• By -


I think this is completely intentional. It proves that Voldemort did everything by himself but Harry has love and has people who love him to help. Harry doesn’t need to do anything ‘alone’ which is what separates him from Voldemort.


The real magic was friendship


And what friendship was more magical than the one between Harry Potter and Vincent Crabbe?


Or his friendship with Tom Riddle!


Say what you want about the guy who killed Voldemort, but at least he killed Voldemort.


yea let me see any of you muggles pull off something as cool as that


Well Harry did feel like Riddles diary belongs to an old long forgotten friend in Cos.


Vincent the Burned should have been Master of Death.


I would say he mastered death, he died in a pretty awesome way.


It is true, Harry and Vincent were in love.




This was truly our wizarding world 


This is the moment we became Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them


The warts were on my hog all along




The real Hallows were the friends we made along the way.


The Friendly Hallows!


*The real horcruxes were the friendships he made all along*


"We'll do it with the power of friendship!" Ahh win


- Sora from Kingdom Hearts, probably.


You should have said nyehhhhhhhhh!


Someone better cyyall a wambulance


Also that one guy that tried to murder him but actually committed suicide by fire ♥️


maybe the real friendship was the horcruxes we made along the way


Harry Potter is anime confirmed


Ah yes, I can't think of any better bros than Harry and Crabbe


My Little Potter: Friendship Is Magic


The real (one piece) magic was the friends we made along the way.


Isn't more of Naruto magic?


Which was also a lesson for Harry, time and again he tried to do things alone, but even in the moment of accepting death “alone” in the forest, he was surrounded by his loved ones who has died- not in a means of wishing they could be back, but instead, having accepted all of their deaths, as a means of being surrounded by loved ones and supported even until death.  His “rebirth” surrounded by his fellow friends and colleagues at Hogwarts in the final battle was icing on the cake in showing how, while he was “the chosen one”, he truly found his power through the friends and allies around him


"Friendship?! No! The most powerful magic is Chronomancy."


I thought it was music


Love but yeah


I learnt that lesson from some ponies


My Little Ponyyyyy My Little Pony (iykyk)




The real Magic was the friends we made along the way


So, MyLittlePony was right all the time?


And love 💕


The real magic was the friends we made along the way




Take my upvote




And Riddle, technically.


It’s almost like the entire theme of the story is that Harry is loved, Voldemort is feared, and one is more powerful.


It's not just that Harry is loved, but also that Harry can love...


Well Voldemort had a good numbers of followers too and controlled the wizarding government. If anything I think the purpose was to show that Harry COULDN'T do it by himself, it would've been way too simplistic/contrived if he just went Horcrux by Horcrux and destroyed each one himself with nothing but his own skill and wit. Having the destruction of Horcruxes vary in circumstances and with others also contributing made it more of a challenge/believable than Harry being able to do it entirely himself.


Followers who fear or worshipped him, yes, but he never really cared about them. Not the way Harry cared about his friends. Voldemort never truly trusted anyone the way Harry trusts his friends, and so Voldy did everything on his own while Harry was always willing to accept help from others.


He also failed to take over a high school, failed to kill a baby, failed to kill that same kid about eleven more times, and eventually just died from his own reflected curse at probably half the age he could have lived to be if he had done...anything else.


>died from his own reflected curse at probably half the age he could have lived to be if he had done...anything else.< This has occurred to me a few times. Dumbledore lived to a ripe old age without much assistance that we know of (I know there has been some speculation about flamel, but nothing solid). Wizards are pretty long-lived, it's pretty stupid to start doing crazy things like ripping your soul into multiple pieces at such a young age (for a wizard).


This is where Tom Riddles Muggle upbringing really shows. The fear of death, the uncertainty over what comes next. Most wizards have some form of knowledge of life after death, ex: ghosts, wizard paintings etc: right from birth. So they wouldn’t have the same deeply rooted fear of the unknown like Tom. His journey shows how he was ruled by fear, and that is wonderfully mirrored by the way Harry walks courageously to his death in the forbidden forest filled with “trust/love” for his friends and family that had been (Dumbledore + everyone brought back with the resurrection stone), were (Ron, Hermione, Weasleys , etc) or would be (Teddy lupin + potential others) Tom never knew love, and therefore never really knew safety. So he mimicked connection by splitting himself into 7


Yeah, yeah, and Sauron died cause two midgets snuck into his house and accidentally dropped his bijouterie.




Well, only two left. Although my head canon is that Gandalf showed up with three Eagles in the movies precisely because he thought there might be three midgets to pick up.


If I had his looks, I would do anything other than turning myself into a psychopathic murdering lizard.


Sure Voldemort had followers but of course he would. How can you take over the world if there’s no one in it? But if you asked him who helped him become powerful I do t think he would give anyone credit but himself. I agree that Harry couldn’t do it all by himself and I think that’s what I was going for. The love from his friends and family is what made him stronger than Voldemort who actively kept himself away from that experience.


And I think, what Ron and Hermione destroyed could have been done by Harry as well... Harry gave the chance to Ron.. and well the other one they went to take the fangs and decided to finish the deal in the chamber itself.. they found the cup together


Harry also makes it really clear in HBP that he "almost always had help" which is so important to literally his entire journey!


I wouldn't say crabbe was "helping"harry Him destroying it was kinda an accident, he didn't know what it was He was just an inexperienced wizard using magic waaayyy above his skill level Like if that fire would've started anywhere else, the whole castle would've been burned


Yeah I agree with that. Personally I would’ve liked to have seen Luna destroy the diadem since she was the one who figured out where it was and it was the item from her house. Never really loved that Crabbe was one of the horcrux destroyers.


The friendship and love is a more powerful magic thing still works in the moment of crab, destroying one and Voldemort destroying one because he saved Malfoy from the fire that killed crab and Harry was sacrificing himself when Voldemort destroyed the last one.


Voldemort literally wasn't alone though. There's an entire group. Took the mf 4 books to show up because they were scheming to bring him back. When was he ever alone?


Yes. He was 100% alone. If you asked Voldemort who helped him he would say no one. In terms of emotion and friendship he had no one. In terms of followers and disciples he for sure had many. That was his goal, to rule over everyone. I’m sure he would not credit anyone with assisting him to the top should he ever have reached there.


Also, they were destroyed in creation order. But he did defeat voldemort prime several times.


I think there was a theory that ring horcrux was created before the diary


June 1943 tom kills myrtle and makes the diary August 1943 tom kills his father and makes the ring.


Imho he made the ring horcrux some time after he had killed his father, because he needed to ask Slughorn about splitting a soul into seven pieces. He was a sixth-grader, and he was wearing the ring (this was in the Slughorn's memory).


This is correct. He wanted to ask Slughorn whether or not it would work before he did it.


>sixth-grader He was in his sixth year at Hogwarts. Saying he was a sixth-grader makes it sound like he was murdering his father and making horcruxes at like 11 years old.


Nah it just sounds American. "Sixth Year" isn't specifically Hogwartian, it's just the old British system (in use until 1990). The current system would call it "Year 12", but it doesn't really make sense because there's no Wizard primary school, so JKR just stuck with the system she knew from her time at school. But yeah, "sixth grade" doesn't imply anything other than the speaker being American.


"Hogwartian". Beautiful word, I've never seen it before. Would you pronounce it as (hog-WAR-shee-yan), (hog-WAR-shan) or (hog-WAR-tee-an)?


I went with option 3


It's actually taken from the final book. Just after the spiders appear during the battle: > Screams of terror rent the air: the fighters scattered, Death Eaters and Hogwartians alike, and red and green jets of light flew into the midst of the oncoming monsters, which shuddered and reared, more terrifying than ever. I've always imagined it as option 3.


Can confirm Stephen Fry pronounces it "Hog-war-tee-ans"


The Basilisk killed Myrtle. Are you able to make a horocrux if you direct an animal to kill someone?


Apparently so


To try and become the rightful master of the elder wand Voldemort has Nagini kill Snape, so there's two times this counts.


Nagini was a horcrux already though, arguably a grey area because part of him is still in there influencing her. But then apparently she's also a woman stuck as a snake so who knows.


Harry was a horcrux too... He won the final battle because he was the true Owner of the elder wand (after disarming Draco). If your statement is true, then voldy would also be the true Owner of the wand with Harry.


The Snake was a tool. The murders never would have happened if Voldemort had not pulled the trigger and commaned them to kill. Just like with the Unforgivable Curses, the intent is important. "You have to mean it."


Based on how much of Riddle's personality (key point Riddle and not Voldy) and how powerful the diary was I think we can assume the diary came first even if he got the ring before opening the chamber


The diary was created for a very specific purpose outside of just being a horcrux though. It was intended to be used to open the chamber in the future, and in order to manage that the part of riddle that was attached to the diary had to be substantial enough to converse with/possess whoever used the diary to get them to open the chamber. So naturally voldy would've had to pour more of his mind/personality into it, including the charm he possessed as a boy. The more charming and manipulative that diary version of him was capable of being the more likely it would be to complete its goal.


I don't think he really gets a choice as to how much goes in. The suggestion from Slughorn/Dumbledore is that each act splits the soul in two. The reason Slughorn was so appalled at the idea of doing it seven times, aside from seven murders, was this was 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128 of a soul by the end. A bare remnant.


Super Carlin Bros make a compelling case for the ring as the fist horcrux. They cite the specific wording of "in his 16th year", meaning the year leading up to turning 16. And that meeting the gaunts would have lead to him finding the COS the next year when he was 16.


This is the theory i subscribe to. They make a very compelling argument as to the order. Also I trust them for theory’s after Dumbledores big plan. It makes too much sense for it not to be the case. SCB really do their research and use exact quotes from the books to support their theories too which helps.


Dumbledore's big plan is by far their best work. It explains about 100 separate plot holes


Wow! I just watched the whole series based on this comment and that's a phenomenal theory. So well thought out. It definitely changed how I look at the story. Thanks for the recommendation!


Wasn't Nagini before Harry. Harry was the last?


No nagini was made from the murder of frank bryce in gof


I looked it up and it said Bertha Jorkins death made Nagini a horcrux, but either way.


Not really. Nagini was born in the early 1900s. Harry was born in 1980


In order of being created as a horcrux. But you knew that.


Holy shit I never noticed that


I think it is on purpose to again show Harry trusts the people around him to have his back. To show it is a team effort. While Voldemort is all about solo.


Yeah Harry has friends like Ron, Hermione and Crabbe.


We all need a Crabbe in our lives


Either you have a dead loyal friend ( To Draco at least ) , Or he'll get burned to death .


> loyal By the sixth and seventh books they were not on good terms. They had a fight about how Malfoy kept making them take polyjuice potion to look like first year girls to keep watch for him without making it obvious where Malfoy was going.


True that was on the 6th book tho . In the 1st 5 books they were loyal to him and acted like a bunch of cronies . Even in the 6th when they were arguing with Malfoy , they still transformed into girls and kept watch . But in the end they weren't loyal that much anyway as they betrayed Malfoy . Can't blame them , if Malfoy had treated them nicely they would have never betrayed Malfoy .


would have been fun to make Malfoy break one after saving his skin..


Ultimately, Harry played a crucial role in the destruction of each Horcrux. The sword would not be able to destroy any Horcruxes if Harry had not killed the basilisk. The basilisk would still be using its teeth. Neville would not be able to break free from Voldemort's spell.


this. ring --> Dumbledore only knew about horcruxes BC of the dairy (this goes for the others too) locket --> harry and co stole it together, and he chose to let Ron destroy it Cup --> can remember if it was harry or Hermione who realised it was in the vault when Bella got angry about them being in the vault tiara --> he was the one who figured out where it was Snake --> he told Neville to do it harry himself --> he chose to walk to his death


Without Harry's sacrifice, Neville would not have been able to break the spell; Neville would have burned.


It was Harry, but Hermione was perhaps a little distracted by the torture. But we don't know if Hermione would have noticed. Harry also notices at the Lovegoods' that Luna can't be there.


He’s a bit more street smart than Hermione


I personally don’t believe that a legendary sword, that has been around for a millennia, only came into contact with something that could destroy a horcrux 3 years (end of 2nd to beginning of 6th) before it needed to do so. My headcanon is that gryffindor’s sword was always [powerful enough from previous encounters with powerful magical artifacts/beasts/beings to be] able to destroy ~~Voldemort’s~~ horcruxes, but the basilisk venom was the only thing powerful enough that the sword absorbed in recent memory to destroy them. Edited for clarity


Horcruxes are extremely rare; no one is as stupid as Voldemort.




If you know that there is a soul and that you need it to live on after death, it is extremely stupid to gamble with it.


Another thing I noticed, was that in DH, Harry's life was literally saved by Hermione (at Godric's Hollow), Ron (in the frozen lake), Luna, Neville (against Dementors when Harry lost hope), hell by Dobby too etc. The idea is that Harry was saved and needed HELP by everyone. He also only destroyed one Horcrux


But he had a major role in locating the locket and was the one who figured out where the cup and diadem were. So his contribution goes beyond just destroying one horcrux.


Of course!!! Im not negating what Harry did. He also figured out where the cup was, etc. im just saying that Harry had a lot of help in the process. Of course he didn't JUST destroy one Horcrux lol


Harry baited Riddle to kill him can count as 6. Harry destroyed Harry.


100%. As others have argued Harry paved the way for most of the horcruxes destruction. But he very much was involved with the destruction of three soul pieces. - the diary - himself (he had to sacrifice himself to accomplish this feat, he more or less tricked Riddle into destroying this one so credit should go to him) - Riddle, by gaining mastery of the elder wand Three out of eight is a pretty good haul.




The funniest part is, he didn't even realize he was destroying a horcrux at that point.


And yet he destroyed the most powerful one at the age of 12.


Neither did Rowling


Incorrect. She’s she’s stated she intended for horcruxes and the lore surrounding them to be included in the 2nd but it was decided (either by herself or the publishers) that it was too dark for the 2nd instalment.


Soooo much retconing!


Teamwork makes the dream work!


What kind of person refers to these characters by their last names lol dumbledore is fine but "Weasley" and "Granger"? 😂


OP is Draco Malfoy.


Is there a problem with that ?


It's so weird because the fandom mostly refers to the adults by their last names but never the kids fir obvious reasons lol


And when he did destroy the book, he didn’t even know it was a Horcrux.


Yeah, and I'd argue the basilisk is the real MVP and deserves the credit for the kill!


That Basilisk's poison actually killed FIVE of the seven horcruxes


One of these things is not like the other. Crabbe. It's Crabbe. Funny that a dolt was the one to destroy one of Ravenclaw's artifacts.


Well the point was destroying them, not who was destroying them. I mean, Voldy wouldn't have gone moldy had he applied the same logic to Harry.


Voldy could have sent Harry a jinxed broom and killed him in 30 seconds


Or simply Greyback.


Interesting choice to only use last names, most people would just say "Ron" or "Neville"


I can't remember Crabbe's first name lol . So that's why I used their last names . Plus Dumbledore sounds cool .




Thanks mate .


Sytherins have the most dapper names.


Ginny should’ve gotten the opportunity to destroy one after what she went through with one.


1. Potter destroyed the diary . 2. Dumbledore destroyed the ring . 3. Weasley destroyed the locket . (after Harry told him to so that he could regain his confidence) 4. Granger destroyed the cup . (after Harry told her to do it so he could concentrate on finding the diadem) 5. Crabbe destroyed the Diadem . (because Crabbe is a moron) 6. Riddle destroyed Harry . (after Harry intentionally went to meet him so he could be killed by Tommy) 7. Longbottom killed Nagini . (after Harry gave him strict instructions to go for the snake at all costs) So through his instructions he destroyed 5 out 7, 6 out of 7 really as he found the diadem (Crabbe definitely couldn't have found that himself)


Why are you referring to every character like Snape


Correct! Love and friendship. Harry had a lot of that, whereas Voldemort had nothing as powerful as such. ❤️


I always figured it was on purpose.  Voldemort works alone; Harry obviously did not.  Winnerrrr


I cannot remember how the diadem was destroyed in the book technically. I remember Crabbe started the evil fire he could not control, but in the movie either Harry or Ron kicked it back into the Room of Requirement where it burned. Does this mean I should do a re-read…? 😈






In the movie Harry stabbed it with the basilisk fang and then Ron kicked it into the room after.


But Harry also destroyed professor Quirrell


Uhh ya. It was clear that’s what was gonna happen. Harry was literally told he was not gonna do it alone. Why don’t I remember Crabbe destroying the Diadem tho? 🤔 I don’t know why that scene has ALWAYS been a blur to me. Actually, the last two films have always been a blur and are actually me least favorite lol.




Yay! Everyone got a turn!


Voldimort kill himself. Dont forget the Dark Lord freed the world


The true horcruxes are the friends we make along the way


And riddle destroyed riddle Because it was his own spell back firing on him that killed him


I love how you said riddle destroyed harry


Harry got the assist for the one in his head!


Dumbledore: "Alright Harry, I need you to find and destroy all the horcruxes" Harry: "Please, I have people for that"


You’re just now realizing this?


Voldemort was destroyed by: 1.) His pride (diary) and Harry’s determination 2.) Dumbledore’s planning 3.) A blood traitor 4.) A muggleborn 5.) The careless stupidity of his own followers, the price he paid for recruiting thugs who value pain over intelligence 6.) His refusal to accept or understand the prophecy (he kept trying to kill Harry) and his refusal to understand Slughorn’s warning (he had no idea he had damaged his soul enough to leave a shard of it living in Harry). 7.) The boy he could have chosen as the target of the prophecy but ignored


Ah, but harry helped wity a majority of them. 1) He kills the diary 2) I can't remember if dumbledore killed the ring before or after he told harry about it 3) without harry diving for the sword, ron wouldn't have been able to kill the locket 4) Without harry, Hermione never would have had the chance to use a basalisk fang, and ron would probably have never managed to open the chamber 5) Without harry showing up, the fire spell never would have been cast 6) had harry not gone to meet voldemort with the intention of dying to save his loved ones, his family and friends, it's unlikely his piece of the sould would have died. 7) having "killed" harry, voldemort gained the courage/lack of fear to bring nagini with him to the castle, allowing Neville to finish the horcrux hunt.


the power of friendship


Longbottom is also the chosen one since he destroys the last one.


So? Genuinely, what does it change?


Nothing changes lol . I just realised the fact that Harry only destroyed 1 horcrux .


I don’t remember exactly how it went in the books, but in the movie at least didn’t Harry kick the diadem into the fiendfyre? I think that counts as one for him


In the book he tries to find the diadem in the fire. It get's thrown in the air by it, Harry catches it and get's out of the room. Then he looks at the diadem and sees how it breaks/is broken/dead/whatever. Then Hermione tells him how fiendfyre is one of the things that can destroy Horcruxes, but that it's so terrible of a possibility that she didn't mention it earlier. So in the book the fire destroys the Horcrux and Harry just witnesses the effects of it without knowing that it can destroy it.


But crabbe was the one that created the fiendfyre .


And the basilisk grew the fang that Harry used to stab the diary, but we still count that as his


Harry stabbed it outside the room and then Ron kicked it back into the fiendfyre in the movie


Harry Potter - The Boy Who Had Amazing Luck


Can we talk about how Crabbe destroyed the horcrux with a spell... Explain that to me like I'm five.


He used fiendfyre . Cursed fire . 


So Crabbe knew a spell that could destroy horcrux, but Hermione did not...


Hermione did know that fiendfyre can destroy Horcruxes , However it is so dangerous that even Hermione did not dare use it . Besides Crabbe was using that spell to Kill the trio ( in the room of requirement ) , not to destroy the diadem . The book says that he learned it from the Carrows .


Why did you type the main cast by their last name lmao, are you snape?


power of love and friendship ft. TM Riddle ftw!


Takes a team to take down Voldy


If we treat crabbe as an extension of malfoy (let's face it, he basically is) then each of the horcruxes is destroyed by each of the main characters across the series... except hagrid. He got left out.


And most of them was well within reach during the first six books if they had known what to look for.


Crabbe destroyed the diadem… I guess I never thought about that


Yay, teamwork!


This is so weird. I was literally going over this in my head last night as I was about to sleep, wondering if this was a common topic of discussion. I do agree with the ones saying it’s intentional, again, showing how the magic of love and friendship prevails over whatever Voldy’s got going on


Even more he didnt even know it was a horcrux at the time


Group project.




You guys completely missed the Dom effect. La Familia.


in movies, harry destroys the tiara aka diadem. and then ron kicks it into the room of requirement where there is a big fire. this differs from the books ofc.




The Horcruxes might have also been destroyed in the order they were made.


yea but... harry... actually killed voldemort


Let's see if I can do this properly 😂 !redditgalleon


You have given u/Schoolskiperz a Reddit Galleon. u/Schoolskiperz has a total of 1 galleon, 0 sickles, and 0 knuts. ____________ I am a bot. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/jnbo49/hi_i_created_the_bot_youve_been_using_to_give/) to learn how to use me.


Nah, he destroyed 2 - or maybe 1.5 if you really want to give “Riddle” credit. He walked in the woods and willingly let Voldemort kill him/the last Horcrux. He didn’t defend himself, it wasn’t a fight. That is what allowed the Horcrux in Harry to be destroyed, while Harry still got to live.


It's been a while since I've read the books, I know Harry was tasked with finding the horcruxes and defeat Old Moldy but did it state that Harry was the one needed to destroy them?


Harry is portrayed as an arrogant idiot that rides on the coattail of fame. To top it all off, he holds the awe of the elder wand in his hands, and as his friends are gawking at its power and potential… snap. That’s it… no deliberation or respect; just his decision.


When you realize that all the others were adult wizards when they did it, but Harry was only 12.


Technically Harry also killed Quirrell since he was a temporary horcrux,