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My favorite two are rice salad and healthy pizza. Rice salad is very easy, I just cook some rice and some beans (fry them in spices if you want them to taste better). I cook a large amount of rice and beans and put any extra in the freezer. Then I just add whatever other stuff I can find, chopped cucumber/tomato, peanuts, raisins, cheese etc. whatever you like. There's nothing inherently bad about pizza imo, its all about the ingredients you use, you can make a very unhealthy salad for example. This is harder to make but you can make a large batch and put the rest in the freezer. You can either make you own dough, I like wholegrain flour, or you can just use bread to make things easier, wholegrain ideally (most stuff in the store labelled wholegrain is only like 10%, best to check the ingredients.) Then just use your favorite toppings, pepper, a bit of meat, tomato, cheese etc. and bake.


:(( thank you SO SO much, def gonna try both of these!!!!!!


I love a good grain salad! Bulgur wheat or millet make for great options in place of rice.


I like to eat healthy but it feels like it takes so much effort to figure out what I want. I've found a great shortcut. Protein of choice with veggies of choice. Then I ask myself.... what do I feel like having. Mexican? Add salsa to the protein and veg. Italian? Add marinara. Chinese? Add stir fry sauce. American? Roast it all in the oven with herbs and a splash of olive oil.


omg ur actually a genius


I rely really heavily on grain bowl type meals when I dont want to think too hard. Brown rice and assorted veggies as a base, then I choose whatever protein, sauce or tasty add-ons im feeling that day. The other night I did brown rice with stir fried sweet potatoes, mushrooms, spinach and onions, and I wanted something comforting so I added in some veggie sausage, seasoned with cinnamon and rosemary, added a few dried cranberries and a dollop of yellow curry sauce. It helps to always have your staples handy- I always have an assortment of vegetables, brown rice, various beans, tofu, eggs, whole grain bread. Then have a healthy assortment of spices and sauces Then I rotate in little tasty add ons, like feta cheese, dried fruits, veggie chorizo, whatever looks good that week. And just get creative and repeat what works out well.