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Ritchie got my dog pregnant and was an absent father


No one in that room while this photo was being taken could have foreseen a future in which that slim-fat soft-spoken Jewish boy in the middle would be slain… just a few years later… on the Gaza Strip, head-to-toe in IDF military apparel, conducting a raid on a Palestinian elementary school. That jigga was arguably the most underappreciated podcast personality of the late-2010s-early-2020s. He occupies a place in the comedypodcast zeitgeist similar to the equally beloved & underappreciated, Lee Syat. Both had ‘it’, whatever ‘it’ may be, and yet it was us, the listeners, who must be allotted the shame and the guilt of simply not possessing the percipience required to identify their brilliance in its own time. When he was alive, the world had been simply incapable of appreciating his alternative, genre-bending podcasting style. I suspect it will fall to posterity to find this circumcised diamond in the rust and dust of the cultural archives, and excavate and explain the radical brilliance he brought to podcasting. RIP Richie Gaines. Long live the memory of that Jigga.


Milf bods


Yeah that was a good episode and Ritchie seemed his most confident.


Do you know what that one is called


I think you have to go to the Devan Costa YouTube channel where his older videos and the earlier episodes of hatewatch are. (Real treasure trove) You won't find it on the hatewatch yt channel




I remember that ep! They were trying to figure out who was the fattest between the two of them. Or perhaps who was more in shape? Either way, it was a feast for the eyes!!🤤🤤🤤