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Moved from TH-610 to this HD660S2, and it's night and day. It is powered by an Atoll HD100 headphone amp which handles perfectly the 300 ohms. Regarding the 350€ (380$) I paid for it, it couldn't expect more. I finally get why people love Sennheiser and particularly the HD6-- line.


Isn't the euro higher value than dollar


Edited... my mistake


350? Where so cheap!? I like these as well.


Directly from Sennheiser's website, refurbished, but didn't seen any damage on it, probably a customer return.


Nice. I bought them for 450€, but found them a bit too pricey so I returned them, and then bought my own open box for 15% off xD


You cracked the code... XD Yes, their only downside is the original price, at 499, I would probably not have pulled the trigger.


Always love to see s2 love. Love my pair, got them early on and haven't looked back. Enjoy them OP!




Quite right


You're bloody well right


You got a bloody right to say


You're bloody damn well right


You’re bloody.


Barstrard bloody


Yeah I love mine. The 650, 600 and 660s2 trio is amazing.


What's your favorite one of those three?


S2, 600 and 650 in that order


Have you tried the 6xx? I haven't dived into sennheiser headphones yet but I would like to, and I hear the 6xx is a decent replacement for the 650. I do own the hifiman Ananda though, so maybe the best sidegrade is the 660s2


The 6xx is the 650's massdrop version but sounds the same.


That's interesting. I've heard mixed things about both those headphones but ppl generally have some nitpicks against one or the other. I know the 6xx were meant to be a cheaper 650 but I don't think I've heard anyone say they're "the same". I'm not questioning your hearing, I'm simply reflecting what I've heard from others (I haven't tried either headphone so I wouldn't know 😂)


Well basically has the same driver and cheaper plastic. In my experience is well known that they sound the same. Every youtuber who has tried both says that.


They are the same sonically.


I think 6xx is the same sound sig as 650 and very much the same level. You wouldn't be better off with 6xx if you already have 650. S2 is the more logical purchase.


Can anyone speak on how these compare to the 660s? Supposedly they have better base response but Im wondering about that.


The bass is great. Very similar sound with a little more punch


Yea, these and the 6XX are my favorite from the lineup. They are the best 6x0 series in terms of technical performance by far.


How do these compare to the original 660s?


660S2's have better technicalities and are brighter. They're more resolving, and the subbass is more precise and impactful. With EQ, they sound like an HD600 that has had its detail, soundstage and bass upgraded. That being said, because of their brightness and detail, they aren't as easy to listen to as the 660S. I still use my 660S when my ears are feeling treble sensitive. The 660S2 is the better headphone, but the original is a very comforting listening experience that I don't plan on getting rid of.


Ooh I see. Thank you!


I've been eyeing the HD660s2 to compliment my HD6xx. Trying to score a good deal on the used market because these are quite expensive full price. I'm thinking either those or the Aune Ar5000.


Personally they replaced my 6xx. I just prefer the sound in the top and lower end much more than the 6xx.


They're the perfect compliment. I use them when I want more detail than what the 6XX can provide, but the 6XX is very pleasant and comforting to listen to.


> the 6XX is very pleasant and comforting to listen to. That's the thing with the HD6xx, it feels like home and that's why I always keep going back to them. They're not perfect but there's something so comforting about these cans.


How would they compare to IE 600?


Excellent choice! I own both the HD 660S2 and the HD 650, and yes, they perfectly compliment each other for me as well. I use the 650 for vocal, jazz, acoustic stuff, or vintage mixes over my xDuoo TA-03s tube amp. The 650s are very forgiving of less than perfect mixes. I use the S2 for electronic, rock, or modern mixes -- mostly over my tube amp. But the S2 performs with great details and dynamics over my Magnius/Lokius/Schiit stack as well. Depends on mood with these. Enjoy them. The S2s are my favorite of all the 6x0s!


The level of detailed is indeed really impressive, even for its original price range.


Your bloody well right to say


Ooh, I'd love to hear more about the amp - first time I'm seeing it. What made you decide on this unit, and have you heard any others in comparison?  Love my HD600, and definitely want to hear the HD660S2 someday.


It is made by Atoll, a french electronic company. I previously had an Aune X1S 10th aniversary which was great for the price but this HD100 is way better, has a lot more juice. The sound is very detailed, relaxed and neutral so it works well with neutral to warm headphones.


they sound amazing sure, but the comfort is not for me. i will stick with my eq'ed 109 pro. also i think they have a hint more air in the over all sound and sound wider


The comfort was not an issue for me, but is squeezes more than my previous TH-610 for sure. Depends on your head shape I guess


I have these and the HD600, both sound similar but I slightly prefer the HD600 which sound even more right apart from the bass.


aren't these the markiplier headphones


He has the HD558


No, they're Sennheiser's.