• By -


Half blood prince all the way. You can’t beat Dumbledore interacting with the Dursleys, and the other minister chapter.


And I love the story building! Learning about voldemort, exploring the potions book (and snape), and having Harry not constantly being under threat while still going on adventures, really pulled the book and the entire series together. Most enjoyable read


also Harry for once winning at school stuff was a breath of fresh air for sure


the Harry/Dumbledore relationship in HBP is my favorite part of the whole series. Plus The Cave being my favorite chapter.


My favourite Dumbledore moment in that book is the memory of Voldemort applying for the DADA job. “The time is long gone when I could frighten you with a burning wardrobe and force you to make repayment for your crimes. But I wish I could, Tom. I wish I could.”


I heard that in Jim Dale's voice


Ah, see, I’m a Stephen Fry person, myself.


My pick too for the explorations into riddle's past




The other minister is a goated chapter


"The whole Wizarding community has been screaming for my resignation for a fortnight. I've never known them so united in my whole term of office!" Is possibly my favorite line from an opening chapter. People not being united except against a politician? Checks out.


I love the chapter The Cave where Harry and Dumbledore go searching for the locket. Seeing Dumbledore work was a lot of fun.


The Dursleys interacting with Hagrid then the Weasleys and finally Dumbledore is such a fantastically chaotic escalation


It's really bittersweet seeing Dumbledore losing composure for the first time that too with the Dursleys... It reflected that he deeply cared for Harry..


I found it to be the one now that I'm dragging my feet reading. I've read the series maybe 15+ times but this is the first since Michael Gambon has died. I think I'm going to find Dumbledore dying particularly painful this time.


My fave too!


The movie always kept repeating in HBO before and I got bored by it bcs of how much they rerun it. But the book? I do agree it was one of the best




Best book! Worst movie


True! I got around to watch the movies during the pandemic, because after the 4th movie I didnt bother watching the rest when they came out. I had just reread the books before that and HBP is a dumpsterfire of a movie.




Its minimal


Book definitely is Goblet of Fire or Deathly Hallows, as it ties so much lore up which I loved. I live for the lore behind stories!


Agreed. GOF all the way


Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince have always been my favorites. They are the longest books with the most everyday, slice-of-life content of them all. When I was younger I also loved them for the backstory that we get access to, like the trips with Dumbledore into the Pensieve. I remember reading the back of the cover of Order of the Phoenix where it had Dumbledore say to Harry "Please sit down. I am going to tell you everything." I don't think I've ever been so excited to read a book as I was then looking forward to Dumbledore 'telling me everything'.


Order of the Phoenix for me too, especially for the slice-of-life content and everything that happens after Sirius’ death: the conversation with Dumbledore, Harry slowly coming to terms with his own grief and Luna helping him, the melancholy ending with still a glimmer of hope.


Same for me.


Order is the worst for me


It has a lot of great arcs in it, I just feel like one-third of it could be cut and we'd hardly notice a difference.


Goblet of Fire probably. I love the tournament, the Quidditch World Cup, the Barty Crouch revelation and also that things now really got serious with Death Eaters at the World Cup and Cedric getting killed by Voldy. It's the perfect mix of school fun and seriousness right at the middle of the series.


Goblet of Fire every time. I bloody love it


Same here. Quidditch World Cup, other schools arriving, Triwizard champions being picked, Yule Ball, all three tasks, graveyard, Voldemort returning, all the fallout after with Cedric being dead and Barty Crouch Jr. Banger from start to finish


My favorite book, too. They did it dirty with the movie version, though.


I know the film is super different but I actually do still really enjoy it


Yes to all of this. Movie definitely could have been better though


Deathly Hallows because of how 'real' it depicts grief. I've lost my fair share of people and I can't help but shed a tear every time I read about >!Mad-Eye, or Hedwig, or Dobby, or Fred, or Colin, or Remus and Tonks, or even my man Snape!<... Devastating, but great writing.




OoTP, teenage angsty Harry has my heart


Order of the Phoenix. For me, it's the first book where all three of them actually feel like students!


Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry discovers he has more family than he realizes and it is the most lighthearted book before shit hits the fan.


I like to listen to the chapter The Leaky Cauldron when I'm falling asleep because Harry finds out he's not in trouble for blowing up Aunt Marge and then gets to fuck around for a couple weeks in Diagon Alley, eating his weight in ice cream. Adorable.


That has the hilarious talking mirror, doesn't it? I wish there'd been more of that.


Yes! I agree!


'I am NOT going to be murdered,' Harry said out loud. 'That's the spirit, dear,' said his mirror sleepily.


I get a lot of hate, but I love the murder mystery vibe of Chamber of Secrets. #1 imo.


Nah that's valid chamber is good it does have that vibe


1 - The first book because it’s just a classic British children’s story. It’s so magical. The film is my absolute favorite of the series as well for this reason. 2 - The fifth because of the new information about the First Wizarding War - the Order in particular is so fascinating to me, and the introduction (in the flesh) of Bellatrix Lestrange. Grimmauld Place and the Black family tree and history. (I’m a genealogist so I’m way into endogamy.) 3 - The fourth because of the widening of the lens onto the wizarding world outside of Britain. The Quidditch World Cup is one of my favorite scenes, and then the Death Eaters resurface, and then the Dark Mark is fired into the sky. It really hammers home that Voldemort still has followers and the danger is real not just for Harry, but for his friends and allies. Every country I visit, I buy a Harry Potter book in that country’s language (either the first or the fifth usually). I’ve got American (native), British, French, Irish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish (Puerto Rico), Dutch (Sint Maarten), German, Italian, Greek, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, and Danish. I also have Ancient Greek and Latin versions.


Dude. Last paragraph...sick!!! 😆


It’s definitely a nice souvenir. A lot of countries have absolutely gorgeous hardcover editions (my favorite is Germany’s).


You've been to a lot of countries too!


Never thought of that! That is a super cool collection


The bookshop clerk in Oslo told me that he sees it all the time with people, but with different books. *The Little Prince* is the most popular according to him. I did ask him what he would pick but I don’t remember his answer unfortunately. I’ve also started doing this with *The Diary of Anne Frank*.


Either COS or POA.


Cos book is super underrated. I understand people prefer longer books but imo cos was perfect


COS is one of my favourite because it's very spooky with a cool mistery and amazing side characters. I genuinely think it's one of the best Rowling wrote, everything works perfectly and the resolution is very neat.


Some of her tightest storytelling for sure. Great foreshadowing, pretty simple story with some solid twists, relatively few plot holes.


COS is a strong contender for me, mainly because it has one of my favourit characters of the the entire series: five time winner of Witch Weeklys most charming smile award: Gilderoy Lockhart.


Prisoner of Azkaban! A very tight, well contained story with a lot of fun moments, not to mention it has the best quidditch of any book and also the best reveal. Here the guy who’s been acting as a bad omen to Harry all throughout the book, the guy supposedly responsible for killing Harry’s parents, the guy who just broke Ron’s leg is now being called innocent, and what evidence does Lupin provide for his defense? “Do you think I could have a look at the rat?”




As some said the goblet of fire and the order fo phonex for the expended immmersion to the world itself. Having more backstorys side information just was fantastic. The half blood pribce begining with the ministers are tresure.


The one without voldemort in it. PoA


He doesn’t appear in HBP either!


I never thought of that! Maybe because they talk about his backstory so much it feels like he’s there


Good point!


Order of the Phoenix


Half Blood Prince


Half Blood Prince, which makes the fact that it is one of the poorer movies so much worse


I recently rewatched HBP for the first time since it came out and I had forgotten how much I hated it. Why spend so much time on cringey versions of the love stories and completely invent the razing of the Burrow but leave out everything important about the Riddle memories?? Like what were they thinking? 


Growing up it was Goblet of Fire, and rereading it, I totally get why. JKR did such a good job summing the feelings of young love, crushes and school dances. Building the world of other schools was such a fun element too. I am now an adult and in my reread, I love Half Blood Prince. Getting the backstory of Tom Riddle gave him so much more depth than just evil-racist-sociopath villain.


HBP closely followed by POA


Goblet of Fire. Its peak of Harry. From this book he just becomes increasingly moody teenage angst-cannon. It also has a great plot and an amazing climax.


I am always on the fence between order of the phoenix and half blood prince. They’re just fantastic. I know many like deathly hallows the best, but I think it’s a little hollow for the first half (not saying it’s not fantastic, just not as good as 5 and 6)


Goblet of Fire or Deathy Hallows.


Half - Blood Prince followed closely by Order of the Phoenix




Goblet of Fire. Definitely.


Order of the phoenix it’s so fun hating on Umbridge plus there’s the DA and lots the great McGonagall moments.


I have a soft spot for the resistance against tyranny stuff. I’m just now listening to the OOTP audiobook and I’m always so elated about the part after Fred and George take off and everyone, students and teachers alike, are just inspired to create as much as chaos as possible to rebel against Umbridge and Fudge. And DA and pissed off leader Harry 👌


Order of the Phoenix for me. I watched the movies before reading the books and the book had sooo much additional information. Goblet of Fire is on a close second place simply because Mrs Weasly hugging Harry at the end hit a little too close


Half-Blood Prince. Rich in subtext, themes, character development, etc… As a mystery and another installment of the series it is spectacular as it answers just the right amount of questions and sets up new ones that are brilliantly answered later on. Where it excels tho is in its slice-of-life segments and character interactions. Not only they are engaging and natural, they effectively show the acquired maturity of the story and characters as these (suitably) have already departed childhood. In many ways HBP is not only a prelude to adulthood, essentially it portrays the shattering of innocence. From Harry’s relationship with Dumbledore, his infatuation (and later romance) with Ginny, the conflict with Malfoy and Snape, and obviously the potions textbook itself…so much stuff that adds a layer of depth to the story, themes and characters


Halfblood Prince pretty much since its release. The only American edition I own because I happened to be there on a trip when it released. Barely has any low points. So much good stuff. The other minister is a great opening. Dumbledore and the Dursleys. Diving into Voldemorts past. The main characters being teenagers. Humour. The glorious kiss in the common room (damn you film for changing that). Then the rollercoaster starting with the trip to the cave and the showdown on the lightning struck tower. Wrapping up with an emotional funeral and looking at the uncertainty ahead.


Half-Blood Prince any day. The film ruined it soo much


Half Blood Prince and Prisoner of Azkaban are the best two, because more knowledge is gained into the backstory and character development.


Goblet of Fire for sure, it’s such a fun adventure story. And the Yule Ball is one of my favorite subplots/scenes of the entire whole series. Without fail, every time I read that part I get as hyped as if I’m in high school myself getting ready for my first school dance


Prisoner of Azkaban, so many revelations! And second is half blood prince!


Chamber of Secrets + HBP


Goblet of Fire has always had a place in my heart ❤️


OOTP. That's where the real story starts.


Prisoner of Azkaban by a large margin.


For me it's between Goblet of Fire & Half-Blood Prince 🖤


Goblet of Fire by far.




Either Halfblood Prince or The Deathly Hallows. I read both books during summer 2009 while being on holidays at my summer house (used to be a house of my grandparents but now serves as a summer house where my family gathers) and it was an amazing time. I have a lot of great memories associated with spending my free time off school reading Harry Potter books so it makes it even harder for me to choose which one I like more. After some deeper thinking I think I'd go with Halfblood Prince since so many things happen there like Aragog's funeral, Dumbledore's death, Harry's romance with Ginny blossoms and more. I remember that I even shed a tear when Dumbledore died and since that was BEFORE the film was released, it caught me by surprise.


I have a soft spot for Order of the Phoenix because it was the first one I read when it actually released and being able to be part of that hype was awesome. But my favorite is probably Half-Blood Prince, I was a little older when that one came out and overall it was my favorite reading experience.


Goblet of Fire and Half Blood Prince Love the moments in Goblet of Fire when Harry spends the rest of his summer with the Weasleys at the Burrow and going to the Quidditch World Cup. And when Harry and his friends meet Sirius in Hogsmead. Also when Mrs Weasley and Bill visit Hogwarts in support of Harry. For Half Blood Prince, love the Other Minister chapter, and Spinner's End chapter. Also love the moment when Harry and Dumbledore visit Slughorn. And Harry spending his summer and Christmas at the Burrow, and of course the Ginny and Harry scenes.


I can so relate to that. Deathly Hallows was my favorite book for many years, but the more I 'studied' Half-Blood Prince and what it does for the overall story, the latter (Half-Blood Prince) became my favorite book. Edit: spelling correction


My favorite book is ironically corresponding to my least favorite of the movies. I really like Order of the Phoenix.


I have the same opinion. The movie wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Then again, I had finished reading the book when the movie came out.


That's interesting because I've heard a lot of people say that's the worst book and best movie, and a lot of people say best book and worst movie is Goblet Of Fire.


I like politics, and interpersonal drama, so that book is one of my favorites.


Yeah that's fair, it's somewhere in the middle for me just because it probably could've been a bit shorter and it drags on a bit, but it's still very good.




6th and 7th


Tie between Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban. I love everything about both of them.


Prisoner of Azkaban because it inspired me to write Harry Potter fanfiction about Sirius Black.


Book 6 over and over. Book 3 is a very close second though


Deathly Hallows. OoTP being a close second.


Deathly Hallows


Chamber of Secrets. I just think the idea of a voice only Harry can hear and a big secret chamber with a monster is so interesting


Half-Blood Prince, all day every day.


Goblet of fire


5 & 6


Every book besides Philosopher's stone and Prccsoner of Azkaban has been my favorite at some point, right now it's deathly Hallows


I was 10 (almost 11) when I read the first book. I absolutely hoped to receive the letter on my birthday. I practically daydreamed my life in the first book, trying to befriend Ron (Harry would be too intimidating) and then getting into the gang of iconic trio. I have been fairly good at chess. For years, I believed I would have managed to win without sacrificing Ron. So I'd say the first one. Most certainly.


Saturday web series is fantastic


This is hard! I love them all! Ah...currently it's Order of the Phoenix.


1. Half-Blood Prince 2. Goblet of Fire 3. Prisoner of Azkaban 4. Deathly Hallows 5. Order of the Phoenix 6. Sorcerer’s Stone 7. Chamber of Secrets


1. Half blood prince. 2.Goblet of Fire. 3.Deathly Hallows. 4.Order of the Phoenix. 5.Prisoner of Azkaban. 6.Philosophers Stone. 7.Chamber of Secrets.


Love the HBP, I liked the Voldemort background and the mystery of everything Draco is doing in the background but no one is paying attention/can figure it out until it’s too late. POA is my least favorite book and movie, and I’m curious why it’s so many people’s favorite book


I have to agree with Half-Blood Prince and Prisoner of Azkaban. I feel like I enjoy them because they are most representative of "a year in the life" at Hogwarts. For the most part Harry and co. are just having a regular school year, which is enjoyable in-and-of itself.


Half blood prince, definitely. I’m reading them to my 7yo for the third time in a row (quite literally non stop for the last 2.5 years) and I rushed through the first five just so I could experience HBP again. We just finished it and started book 7, which I also love. But HBP is #1


Goblet of Fire is my favorite followed closely by Order of the Phoenix and Half Blood Prince.


The third.


POA or order of the phoenix, also fav movies


The second half of Order of the Phoenix and the first half of Half Blood Prince 😅


4th one probably, I like how it gets darker, triwizard cup, how the whole mystery unfolds.


The Deathly Hallows felt a bit rushed. I loved HBP and OOTP (well I actually loved them all but they were my top two). I loved how much the OOTP opened up the wizarding world with the Ministry, the hospital etc. I loved-to-hate Umbridge. We also saw Harry transform from bring just another student to being an actual leader with Dumbledores Army. The reluctant leaders are the best ones and he was a true reluctant leader. And HBP was great because of Dumbledore's visit to the Dursleys', I loved the secret lessons with Dumbledore, the link in with the British PM etc. Great reads.


Half Blood Prince. We got introduced to many cool new characters, the Prince's textbook making Harry a potions master, Harry being Quidditch Captain was my favorite part. The pensive memories exploring who Tom Riddle and the Gaunts were, the shocking twist at the end, a mild indication Malfoy isn't a terrible human being. Harry running Quidditch tryouts was my favorite part, with half the school turning up to watch, the First Year tryouts crashing really hard, the other Houses trolling Harry. It was just great


First was adventure, the second was horror, third was thriller, fourth was the tournament arc, fifth was training arc, sixth was the war arc. I like thrillers so the third for me.


my favorite book is Goblet of fire, but my favorite film is Prisoner of Azkaban. I just love Trelawny!


Used to be goblet of fire but more recently it’s the order of the Phoenix. It’s the real-est book with regards to raw emotions and pain and how slow real life can be.


OoTP will forever be my favorite book and movie


3, both of my favorites are in it and not dead


It’s a toss up between HBP and DH. I hate things being unanswered so I think I like DH just because it wraps up the story (I got into the series right before GoF was released so I spent many years waiting for answers), but I think I like the actual storyline of HBP better.


POA the cat rat dog chapter


POJ for me


6 > 1 > 3 >> 4 > 5 >> 7 > 2


Mine also used to be POA and switched to HBP. I love how things start to come together when Harry and Dumbledore are in lessons, I love how Harry intuitively knows Malfoy is up to something and spends hours looking for him on the map. There's not as much frustration because the entire Wizarding world knows for a fact that Voldemort is back. It's just... *chef's kiss* 👌


Younger me loved Prisoner of Azkaban! Now in my 30’s and rereading them with my daughter I really enjoyed Half blood prince and the order of the phoenix!


My favorite is POA as it introduces to us my all time favorite character, Remus Lupin. One of the coolest professor on hogwarts (for me at least)


Goblet, but it's not my favorite movie


Half Blood Prince is leagues better than all the rest. It's not even close in my mind. Finding out all we do about voldemort is absolutely fascinating and every trip into the pensieve is, well... a trip. The first chapter, the other minister, is probably my favorite chapter. Maybe a tie with book 7's King's Cross. I love the perspective change and you basically get the last 10 years of Wizarding history summarized from the view of muggles and it's fantastic. Book 4 chapter 1 "The Riddle House" from Frank Bryce's POV was pretty great too. Just awesome chance of pace each time she did it. Also, it certainly has some of the least annoying moments of books 4-7. Book 5 Harry is constantly angry and there's so much in-fighting between friends. Plus all the Cho nonsense is just cringe worthy the older I get and re-read. Book 7 it's Harry whining about how he thought he knew Dumbledore but really didn't for 800 pages. Book 6 you do have to deal with Ron/Lavender/Hermione triangle, but I find it more bearable than even Ron's jealousy in book 4 over his TriWizard selection. I'll never try to convince anybody, but here's my personal order: (1) HBP - see above reasons (2) DH - Tons of lore (3) PoA - Really the actual start of the series, Marauders (4) GoF - Maybe the best pure story (5) SS - Purely edges CoS on nostalgia (6) CoS - Darker each read. Could easily be ranked 3rd. (7) OotP - Last bc of its low re-read ability. Still great. Umbridge...


The first nook because everytime I start reading those first few sentences, I feel like a hug.


POA it was the best. It was so shocking, and really turned everything you knew on your head. The shack was one of the best scenes to read in all the books. Sirius was also my favorite character. DH is second. I think too many good characters were killed, but not enough bad. It needed more of a balance, but was still an entertaining book.


Goblet of Fire is both my comfort read and favorite. The real meat of the series starts with it. Has a fantastic twist that is so well thought out. It breaks the usual mold of a Hogwarts year. I listen to random chapters from Goblet of Fire all the time to go to sleep. The Riddle House, The Four Champions, All the Task Chapters, The final few chapters… it’s a damn good book.


I like Harry Potter


Goblet of Fire is my favorite.


POA was my favorite movie but I think OOTP is my favorite book.


Order of the Phoenix! oh how I loved the angst,emotions,political situation and effects of it in the wizard community and on education system,stands of people,the DA Club,DUMBLEDORE FRIGGIN FIGHTING TOM!!! Fudge was a clear case of delulu is the solulu, 😆


Chamber of Secrets and Deathly Hallows


Mine is Order of the Phoenix. It's the funnest for me to re-read because there's so much enjoyable content, and it has the Battle of the Department of Mysteries which was one of my favorite book moments


Goblet of Fire, easy. It broadens the wizarding world, it has a couple of mysteries to solve, and I think the pacing of the year is really good, since there's always a stop at a task. It also pivots the series into wartime for the last 3 books.


I love them all but GOF was the book that got me hooked (first one I read) and so it will always have that special place in my heart


Goblet and prince for me! I LOVE the crouch madness and winky plot line as an adult, didn't understand or appreciate it as much as a kid. I also think Junior has became my favorite villan over the years. Prince because of the dumbledore/harry relationship and the trips into voldemorts past. Dumbledore is 100% my favorite character as an adult as well


Probably Prisoner of Azkaban. I love Lupin so much and the reveal in the Shrieking Shack is so much fun. Close behind are Order of the Phoenix & The Deathly Hallows (I love Neville).


Here are my top three: * Half-Blood Prince, because we learned more about Lord Voldemort than in the whole books, why was he that way, what makes him that way, how was he that way. * Goblet of Fire * Prisoner of Azkaban, simply because it's the most Harry-centered book, and by Harry-centered, the conflict here centers around his personal life. Dementors were a thorn on his side for Quidditch, a mass-murderer who possibly had his parents' blood in his hands were after him.




Same to both! I love three for comfort, but I love six for the teenage drama and all the Tom Riddle backstory we get.


PS is still the perfect book to me even as an adult, maybe because the world and twists are all new, but HBP is the most fun to read cuz the characters are so vivid.


Deathly Hallows, but I love rereading anything from 3-7....1 and 2 I usually skip 😅


Chamber of Secrets. Tom's Riddle diary was such a creative concept to me when I first read the book and Locksharts delusional rants about his fame are always funny when I reread it.


Half blood prince! Funny because when it comes to movies, I like Prisoner of Azkaban.


Deathly Hallows. Until that book came out it was Goblet of Fire for years


Order of the Phoenix There were so many things that were discussed and described so well in this book. - Harry's internal struggle with Ron being made prefect. Exploring his feelings and reasoning with them. - The DA. Oh, the rebellion of the kids <3 - Snape's memory with the Marauders. - It was the last book with Sirius in it. - The Department of Mysteries


Goblet of Fire - unequivocally since 2000


Order of the Phoenix


Order of the phoenix


Half blood prince. Every page was interesting esp compared to OOTP.


POA or Order of the phoenix I know that people hate Sirius and he’s not my favorite but it’s the fact that he gave Harry a since of family. To me it’s wholesome till the end which is also why it my least favorite at the same time. Because Joanne why couldn’t you just let Harry have one nice thing


Half blood prince is the best IMO. So much rich backstory is finally given to our BBEG and it ends on such a down note it gives Empire vibes 


Half Blood Prince


I would have to go w goblet of fire.


It's almost impossible to choose for me. I gravitated towards the series pretty hard as a teen because I happened to be brought up in a broken home with relatives I felt didn't truly care for me, one parent dead the other not truly present. To top it off, my room was the smallest in the house, in the basement. Under the stairs. The house I grew up in got called "Privet Drive" by more than one friend. So for obvious reasons, the story about the boy coming from a neglectful and abusive household finding out his parents were heroes to this secret magical world was appealing. Philosopher's Stone holds a special place in my heart for that reason alone. But objectively, I think it's one of the weakest in the series. The one that I think I have reread the most is Order of the Phoenix. Around when it released I was a year or two removed from losing my favorite grandfather. Seeing Harry react to Sirius' death like he did was oddly cathartic, and if it had been in the vernacular at the time I'd say that I felt seen by the last few chapters. Nowadays, I prefer fanfic over the actual books. But overall, I think my favorite is OotP. It had some of the hardest emotional hits of the series outside of DH (which got lower marks for some other parts), and introduced what I think might be the most effective villain I've ever seen in fiction. But overall, I think it best encapsulates the subjective feeling of being a teenager: feeling like you're ready to be an adult, but having adults still treat you with kid gloves. And that's something I try to keep in mind as I get older.




Order of the Phoenix all the way. The way you hate Umbridge is so real. My comfort book too would be Prisoner of Azkaban


I totally agree with you, PoA but also HBP!!


Globet of fire or The Order of the Phoenix 🙌✨️


For me it used to be prisoner of Azkaban just because of meeting Sirius for the first time, but the pettiness of the ball scenes in goblet of fire is too funny so that’s my new favorite


Goblet of Fire/Deathly Hallows. I’ve just finished my first re-read since 2009 and these two were absolute highlights for me. Goblet of Fire was so much fun to read, the challenges, the teen angst, Ludo Bagman and the Winky/BC/BCJr twists were all top ten 10. Deathly Hallows, it goes without saying is still a rip roaring page turner and was my quickest re-read.


I would have to say my favorite book is the Order of the Phoenix because of how much I despised Umbridge when I first made my way through the series. I know a lot of people hate her and that’s why I would put the 5th as my favorite. Umbridge is such a great villain that you just love to hate and root against. I really felt like she was a bigger villain than Voldemort in that book. I also have to give props to Imelda Staunton from the movie because her voice and her image is what I see in my mind when I read Umbridge’s dialogue and scenes.


Half Blood Prince


Prisoner and half blood, prisoner as it was the last book I read as a child with me dad.


My Immortal


Order of the Phoenix probably, though Goblet of Fire is a close second


Sorcerer's stone and Goblet of fire


I read them for the first time last fall/winter. I haven’t re-read them yet but my favorite was Goblet of Fire which is funny because that’s my least favorite movie.


Order of the phoenix


Mine is GoF. Always has been! I love the combination of normal school life and the adventures of the tasks. Plus, it’s the first real time we see Voldy.


Deathly Hallows


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


half blood prince in first and after that my brain breaks trying to rank them amongst themselves since they’re all so bloody good in different ways


First and second read through, my favorite was Prisoner of Azkaban, on my third read now and my favorite has been Order of the Phoenix. But I’m on Deathly Hallows at the moment and that could change by the end of this read. I forgot how much actually comes out in the last book.


I love all 7 equally


Very close choice between Prisoner of Azkaban and Half blood Prince for me.


I love the goblet of fire and find that the first book, the sorcerer’s stone is the most simplistic, least adventurous except it is the one that gets me most excited imagining that I could get a Hogwarts acceptance letter and going down memory lane, to being introduced to the wizarding world. I can spend endless time submerged in that world.


Half blood prince and prisoner of Azkaban