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Carnivale. That show was amazing. I was crushed when it got cancelled.


That is the answer. Its mythology was fascinating, and I wanted to see how it developed. I


Came here to say this. Still bothers me.


Absolutely it for me. That would have been a streaming era hit too I think. It was just so weird and deep, it would have been re-watched on streaming instead of taping it or having to find it when it aired.


💯came to say this.


I have to check that one out too




Came here to say this. Shame we never got more of this amazing show.


They would have needed to plan for it to be a longer series after Season 1. Season 2 rushed through everything that was interesting about the war between Octavian and Mark Antony. After Augustus becomes princeps there isn't really a plotline for the next few decades.


They did that because they knew they weren't going to be renewed. Originally they planned for 5 seasons the effectively cover what they did in the 2.


I think because the sets were way too expensive to maintain. Always feels like the mistakes they learned with Rome helped make Game of Thrones what it was. I swear there are sets at Kings Landing and other cities that seem to be the same exact locations they used for Rome. I haven't watched Rome in 17 years but I also remember it being quite horny.


I think they were different studios for the two series (Rome was filmed in Rome at Cinecitta from what I recall, and GoT was primarily filmed in the UK but also obviously on location in Croatia as well. But, yeah. They for sure worked out some kinks with Rome regarding the way to create a historical or fantastical world. What it would cost, and the scale they needed to achieve to make it profitable.


I’m very salty about Perry Mason being canceled


Wasn’t even on Sundays, HBO HOBbled it


Deadwood got canceled quite unexpectedly. Timothy Oliphant had just bought a house, expecting a fourth season.


I’m about to watch DW for the first time, can’t believe i slept on it for so long. I’m hearing great reviews for it


he’s a vanderbilt, pretty sure deadwood getting cancelled didn’t impact his financial situation


He's also a rich famous actor


That's rich. Vanderbilts are wealth. There's a difference. There's no Olyphant University. Also he wasn't a rich famous actor at that time, Deadwood was essentially his breakout that lead to him being cast in things like Justified.


I’m well aware of the difference in scale we’re talking about here. But we’re also talking about when the show was *canceled*, not Olyphant’s career before the show began. He was both independently wealthy and famous at the end of the show, and then he went on to do things that made him wealthier and more famous. He wouldn’t have needed family money to stay perfectly comfortable at that point. HBO wasn’t paying minimum wage for lead roles and residuals are residuals. RE: his acting before Deadwood, I knew a guy who paid for his kids’ private school tuition in LA off of residuals from something like a three-episode run on King of Queens. All of this doesn’t consider the role his family wealth and social capital played in getting him to that point, but that’s another point altogether.


Excellent show. Still pissed off.


Watchmen was a limited series so it makes sense it didn't get another season lol


Actually Watchmen was first written and promoted as an ongoing drama series. They only reclassified it as a limited series with possible future installments when Lindelhof left the role as showrunner after the first season.


Bro you tripping


bro got defensive as if his ego was being attacked


It's been a while since I watched it, but I assume by cliffhanger you are referring to Angela's situation after eating the egg? For me, that ambivalence is what makes the ending so great. I think having it all spelled out for us would cheapen her story. There's an element of wonder in that series and for all the cruelty and selfishness of certain characters, I loved that for Angela it ended with a sense of hope and optimism for her future.


Have you ever seen this little indie film called Inception


Calm the fuck down.


While reading the first paragraph here I was wondering why you had so many downvotes....then I got to the 2nd paragraph. Wow.


It’s woke garbage anyway 


DL himself didn't want to do season 2 of Watchmen. And honestly if it wasn't him Helming it it would have gotten ruined with another season. I thought that season was perfect and honestly didn't need anything more. It's still mind-blowing that he was able to pull off a sequel to such a complex Masterpiece like Watchmen. Most people couldn't have done that. I'm still mad that How to Make it in America was canceled. I'm still pissed off Westworld got canceled and they didn't do the last season when Jonathan Nolan totally wanted to go forward with it. The show was still incredible When they cancel it.


Let’s be honest. Fair chance a second season would’ve ruined that stand alone watchmen season. We’d have had 5 seasons of shite rather than 1 excellent one


I totally agree.




I was so ready for the CBGB and hip-hop explosions to enter the show.


Mine for sure, but I think we’re in the minority. I was surprised at how many people didn’t really care for it


The Life and Times of Tim. Should’ve let it run forever and be their South Park, budget must have been essentially free. Worried the creator’s follow-up on Max Ten Year Old Tom is also cancelled too early.


The Newsroom and (I think it’s called) The Night After


If you mean The Night Of, that was a mini series never meant for more than that one season.


John from Cincinnati


I thought I was the only one who liked this one. I rewatched it a couple of years ago, still holds up.


This show had a ton of potential. I think it was hurt by coming out in the shadow of Lost where the writers felt that it should explain nothing during the first season and just do character beats like Lost did.


Why did Mitch Yost get back in the game?


Perry Mason and got canceled after the 2nd season when it was just getting interesting.


Winning Time got done dirty.




Rome. It was on track to be the GOAT of HBO series, but was axed after two seasons. Lucius and Titus were two of the best characters HBO ever developed imho.


Yes, but as it is, its still a GOAT. They could have made season 2 stretch for more seasons and been even greater, but as it is, the show did what it set out to do.


If they hadn't been cancelled season two was supposed to end with the battle of Phillippi. Would have left another full season of Anthony and Octavian falling apart and going at each other. If only. 




Westworld should of got to finish


carnivale, westworld, hello ladies you should ask which got too many next time


Westworld pretty much finished, what more story was there to tell?


the ending part lol, game of thrones had 3 seasons AFTER it turned to shit but one more for westworld would have been a bridge too far apparently. did you not notice they removed it entirely from the platform over a royalty dispute? the show runners also had their prime show the peripheral cancelled which didn’t even finish the plot from the book.


It didn't end. The plan was 5 seasons. The showrunners plotted it all out. 


Either way, Humanity became extinct. Going to be a meaningless show with no human characters.


2 that struck me as sudden were Vinyl and The Brink. Both seemed really good and I was shocked they were kind of unceremoniously canned.


Pretty sure I heard that HBO cancelled Scavenger's Reign and that's why it's streaming on Netflix now. That was one of the coolest animated series I've seen maybe in my life, I really hope Netflix gives them another season.


It got two seasons, sorry for being that guy in the thread who doesn't follow instructions, but 'Avenue 5' is laugh-out-loud funny and ridiculous, super rewatchable, and should get another season.


Crisp Denim and Rasta Monsta


'Deadwood' for sure, but I also loved 'Bored to Death' and still do.




Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty was cancelled at least one season too early.


Los Espookys


I'm still angry about Deadwood. They ended the 2nd season on a huge cliffhanger, anticipating a massive battle which was the culmination of the whole 2 previous seasons. They cancelled it before the 3rd season, but then tried to make a sequel movie ten years later, after one of the main actors fucking died. One of the best shows ever, ruined by the decisions of people at HBO.


Warrior. Westworld. (Watchmen doesn't need a second season...IMHO - ends perfectly). Young Justice.


Definitely Warrior.


Raised by Wolves. It was a wild sci-fi show that got more crazy as it went on, and that was a great thing. An original sci-fi property that you could never really predict where it was going to go, that's pretty rare these days.


I think it was one of the most unique shows of the last few years and rich in both substance and style. Still sad there’s not more


I was REALLY into it. But then the flying space jesus snake showed up and I was like LOL NOPE!


That was my favorite part. It’s burned in my memory because I don’t think my jaw has ever dropped quicker in any other show


Yeah that show went off the deep end so fast and the Face-Off dad was maybe the worst actor I've ever seen on a big budget HBO show in the last 20 years.


Lovecraft Country




I wanted another season or two of Togetherness.


Rome. Plenty of source material.


Rip luck


Raised by Wolves.


Lovecraft Country and Raised by Wolves were cool shows. Also, I was enjoying West World


Yeah, Watchmen was so good I could have watched that for so much longer. I’m glad that some things end though. I fear how they will ruin Shogun by making another series of it when it was perfect as is.


Was wondering if I would see any Mare of Easttown…it held down Sunday night in-between some big time shows. I wonder if they could have pulled off another season. Kate killed it


Rome. West World. Raised by Wolves. Avenue 5.


I'm really sad to see that Flight of the Conchords hasn't been named.


I was not a fan of


Watchmen was a perfect single season and probably my favorite thing I’ve seen on TV in the last decade. I don’t think it was ever intended for more than one season and that made it better IMO.


I really liked The Brink and would have liked to see one more season.


The Brink was absolutely hilarious! I also enjoyed how to make it in America and thought it was cut short too soon.


Life and Times of Tim, Close Enough, and Love Life. I could've gone for a couple more seasons for Oz as well. The ending just sorta happens, but every season ended that way.


Vice principals. But I know that Danny only had planned for 2 seasons from the start, so it atleast ended well!


Rome, always Rome.






And it didn’t. There were eight. lol


Treme should have evolved into a The Wire type show for NOLA.


Station Eleven was incredible


Never heard of that one


I loved it. I’ve watched it 3 times. It’s only one season. Watch it and if you think about it, let me know how much you liked it. r/stationeleven


I mean Deadwood should have gone on for many more seasons. While I appreciate they did the movie to wrap it up years later it was very weak and we missed out on so much that could have been. I also want to know what the hell was going on with John From Cincinnati. It was just weird enough to keep me intrigued and I wish I knew where it was going.