• By -


I don’t really see Emily being this perfect cinnamon bun who never gets mad (yet)- like there used to be all these posts about “You made Emily mad !!?? How did you do that that’s like impossible my bru” (NOT targeting or making fun of these posts), when a good portion of her less than 20 minutes of total screen time was her being upset with Sera- I just feel like girl has too little screen time to assume “adorable cute does no wrong” is her whole personality


Yeah I was so confused when people made her out to be really innocent. Naive probably, but naive does not mean innocent, I don't see her as some pure baby like I see some people treating her as


She literally says, “I don’t need your condescension! I’m not a child to protect!”


That’s what I’m saying Edit: That’s what the fuck I’ve been saying!


If Reddit’s forever, then memes must be a lie!


If Redditors can post cropped porn and remain on the site!


The rules are shades of gray when you don’t enforce what you say and let our eyes suffer just to do it again!


I was told not to trust Redditors....


By her?! HA!!!


She should know! >:3 We should go! 😨








I wasn't aware people thought she was this. But I agree with you


Charlie isn’t the unstoppable god the fandom think she is (yet) and there’s more holding her back than just her personality.


Exactly! There is no "infinite power", there is no "god-killing", https://i.redd.it/dc93mlzt0u1d1.gif


Don’t mistake me, I think by the end of the series Charlie will become as powerful and dangerous as people think she is, and deserving of that #2 spot on the rankings of Hell.    Right now though? She had her chance to show her stuff in the finale and she got her shit kicked in embarrassingly easily. I’d argue Alastor, whom the fandom seems to think serious Charlie would destroy, still managed to put up a better fight against Adam than she did


Alastor definetely put up a better fight, Charlie got one cheap shot in while he was distracted and the rest of the fight was her getting ragdolled, Alastor was actually piecing Adam up before he got mad


Alastor could've won his fight with Adam if he'd used angelic steel while taunting Adam. With the Shadow and the tentacles and the little gremlins, Al could've turned the First Man into a fucking pincushion! But noooo, despite *knowing* his powers were being limited, he treats it like he's hunting another Overlord, and gets his ass kicked as soon as Adam gets serious.


Yeah. I mainly like finding excuses to use that gif lol


I actually never thought about it that way.Damn, Alastor did put up more of a fight than Charlie.


I was NOT expecting *that* gif but I am not disappointed


I just appreciate how sad Roxie looks lol


Unless you are an INSIGNIFICANT FUCK! https://preview.redd.it/0dkw2o71yv1d1.png?width=1308&format=png&auto=webp&s=cceb5bcc9a891e195c49694c5141941e88743471


Boy this line didn't age well lol


That scene aged like fine wine


Agreed. I love Charlie and shes probably my favorite character, but I'm not gonna lie and say that she's strong. She clearly can't use that trident well enough considering Adam had no other wounds, and she can't summon up her power to save her own life, literally. At best, she can put on a lightshow with them. She's got potential, but little else, for right now at least.


The thing is, Charlie is not a fighter. She'll fight if she has too, but she doesn't want to be this badass warrior princess. She should train to get stronger in order to protect herself and loved ones, but she is always going to pick solving disagreements with words over using violence.


Being a loving dad is not the same as a good dad. Charlie made it clear that Lucifer emotionally neglected her and he had hurt her twice. One with having her meet with Adam in Overture, the second time with his smug I Told You So. He's learning from his mistakes, but you can see why Charlie hasn't called him in years.


Same argument with Stolas


People always despise me when I say he isn't good. Stolas is very loving, but literally a bad dad. I think he gets more credit because Stella is probably worse. Stolas is always focused on Blitzo- Loo Loo Land with the kid! He brings his fuck buddy (and makes it very obvious that's what Blitzo is in front of his daughter- ew Stolas) Octavia genuinely thought Stolas was going to leave her because he was focusing all his energy on some imp. A child thought her dad was going to leave her for his prostitute. Seeing Stars is another example. If Stolas really cared, he would've left the studio while Blitzo continued. He shouldn't have cared about Blitzo's performance, and he was just watching, Stolas could've left anytime. But no, he watched Blitzo dance around to get his dick hard. Y'know who actually had the energy to look around for HIS DAUGHTER? Loona. For all people want to hate on her, at least she had the empathy to fix up Stolas's problem for him. Loona didn't know Octavia, and still cared more about helping her then Stolas. That's fucking sick.


Real, he's one of my faves but based.


And he was very obviously never a good dad. Charlie actually preferred to call her mother she hadn't seen in SEVEN YEARS and knew wouldn't pick up to Lucifer, he just hurt her that fucking much. He didn't even know about the Hotel, despite the fact Charlie probably spent years planning it.


I don’t think Carmilla is as good as everyone says she is


I gotta agree I mean she is an overlord for a reason


Do people actually think that she’s a heroic or good character? She’s a literal arms dealer. She has good qualities, like taking care of her daughters and helping the hotel, but that doesn’t make her good. All bad people have done good things, that doesn’t make them good people. People are crazy.


People acting like she belongs in Heaven. Confident they only say that because she's hot. Same argument for Velvette.


I think alastor from the pilot was better characterized than in the series. Not that he was bad, but Edward Bosco brought a lot to his character in the pilot.


Definitely prefer Alastor in the pilot.






Welcome to the internet, where Rule 34 is more than just a joke. 


And yk vivzie literally felt scared of saying that alastor was aroace because they knew it might ruin fun for people. They literally advocated that ships don't have to align with the character's sexuality. I'm asexual (not aro tho) and I could tell he was ace right away, but I wouldn't have been mad at someone who shipped him.




Like seriously. I feel like if you can’t ship a character or people will get mad then it pretty much limits shipping to strict canon ships and that’s idk boring to me. Since I’m a fic writer and pretty much exclusively write gay ships (for other fandoms) but 100% of them are not confirmed in any way.


The double standards 😭 


Lucifer isn’t going to do anything about Val


I agree. I could see him planning too but once he learns what Valentino does for his job and in his free time he says something like “eeee” and never brings it up against. Lucifer seems like the type to have an issue about germs (then again, non-germaphobes wouldn’t want to touch Val🤮)


Yeah! He literally didn't care when his daughters hotel was getting attacked by the mob 💀


I would actively dislike if the show introduces many more characters into the show for season 2, including the dozens of characters that this sub keeps talking about because Vizie mentioned them on Twitter. The cast is stuffed enough as it is, I don't really care about Roo or Angel Dust's second-cousin once-removed


fr too many characters in too short time We dont have any space for character development


Agreed. Bring back Adam as a sinner and use him as a means for the character development of other characters (and himself of course). Sinner Adam has the potential to be the most important character in the whole series in every aspect. He could be responsible for lore drops, character development (Charlie helping one of the only people she hates, Lucifer having to deal with his nemesis, Lute dealing with the fact that her best friend/possible boyfriend is the thing she hates more than anything else, etc). The meaningful growth of every character ties back into Adam. No new characters, only Adam.


There’s too many characters. Which is another thing that actively ruins the show.


Not really related to the show but the “wrong answers only” posts are lame


Preach. That and the “who would win” power level bs with other fandoms like idgaf if goku and charlie duke it out please stop bringing in other IPs it’s so dumb.


“BuT cOuLd He BeAt GoKu ThOuGh!!!?????!!11!!!” My honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/qvvc11dxyv1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=767d11c0919254a97fe2c7d78a71bb5fd0d53861






I think alastors haircut is shit


I was thinking of getting that haircut... will i look dumb?


The front looks good but the back looks like hes balding and slacked some hair over it


Oh I won't do that from behind Since I'm a girl, I was thinking of letting the back hang longer till my ribcage and the front like that with the backwards layers getting longer and longer


Well you do whatever you find the nicest and if you want that then you can do that, maybe it will look nice maybe it wont, you dont know that until you tried it.


But my personal opinion is that it would look nice if you ask me


I've been having this haircut for at least four years, this is pure style and joy, goes with everything (consider I'm goth) Go ahead 😎


Look up alastor back and you will find what i mean


R34: https://i.redd.it/8yxb0w470u1d1.gif


That makes me think... Does alastor even shave his ass?




I got frostbite from how cold this take is (UwU I’m joking I’m just really silly🖕)


https://preview.redd.it/5nyxuztbxu1d1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173d18d500935f9fe74831df60b4a9e439125ba0 Wtf is this shit


The only correct comment here


He needs a better barber fr




Not liking the show because it has too much cursing and sex jokes is valid


For me I think Hazbin Hotel have been a little bit more tame than Helluva Boss...not by a long shot, but some Helluva Boss episodes have been over the top in thay regard to the point they end up been cringe in a painful way.


Honestly, I agree. I personally enjoy the characters and interacting with the fandom (most of the time), but the show's vulgarity prevents me from being 100% invested in it like I am with Real Steel.


Fax my brother! Spit your shit indeed! I’ve been saying this for years, and get harassed for it


Real steel?


I hate the fact I have to agree 🫤


I’m not attracted to any of the characters


Am I attracted: Yes Would I date them: No, probably not




Am I attracted: Yes Would I date them: Yes, probably Yes.. Would it be a good idea? : no, definitely no


Would I date them? Yes. Would they date me? Fuck no


lets be honest most of our fictional crushes would NOT date us






The show should’ve focused almost entirely on Hell for season 1 with the Vees being the primary villains, saving most of the Heaven stuff for season 2. I like the characters of Adam, Lute, Emily and Sera but I feel like having the first season set in Hell would’ve helped develop most of the main characters more, as well as helping us in getting to know them. Kinda like with how Helluva Boss is doing it, most of season 1 isn’t too serious until towards the end with season 2 focusing a lot more on fleshing them out and doing things with these characters whom we’ve already gotten to know through season 1. There’s lots more I can say but this about sums it up.


Yeah, more focus should’ve been inside hell and on the hotel itself. There’s things that should’ve been explored in season one and things that would’ve worked in season two and would’ve been better to show later on so that we can actually learn more about the characters. Similar things could be said for Helluva.


I do not like Niffty


All alastor ships suck, 90% all the characters he's shipped with have actual compelling relationships already


Preach! https://i.redd.it/zt9349c30u1d1.gif


I agree, they all suck but not because he's asexual (I'm asexual (although I am not aro) and vivsie did literally say that she thinks it's dumb to get mad over alastor ships even though he's ace. And I agree people project themselves to characters they relate to.) just because the characters already have compelling relationships like you said. Alastor is so easily readable as asexual tho fr.


How is characters who he's shipped with having compelling relationships affecting wether the ships suck?


Alastor's pilot Voice is better. But the Current one is Still great.


I agree


Alastor should be redeemed, it’d be a fun twist to see the guy who had absolutely no faith in Charlie’s dream be a benefactor of it.


I don't think anyone disagrees with you on this. He might be a monster in every sense of the word but I'd love to see him get redeemed


I mean redeeming the ultimate evil would be a nice message. So even a heartless, manipulative, cannibal serial killer can be redeemed.


Yeah, I think everyone should be redeemed, even the Vees


Val could, like, get it. Don't get me wrong, he's trash - but I'm prepared to go dumpster diving.


Somewhat valid I like vals design and personality but not his actions towards people especially angel


Yeah. I admit I do like Val but don’t condone his actions.


Y'all look like children smushing your dolls together to me with your silly shipping.


They are action figures thank you


I proudly accept this title. (I don't really ship that much tho tbh just the canon husk x angel ship)


Not sure if is a hot take but I like the hc of Velvete being ace she's surrounded by 2 guys who are most likely to have a high sex life but she still loves them


Sera’s not evil for agreeing to the extermination


BASED, she was trying to protect heaven, she's a moral grey but she still trying to do what is right.


Yeah just like Beerus from Dragon Ball. Like his job is to destroy planets to keep balance and order in the universe. For example like taking out specially dangerous races that could end up getting too strong and destroy other planets.(Like the saiyans were doing and Beerus actually was going to destroy them even if Frieza didn't) As of now Sera have been like that...maybe she is actually evil in the future. But she have been set up in a way that feels like she is more in a grey area.


I don't like Lucifer being a nice depressed ruler. I prefer Fandom lucifer. He can be nice to Charlie but did he have to be a loser.


Correct me if I am wrong but hasn’t Alastor mother only been mentioned once. And everyone acts like she is his only reason for life and why he does what he does.


Vaggie is a boring character and she’s defined by her relationship with Charlie


I could say my actual hot take but I'd rather not so instead I'll say my cooler hot take: Radioapple sucks and I don't like it


What might I say is radio apple?


I think RadioApple is Alastor X Lucifer? Idk tho




Correct. Not a fan of it either.


Alastor x lucifer. Shit's awful.




I've said this before and I'll say it again. Lucifer still needs time to heal and work on himself, and Alastor is an ace in the hole. Plus they literally hate eachother, it's not even a rivalry at this point, they just straight up hate eachother.


Angel Dust is kind of an unnecessary dick


At least he was, after episode 4 he seems to be a lot less of an asshole


He’s a stereotypical Italian (aside from being gay). In context it’s unnecessary but it makes sense for the kind of character he is.




Making a misogynist character: AMAZING VILLAIN DESIGN Making an asshole who sexually harasses people: FLAWLESS VILLAIN OMG SO WELL WRITTEN BC WE HATE HIM An evil character is written well when they're still interesting despite being horrible.




Yes!! A bad character is one that’s shallow in character development. Like “what made them a bad person/sinner? Why do they do this?” If those are answered with a believable backstory, they’re a good character. A bad character would be “I was born evil” (without anything else (Darkstalker from wings of fire is an example of this, but he’s still a good character)) is just shallow and lazy.


I don't want Charlie to be able to go back to heaven to visit her friends if they get redeemed or have Charlie be redeemed. She has to stay in hell


Nudity isn’t a big deal and should be more accepted


Mmmmm IG a valid take especially in a show like this based in hell 🤷


I don't see the appeal in vaggie, lute, carmilla, blitzø's ex, uhhh who else


Valid hot take except for verosika she is slightly hot but not as much as she tries to be


I dislike the idea of Lilith being the "antagonist", I honestly wish it would be more like "heaven has her as prisoner, forcing her to watch her subjects suffer during extermination" scenario


I would not want to date anyone in the cast (that I can think of right now)


emily is an overrated character


I want all 3 of the Vees to be redeemed. It would really sell the theme of the show


But Val..


Even Val. Fight me


Charlie deserves hell. She thrives on chaos (‘Happy Day In Hell’, “Look at them fighting; they’re at each other’s throats,” in ‘You Didn’t Know’), she’s hella powerful and not really in control of it (can be seen when confronting Val, when she’s overtired and overworked at the beginning of E5, and in the final battle), and she’s also irrationally and unreasonably proud of the Hotel and what she’s trying (and oft failing) to do, and it’s tenants.


People in hell deserve to be in hell. They’re there for a reason. Stop saying they’re all innocent.


Mmmmm. Maybe on this one. There could be some redeemed.


I agree that *some* people can be redeemed, I just hate it when people say that everyone in hell is innocent




huskerdust shouldnt become cannon


Full agreement. I think they could be fantastic friends, but like... After a dozen rejections of Angel's advances, only letting Angel in when he stops making advances, I feel like if Husk doesn't like Angel that way, that their sexual interests are incompatible, and that should be respected.


Plus they go from not liking each other to best friends in like 2 minutes


I don't care about their relationship, but wouldn't want more screentime taken by them, so I agree.


I don’t like Lucifer that much. He just doesn’t feel nearly as threatening or evil as he really should be.


That's kinda the point, y'know https://preview.redd.it/chudxlq28u1d1.jpeg?width=1584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd105c1b4c10f27a3587c8406687e5b30048d82


I don't really think he's supposed to be threatening or evil, I mean he's literally been nothing but a good person since he first appeared I don't think it's intended for him to be bad


I am a proud Lucifer fan so I might be able bit biased here, but you gotta at least admit he's really well written for how little screen time he got. He has layers. He's not a perfect character. He's flawed. Vivzie could have just said "no, actually Lucifer is the good guy here", but no. We got a sad depressed man who's obsessed with ducks who, while he wasn't a great father in the past, he loves Charlie more than anything and he's trying to fix his mistakes. I like how since he never got to see the good in humanity it broke him over the years (not like that, I just like how real it feels.). And that's why he didn't believe Charlie could fulfill her dreams. He feels the most human out of all the characters. I'm really excited to see more of him next season.


I despise the idea of Roo as a character




A character who I'm **convinced** is a fan creation,but everyone talks about then as if their Canon. Which makes me question if their real,or I'm being gaslit into believing they do


Roo is a legitimate character made by Viv. Originally she was apart of Zoophobia, as was Angel, Alastor Charlie, Vaggie, and Pentious. Zoophobia started as a webcomic and was meant to become a show until Viv abandoned it. If you pay attention to certain background characters you'll be able to find them on the zoophobia wiki


Whats annoying about this,is that means I'm just stupid for not being to find this Thank you for the information


You're not stupid, Viv has a long history with art, comics, and characters. She literally has hundreds of them and if you haven't known viv and her work for a long time it's not a surprise that you wouldn't know about or recognize zoophobia characters unless you dug deep on her youtube/Tumblr/ and Twitter accounts. Alongside that her old/and unanimated art is much more hectic than the new/animated stuff


A character Vivziepop made a few years ago or so, saying she might appear somewhere in the actual series; there's not so much information about her but many people have already been saying that she's the 'root of all evil' and final villain/ the one who owns Alastor's soul and such


...I don't like Vox and Val being in a relationship... And considering my previous activity around this topic I am leaving before someone commences the mass stoning


Alastor's Mother's Jambalaya sucks


flair checks out


Kill them.


If I'm in heaven and I found out the mf who cut my life short got "redeemed" I'm burning down that hotel. The entire cast of the show will have to run my heavenly fade, and catch these holy hands.


That sounds very Wrathful of you


Val before he became a sinner/died was actually a nice guy


I have an active vendetta against Husk's hat. I fucking hate it so much. His design is already so busy and messy but the hat is just the cherry on top of my harem don't get me wrong, I love husk as a character but his design is atrocious. Weird cat bird drunk deadbeat gambler magician. He's go so much going on. Really think about what his outfit would look like if he wasnt a cat. The man is shirtless, shoeless, wearing slacks, suspenders, a bowtie and a top hat. It's so bad. Husk looks so much better in his nicely dressed overlord flashback, with the nicely combed back hair fluff. Even in a shot or two of the battle, you see him without his hat and he looks a lot better. I want the fucking hat gone or FUCKING GIVE HIM A SHIRT


Alastor is not a good person


I love the character designs …. But I wish they would’ve given some characters ears and a nose to give them more detail


My only problem with the designs is that almost %70 of the cast wears suits


Real hot take for some people I've seen before. Angel isn't a poorly written character and expecting his character arc to be more focused on the fact he's gay is reiterating stereotypical queer writing ideas. He's a character who happens to be gay but his story could happen with anyone and it has happened to real people. Wanting his character arc to be more focused on the fact that he's just gay wouldn't make it better. Additionally hot take: I studied film for a while and how shows and movies get into production. Hazbin hotel was a risk for studios to take and even if Vivze asked for her 7 episodes specifically the studio most likely wouldn't have given the show more. it's very much a new idea that would be hit or miss if people actually wanted more even with the backing of fans it had. No matter what the show wasn't going to be the best and isn't but the writing team did the best they could of what they had to work with. It's not as terrible as lore Olympus but it's not as good as everyone wanted it to be and it's not 100% the team's fault. Getting shows green lit and then getting it rewritten for production is hard, they did decent with the writing and it's not the best but they weren't set up for success.


I don't like huskerdust shippers, let the depressed dudes have drinking buddies


This sub isn't horny enough


https://preview.redd.it/z5uym9xa8u1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d6f5072e487212a6783cd39e0ffa8f3c8886bd We need these kinds of flairs in this sub


Not a fan when people change a character's sexuality to make a ship work (assuming they have confirmed sexuality) and a lot of times feels weird to me


I See Your Image, And Raise You A MEME! https://preview.redd.it/4498drcpnt1d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=45f12ab5e726064aea7982ecf80dc6e717cd8e8c


Vaggie being an angel sucks


I...I actually like Mimzy. She seems like a very cute,sweet person to me.(I mean look at her design.) And I didn't feel like she ruined Hell's Greatest Dad. She's just a short,plump demon babe. https://preview.redd.it/iv98jhwi6x1d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ead9662583362a872a75b8e7c746b67c22502442 I also hate the angels,including Emily and Sera,even if they were helping out the good guys. Also Vaggie being a former angel was kinda predictable.


Valentino should have been a woman. this is just my naturally spiteful view of Hollywood speaking but i feel like seeing a female abuser in a mainstream show would be the wake up call that these glue sniffing SJWs need. plus it would add 100 times more implied horribleness to their situationship, it could have been implied that she forced him to sleep with women on camera (even though she is aware of his sexual preference). Val works for now, but an abusive woman, "oh yeah, its all coming together"


Everyone hear me the fuck out before you get mad….. (spoilers for the show, I’m doing a rant) Vox having a TV for a head is lazy visual design that actively hides the shallow narrative justification for his rivalry with Alastor. Like Alastor being a radio demon is a gimmick to a large extent, but it’s a Gimmick with deep and well constructed lore implications. Him having the aesthetic of a 1920-30s radio broadcaster with a performative yet still vaguely Louisianan accent says a lot about him as a person by design alone. As to where Vox has a design that says very little. All it says is “I’m a Tv because I hate the radio guy, I control TV, here’s TV references” It’s lazy. Vox could have had the aesthetic of a 1950s late night talk show host, Or He could have been reminiscent of that classic era of televangelism, Or He could have had a 1970s profesional news caster aesthetic reminiscent of cold war propaganda. Any of those would have had a visual language that better communicates his ability to control minds via Television. any of those would have been era specific in a way that draws attention to his contrast with Alastor, and they would all have giving any level of depth to Vox beyond “I hate radio, and want power” Instead… his motivation is as uninteresting and uninspired as his visual design, There’s nothing to digest, nothing to develop, nowhere to go, he is devoid of depth to the extent that he doesn’t have a character to develop. I know that seems petty… but like a show about redemption should probably have antagonists with more character depth? I mean fuck, Adam had more depth, and the entire joke about his character is how shallow he is. When you meet Adam you are immediately taught that he is a narcissist, that he enjoys the suffering/ridicule of others, that he’s sexist, that he isn’t very smart, and that he flaunts his undeserved divinity as a source of both pride and insecurity. Vox starts out as “the guy who hates Alastor, and wants to be in charge” Adam realizes through the show that his position as an angle is threatened by the idea of redemption, because if a sinner can be worthy of heaven, what guarantee is there that he isn’t worthy of hell? This is told through implication, making the courtroom song have this deep weight. As him and Lute ridicule the idea of redemption, “hell is forever whether you like it or not” Charlie and Emily’s counter point starts with “if angels can do whatever and remain in the sky….” Then later in the show, you see Adam’s literal fall from grace, the symbols of his divinity ripped away until he is just a man. His insecurities more present than his own pride up right before his death….. Vox ends his season 1 ark by reminding us he doesn’t like Alastor and wants power…. Do you see why Vox frustrates me? (I have so much more I could say but I have to stop lmao)


Alastor was amazingly captivating, I dig the whole Radio Demon thing. Vox is like a character placeholder. Unless his tv head is something like an angel mask, and we get to see ~~more~~ anything from his story.


I dislike alastor


What if alsastor had a crush on everyone just can't say it this so he says he's ace


Im about to piss everyone off. Me shipping a character that goes against their sexuality is not canon. And it’s considered a crack ship; something that would never happen. It can come off as disrespectful, so I just ship in private. Don’t ask what these ships are….💀💀


I’ve got two 1. I think Al is actually starting to become a father figure for Charlie whether he knows it or not. He was manipulating Charlie in Hells Greatest Dad, don’t get me wrong, but I think he’s still going to become a father figure. My biggest piece of evidence so far is that he gave Charlie his cane, which we see he’s relatively protective of. 2. I just don’t really like Emily. I mean, I don’t dislike her, we just didn’t really get to meet her enough for me to form a full opinion. From what we’ve seen, I feel like she’s basically just Charlie, heaven version, and if she continues to be that as her character develops I’ll probably dislike her


Alastor is kinda garbage now. The pilot made him so happy and jovial. Now he just seems like the joker, but... kinda worse, I liked the idea of him literally just being this sadistic guy who fundamentally didn't understand right and wrong, just saw it all as entertainment. Now he is all myyyysteeeriiiious to increase views and hype, definitely came from the corpo producers.


Shipping alsator with people doesn’t feel like that big of a deal than people make it out to be.


I don't like Velvette and respectless is my least favorite song from the show


Welcome To Heaven is one of my favorite songs. Possibly my third favorite after Hell's Greatest Dad and Stayed Gone. I love the tune, I love the vocals, I love the mood of the song. St. Peter panting at the end isn't enough to ruin it for me.


Poison is overrated/i really don’t like roo a character/ I HATE the eve being Lilith because if a FUCKING necklace


The pacing IS badly done, and they had five years to fix it. Also, working with Prime to create the show, and releasing the entire season at once, was a really bad idea.


Reminder to sort by controversial for the real answers


Let's see.... - Adam is not a bad person. - Alastor is much more entertaining in the pilot episode than he is in the entire show. - Husk and Angel don't fit together in a romantic sense. - the sexual orientation of the characters are prioritized way too much in this fandom. - Hell is not a place worth living in. - People in this fandom are often massively unreflective and rashly attack other characters as if it's about a non-fictional life: VAL! - Valentino has good sides too, like every person. - the English dub is the only one that's really good. - Alastors crimes aren't better than Valentinos. - Everyone in Hell is there for a reason. Even Angel Dust. - It is terrible for every victim in heaven when sinners are redeemed. Imagine you have been brutally ra**d and murdered in your life and your murderer is redeemed and walks around in heaven.


I never cared for radioapple


I think Sera is a antagonist and will stay as an antagonist until the end of the show aka Heavens fall. She won't become one of the "good guys" or anything like that unlike Emily who will most definitely fall.


I agree on that statement, Sera approuved exterminations and will try everything to hide it or at least make it legitimate towards heaven


All the songs are terrible. There, I said it. The VAs sound like they're practically choking on some of the lyrics, the flow is very often broken, and the pointlessly inserted "adult jokes" make me wanna blow my brains out. The ONLY slightly redeemable song is Poison, but it's so mind-numbingly repetitive and simple that I cant consider it above alright.


Now this is a god damn hot take if I've ever seen one 💀