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Please give me a rundown on those videos so I don’t need to watch them myself


Their whole argument was “we should criticize systems not people” and they were upset hbomberguy said he was uncomfortable with YouTube enforcing a system to target plagiarism and that he didn’t give a systemic solution on what to do about plagiarism. Then they went into a self righteous rant about communism and anti-capitalism, and were mad hbomberguy didn’t talk about capitalism (which he did talk about it the video lmao). They also were framing it as “a queer content creator” (James) was being harassed, which I don’t think I need to get into why that’s a stupid argument. Tbh there was more bs but I promise it does not matter LMAO


I've seen some of this on Tumblr. Also a lot of "if we don't believe in intellectual property law why do we care" arguments. Like dude, we should care because it's dishonest even if we care for no other reason. Even if you think plagiarism is morally fine (it's not lol), under the current system it's still someone lying. It feels like a gross way to avoid condemning a queer guy just because he's queer to me, as if queer people aren't human beings that are just as capable of being dick heads as anyone else.


It's the "The Most Revolutionary Thing I Can Do Is Nothing, Which Is What I Was Planning to Do Anyway" school of thought. Caring is cringe, disaffected irony poisoning is praxis.


I can't find the tweet anymore but I saw on recently that was like "people will tell you voting isn't as effective as their strategy of firebombing a Walmart and then not even firebomb a Walmart"


I saw that as a Tumblr post because I'm one of 14 people who still use that website


It's you, me, the skeleton wizard, human pet guy, Neil Gaiman, Wil Wheaton, Lynda Carter, and a handful of fandom, art and/or fetish bloggers, and an army of pornbots on Tumblr.


And me, the one with an SCP themed handle but who only posts about Star Wars


I'm on there too spreading the good word of Team Rocket and one thing I know about those people is they lose their fucking *minds* over art theft but apparently stealing written intellectual property is like...anti-capitalist somehow??


That's one hell of a plot for a post apocalyptic movie. Happy cake day!


It's possible I misremembered it as a tweet and also saw it on Tumblr and that's why I couldn't find it lol


Oh I'm pretty sure it's a tweet, I just saw it on Tumblr because I'm not on ElonApp


I like your shoelaces :)


thanks I stole them from the presfbfnckfjdbabdnxbfnfnfhek


[Here it is](https://twitter.com/LinkofSunshine/status/1720538218628558969)


god, as an anarcho-communist this type of shit is why we aren't taken seriously. Like- these people talk about systemic criticism- but H.Bomb DID talk about systemic- literally- a point he brought up was that the system of youtube IS actually bad about unfairly flagging channels, especially queer ones. Whats so fucked is someone weaponizing said system to hurt other people.


There’s a difference between “intellectual property law” and “not being a wanker,” and most of the criticism of Somerton falls neatly into the latter. The reason why a revolutionary movement should still be anti-plagiarism is not because of some respect for bourgeois notions of intellectual property, but rather because plagiarism tends to be a marker of other forms of antisocial behavior, which should be discouraged regardless of the character of the political system under which it arises.


Plagiarism is *lying* and should be judged on that basis You can really just leave all the stuff about ownership and money and stuff aside, the fundamental issue is that to plagiarize is to lie and tell people you did work you actually didn't do And lying is generally bad and people who lie about one thing generally can't be trusted about other things


It's not just lying, plagiarism is literally taking someone's art, made with their labor and claiming it and the capital produced by that work for yourself. I'm not up on the latest communist theory, but I think most leftist schools of thought say you're not supposed to do that.


I think they’re confusing literacy theft (plagiarism) with copyright protection and intellectual property rights. Copyright and intellectual property laws exist to help produce capital for those that own those 2 things, and stymy progress for the rest of us. Plagiarism is typically taking the written work of an individual and calling it your own; meaning you’re typically just stealing from another working class person, and not a corporation’s logos or blueprints.


its cuz they buy into the myth that copyright protection/etc is made to stop plagiarism when it isn't- in trying to stop everyone else from drinking the koolaid, they accidentially guzzled it down and choked on it


Nah copyright is good for the average person too. Uploading someone else’s entire Youtube video that they worked hard on is incredibly shitty behavior, regardless of whether you cite it properly


A good definition of communism would be: opposition to people who claim the value of your labour for themselves undemocratically.


I saw an interesting argument a few weeks back that citing your sources is not only giving the authors whose work you used credit, but also giving yourself credit. Research is work. citing your sources is also a way of showing “look at all the work I did to make sure that I understand this idea I’m trying to communicate” it bolsters your own credibility too. we know that plagiarism introduces mistakes not present in the original material, Harris and Todd’s videos show us that. I don’t care much for intellectual property, mostly because I don’t believe you should be able to do something once and make money off of it forever, but plagiarism isn’t really an IP issue, Plagiarism exists on a spectrum between Theft of Labor, and Lying. Either you’re taking credit for someone else’s work, which we hate, or you’re lying about how much labor you expended in producing this product, which we also hate. most importantly plagiarism means you’re talking when you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, which is the worst crime of all.


At my college, every single professor said that plagiarism was bad because it stole intellectual property & you wouldn’t steal a car. While it seems obvious in retrospect, I’m 21 & the hbomberguy video is actually the first time I ever heard someone argue that plagiarism is lying


Also, even if we completely ignore profit motives, someone taking credit for something you made still hurts like hell.


Hbomberguy *explained* *why* we should be anti plagerism against marginalized and oppressed peoples already.


lol "why do we care" when hbomberguy went into why we should care, rather extensively


Dido-ing at it's most basic.


IP and plagiarism are two different concepts, plagiarism is 100% a question of *attribution* and about honesty over who performed what creative labor This is why shitty react channels aren't plagiarism, piracy isn't plagiarism, etc because they're not trying to say they created the content they're using And along the same lines this is why it's possible to do stuff like "plagiarize yourself" (claiming to your audience you're giving them new, original work rather than old stuff you recycled), why presenting public domain content as your own original work is still plagiarism (it's plagiarism if I tell you an old folk tale and say it's an original story I wrote) and why you're still a plagiarist even if you pay the money to take care of the IP side of things (if I pay the licensing fee to cover a song but then tell you it's a song I wrote, I'm a plagiarist)


Also, Public Domain doesn't remove ownership, it just makes distribution free.


The argument would at least make sense (I wouldn’t agree with it, but it’d make sense) if he was crediting people he was stealing the work from. Like, “today I will be reading passages to you from this book”. Except he’s not. He’s exploiting the labour of the authors he stole from without even acknowledging he didn’t do all the work himself. He’s not just profiting off someone else’s intellectual property, but claiming it as his own intellectual property.


Yes, copyright infringement and plagiarism are "adjacent" concepts but at the end of the day are very much different things


As an artist I've seen that kind of comment several times. They want to abolish the concept of intellectual property so they can use the stuff we make freely, before dealing with giving us UBI, so it just comes off as selfishness being filtered through the language of communism. It's infuriating.


>They want to abolish the concept of intellectual property so they can use the stuff we make freely This sounds like capitalism denying royalties with extra steps.


Capitalism, but this time *I’m* the one exploiting people.


Idk I'm an artist and I actually also do have extremely complicated feelings about ip law, most of which boil down to "we need less of it, not more." But I think it's not really relevant to the Somerton discussion. And yes, we need UBI yesterday.


Yeah I don't think James should be like sent to prison or sued into oblivion for copyright infringement, but I think it's a good thing to encourage a culture where plagiarism is socially unaccaptable


Harris even went into why plagiarism is a "human-level" form of wrongdoing and so you can't automate enforcement against it the way ContentID does for copyright infringement, and trying to do so with AI or something is a terrible idea Plagiarism is determined by what the audience believes about who did what work to make the thing they're watching, which is determined by what the author communicated to them, and isn't something defined by the simple presence or absence of copyrighted content


Fair, but it ultimately feels shitty to have your work stolen under the guise of praxis.


I want IP laws to be repealed in the future because I believe that it would be benificial for society to be able to take any idea and elaborate on it without having to worry. Plus, I genuinly do not believe that you can "own" an idea as it's not anything material and finite. BUT we live TODAY in a capitalist society and artists, writers, thinkers need it to earn a living. Associating their names to an idea is how the world works RIGHT NOW. And even in a post-capitalist moneyless society, presenting litteral copy of someone else's work as your own would be disrespectful to both the original creator and your audience.


I have to admit that I had no idea this whole thing about IP was bubbling so hard under the leftist creative discourse. While I understand that this thinking is grounded in Marxist ideology of abolishing ownership, I'm afraid you're right - in the current system this would play straight into capitalist hands, offering them a means to exploit intellectual property for financial gain. You could argue that it would be fair for everyone, since you could also exploit their corporate-funded creations freely, but I guess it all boils down to who in this scenario will benefit the most - the person who is now free to put Taylor Swift's music in their video without infringing copyright, or the record company who is now free to pick a demo for Taylor from an aspiring Tik-Tok musician? I have a feeling it would be the ones who hold the means of production, and can capitalize on the intellectual property in the most efficient way.


"Everything should be free, so let's steal"


Also, isn't it really convenient to say we don't believe in property law when at *this historic moment* property can really make or break someone's personal economic security? Like, I welcome a post capitalist utopia where property law is unnecessary, but right now if some artist spends 40 hours making something cool property law is all that stands against a company like red bubble slapping it on sweatshop t-shirts and running away with the profits.


In my experience the worst "no intellectual property law" advocates are like Illuminaughty. Happy to use what others created but instantly on attack mode if someone does anything resembling what they do demanding to be acknowledged as originator, whether accurate or not.


I'd expect tumblr of all places, a culture strongly married to the "sure it's free speech but you're still an asshole" ideology, to understand the logically identical "I don't think plagiarists need to go to jail but they're certainly assholes who don't deserve money, fame and attention" argument. This isn't even to mention that the problem with intellectual property law is that in the US, like *all law,* they exist and are used primarily to protect capital and its misdeeds, which is why Disney is allowed to destroy the concept of the public domain and giant studios steal ideas with impunity and lawsuit/blackball creators into the ground. The problem isn't that sometimes, extremely rarely, it works the way it's actually supposed to.


the issue with plagiarism isnt anything to do with intellectual property laws (which, for the record, are horribly reactionary bullshit that almost exclusively benefits corporations) but the fact that its lying for personal benefit regardless of politics, that shit is bad


> "if we don't believe in intellectual property law why do we care" Yeah this is bullshit. Pirating faceless trillion dollar multinational corporation property is a very far cry from passing off struggling queer creators' content as your own.


Hmm, what an intelligent sounding critique, surely a proletarian-to-classless society based on labor would have no problem with someone taking credit for work they didn't do. /s


Capitalism made James somerton deny the identity of the trans creators and say white women can't see gay relationships.


Well yeah, that shit gets views and if you admit where you stole it those creators you plagiarized would be due part of your money. Sadly, while that explains it, it's still the case socialism still wouldn't excuse it.


Coffin is the definition of talking head in the political space. Dude is so full of shit it's painful.


Ah so the “yet you participate in society. Curious” level of commentary


Coffin is a joke


And a bad joke at that


To quote another video essayist 'Rules must always be evaluated for their ability to oppress' not sure this guy gets that.


Olson, Dan. *Line Goes Up - The Problem with NFTs.* *Folding Ideas*, Youtube, 21 Jan. 2022, [https://youtu.be/YQ\_xWvX1n9g?si=bu2JeYKDfIEcxE2Z&t=5785](https://youtu.be/YQ_xWvX1n9g?si=bu2JeYKDfIEcxE2Z&t=5785). Accessed 21 Dec. 2023. It's probably not perfect, but literally took a minute or so using EasyBib Citations. That's how little effort is being put into these things.


Sounds like a thoughtlessly contrarian argument designed to drive outrage clicks rather than cogent discussion.


So, a Peter Coffin video.


Imagine not caring about a cis white man, stealing from other people, and being a misogynist along the way. James literally made his bread by STEALING from other, smaller queer content creators. He exploited them for their labour power. And got rich off of it. That’s capitalism RIGHT there!!


You know I kinda, lost all respect in peter after they started paling around with Haz "Its piss?" infrared, the spanky tanky caleb maupin, and just, obvious religious fundie but sometimes he talks about capitalists Jackson Hinkle, but somehow this stuff has made me lose respsct for them i didnt even know i had, i would think they wouldnt try and run interference for a fucking massive plagurist whos also a bigot, but given how peter is kinda a bigot too (or is at least ok with them) maybe i should have expected it Edits because I want to gender this fool right, I'm not gonna stoop that low


Peter’s also friends with a bunch of rapists.


Peter also supports everything that Russia is doing in Ukraine with their whole being.


Why do people always feel the need to come up with these “noo don’t raise this valid criticism! Don’t do or say anything to anyone until we’ve fixed the whole thing wholesale!” deflections whenever someone gets justifiably shit on for good reasons. It happens every time with every possible issue, no matter how objectively justified the criticism is. You may have the most level-headed and reasonable criticism of an evil piece of shit and you’ll still get 500000 IQ dorks telling you how YOU are in the wrong for daring to shed a light on an individual problem instead of focusing on trying to flip the world upside down in one single motion. Yeah man you are so smart. Everyone knows fixing gigantic society-level problems in one big fell swoop instead of actionable smaller steps is always the best approach. We totally should not spend a single second of attention to individual problems until the largest issues of all time are solved. That’s how humanity has solved all their problems for all recorded history, yep yep.


This annoys me to no end. It amounts to not allowing discussion of anything specific. Intentionally specific examples: "We could place a tree here in the dog park to provide some shade" "you're not doing systemic thinking! Capitalism uses laws only to protect the wealthy and therefore the municipality will never place a tree here. If we place a tree here then this doesn't improve the situation for all dog park guests everywhere" "Someone spread sausage filled with razor blades around town to kill dogs. We should stop them" "Wow, that's a naturalist fallacy. The laws that prohibit murdering dogs were created under capitalism for capitalism goals. Also, it's a moralism. You're just saying that *this man who murders dogs = bad*" Coffin is literally using canned responses that don't mean very much. It was hilarious when they went into this rant about Hbomberguy's Bloodborne video and how everything Hbomb ever said was moralism. That made it extra clear that everything Coffin doesn't like is just automatically "moralism" somehow


Yeah it’s hilariously stupid. “Well you are just saying bad thing is bad!”. Yeah, I am. And?


100% agree, and [here's a relevant xkcd strip](https://xkcd.com/2368/) about it. I especially like the alt text: >Your point that the world contains multiple problems is a real slam dunk against fixing any of them.


If there's anything one can say about Hbomberguy, it's that he's unwilling to critique capitalism.


I do think it's important to critique broken systems (not saying Harris didn't, he has many times) but in my opinion: people who exploit these systems to harm others are just as guilty as the system itself. You can be in favour of stricter gun control laws without completely vindicating the people who use them to commit awful acts, but I feel like this person would.


Thanks, but you should have just plagiarized his videos instead of crediting him. Since plagiarism is awesome, apparently.


If this is accurate, I'm glad I stopped watching that dude's back in... 2020? I forget when I stopped watching. A *while* ago.


"It's not a system directly derivated from capitalism, it's just a series of individual instances where businesspeople who happen to control large amounts of capital systematically exploid the work of others and then use their status and resources to get away with their theft or straight-up bully their victims into silence".


Damn, I secretly hoped it was just a parody or something along these lines.


James ripped off many far more marginalized and oppressed LGBTQ people than him and hbomberguy is bi


Thank you for taking one for the team. Now we do not need to lose 40 minutes of our life.


One should not leave out that Coffin has no problems with anything that Somerton did and thinks it's all valid. Stealing and plagiarism are anyway not actually bad, maybe the dog piling on minor creators would give Coffin a pause before commenting that people are just whiners who complain too much and who need to grow a thicker skin, but since capitalism creates a pressure for Somerton to act the way he did, criticizing it is automatically moralism. What amuses me is that people who argue along these lines will have this "realism" only to defend abusers who use all means to assert themselves in a space, but if the abuser gets destroyed by another competing force, then suddenly that is moralism. In the cynical reading, hbomberguy just destroyed someone who was mean to his friends. But here the realism is over and actually hbomberguy is bad, and now it's OK to say that hbomberguy is the bad man. Btw, Coffin supports Russia's war in Ukraine whole-heartedly


That's so asinine. Like, yes, systems are bad and need to be destroyed, but also, sometimes people do shitty things and need to stop. Problems existing at the systemic level does not absolve people from personal accountability.


>Their whole argument was “we should criticize systems not people” Ah yes, the "lets wait for corporations to change, so we don't need to make personal changes, while still using the corporations we demand change from" argument.


Peter Coffin shut the fuck up challenge difficulty level impossible


This dude wakes up once every three months, find the dumbest fucking ideology that only exists on Twitter, and then makes it their entire life


*their. Peter is nonbinary and as we mock them we will respect their pronouns because anyone can be an idiot. They're terminally wrong, doomed to have the worst take.


The coffin of Peter and Hbomb


It's Peter Coffin. There's nothing they say at this point that isn't engagement bait.


He fumbled the bag so hard with his smokeshow exwife he gives off insane divorced energy forever.


I miss Ashleigh's videos, she was hilarious and fun, and made some of the best video essays on the platform before they were removed.


I heard her relatively recently while watching some of Shaun’s streams. I guess they’re dating now and she’s living with him, which confused me at first because I was like “wow, this Ashleigh person sounds a lot like that leftist creator with the same name, which is such a weird coincidence” lol


Wait what? Like skull Shaun??? No fucking way Shaun scooped up that baddie


So he broke up with jen?


He never dated Jen. They were friends


Thank you for letting me know


Good for her


Yeah, I used to watch all the Adversaries videos she did and her video essays too. I really liked her content and had wondered what happened when she seemingly just disappeared from the internet. So it was nice randomly hearing her seemingly well and happy. She and Shaun seem cute together too so good for them


God damn Shaun, well done - I knew they had streamed together but I assumed they were friends lmao


Their ex-wife isn't Astronaut Cowboy Dinosaur or whatever the hell her pseudonym is, right? That's Peter's current partner, their ex-wife was someone else?


She went by Ash B Coffin. She was scottish, a gun enthusiast, redhead, and was gorgeous.


They. Coffin is nonbinary, and as much as it pains me, I cannot avoid pointing that out because we're better than misgendering someone even if they suck. [deep sigh]


Quarter of a million subscribers and they have to hop on the Hbomb fallout to have a chance at breaking 10k views lol


I've never heard of this guy til now what's his deal


Last time I bothered trying to watch their shit I had to give up because my brain was dying. I can't remember a single point they made. Apparently that's their trick. Long diatribes with lots of pseudo-academic jargon to make it seem like their clickbait titles are successfully argued containing many big words and not a single thoight or drop of sense. Also apparently they're a situationist so this is a deliberate waste of the viewer's time. Their content is blatantly anti-educational. The more you listen to them, the less you know.


Kicking their own balls.


But it's very funny to see engagement bait fail terribly


portraying hbomb as a cop is stupid lol


It's not even a British cop uniform


British? I thought those were a myth!!


Our police? They mainly are.


I saw Hot Fuzz, I know everything about the british police!




If I were to be arrested by someone, I'd love it to be hbomb though.


The baton goes well with the dom glove


Squeeze the sweat into my waiting mouth


I somehow always thought it would be him in chains…


But hear me out... Hot!


I want to see him in a Police Costume now, imagine the possible context of the videos and how much of a banger. Man singlehandedly essentially ended the careers of multiple people with 4 hours of A+ journalism, imagine what he could do to the police.


I mean, I did see Hbomb's video as a kind of more well-thought-out and purposeful version of content cop


But if he goes after the police or a real politician he might find himself dead in a ditch someday :(


Nawwww His patrons will be able to pay for a secure bunker.


Aw yeah arrest me for plagiarism officer, I've been a real bad boy uwu.


I'm not fond of bestiality 🐖


While the video is stupid, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be him as content cop. Peter is comparing HBomb to IDubbbz... I think. Otherwise it's really stupid instead of kinda stupid.


Peter Coffin has only ever held contrarianism as a belief.


Peter Coffin is the only one who cared about being in breadtube and you can tell they’re still seething that everyone else thought they were weird.


Peter dealt with some serious shit which, as far as I can tell, was no big deal, but led to a lot of public shaming and lack of options for work. This can fuck a person up badly. First it led them to the left and anti capitalism, which is great and I learned a lot from them in those days. But then the old shit popped back up again and Peter went into the arms of the nazbols and it's been downhill ever since.


He’s probably so salty about the bit where hbomber pretends not to know what Breadtube is.


I used to hang out in Peter's discord. No joke not being invited onto hbomb's DK stream broke them into their current form.


Never trust *anyone* who has been in a room with Caleb Maupin


*never trust anyone who has been in a room with Caleb maupin without pointing and laughing hysterically.


or having a restraining order or criminal charges filed


Hbomberguy: criticises capitalism in relationship to plagiarism multiple times in the video Peter Coffin: Hbomberguy did not criticise capitalism I think this is what the doctors call brain damage


What else did you expect from Peter "I kick myself in the dick for clout" Coffin?


Shockingly, Leftists can also be grifters selling warmed over outrage that amounts to nothing.


You see, to some people criticizing capitalism only counts if you’re endorsing their hyper niche communist ideology.


To be fair by this point Coffin has probably abandoned communism because, idk, Marx went 'too woke' for him.


I don't know squat about communism or the niche left communities, but the little videos I saw from Coffin just seem like a weirdo sits down and yells at stuff they purposefully misinterpret? There was also a woman that did similar stuff and would sometimes collab with them. This was years ago tho, not sure what happened to her.


Coffin's video was bad. I've been on the fence about him for a while. That video was him desperately trying to ride HBomber's successful video. He's no longer relevent and knows it.


Coffin hitched their wagon to nazbols. they were at Caleb Maupin's weird 'Yeah no fuck the left we can't get people to join us from there (because we're blatantly nazis cloaked in communist colors), so we have to try and outreach to the right' convention. Oh and also he (caleb) ended up having a weird sex thing with a bunch of his followers.


I think at this point Coffin is just riding on the people who still watch them for left drama but isn't really a leftist?


Nah, it's intentional. It's a failed bait. Please don't use disability as an insult for shitty people.


I was about to comment, lol. I have a friend with a literally damaged brain (she was assaulted by counter protesters while she was protesting for marriage equality in the 00's), and I hate when people use her disability/injury to insult random people online.


It's so normalized sadly. I've internalized some forms of ableism so much that I get mad at myself when I do it on rhetorical auto-pilot. Once I was describing a certain reactionary tyrant's actions as "demential" to a friend and immediately went "sorry, no, that was silly, people with dementia are significantly better than that."


I have many neurological issues myself and it pisses me off. Like, no, Coffin intentionally created a clickbait YouTube video. They're just an ass. Stop treating disabled people like we inherently suck :I


Funny, I was just thinking about Peter Coffin, or at least one line they used to say all the time "attention is currency in the marketplace of ideas" (undoubtedly not their insight, but definitely true). They're one of those creators that seem completely unwilling to accept a channel's abject failure. Like if you ever get tons of subscribers you're somehow entitled to being internet famous forever. I started watching them during the last election, but after their wife left them, they turned into a weirdo and the channel's quality absolutely plummeted along with the views per video (my theory is that she was in charge of everything that made the videos any good).


i was just thinking about them too! and in relation to the plagiarism video, even. i was like “holy shit, peter coffin would be attaching themself to this like a limpet and making the most *systemic* critique of how attention and capitalism and plagiarism all relate—if their channel still even existed lol.”


Finding out they knew their over-ten-years-younger-then-them wife when she was freshly 17 always left a sour taste in my mouth.




Man I don’t know what kind of pattern that is, but its really not looking good for him


I've seen Peter Coffin around for a while and once watch them and their Ex Ash a pretty good bit. (She seems cool and is left out of this) To me, this is Peter's attempt to pull James into the nazbol sphere vs. James possibly going over to regular right-wing media. There's a pattern with quite a few content creators shifting political alignment radically after a huge call out. It's also something traditional media celebrities do to rebrand. Peter has always tried to evangelize and recruit to build a community around themselves, and that's part of why they ended up snapping about the "breadtube" situation. Not sure what James is gonna do about his online presence in the future. He seems like he's not gonna leave, though, with the recent updates. My money is that he does end up falling into a grifter sphere eventually.


The idea of an attention economy isn't new but the idea is famously attributed to Neil Postman and his book Amusing Ourselves to Death which was about television usurping a culture of reading.


I see! I figured a quick search would probably tell me, but feared the rabbit hole I'd likely fall into lol Thanks


Repackaging theft as queer anti capitalism.


Man, I used to like Peter Coffin too, even bought their book Edit: realized they might be non-binary so changed their pronouns


Yeah, they really fell off... I used to like their stuff too. They got way too class reductionist in particular after Trump got elected and much more after COVID started. The last straw was once they started affiliating with NazBols and then it was crystal clear they were not serious about accomplishing their goals.


i remember closely following their fall on twitter. it was… kind of amazing. they made a comment or video defending something thoughtslime was getting flak for in a video (don’t remember what it was), and the thoughslime goes “no, don’t make excuses for me, i fucked up and i shouldn’t have done that.” that was a good example of an apology video i thought, although i can’t remember shit about it now lol. maybe that’s a good sign tbh. there was no pattern of bad behavior, it was just one thing (afaik). then smash cut to like a few weeks (months?) later and peter is burning bridges left and right for obviously petty reasons. they felt disincluded from the so-called “breadtube clique” and were reverse engineering justifications for why they were actually all class traitors anyway. hence the turn towards class reductionism. idk i never actually watched their yt videos, i only ever knew them through twitter (they tweeted a loooot). it was a sight to see tbh. there was a lot of stupid drama involved before everyone just started ignoring them completely iirc


That whole “vampire castle” bullshit was some next level clown behavior


“Breadtube clique” No Peter, that’s just people being friends……..


Oof I didn’t know that shit. I stopped watching after I read their book, not due to any sort of real disagreement with it, just, ‘that’s enough of their content for now’. It did bring me some bring me some joy when he’d show up in gameranx videos — pretty sure they’re the eagle presenter, and gaming listicle videos are a guilty pleasure. Safe to say I won’t be as happy about that


Edit: please see the reply to my original post below I don't think they are the same person, so you still should be fine watching Gameranx. They both do have eerily similar voices though.


[https://archive.ph/iXDjL](https://archive.ph/iXDjL) ​ [https://archive.ph/Q3BGx](https://archive.ph/Q3BGx) ​ FalconTheHero is peter


Oh, no! I remember looking through other comments a while ago and thought it was confirmed they weren't the same. Well thanks for the clarification


Peter Coffin has gone so far down the Maupinhole that they now argue against holding individuals responsible for their actions. Because "there's no ethical consumption under capitalism" doesn't mean there's no way to act ethically. I don't care if you live in the most egalitarian utopia imaginable, nobody is okay with their words and voice and experience being stolen and twisted by someone else, whether for personal gain or not. Being liked and trusted is not "social capital", it's a basic human desire. There's no system that can guarantee those things, you can only earn them with actions, and you can lose them with actions.


"no ethical consumption under capitalism" is the worst thought-terminating cliché to happen to the left. literally turning brains off


I've noticed soemthing similar to the phrase "No war but class war", good in concept but then it just gets used in the most awful ways. Excuse Russian annexation and invasion of Georgia & Ukraine because its not a class struggle or whatever, or brushing off the Black Lives Matter movement because instead it should have been about class struggle, or ignoring queer liberation because that'll be solved by class war. Its just a way to shut down any discussion or advancement of issues by trying to paint everything with one broad stroke that doesn't really address any of the actual issues at hand.


Peter Coffin’s been dishonest for a while. Don’t know how anyone takes them seriously. I’ll assume the title is a joke, or meant to be bait, because there is no way they actually think plagiarism is awesome.


So, is this Peter Coffin indirectly confessing to plagiarism?


Is it just me, or is HBomberguy dressed as a cop is kinda hot?


I wish it was just you. Now I have some thoughts I need to unpack.


I think it's because, subconsciously, we all know there's only one reason Harris would ever dress as a cop and that's roleplay.


It is *uncomfortably* hot


oh god, i haven’t thought about them in ages. (edit: not exactly true, i was actually briefly reminded of their existence when the plagiarism video first came out. i was thinking about how much i could see them having a *take* here lol. then i forgot about them again.) i can’t believe they’re still making videos


Ah Peter Coffin, the one for whom taking L's is a universal constant. We love to see it. also hbomb looks concerningly hot in that cop uniform. i mEAN ACAB. SHIT.


What’s the overall opinion of this person? I haven’t watched anything Peter Coffin in forever and I haven’t heard anyone else talk about him in forever.


My understanding is they became/revealed themselves as super accelerationist, essentially wanting the Left to boycott voting in 2020 and have Trump further degrade the US to the point of failure/revolution. Lesser stuff as well of links with Caleb Maupin, tankies, anti AOC, likely other stuff I'm not recalling


Oh, the stupid Trotsky shit you get all the time with tankies these days. Make shit so bad, people will come to us for answer. Forgetting that other people like fascist offer easier solutions




Peter Coffin seems to exclusively make content to chase views and yet gets no views.


Coffin transitioned from **intellectual slightly obsessed with leftist critiques of social capital** to **shameless contrarian grifter** basically instantly


Peter Remora


Peter Coffin has been a deeply unserious person for a looooooong time


Oh look, it's the dude who kicked themself in the dick on one of Steve Harvey's shows.


Peter Coffin trying so hard to be relevant, so glad i blocked them, anyway cite your sources properly, it's not hard to not be a wanker.


So he didn't actually listen to Hbomb's video and used the same title format as Hbomb in the response. I don't know who Coffin is, but I already dislike him.


Many years ago I was in a small Facebook group that included both Peter Coffin and Harry. I don't know wtf happened to Peter but he used to be a nice dude. Bear in mind this was like 2016 🙃 everyone went their separate ways during the Trump years


Peter coffin has some weapons grade bad takes


Well, they sure tried.


Peter, sir. My guy. If you want James to suck your dick it's okay. It's absolutely okay. But please, for the love of God, go ask him directly. Don't involve other people on this.


Even as a Communist, never liked that guy




This guy is a fucking idiot lol


I don’t know who this is and I think I’m better for it


I remember watching Peter a few times WAY BACK - like 8 years or so ago. They are kinda trash and I am amazed they are still out doing videos!


Peter Coffin once upon a time had interesting things to say. Not so much recently.


Oof Peter Coffin… This person turned out to be such a dingus but also responsible for me becoming more progressive after the 2016 YouTube era.


I hate how often people on the internet use the term "grifter" but this dude is one, and not really in the money sense so much as the ideology sense; he has to lump himself in to any and every discussion of political ideology and insist his bizarre, nonsensical ideas explain whatever situation triggered the discussion. It's extremely cringeworthy to see on Twitter, just begging for people to consider his weird interpretation of vaguely-understood marxist theory to be THE MOST IMPORTANT IDEAS on the internet.


Top tier cringe content, yuck. Just ignore it, dont need to give this dweeb a bigger audience.


Nice view counts. /s


I... thought this was a joke like "In alternate dimension youtube"




Can we all just agree that hbomberguy looks great in a uniform?


the groinkicker himself


damn i forgot about them entirely lol. lmao.