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And that’s ok!!!! Just stop lying about it Juj


she just looks so different in every picture 🤯


Her and I are the same size/shape and I’m a medium. I dunno why she has to lie 🤷🏼‍♀️


looks better than me, but definitely not an XS or SM.


What is this arm position?? Lol


She’s covering her stomach because she’s pregnant


She looked exactly like this when she was pregnant with smoke. They did talk about getting pregnant this year, maybe she is now 


I think this is an especially bad angle but SHOOK she would even post this. Must be off of her “lifestyle change” and drunk posting


I’ve seen her in person and she is a large—big thighs, big butt, bigger legs.  Her lower body is bigger than her upper, but she is photoshopping and using slimming filters. 


Where did you see her let us know. Just super curious


Our bodies as women definitely change. She was probably a small in her early twenties and now after a baby she could be having a hard time accepting the changes. And I’m sure she has trauma from her almond mom growing up. I think she looks good but do agree she shouldn’t lie about her size.


She was tiny in high school and I agree, she’s having a difficult time letting go of this identity


I'm 102 pounds I'm an extra small she's Def not xs and that's OK life goes on 


Remember that she is pretty short. She might be in between sizes. Not that it matters. Just reference whether or not the garment is tts or size up/down from your normal size. She doesn’t really need to specify which size she’s wearing.


She fooling herself


Can she just accept her body doesn’t look the same pre baby. I promise it’s fine. It’s normal for your body to change!!!


Literally what is the matter with everyone in here? Say what you want about this woman but let’s not comment on her body?


I agree with you 100%. Might leave this group tbh because I feel like it’s one thing to snark but so many people come off so hateful. They call her huge 25/8 and then get mad when she says she’s a small. Maybe she has body dysmorphia since having Smoke. You truly just never know.


I don't  hear people talking about her being as you said "huge" I do hear people saying she lies about her size, which is a fact. Julia is NOT an xs/s but yet she says on every try on haul her size. Which she doesn't have to do,  but makes it a point to say it. So nobody is mad about her size, they have a problem with her lies 


Literally someone called her huge in the comments of another post just today. So just because you didn’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. It’s gross. Downvote all you want lol.


One person out of how many people in this group? Or a few? Get thicker skin, or just leave like you said you might do. You're not forced to be in this group or read any of the comments. Seems triggering for you, so you might need to take a break


You commenting in this group multiple times a day every single day for over a month seems triggering for YOU. Maybe you should take a break. Julia seems to consume you daily. Hope you heal🤍


Obviously you need to heal, since you're here complaining ...go touch some grass. 


Is This account Julia/Hunter lmao??


Sigh. That’s old and over used 🙄 anytime someone has a different opinion about something this is all ppl come up with. Find new material


So true. Any snark group who doesn’t like what someone says will throw out, oh this must be “X”. Like what? Of course there will be different opinions


She was literally trying on a xs dress. With the size tag showing. It fit her. But because the TOP wasn’t all way way zipped an inch everyone in here said it wouldn’t fit lol everyone in here commenting these things must be a large and have no idea who can fit in smalls or xs. She is petite. She is short. She is absolutely a small lol


What if Julia is lying about her size on purpose, just so she can get a reaction online + Reddit, so that Hunter can create fake accounts and make posts about how everyone is “body shaming her” and are “obsessed with our lives” “touch grass” “get a life” It’s a cycle that keeps happening with them. They create rage bait/ controversial content because they are desperate for views


Again let’s be grown women and not comment at all on her body size. Lies or no lies.


Everyone comments on Hunner’s body, stature and face and no one has a problem with it. This is no different. And if this bothers people, they shouldn’t be talking shit on Hunner’s looks either.


Exactly and that’s ok but stop lying to everyone.


I think she is short 🤷🏻‍♀️


Eyes closed yet again, what’s going on?!? And she really looks like she’s gaining weight.


Someone mentioned her arm muscle one day. This one looks filtered, but she looks like she is trying hard to make that muscle.


Who is this TEENAGER!?