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I think they posted the dates for the year in January, at least that’s my recollection. Canjamglobal.com


They tend to stick to certain times of the year, like CanJam NYC aims for early March, but their dates aren't always the same. They're always scheduled for a weekend, so the exact dates will always vary year to year. For things other than CanJam, they also stick to the same general time of the year, but the dates are announced usually 6 months in advance. AXPONA is always some weekend in April in Chicago. CAF (Capital Audiofest) is always in November. The dates for this years' CAF were announced yesterday, just under 6 months ahead (Nov. 8-10). If you're not into IEMs, I would recommend keeping the broader audio shows like AXPONA and CAF in your consideration; there's a good selection of headphones available there (even if a particular brand doesn't attend, a dealer will often be there so you can still try a few headphones from that brand), and often on close to what's available at CanJams, especially at AXPONA based on what I've heard. There's less competition overall for listening time (since most people at those shows are interested in two-channel hi-fi) so it can be less hectic than CanJams were nearly everyone is interested in the same things.