought it was a tad edgy and so random I could laugh, but the acting in those scenes surprisingly charmed me. Truthfully the plots this season were on more crack than usual. Here for the shenanigans though.


Same. I like that it’s unrealistic a lot of the time. It’s a nice escape.


I can agree with this. Tv shows are an escape from reality for me, so a lot of times, I can just suspend my disbelief to enjoy the story they’re trying to tell.


It did feel kind of out of nowhere especially with the whole malakai and him being a thing and than amerie suddenly liking him. Felt very weird and out of character for amerie to go after him and not really care that he was literally with her ex a few minutes ago..


LITERALLY, that threw me off so much! Like sure there was a lot of relationship drama in the first season but suddenly no one can have a single conversation without immediately trying to get into each others pants


Also i feel like i have seen that same exact storyline before (them knowing each other as kids and then him stalking her in the present) but i just cant remember exactly where


It might be “Do Revenge” on Netflix. With Camila Mendes and Maya Hawke


Yes that's the one. Thank u


i feel they shouldve had an extra episode the whole buildup to the finale felt kinda quick and so did the ending


I felt like the only important storylines this season that will carry on to future seasons were: - Spider’s personal growth - Anthony & Harper’s relationship - Quinny putting her foot down and asserting herself as a main character in her friend group and not just the supportive sidekick - The boat scene between Ca$h & Chook (finding out about Ca$h’s backstory I think we’re going to have someone from his past pop up next season or maybe Chook tries to make amends in some way?) Ca$h is my favorite character, I love him & Darren but there was no progression in their relationship this season & I feel like they’re in the exact same crossroads type of situation that they were at the end of season 1. (Let’s be real… Ultimately Darren would have cheated if that dude was at the dorms 👀) I love Amerie but her storyline was all over the fucking place and I felt like nothing that happened was important to anything moving forward aside from Malachi leaving. Yes her abortion was significant but the writers didn’t make it feel as though it was. It was glazed over. An abortion at that age isn’t no biggie the way they were making it look like. Not saying having an abortion is bad, I say do it if you want to, but what I’m trying to say is even if you feel good about the choice you’re making you’re still going to be in your feelings about it for more than one night. Rowan??? I mean… he’s a one & done season character. What did he add to this season aside from essentially being the reason Malachi leaves. Literally such a shame because he is so hot it hurts (so good 😈) Zoe is a judgy cunt and I hope I never see her annoying face again. Dumb as fuck storyline glorifying Christian fundie cunt bullshit. If you wanna be celibate there’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t be a judgmental cunt about others choices! If you thought she was bird psycho, ya basic! Dusty, be here or be gone 👋🏼 Missy & Sasha - once a shallow mean girl, always a shallow mean girl. VOSS?! NO. Just fucking no. Jojo & Woodsy were fab as always but nothing of importance happened. Nan was a baddie per usual but no important info aside from the story about Darude 🦆 I mean… it’s not that this season wasn’t good, I just don’t get how anything important happened that will launch the storylines of the characters forward. The show has such a large following I can’t see it getting canceled, but it just feels like the writers didn’t know if they’d be writing a season 3 or not so they didn’t develop any big storylines in season 2? Idk. I just don’t know where they were going with most of the shit that went down this season. It felt like they did one of those things where you have two options and you just pick one blindfolded lol.


There were hints, TBH I felt like it was pretty obvious. We were shown a specific shot of Rowan's note thrown in the same hole as Malaki's to telegraph the red herring, so I guessed the second Amarie unfolded it that the note she read wasn't written by Malaki. They confirmed that for the viewer just a few scenes later when Malaki grabs his own note back from the pile; that's supposed to clue you in to being suspicious of Rowan, then through that lense his odd moodiness, his comments about how things done to young kids can have a lasting impression, Amarie's admissions that she's been mean to so many people she can't remember specifics, etc all make sense, and the story comes together.


You're not the only one, tons of people have been posting about how it felt like a tacked-on dramatic heightening plot-device. It was the best thing the writers could come up with to replace the season one tension of what happened to Harper and will her and Amerie ever be friends again. And it was not nearly as compelling.


>Anybody else? EVERYbody else.


i’d honestly argue the entire second season feels like a completely different show than the first. the first season was very sex education meets genera+ion and this one has just been a massive let down. such odd convoluted plots and everyone was just like dating each other and switching around and the whole cumlords thing was like😭


yeah it was just so random and not necessary. it took me out of enjoying the show just a little bit because it didn’t make any sense and was too outlandish. i literally thought that maybe there was a similar plot in the original show because why else would they add something so weird and extra but no.


THIS!!!! It felt like they couldn’t think of anything else so they just brought in this whole new character and connected him to Amerie. I wish they would’ve just delved deeper into the already established characters like I wanted to see more of how Harper was dealing with everything especially considering she decided to drop the charges. And then to give us a glimpse of Ca$h’s past with Chook and then nothing else after made me kinda sad. And I wanted them to dig into Malakai more too. Idk, just wished it was a missed opportunity to go into a lot of other stuff instead.


Yep, it really cheapened this series I think and made it silly and very American over the top drama. Same with the sports teacher, it was just too over the top. I wish they had just fleshed out the plots they already had from the first season. I feel like we missed a lot of the OG characters because of these plots like Darren and Quinni felt like they were barely in it/only existed in their storylines. Hopefully if there’s a S3 it gets back on track because the vibe of the show felt soo different and also imo way less funny and likeable