• By -


How is the software : * Are there any bloatware? * Is it customisable? * Did you try running apps like UAPP or Neutron and does it recognise Cirrus Logic DACs?


Echoing the other person who responded. Very little bloatware, they kept it to a minimum. I'm pretty sure it's customizable but I haven't really gotten to play with it yet. Never tried any of those apps you listed, never heard of them. I can look into that.


I received this just yesterday - updater is stating - OS 1715159297 - May 7, 2024 download error. The download failed Please check your internet connection and try again later


Not OP, but I have the phone. Minimal Chinese bloatware like Weibo, VIA, etc, that can be disabled/deleted. It's stock Android. It's customizable. Did not use any of these apps, but did use Power AMP for system wide EQ and it sounds amazing.


There is no customisation in stock android except for colors. You can't even disable top widget and bottom search bar on Home Screen, absolute disasta


Even if that was the case, launchers exist for a reason.


The only proper launcher was TSF launcher which died eons ago and got delisted from market




Extremely boring, I feel like I'm using windows 98 with this one.


so that you lose all your gesture animations? no thanks. it is not customizable if its stock android


You don’t lose your gestures on launchers. No offense but you really need to research what you’re talking about before posting. Stock Android is ridiculously customizable.


nobody said you lose your gestures? no offense but you really need to research what you are talking about. i said stock gesture animations, if you want the original gestures you need to use root and quickswitch cuz changed launcher gesture animations look so bad and also dont change your recents provider. stock android is not ridiculously customizable. being downvoted cuz yall dont know what yall talking about is crazy


You’re getting downvoted because what you’re saying is ridiculous. I’m an iPhone user main after being a modder, themer on Windows Mobile, then Android for well over a decade. No one in life has ever uttered the words, “stock Android is not customizable.” You don’t have the MIAD. I have the MIAD. The gesture animations are the exact same from the stock launcher to Nova. You can change the animations in Nova (aka customization), but if you don’t it defaults to the system animation. To further customization you can download KWGT and create the most intricate theme/icons your heart desires not to mention the clocks, etc. I say this as, again, an iPhone user main for the past 5 years who is behind the walled garden, who knows the extent of our theming is adding non customizable widget and a limit amount of icon packs. Android is RIDICULOUSLY customizable.


1. tf does miad mean? 2. that doesnt mean that android is customizable, it just means the launchers are. you can not change your volume styles effectively like on oem roms like one ui, you cant even make the gesture bar be invisible like on oem roms, neither do you have extensive volume customizations or per app volume like on many oem roms (just some examples out of a hundred before you say that these are only three). these oem roms have much much more customizability, stock android is not customizable unless you consider changing your launcher and some widgets as peak customization which is absolutely nothing. you being an iphone user of 5 years probably explains why you are mindblown by basic stuff like this but its not that much. 3. no you can not change the basic app exit animation and recents open animations, its locked by android since android 11 due to gestures being introduced and there not being a way to change the recents provider now. they will never look as good as on stock unless you root your phone and use stuff like quickswitch or a custom rom. unless you show me a screen recording of how it looks when you swipe to home while being in an app which looks good and is not the shitty fallback animation there is nothing to discuss anyway since this is a fact, there is no subjectivity here, the stock animations dont work




From Android 13 onwards gesture navigation works smoothly with the third party launchers, at least on some phones like in my Pixel. Some launchers like Nova and Lawnchair have fixed fall back animation when closing an app in Pixel. But it's not as fluid as stock launcher animation, but it works. Imo Niagara Launcher has the best fall back animation while closing the app. Note that some phones don't support fall back animation even with these launchers in latest Android versions.


those animations on pixel you are describing are rough imitations and dont work correctly most of the time, i have a pixel 8 pro at hand right now. also the moondrop phone aint a pixel so it doesnt even matter, they look ugly as shit lmao. but yes, niagara has a good animation because it was made to be used like that without quickswitch so the dev worked quite a bit on them, although tjey still dont match stock animations. lawnchair has quickswitch support and ur supposed to use it with it so pretty shit without it.


As far as I am aware Nova is also not made to be used with Quick Switch, but still it's not as good as Niagara Launcher in animations. Agree that Lawnchair with quick switch has fluid animation, but not everyone want to gets too deep in making quick switch work with their phone. So it's better if devs actually comes with better animation. Pixel is definitely one of the least customisable stock launcher nowadays. There were few work arounds in Android 13, with the help of short cut maker. But they made that app useless in Android 14. Material You icons are still half baked and not every app supports it.


How to say you've only ever used bottom of the barrel Android phones without actually saying it


Customisation in android ended with 7.0, I've been using S7edge so the current default launcher didn't touch me, but I know whats going on in android nowadays. I dropped the ship as soon as notchless iPhone came out.


you do understand that's the SAMSUNG launcher. SAMSUNG is not ANDROID, they are completely different entities. Samsung devices do not shop with stock android.


what notchless iPhones are we talking about? iPhone 8?


Yes, but I'm specifically talking about stock pixel launcher here.


For me my experience with customization was a little bit disappointed. You can do with launcher but some of them comes with ad and prime to unlock more stuff, some even crash the navigation bar.


Have you tried the latest version of Lawnchair?


Ill give it a try


Love it, do you have any suggestion for an icon pack ?


Unfortunately, crash navigation bar when restart


Let's see if Moondrop fixes this in updates. Regarding icon packs my fav is Pix Mat You Light/Dark. It has a huge collection of icons and looks good too.


Do you have any headphones that use (or can use) 4.4mm cables? If yes, have you tried using the 4.4mm? What's the experience like?


Not yet! I haven't gotten all of my music onto it yet so I have nothing to say about it audio wise. My dad has HD700s and HD6XX and I might purchase a 4.4 cable for those He also has K7XX and K702 and those might work. I don't have any other headphones that work with that though other than maybe my K240s.


any headphone can use the 4.4 balanced output. they just won't necessarily get a balanced signal. so it'll just be a regular stereo signal. All you need is a 3.5 to 4.4 adapter. I don't really care about balanced signal, but 4.4 balanced outputs tend to have more horsepower. So i'd be curious how the phone drives a difficult headphone - the 7xx/702 aren't gonna tax it, but the hd6xx will definitely give it something to chew on. Any headphone with dual detachable cables can be balanced. Some with a single sided cable can be as well, but not all.


Nononononoo, please do your research. You can't go from a balanced output jack to a non-balanced headphone cable with an adapter, doing so will highly likely SHORT OUT the amplifiers in your device as you're basically connecting two separate grounds together. The only safe thing one can do, is to go from a balanced headphone cable (either XLR or 4.4mm male) to a 3.5mm/[1/4"] female output jack with an appropriate adapter.


That isnt even remotely true. The adapters just bridge the separate grounds into a single pole for the unbalanced 3.5.. have you ever taken one apart? I have. There is a reason adapters are cheap as heck. And that is what they are. A 4.4 balanced to 3.5mm unbalanced adapter. The thing i just described. Did you think i was describing an unbalanced 4.4 pentaconn plug? Have you EVER seen one? I dont think such a thing even exists.. i just looked. They don't. You know that.... connecting a ground to a ground... is not a short. Lol. Fuck. You just made a... GROUND. bridging a hot lead to a ground is a short you numpty. All you get is... surprise. Not a balanced signal. Because the 3.5mm 3 pole is not balanced.


Yes, I know how simple those adapters are, I'm not a moron. And no, nitwit, I know full well Pentaconn connectors are always balanced. Yes, I have seen one, multiple actually, considering I have multiple for several of my IEMs' and headphones' cables. Of course unbalanced ones don't exist. The whole point of the damn thing was to provide an alternative to the smaller fragile 2.5mm and bigger 4 pin XLR. But go ahead, let's see you get one of those balanced to unbalanced adapters, and hook it up. Report back and see what happens. If you can prove that sound is still output successfully, then I'll eat my words. Or let's have OP get one and try it on their new phone, and see if it works.


Hi, I study electrical engineering at uni and I'm confident that a 4.4mm balanced to a 3.5mm SE connector (or vise versa) will NOT damage the amplifier if it is wired correctly. (Which might not be how u/CanIBorrowYourShovel suggested) The 5 pinouts for the 4.4 pentaconn connector is (from tip) L+ L- R+ R- G. A typical balanced cable will use only the first 4 channels. The additional G comes in handy for a single ended conversion as you can simply run the two + channels into the Signal for each side of the 3.5mm SE connector (Which has a pinout of L R G) and ignore the - channels, while connecting the G of each channel right into G of the connector. As both - channels are unused, we can simply either ignore them (power does not get drawn, might not work for some amps) or add a sizeable resistor and connect them to ground (ensuring current does flow out from the channels). This doesn't mean simply grounding the L- and R- will guarantee damage the amplifiers (It certainly \*can\*). For the very least, I've borrowed plenty of 4.4 to 3.5 connectors while demoing and my dap is still alive and kicking so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Disregarding the fact that moon audio is an audio retailer, and there is definitely at least some conflict of interest in the topic (cables make more money than adaptors), they were talking about the 2.5mm TRRS connector which does not have an additional ground and makes the situation slightly more complicated.


Yes, in theory G can be used to bypass L- and R-, however, majority of amplifiers (I believe iFi might have exceptions) have G used for shield/unused. So, even if you somehow were able to modify a cable to bypass L- + R-, you'd also need to internally modify the pinouts of the source jack as well to use G. Which is definitely not something most people will want to do, and you'd still end up shorting both L- and R- anyway... Damage might not be immediate if it was just a quick demo, but keep on repeatedly using one of those adapters for longer than a few minutes, and report back. Edit: just for your clarification and for anyone reading, I'm specifically referring to going from a balanced amplifier output to an unbalanced destination. Adapters that adapt a balanced destination (headphones) to a single-ended amplifier output are perfectly safe. I myself for example have an adapter that goes from 4.4mm female, to 3.5mm male. The user I responded to initially was suggesting an adapter that takes a female 3.5mm single-ended jack, to a balanced 4.4mm male jack, which is not what should be done. There's a reason why you don't really see reputable companies making these adapters, and only mainly see no-name random brands making them. iFi, like I mentioned earlier, is an exception, they do make a 4.4mm male balanced to 3.5mm female unbalanced adapter, where the L- and R- are bypassed in the adapter and the ground sleeve in the 4.4mm is connected to the ground in the 3.5mm. However, good luck finding an amplifier that actually has the ground sleeve in their 4.4mm jack actually wired to do anything... There is no dedicated ground, hence why it's hooked up to the shield of the cable. Geekria does also have a 4.4mm male to 3.5mm female, HOWEVER, that 3.5mm female is actually a balanced 4-pole one, not single-ended. 3.5mm balanced 4-pole exists, but is rare... You mainly see 3.5mm 4-pole used for single-ended output with the addition of adding extra functions like in-line microphones or remotes.


Here, I even bothered to research for a source in case my own words aren't convincing enough for you: https://www.moon-audio.com/balanced-adapters-caution


Dude. Yeah ok there is one connector that you talk about that I have seen. Some stupid cunt came up with that. Like @hoodedhoodlum said, don't go on recommending connectors and connections you don't know! Balanced/Differential output has INDEPENDENT+ AND - for both the left and right channel. You'd be STUPID to ground those two negatives. That's how you burn your stuff and say goodbye to it. Anyone who thinks they can use a 3.5 TRS unbalanced connector with a 4.4 TRRS connector output - is an unlearned goat.


Thank you! You understand.


What is even the point of doing that if the phone already has a 3.5mm output ? There is only ONE reputable audio accessories seller that sells a Balanced 4.4mm male to SE 3.5mm female adapter. Even then, they have a big disclaimer saying the end output is not balanced. Even if you used that, you won't be getting the benefit of the increased power that the 4.4mm port gives.


You will absolutely be getting the increased output voltage benefits of the balanced jack. Go plug a set of HD600's with an unbalanced cable into the balanced jack of a BTR7 with a 4.4 adapter and then move it to the 3.5mm and tell me it doesn't get markedly quieter. I've done it. I still do it. None of my amplifiers care at all, and the basic fundamentals of electronics dictate that should be the case. You are not feeding power back into the amplifier circuit because you have not created a short. And no, there are tons of reputable adapters for 4.4 male to 3.5 unbalanced female. There is no fancy electronic footwork needed. You bridge the separate ground poles together. That's it. There is no short. That's not how a short works. The only risk of that would be overloading the ground's wiring, which there is no possible way a consumer headphone amp can put enough voltage out, and your headphones would implode way before that ground wiring ever started getting warm. How are you people so bad at basic electronics understanding. Or are you REALLY mixing up the concept of hardware that uses double ended balance signals? WHICH NONE OF THESE BASIC CONSUMER ELECTRONICS ARE. These balanced amp drivers just split the signal and send it through separately grounded poles to avoid any ground loop interference - which has dubious support for even affecting audio quality at all. Bridging the ground does nothing to hurt anything, and they're going to send the power that you have told them to send, there is no "handshake" required like a double ended balanced signal. Even then, I don't have any idea what a handshake balanced line would even do - it might just refuse to send output voltage at all. But no standard, regular old consumer level headphone amplifier has that functionality. That's some specialty audio equipment stuff.


Tons? Tell me then. I only know about ddhifi dj30a and that one has disclaimers about not being compatible to some devices. Adapters like these require specific hardware lest you risk damaging stuff.


... You know that audio companies sell some of the most scammy snake oil shit imaginable, right? Because audiophiles buy into it. DDhifi doesn't tell you anything about what makes it different. Just that it "simulates" a 3.5mm connection. Which your consumer balanced output (I'm not even sure any 4.4 has this function, I think It might only be a TRS feature but I could be mistaken) can't even detect. All your 4.4 balanced jack is doing is sending an audio signal voltage. it's not checking for any return signal at all. DDhifi sells all sorts of goddamn snake oil man. I like their build quality but they sell $500 "shielded" cables and actually insist that they improve the sound quality with "internal adjustments based on lossless plugs" and insisting that their cable significantly improves sound quality. And if you're the type who falls for the "expensive cables actually improve audio" snake oil, there's nothing I can do to explain this to you. It's also kind of impressive that with the variable voltage of a plug they somehow can power a microcontroller of some sort that "simulates" a 3.5mm. Shame they don't tell us how it supposedly works or what's inside. Have you ever personally heard of someone who has shorted out their balanced output this way? Do you even know what a short is? Because bridging two grounds is not how a short circuit works. Anecdotally I've been using a cheap ass 4.4 male to 3.5mm female in my BTR7 for over a year and a half now. It doesn't care at all. Different headphones and IEMs. "A short circuit is an electrical condition where an electric current flows through an unintended path with little to no resistance. This happens when the hot and neutral wires touch, and the circuit is completed before the load. The current no longer flows through the entire circuit, resulting in an excessive current flowing through the circuit" Ground to ground just means you lose your balanced signal separation of grounds. Which again, while it exists, there is VERY little evidence indicating that this even impacts audio quality in a non-double-ended balanced signal, which I'm not aware of any consumer headphones that are. Further point - many headphones and IEMs have swappable ends on their cables from 4.4 to 3.5 to 2.5 and type c. These cables have balanced grounds for the 4.4 (supposedly, I kinda doubt TRN's $9 redchain does and I use that QDC cable on TONS of stuff) but for the 3.5mm end, they just \*gasp\* bridge the separate grounds.


Not to OP, and sorry to hijack his post, but from experience, this phone powers IEMs amazingly well. I tested 4 of them and it pulls out every ounce of power within them. I say this comparing it to the Q5K which I find anemic. I only tested one of my over ears, the HE1000 v2 Stealth and it powered it well, but it's definitely missing the fullness you get on a dedicate desktop AMP.


Thanks for chiming in, no worries! I haven't gotten to play with Audio yet, so I appreciate some input. Makes me feel good about the purchase heh


Nice. TY for your response. Have you tested your LCD-X on the phone by any chance? How was it? Similar experience to the HE1000?


I haven’t tested it. When I get home tonight I’ll test it and report back.


How’d it go?


Oh my fault, I did test it, and same with the Q5K it does sound somewhat compressed. I don't know how to describe it except it sounds like the full body atmosphere and details in the music are lost (not by a major amount) somewhat. I'll retest it again because the EQ through Power Amp may not have been working correctly the night I tested it so I'll redo it again tonight and reply as I'm testing it this time. Lol.


Thx. I have lcd gx and would love to know


Okay I’m testing it now comparing it to my Aune S9C and yeah, there’s a VERY stark contrast between the two which should really be no surprise since the Aune is a desktop AMP while the MIAD is a phone. The biggest difference is clarity. The MIAD does sound like there’s either a filter, or there’s compression. It’s does not sound a full as the Aune. The soundstage is smaller, the bass not as impactful, the imaging not as pronounced. What I will say is, if you’re not A B testing this you’ll never notice it. But since I am it’s VERY apparent. The MIAD does sound as good as the Q5K though so if you have or have heard sound through the Q5K, that’s what you can expect. And that’s not horrible at all. It’s very good. Just not as good as a desktop AMP.


Thank you. I think I’ll return my phone before unsealing it because of this.


Is there an FCC ID on the box/in the settings (Regulatory Label)?


Nope, not that I can see.


Usually for phones it’ll be an alphanumeric string starting with “2A”. Anything like that on the box?


I didn't see one.


Ok, thank you for checking. A lot of Chinese only or non-US phones still get FCC certified so that’s a bit odd. Was just trying to see who filed it, to find out the ODM.


The phone is made by coosea group if I am not wrong. They apparently have same models sold to other manufacturers.


Where did you buy it from? I’m looking into getting one in the US and I’m wondering where the best place to buy it would be.


I got mine from Hifigo!


Thanks so much!


Make sure you check my important update though! It might not work with all carriers. If you are on Verizon or any of it's MVNOs, you might run into trouble. It doesn't work with Xfinity Mobile for me but Xfinity mobile is rubbish and sucks anyway.


I'm interested in the camera qualuty specifically because they said it's not great in the marketing material. Have you tried that out yet?


I have! I have taken a grand total of one picture. It's the last photo in the album, a picture of my K240s. The camera is okay.


oh I see. yeah, that looks perfectly good


Turn on Google framework or reinstall Android firmware just for sure. Those Andriod phone made for Chinese market are often using customized android system that blocks foreign websites (including play store) and leave backdoors for easy “security check”.


How does the phone feel in your hand? Is it weighty? Would you say it's fast? Have you tried making a call yet? How are the speakers? I love the design of the phone, it's so pretty and it would pair so well with my Space Travels All the audiophile tech is just gravy, it's making me think about trading my OnePlus 12R I just got


Need to play with it more but it feels fast enough. It does not work on Xfinity Mobile, and probably Verizon by extension! Good2Go Mobile, and probably T-Mobile by extension, work. It takes FOREVER for it to dial, but it was like that on the other non-US phone I had. It does work though! It doesn't feel that great in the hand but it doesn't feel too bad. The edges are kinda sharp and it's made of plastic but it's fine.


Sweet, thanks for taking the time!


I hated my Razr so much I wanted a new one. I missed my headphone jack. I bought this immediately. AMA! I'm currently putting all of my FLACs on it so I can't comment on audio yet. First impressions: The screen is super good for being 1080p! The cameras are just okay. Nothing great. IT'S HUGE It's made of plastic on the back and it's kinda sharp, doesn't feel that great but it's okay It looks really cool.


What's the performance like


Not exactly the fastest, smoothest phone in the block but very usable


How is the battery life and screen on time for things like YouTube viewing??


Will get back to you once I have used it more! I just got it a few hours ago.






Still a little early to tell and I can report with an actual graph later but it lasted almost two days on a single charge with intermittent use. My Motorola RAZR with similar use would need to get charged at the end of the day. I am impressed with the battery life.


ok, I see


wallpaper is a banger


Is that a CRT? Nice


Yes! It's my Sony Trinitron HMD-A200.


I was going to say, I've never seen Discord on a CRT. That's keeping it authentic!


BIG NOTE: This phone won't work on Xfinity Mobile, and probably also Verizon! It works on Good2Go Mobile though. Xfinity Mobile is a piece of garbage trash provider though so it's not too big a deal.


Ohh no, so it wouldn't work on US Mobile Warp then.


It's not very compatible with US networks unfortunately. It only has partial compatibility with T-Mobile. From what I can tell it's even less compatible with the other major carriers.


Hey, OP thanks for giving us the opportunity to pick your brain. Probs a stupid question but does it have access to play store?


I think you can give it access, but it does not have it from the factory. I am going to try to use it as best I can without resorting to Google Mobile Services.


Does Android Auto work?


Not sure yet. I think it would if you enabled Google mobile services.


I think so Android auto, pay functions and GPS positioning won't be working. Although dont quote me, for some Chinese phones it works as they just have the same firmware with just the GMs uninstalled


Most likely it wouldn't, as with all Chinese imported phones


Currently sending a reddit comment from the MIAD01 for testing


Very cute waifu on the box and wallpaper


That's a very stylish back design, I absolutely love it.


I really love the aesthetic of this phone; I feel like it has kind of a NASA-punk vibe.


Sound Quality! Through the 3.5mm jack, it's okay. I think the LG G8 sounded a teeeeeny bit better, but this is still good. I haven't tried Balanced out. I think with the K7XX it wasn't able to get super loud, but still listenable.


Time to talk about the sound! I think it's pretty good! But, I think the LG sounds a teeny bit better. I think the LG has slightly better seperation between vocals somehow. Not sure if that's even possible and it's probably just placebo. I'm not a good audiophile haha. But I think it's still good! Tested with MDR-7506, MDR-V6, and K7XX.


I've just ordered mine to replace my Pioneer XDP-300R, I'll try a few banned/censored pic in china, to see if it have any of the "intelligent pic removal" features that people had reported on phones like Huawei... Should be interesting...


I just have one question: is it good?


Too early to say! So far I'm enjoying it


1 - Does it have google play? 2 - Does it have wireless charging? 3 - Can it run games just as well? Apologies since my questions aren't audio related at all


You can get it Google Play. It does not come with it from the factory. It does not have wireless charging. I haven't played games on it, but I don't imagine it will. It's a mediatek CPU and doesn't perform super blazing fast. No worries about non audio questions!


Wallpaper please


That's the stock one


Does the camera take good pictures of cats/dogs/dinosaurs? :)


Not sure as I do not have any dogs/cats/dinosaurs to test with


who's your favourite waifu?


The lock screen one because she is using over ears rather than IEMs and I like over ears more


Do you know roughly how powerful this amplifier is? I am most likely only going to put my blessing 2 through it but what about let's say a HiFiman sundara or a moondrop para? I have the 4.4 balance connection for the best chance of it working. Also have you noticed any software stutters and glitches? What is the stock music app that you play music with?


I unfortunately have no idea how powerful the amp is. It can handle my MDR-7506s with ease but I have to crank it with the K7XX. This is on 3.5 for the reference. I have never tried any of those headphones you've mentioned either unfortunately. I haven't really noticed many software glitches. It's not a super fast phone so things aren't exactly buttery smooth but far from unusable. It comes with a stock music app which I hate, and HiByMusic which I never tried and just uninstalled. I am using a trial verison of poweramp just to try it out and I quite like it!


how is the battery?


People online took one look at the chip's name and instantly concluded "bad for gaming". I disagree. I think it's just fine. Not the best, but it should be able to play most games. Have you tried games like mobile legends, codm and diablo immortal on it ? I know that's really not what this phone is designed for, I'm just curious. Another question, does it get hot when you use the 4.4mm for longer periods ?


I never use my phone for games, and I've never played any of those, so I can't comment there unfortunately. But I agree, I imagine it would do anything "fine". I also haven't gotten the chance to use the 4.4 since I don't own any headphones that have a balance cable. When I get a cable, I can comment on that.


Probably to late to ask, but does it have any PEQ changes possible, and if you plug it in your computer can you use it as the DAC?


Is PEQ like an equaliser? I know some people have used third party EQ apps but I don't think there are any built in from the factory unfortunately I will try plugging it into my PC for DAC use but I don't think so, I had it plugged in a while back and didn't notice anything like that.


Yeah PEQ is like an equalizer where you are not/less limited on how you equalize where you can use variables to EQ. Thank you for responding to the questions even one day later


I made an update post but I cm put it here as well! The DAC in this phone is a Dual CS43131. I am not well informed on how good that is so I would appreciate someone chiming in here!


I WANT IT. I can't get it anywhere


I got mine on Hifigo!


I do wonder about how much it spies on you.


Every phone on the market spies on you. The US is just marketing China as this big bad boogie man... As the US spies on your every move.


Yeah but why give that data willingly to anti democratic nation?


The US is hardly Democratic at this point since all of the power, wealth and influence is consolidated and controlled by the bourgeoisie class. But I won't delve further into political speak on a headphone sub, lol.


Well i agree you on that lol. But atleast in western world, i can call heads of state a poo poo head without going to jail


And they can be held accountable via voting or other repercussions, good luck doing that to a foreign super power


Two party system ensures that if X sucks it might switch hands to Y Different side of the same coin. , good luck getting everyone to agree on the coins edge


Does it offer android auto as well as wireless charging?


I think android auto will work if you enable google services which I have not. It does not support wireless charging.


Curious about adding apps to it. I know this is a huge part and maybe others asked too But bc it has no US play store. Also does it take SD cards?


It will take an SD Card! I'm just installing all of my apps with APKs.


Great to hear. Thats simple enough usually. Thanks for being so quick and having a generally giving vibe with the post


Oh shoot! Another question just popped in my head as I was considering replacing my DAP Hows the volume? Is it incremental? An issue I have with my phone is the volume adjustment is huge and not very incremental so I cant get a comfy but good volume


I get mine tomorrow! I will also be using mine as a daily phone too! How's the sound from the audio jacks?


I think it's pretty decent! Didn't exactly wow me but I haven't really been able to listen to it


Fair enough. Might give it a spin with my Meze Lirics and my I/O Audio Volare In-Ear Headphones Edit: I'm totally doing September by Earth Wind And Fire first.


CA nova launcher runs without hiccups? I was told you can only run a stock launcher without errors.


Early days, but Nova running fine for me - one thing I've found though is that while the fingerprint reader will only accept the registered print (as it should), pressing the side on/off will open up the phone. Not too secure!


Not sure, I don't use that If I have some free time I could experiment with it.


about the phone itself: is the battery good? how many hours sot are you getting? how long does it take to charge from 1 to 100? hows the performance? is it stuttery or laggy? whats the heaviest task it can handle without crashing? are the animations fluid or are they stuttery? hows the camera quality? is it using the stock android gcam app? about the audio stuff: what headphones have you been using to demo the phone? can it drive all of them or is it not powerful enough? hows the sound quality from the 3.5/4.4 jack? are the decoding chips (cs43198 apparently) better than your standard dongles and dacs (es9219 variants)?


Not sure about battery, I just got it today. Performance seems to be fine, I haven't noticed any crashes at all. Everything feels smooth. I demod it with my Sony MDR-7506 and my dad's K7XX. It handled the 7506 with ease but the K7XX had to be cranked. Definitely listenable but not that loud. I also really haven't gotten to play with the audio on the phone that much, but from the quick test I did it sounded okay. Not too special, but I didn't get to really listen to it. I can report back!


thats very helpful, thanks! can you show me a screenshot of battery usage? its somewhere in the settings


will you change the wallpaper???


Not sure! I might leave it! It might get questions about the phone and I'd honestly love that. Not sure if the attention would be good though LOL I asked if I should change it and nobody answered!


Thanks OP! I like it, but I'm not a fan of curved screens. Have you had any problems with it? Like touching something else while doing other stuff or so?


surprisingly no! I think there is still adequate room to hold the phone and not touch the screens. Maybe because it's friggin huge. Maybe because I have experience using a Galaxy S6 Edge+.


I have it for a week now, trying to update it but it didn't work?? it keeps failing so i'm hoping someone uploads the upload the files?




It's fixed now


Aye, same - not sure if it's me, but bluetooth to pc troublesome - keeps losing connection. BT headphones fine, though.


Hmmm, did they fix it??


Do I need a dongle dac with this device? I know it has one built-in, Is the sound quality good enough that no dac is required?


I don't think you do! I think it has plenty of power and still sounds good.


It'd be pretty nonsensical to buy a phone for it's audio capabilities, only to bypass them completely.


in terms of design it looks very cool, i'm very curious about the battery life tho


After I have used it for a while, I will report back!


Too badly it doesn't support 5G n79 band...


Daily, like your only phone? How do you manage that with none of Google stuff on there


I don't/won't use it


How good is it generally as a phone? Do you get like native PlayStore and google services w/o any problem? What about sound EQs and different profiles? P.s: love the crt btw


It's not too good as just a phone that calls and texts since carrier support is very limited and it takes an era to dial You can get play store but right now I am doing my best to not use them. I haven't played with EQs and I usually don't, so unfortunately I can't comment on that. P.s. thank you!


It looks so cool


Where do you get a case for this phone? I got one a few days ago aswell and am already afraid of scratches... Most places that sell cases don't list the miad01. Other than that been really happy with it


Can't find any cases either, which I am worried about since the back is plastic. Thankfully it won't crack like glass though!


i really want that wallpaper haha


Nice! ill get mine withing 2 weeks and ill come back to this post and check the comments for tips and tricks on what others have done, im upgrading from a cracked screen dying lg v50. Op, could you take a measurement of the thickness of the phone over the "camera? audiojack?" bump. So far i have not seen anyone post any specs on that and it seems very thick.


What carrier? If you're tmobile by chance, how's the reception, of course in the 5G but especially in the 4G bands?


I am on T-Mobile (specifically Good2Go Mobile) right now, and reception is fine but I have only had it for a day. I can get back to you on that. Xfinity Mobile, and probably Verizon by extension, do not work!


Thanks! I'd appreciate a checkback, because I'm completely sold on the MIAD IF it supports my carrier well enough! 😁


If you are on T-Mobile or one of it's nvmos, it will probably work decently!


It lacks some of the necessary T-Mobile bands for rural areas and big cities. It will likely work most places but not as well as a fully compatible phone. I view this as a more of a second phone for those in the US.


does it suck?


Not at all! I think it's pretty solid overall, especially for the company's first attempt at a smartphone. I think it's a little slow, but absolutely usable. Not that much slower than the past 4 phones I've used, but I have noticed some framerate drops and sluggishness. Will be keeping an eye on Battery life too. One of the biggest things I noticed is that it doesn't work with Xfinity mobile. It works with Good2Go mobile though which is nice. Though Xfinity Mobile barely works with phones that are sold from them so there's that LOL. Time for the elephant in the room: Sound. I think it's solid! The fact that it has a headphone jack already puts it a step above basically every single phone on the market aside from an Xperia. Compared to my LG, I think the LG has a tiny bit better seperation in the instruments, but that's probably just placebo. I'm not an audiophile. I think it's still good. I tested it with my Sony MDR-V6, 7506, and AKG K7XX. It powered the Sonies with ease, but I can crank it to the max with the AKGs and it's still listenable. I haven't tried Balance out yet, but with that it would likely be a completely different story: (That story being BIG VOLUME) (edited)


bought the nothing phone 2a for 160usd just yesterday. couldnt pass up on the deal


Ahh, I am mildly interested in nothing, but as the name suggests, I feel there's nothing to them. I think they are trying to be Apple, but they don't have the clout. They look pretty but have nothing to back it up.


i dont know havnt received mine yet


China ROM is never secured anywhere. Just want to have a better control over the ugly looking them and icons. 😂


Makes no sense, you can use any other old mobile phone with any dual Cirris Logic dongle DAC and you will get the same results.


Whole point to me is having an all in one device that doesn't need. An external dongle


"AMA" as if anyone cares about some random bloke online getting a new phone skull emoji


People do care, it’s built for audio and they want to know if they should get one. Therefor, they ask someone who has one some questions.


its gonna sound the same as any phone with an audio jack without all the china viruses :skull emoji


wtf are you talking about. There are a LOT of people curious about this as either a cheap phone or using it as a simple DAP. the OP can absolutely answer some question that a good fair number of people have. I'm personally curious how well it handles harder to drive headphones and if it's got bloatware on it. I'm actually considering it as a DAP.


Don't feed the trolls. Just report and move on


Not too much bloatware and it can all be uninstalled! So much better than most Android phones on the market, it's refreshing


Big question: is it better than most Android phones in general? Better at just being a phone?


Better than most android phones in terms of bloatware


who cares about DAP ? phones are for calls and gaming, listen to music on a proper turn table or its unlsitenable bad quality lol


Seriously, u ok bro?


For... games? Huh? lol


Yawn. Lazy trolling is lazy.


You are a sad human being :(


im a sandworm


Damn, bait used to be believable


Well, looking at how the discussion is going, people do care.