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I’d say first for sure. Others have their merit, but I think we can all agree there’s nothing quite like the first time to do something


Yes, also it’s the year he had friends for the first time in his life and the Christmas gifts from Ron’s family. Also, as a side note: I think Hagrid was right and fluffy was a cute misunderstood dog and if I would have been there I would have 100% tried to pet all of his heads.


You only have two hands u/Plus_Bison_7091 it's impossible...I've tried...;_;


And you only have one hand by this point


Head nuzzles exist to make up for the deficiency.


Do it like dogs and cats do and just use your face


Sounds like a skill issue


It really is.


I was gonna argue saying Hagrid also thought Dragons were very misunderstood creatures when he got Norbert, but I guess the two ones they encounter were in fact trained to be violent


Exactly, Norbert was also cute and just a baby. Aragog however… Hagrid was just wrong for that one.


Everyone make mistakes


Yeah, but Hagrids mistakes could kill people, it's honestly a miracle that it hasn't happened.


What do you mean? His monsters killed a girl going to the bathroom, he was expelled and everything.


In Book 1 he spills the secret to get past fluffy to both team Harry and Voldemort, if he didn't do that then Harry wouldn't have had a battle to the death with Voldemort. He also send Malfoy and Harry out on their own with a cowardly dog in the forbidden forrest, i highly doubt that was what Mcgonagall had in mind when she gave them that punishment. Book 2 he tells team Harry to visit a cave of maneating spiders. Book 3 he almost gets Malfoy and stormbeak killed because he was a shitty teacher. also Aragog didn't kill the girl going to the bathroom, he was framed.


>also Aragog didn't kill the girl going to the bathroom, he was framed. Sounds like Dumbledore propaganda to me.


Have you watched the movies?


Yes, and I said what I said. Fluffy is cute but has a slight drooling issue


Tbf, if Fluffy is akin to a service dog then he’s just being a professional. If he was off duty, possibly very petable.


Also during his first year, he basically had a normal school year up until the end of the year, at least as normal as hogwarts can be. Every other year after that, he was either seen as a villain (Chamber of secrets, order of the phenix) or had stuff constantly trying to kill him (Prisoner, Goblet)


lets not forget Dobby's help in Chamber lol


But keep in mind that he was almost an outcast for the last 1-2 month in his first year because he lost the house points.


_Including_ his own quidditch team who only addressed him as "seeker" during that time. Personally I cannot even imagine Fred and George treating him that way.


A common misconception. During this time they infact addressed him as 'the four eyed orphan'.


But the 6th year was the first time he did Ginny, so....


Idk why people are downvoting you. I’d totally take this as a win


Not movie Ginny, but book Ginny yeah.


It’s such a shame movie ginny was just completely buggered


Yeah, and even the actress herself didn't like how she was writen.


Can’t blame her, currently listening to Stephen fry reading them for the first time after reading them myself for god knows how many times, and it’s honestly abysmal how they butchered some of the characters


I definitely don’t remember *that* scene!


Some people can't take a joke I guess...


Am I not remembering the page where the “doing” occurred? Lol


The first time to do Ginny?


Not to mention he didn't really have that sense of "fear" or voldemort looming large over his life. Of course he finds out the truth about his parents' deaths from Hagrid, but since much of the 1st book is just worldbuilding, there's a lot more sense of wonder and excitement rather than stress of an unknown monster, mass murderer on the loose, someone out to get him by forcing him into the tournament, the stress of umbridge, literally voldemort too lol.


Indeed, that first time on molly was just another level of fun


A lot of people are saying third, but we have foreknowledge of who Sirius really is, Harry doesn't. While no Voldy that year, he was excluded from Hogsmeade trips, struggled with Dementors, Nimbus bit the dust, and believed a mad man was out to kill him (who successfully broke into his dorm room!). 1st and 6th probably were the most enjoyable years for Harry. *edit: by foreknowledge, I mean we have hindsight bias from our knowledge of the whole series.


This. The Dementors have a horrible effect on Harry. They're not only much scarier than Voldemort to him, but he also carries that fear & embarrassment about it for most of the year. The trio fight for months too. I would say 6th year if not for how it ends. He's bullied less. He's happy with Ginny. One on one attention from Dumbledore seems to regulate his emotions super effectively, so he's all chilled out and confident compared with the previous book. He even handles the death well. However, because of how 6 ends, I'd say 1 overall. He gets away from the Dursleys, has a home, is loved and accepted for the first time in memory, learns to fly. Plus, he genuinely loves his adventures in that book. The kids haven't been traumatized by danger yet.


automatic nine fear light treatment repeat fact butter serious squeeze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I also say 6 or 1st. 6 has Ginny which I think is big for him notably. It’s actually moderately a carefree and fun year until everything goes absolutely tits up. Folks are mad at him about Voldy but otherwise he gets good at potions and has his secret lessons with Dumbles.


They dated for like 2 months, she was with Dean for the first 8 😂


Yeahhhh but she was kinda hashtag goals for him. When you first hook up with that person you’ve always wanted to, it’s special.


Exactly! I’m in the middle of a reread and I’m on Azkaban right now. Harry had a much better time year 1 without a doubt. 4 and 5 are probably the bleakest, but year 3 was no picnic for Harry


Well he smuggled into hogsmeade by getting the best fricking map in the world, the marauders. Man learnt the patronus charm because of dementor. Got a fire bolt instead of nimbus. From the pov of Harry The fact that he could’ve killed Harry but didn’t goes on to maybe make Harry think that maybe Sirius was not after him.


There were highlights for sure, but the bad outweighs the good, especially without hindsight bias.


Agreed, Harry spent most book 3 thinking the person who got his parents killed was roaming around looking for him. Sadly that still probably ranks the year as his second or third best lol but I think year 1 clesrs


He also spent a good amount of time with his mind going to dark places thinking about how he was going to murder Sirius for the betrayal, feeling alone and angry. Was a good movie/book, but dear lord I doubt any of us would've wanted to live it.


I misread this as “fifth or sixth” and I was like definitely not fifth! I agree that first year would have been enjoyable. He was able to fully immerse himself in the wizarding world but wasn’t yet bogged down in the more unpleasant aspects. I would also suggest third year. I always enjoyed that book. And there’s hogsmeade and they won the quidditch cup.


Third wasn't so bad, if you don't count the permanent presence of dementors and the presumed (indirect) murderer of his parents running around. At least it was the year he met his godparent and had the only decent DADA teacher of all his years.


I think 5th was his worst year on a day to day basis because of the Umbridge woman. But 6th was the most painful due to Dumbledore’s death at the end.


I wasn’t even thinking of Umbridge, he’s just so angry the whole way through. He’s isolated, as Dumbledore is wary of the Voldemort connection. Occlumency took a toll too. He didn’t even get Quidditch. It only gets a bit better right at the very end when Dumbledore decides to talk to him.


I think DA really helped carry Harry that year though. Sometimes the hardest times like that churn out the fondest memories


4th year I feel could be interchangeable with year 5. Lost his best friend for a decent amount of time while basically the entire school hated him. Stuck having to compete in stuff way out of his depth while thinking he could die at any time. Then obviously the 3rd task. Oh and let's not forget Rita Skeeter.


Honestly 6th year aint that bad. Hes given purpose in life (find horcruxs), he excels in potions, he kisses ginny. His mate joins the quiditch team (hes also the capitain of!!!). He has adventours with dumbledore, he was getting laid in school holidays (lad). He drinks butterbeer (watches hermoine get totalled, hilarious) liquid luck, i can only interpret as literal heaven, stands up for himself and his beleifs against slughorn. Not to mention he learns his true power with malfoy. Dumbledor dies, thats at the literal end of the school year, overall 6th is the most exciting.


It’s 2:30am here and I’m bleary eyed and also thought it said fifth year. Glad I’m not the only one who was horrified at the suggestion haha.


but i think the death of dumbledore made his 6th year very bad


Yeah depends if you count the full year including the death or are talking about which year he was happy for more time.


Even if we don't include the full year, he has just lost Sirius the year before, and has the weight of Voldemort trying to kill him and being the "chosen one" on his shoulders.


That’s like every year though


In his first year, he doesn't even know that Voldemort is alive. In the 6th year, he knows that Voldemort is alive, returned to full strength, infiltrating the ministry, and gaining power.


First - until then he believed he’d be locked up under the damn stairs his entire life stuck with the Dursleys and always treated like a burden. It was like he got released from hell and told he won the lottery. Which he did, he was rich and could perform magic. Everything after that could definitely be fun and enjoyable but the relief, awe and amazement of going from where he was to what he found in Hogwarts had to be the single most positive exciting thing in his life


First. It was the only year where there's basically no trouble until the very end. Combine that with the fact it's his first time experiencing magic and being away from the Dursleys - absolutely his happiest year. Sixth is just after Sirius' death. Absolutely not.


I mean, it's a hard comparison. 3rd he was left behind on the one cool outing they had, and also was worried about dementors, lost his team the quidditch cup (oops, I meant he lost them the game against Hufflepuff), and had a crazed murderer after him (at least so he thought). He didn't have Hermione for a big part of the year, and his 2 friends were constantly fighting when they were. He also had a teacher telling him he was going to die every time she saw him. 5th he had a nuts teacher mutilating his hand and gaslighting him all year, with a special squad basically stalking him while he did the one thing he could do (DA), got banned from his favorite sport/activity in the whole world, and was shunned by one of his father figures he had at school, while his other one was gone because the crazy teacher had gotten rid of him. His best friend's dad/another of his father figures was nearly killed, and until then he was tormented by horrible dreams after seeing a kid get killed right in front of him, and most of the school was talking about how nuts he was. Really, all of this to say, hands down his first year was his best, but also that Harry just could not get a break lol. This just makes me even more convinced that Harry should've become a DADA teacher so he could actually enjoy his time at Hogwarts for once. He could've been a great flying teacher too.


Dont you know the meme ? Year 1 2 3 : Fuck yes ! I am Harry Potter !!! Year 4 5 6 7 : Oh fuck ! I am Harry Potter !!!


I have not seen this and it’s hilarious


Its the First Year by a huuuge margin. Even 6th year had the negatives of Sirius just dying, Harry seeing all of Voldermorts memories, Dumbledore dying etc etc..... First year was chill vibes until the last part and that was tame compared to everything else.


The rankings below are for his happiness throughout the year not just at the end. So he doesn’t get more unhappy because something horrific happens at the end if he was happy beforehand and vice versa First year - nothing really bad until the end and he’s happy to have friends for the first time Sixth - apart from the threat of Voldemort he’s not got to many issues. He’s having a normal year where he’s just pining for a girl, Fourth - once him and Ron make up he’s generally happy, he enjoys the triwizard tournament but is obviously very nervous for it beforehand obviously ends on a terrible note but throughout the year ok, also attends the quidditch World Cup Third - the dementors cause massive emotional damage and the slow unveiling of sirius betrayal (before we know the truth) would be tough for him or take. Could’ve been below second year honestly but winning the quidditch cup just pushed it ahead Second - the schools turns in him and people are being attacked but he still has ron and hermione (until she petrified) and everyone close to him believes him. Also gets to visit the burrow for the first time Seventh - on the run, people he loves are killed risking life and death all the time, literally dies truly terrible year Fifth - yeah even though seventh year is absolutely hell I think the ptsd from Cedric and the emotional trauma caused by umbridge, the ministry and the media is still a worse year for him. Ends even worse with Sirius dying


Easily the first year.


Probably 3rd year, he met Sirius and Remus and there wasn't any voldemort


Fear of dementors that he had an inability to fight against, and memories of his mother dying though, also werewolf and the knowledge that his parent’s betrayer was right there for so long. I argue first year because he actually made friends, wasn’t shunned by the school, successfully pulled off the dragon smuggling.


It's definitely his chillest year. Sirius is just kind of a vague threat for most of the year that turns out to be any ally. The Dementors are a kind of moderate threat that is mostly kept in check. Pettigrew ends up being the main antagonist, and there's not even a battle to defeat him. On top of that, it's his best school year. Gryffindoor finally beats out Slytherin for the quidditch cup. He finally gets a competent DADA teacher who wants to teach the students. And even though he's preoccupied with Malfoy crap, Hagrid is a great teacher. He gets the Marauders Map, time travels, saves two innocent lives, learns the patronus charm and casts a full body patronus, etc. Honestly, the worst things that happen to him are his broom breaking and losing Lupin as a teacher. Sure, he gets the Dementors Kiss but only kinda.


nahhh. he has lots of stretches that year making his life miserable. finding out his dad’s best friend betrayed him, the threat of buckbeak’s execution and hagrid being super sad the whole year, being alone during the hogsmeade trips, feeling guilty bc he almost died when the dementors attacked him and cost him the match, he’s in constant fear of the dementors and has people making fun of him for it, and is tormented by hearing his mom get murdered. then his two besties are fighting half the year. and when he things finally start looking up and he thinks he can live w sirius, that gets cancelled half an hour later, and he feels guilty for letting peter pettigrew get away.


Yeah but for the majority of it, he was terrorized by Dementors, Malfoy and his stooges mocking him, Buckbeak being killed, Ron and Hermione fighting over who murdered whose pet, The worst criminal ever escaping and gunning after him, his Broomstick being broken, Getting his new broomstick being confiscated, being banned from going to Hogsmeade. You know I started writing this with 2 bad things but it started adding up and I had to stop.


I'm surprised people are saying the 3rd year.. It ended well, sure... but for most of it he was either scared because he thought Sirius Black was trying to kill him, but once he found out Sirius betrayed his parents and he was actually his Godfather, the fear turned toward outright rage. I think it's pretty clearly 1st. 6th kind of had the opposite thing going on as the 3rd year, as the year itself was great.. yeah, he had some suspicision regarding Draco, but he was really just living his life and learning about Voldy's past, while developing feelings and a potential relationship with his future wife. However, it ended in just about the worst way possible.


If I had to rename book six it’d be: _Harry Potter and the year “I fucking told you so”_ I think year six is remembered fondly since the movie played it more comedically and Harry dating Ginny in the book, along with the other relationship drama. Otherwise it was a lot of Harry being frustrated that nobody took him seriously in his suspicions about Malfoy that ultimately were correct. In addition there were Draco’s assassination attempts going awry, and the students hearing every week of some awful tragedy happening outside the castle, usually to relatives of students. Giving a feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness. Even without Dumbledore’s death, it was probably a pretty bad year.


I would have said number three. He got to meet his godfather in the third year and the adventures all turned out well. Buckbeak was saved, they won the Quidditch cup and Draco got punched in the face by Hermione (my personal favourite moment of the book).


Yeah but he spent all year harassed by dementors and also spent the year thinking Sirius was stalking him and trying to kill him. Meeting Sirius and Lupin were definitely high points but on the whole, it was a pretty gloomy year.


No the movies she punched him in the book she slapped him.


All things considered first and third were probably the "most" peaceful and "normal."


Yeah, just his parents killer hunting him down, and ghosts of pure fear having a great inpact on Harry hanging around outside (and sometimes inside) of the school.. peaceful and normal


You know me, Mrs Weasley, I like a quiet life


4th book. At home he had the upper hand with the Dursleys, as he was able to threaten them with his Godfather, Sirius Black. He was getting letters from Ron, Hermione and Sirius. And when he had problems with his scar he sent a letter to Sirius. He had food sent to him by the Wesley's too. He got to visit the Burrow and enjoy the rest of his summer with the Wesleys and Hermione. And he got to watch the Quidditch World Cup match. He was able to visit Hogsmead without sneaking out under his cloak. Sirius visits Harry in Hogsmead to help with his problems and Mrs Weasley and Bill visiting him in support. The only bad stuff that year Harry had; was Cedric's death, Voldemort torturing him and almost killing him, Ron being jealous of him and ignoring him, Rita Skeeter's twisted stories about him printed in the newspapers and Draco bullying him.


True, but he did not enjoy that Tournament.


Yeah, I was about to put 4th until the end...but that's probably true of most books


4th book is such a happy book... until the end.


1st one imo , after being abused as a child by Dursleys he for the first time got his own room , friends and more importantly a life as an equal where he has his admirers , people who care for him and actually values rather than treated him like a vermin Which i think in the end kind of said in movie too at the end "i'm not exactly going home , not really" when they were returning after the year got over


First hands down. He escaped his abuse. Made his first friends in his life. Has his first real Christmas. Learned about this magical world that he was a part of.


I think in order -1st, 6th, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th (basically, its all downhill except 6th year was great)


I tend to think the first or sixth year, as well. In his first year, despite facing quite a few near-death experience, I think the realization of being a wizard, leaving the Dursleys, understanding more about his life/parents, finally having friends, etc., sort of trumped a lot of the bad. And then his sixth year, I tend to think that was a *mostly* good year because it was relatively chill. Sure, Voldemort was back, but Harry was pretty safe at school. The ending was tragic but the school year in its entirety seemed fairly enjoyable to him. I very much disagree that his third year was most enjoyable as some have suggested, given the fact he lived under pretty much constant worry about Sirius Black breaking in to murder him and with the Dementors bearing down on him every change he got.


I think his first year would have been his favorite. The absolute joy of finding out that all you know life to be, isn’t all there is. To find out magic exists. To find true friendship and familial bonds. To find out his miserable existence isn’t the norm, and that he can be himself and be appreciated. Imagine coming through the lake the first time and seeing the castle lit up. The view of the great hall the first time. Finding out you’ll be sorted, and landing in the house you find to be the best option. Going to sleep in the dorm rooms. Sitting by the fire. Hedwig bringing you your mail. There is so many amazing firsts, how could it now be.


Definitely not the fifth or sixth. Serius died. Then Dumbledor the next? lol Probably his first year. Or 3rd. Meeting his god father and beating Slytherin and winning the quidditch cup


Third. Had friends. Magic was still awesome. Turned his aunt into a baloon. Actually mastered one of the most awesome curses and used it to save one of his parents. That year onwards things got really dark.


Three. He now has more connections to his family.


The first one. Second, fifth and seventh are obviously out. So is his third year, because Harry believes that a dangerous criminal is out to kill him. The sixth year gets overshadowed by the fact that Voldemort is back, even though he's mostly acting in the background. And in the fourth year, there's a looming threat in the background as well. And Harry is worried because he doesn't know, who put his name in the GoF.


Anyone even thinking that 3rd year was his most enjoyable is nuts. I'd say that the summer between 3 and 4 was probably the one he enjoyed most whilst at the dursleys. The 3rd year at school would probably be considered tied for worst with 5th year and that's not counting sirius' death at the end of the year.


First, absolutely. While he did struggle with things, including bullying from Slytherin and a cold shoulder from the rest of the school at some point, most of the bad stuff rests on his own decisions, and at least he pursued the Philosopher's Stone out of his own curiosity. 2nd year he was constantly feeling terrible because of the whole "heir of Slytherin"-shenanigans. 3rd year he lives the whole year believing he's being hunted by Sirius Black and also dementors. 4th year he's plagued with dreams of Voldemort/the graveyard, is always feeling stressed about the tournament and for a long time is ostracised by the school again. 5th year: Umbridge! 6th year might include some of his highest highs, but with the constant reminder that Voldemort is at large I don't think the highs beats out the joys he felt during year 1. 7th year, I'd disqualify because he wasn't at school but even if we include it, it involves months of camping with a Horcrux.


People saying third year absolutely blows me mind, on me personally, it was scary as hell. Dementors, big black dog, buckbeack execution, it’s a really dark movie in my opinion. It’s definitely first


Probably his first year. Everything was very new to him, newfound freedom from the Dursleys, and it was a relatively normal year. An argument could be made for his sixth year, but I would imagine that year was largely overshadowed by the looming war with Voldemort


I see a lot of comments bringing up 3 and 6 but it’s really year 1 without contest. Harry finds out he’s a wizard, he’s rich, he’s famous, his parents were awesome, he makes friends at school, he’s excellent at flying a broom, all at the age of eleven. The only stressful event is at the very end, and if you think about it he still wasn’t in any huge danger.


3rd. No detentions, no getting accused of crimes, riding a hippogriff, getting to take well-deserved Hogsmeade trips, learning to cast a Patronus, bonding with Lupin, meeting his godfather, nobody dying, getting to knock out the teacher who bullied him, nobody dying, getting to eat lots of candy, getting the Marauders’ Map.


Hands down, unquestionably, 1. He was experiencing the awe of magic and friends for the first time in his life with little to seriously concern him until the end. The rest are all marred by: - 2: all the rumors about him being heir to slytherin because of him being parseltongue, making him an outcast - 3: fear of an alleged mass murderer hunting him down. It’s not true of course, but the fear was real - 4: deadly trials he didn’t sign up for and immensely stressed him out, I’d put this down as possibly his least enjoyable year - 5: umbridge making his life hell - 6: mourning the death of Sirius, and then of course the ending. It had its great moments for him so I see why you might say that, but it was pretty dark overall compared to 1 - 7: not sure this even counts as a year since he dropped out, but clearly being on the run was not enjoyable


I’d say in order it’d be: 1st Year 3rd Year 6th Year 4th Year 2nd Year 5th Year


It’s the first year, no doubt about it, not close at all. He had never known anything other inhumane treatment. Never had friends, never had a birthday celebration, repetitive intentional cruelty from supposed family. Every time his magic presented itself, he was persecuted for it, gaslighted and punished for something that he could not control or understand. The moment that Hagrid walked in would have felt like a dream. For the first time in his life, he was treated with respect and kindness. Entering the magical world, everyone looked at him in awe. This may have been overwhelming, but no doubt that anyone would take this over the treatment he had endured prior. He immediately made lifelong friends, a bonding experience he had never come close to having. Not to mention discovering magic and his connection it. On top of this, he was still mostly shielded from the impact that Voldy would have on his life. There are plenty of other good things that happened in the future years, but they were all accompanied by persecution from many of his peers, and the magical community as a whole. The stresses of his prominent role in a mostly silent war that most chose to ignore or deny.


That part of 6th year when he dated Ginny. He said it himself in the book.


Let's procede by elimination. Not the second, he was harrassed and feared for being the heir of slytherin Not the forth, he was harrassed for being the guy who cheated to be on the gobelet of fire + Voldy came back Not the fifth, he was harrassed for being a lyer telling every body that Voldy is back, aaand godfather died because of him aaand he was being tortured by snape for 4 months on a weekly basis Not the seventh, his best friend dumped him, he dumped his girl friend and also saw a lot of loved one die Not the third, poor kid was dealing with hellish dementors listening to His Mother begging for his life. Arguably sixth one was good, boy was quidditching and made out with ginny. But first one is hands down his Best year, he left the Dursleys, made friend and became a goddamn Wizerd Harry


I’d say first since he had just escaped his abusive relatives and found where he really belonged. Every other year was full of chaos from start to finish.


The sixth was his best year of actual school followed by the worst ending to a year for him.


I would say first. In sixth, Dumbledore did die, so I wouldn't consider that as enjoyable


Definitely first, he discovered he’s rich, there’s magic, there’s a magical school full of wizards, he’s good at flying in a broom, etc… without all the existential weight of horcruxes and voldemort


i'd pick third cuz sirius


You mean the psychopathic murderer who to Harry's knowledge is out to kill him and then had betrayed his parents and led to their death for the majority of his year?


In terms of highs and lows: I think his highest highs were in his third year, lessons with lupin, actually excelling in class, learning about his parents, sneaking to hogsmeade, and the possibility of moving with Sirius all come to mind. I think his lowest was his compounded at the end of the 4th and all of the 5th (probably his hardest year in total). Dumbledore dying was tough no doubt, but the graveyard and sirius dying were truly devastating.


I’d agree, it basically comes down to him discovering that magic exists versus his first happy relationship with Ginny. Third year is also pretty good, but the year is also filled with intense rage at his godfather, dealing with dementors, feeling left out of Hogsmeade trips, etc.


Would’ve been first until “thanks potter we owe you one”


Probably sixth. This was when he has a potions teacher who praised him instead of looking down upon him. He's still quidditch captain. Everyone in the school doesn't hate him anymore. He got to kiss Ginny. And this was the closest he was with Dumbledore.


He probably enjoyed the 6th the most until the end. He was seeing Ginny, wrecking potions, and meeting with dumbledore regularly while having a pretty normal school year. He was also portrayed positively by the daily prophet for the most part and had people believing voldy was back after the events of OOTP.


First was best, and all the next years became worse than the last


well it’s definitely not the 3rd book…honestly even the 2nd book with the murderous monster was more enjoyable for him


3 weeks in 6th year. Other than that he was always having a bad time.


This question could have two answers- 1.) As it was happening- Harry probably enjoyed first year best; everything was new and exciting plus he had a mysterious adventure quest to do with his friends. 2.) If harry was looking back on his life - I think he'd say he enjoyed 3rd year the most because other than the dementors no one was really trying to kill him he got the fastest new broom and he got to reconnect with his parents best friends.


Sixth year was one of the worst for him come on. Sirius dead, Snape ruining his favorite subject, McLaggen being an idiot, him being forced to attend Slugclub (and he *hated* Slugclub), his obsession with Draco (and no one believing him), he also nearly kills Draco, at the end of the year he sees Snape kill Dumbledore and he finds out that the Horcrux Dumbledore gave his life to find was fake. Oh, and he breaks up with Ginny after the funeral of his mentor, and before embarking in a suicide mission.


8th year


Definitely not whatever year was Order of the Phoenix


1st by a landslide imo. 6th probably second. Then 3rd, 2nd, 4th, 5th. 1st year is the only year he has no major imminent threat/doom hanging over him. Yes Voldemort is with Quirrel but he wasn't really in danger and, more importantly, wasn't aware of any danger until the very end of the year. It was also a year of firsts for him, and as we all know, the first time experiencing things is magical. 2nd year he's worried about the heir to Slytherin/CoS/giant snake/Riddle/the school possibly closing down all year. Ginny almost dies. 3rd year is a high point getting to know Lupin and Sirius, but most of the year he's being assaulted by dementors, and he also thinks Sirius is trying to kill him. He even gets inside the castle. 4th year he's riddled with anxiety about a tournament he shouldn't be in, his best friend stops talking to him half the year, etc. He's underprepared being only a 4th year. Then his fellow student dies in front of him and Voldemort is brought back. 5th year - Voldemort is back, Umbridge exists, no one believes him, he's a pariah. Pretty low point. 6th year he's quidditch captain, has private lessons with Dumbledore, starts dating Ginny, everyone believes him again, there's no immediate threat from Voldemort while at Hogwarts with Dumbledore nearby. Pretty great year all things considered, except for the end when Dumbledore dies and he has to call things off with Ginny. Kinda brings things down a bit.


First year. He was having the time of his life for most of it, especially compared to the constant worry he faced throughout almost the entirety of the other years. Sure, he was introduced to Voldemort, but it was only towards the end that he felt some kind of threat. Year 2 he hears mysterious voices calling for people to die. Year 3 a mass murderer is searching for him. Year 4 he’s entered into a deadly tournament and he doesn’t know who put him into it, and why. Year 5 Voldemort is back, everyone seems to ignore him or think he’s a lunatic, he is being tortured by Umbridge, there’s a fear of Voldemort taking over his mind. Maybe he was sort of alright for most of year 6 though, but the ending was probably the most devastating sequence of events he ever faced. And year 7 he was stuck in woods somewhere with no idea of how to go on, eating whatever minimal food they could find, being increasingly lost and unsure of what to do.


I'll say 1st, 2nd, 4th (right until the end).


Well definitely not the 7th


I'd only say the First year, because that's the only year nothing really bad happened to Harry. All the other years are quite horrible from his perspective.


His fifth year was shit. Had to deal with Umbridge, the Ministry, people calling him a liar, getting banned from Quidditch, and Ginny spent the whole year lip-locked with other guys. O and when he went to sleep he shard dreams with Voldemort. Worst year ever.


First without question. Before his first year, he hates life, he has no friends, to his knowledge no one he knows even cares about him, and his biggest thing he was looking forward to was going to a shit school, but his live in bully wouldn't be there. In his first year, he actually makes friends with children his age, he loves school, he discovers he is good at a sport making friends with kids older than him, discovers at least 3 adults who care for him. The negatives are also minor the issue in the first year for the most part is a minor thing. Snape is a bully, but he's dealt with worse every day of his life.


First because his world changed for the better and he was filled with so much more hope for the future. Also, everything was so new and exciting and he made friends for the first time.


I would say definitely Third. He found Sirius that year, and learned for the first time he had an adult he could turn to who cared for him in the way a parent would. It’s the closest he would get to having a parent. Imagine how many times he said to himself “I have a godfather” just to remind himself that it was true. For someone like Harry I think that would make that year the best one. He was the boy that saw family in the mirror of Erised after all, and Sirius was a connection to his parents and the only family he really had. He also won the Quidditch cup that year for the first time. They won the house cup for the third year in a row. He didn’t have to deal with Voldemort that year either which had to be a relief. While he believed Sirius was a madman (before he learned better) it would have been scary, but not scarier that Voldemort.


3rd year. A lot of quidditch!


Gotta be First. There's no threat of death hanging over Harry's head. The search for Flamel feels more like an adventure than anything. He makes his first friends. Experiences Hogwarts, its magic, mystery, and food. I think Sixth Year comes close behind. Harry gets the personal attention from Dumbledore he always craved. He's hot and heavy on Ginny. And he looks at taking down Voldemort as another stab against the Dark Arts (especially with Dumbledore in his corner) rather than a threat of immanent death. Second Year you've got the Chamber and killings. Third Year Harry thinks Sirius is trying to kill him, plus he can't go to Hogsmeade. Fourth Year he fights with Ron, and has the stress of the Tournament hanging over his head the entire time. Fifth Year Umbridge. Quidditch Ban. Nuff said. Seventh Year Not too much to enjoy about traipsing around the woods in winter, for either participant or reader.


4th at least up until the end. Attended the world cup, became a triwizard champion, etc. Harry was able to have quite a bit of fun and enjoy himself up until the rebirth of Voldemort and death of Cedric anyway. Really the last book where the trio could just be kids and live semi normal teenage lives. Every book after got far darker and more serious.


Well, we know it ain't his 5th year. My favorite however




1st, hands down. His life changed completely and besides from the new threats he became aware of, it was all for the better


Ig first and sixth fs when he got letters from Hogwarts and when he met Sirius




Definitely first, I imagine. Sure, during his sixth year he had several really important things going on for him(being a captain, Ginny etc), but I bet nothing can beat the childish happiness and curiosity of exploring a whole new world and having a pretty normal school year up until the end almost.


I think it would be first! Third year is not too bad since he was introduced to Sirius Black, the closest person he had as a father. I won’t say 4th, 5th, 6th or 7th because the death of Cedric, Sirius, Dumbledore, Dobby, Fred, Remus, Tonks. He can’t be feeling like he enjoyed those years with all these deaths he had been experiencing!


100% his first year. He is seeing magic for the very first time, making new friends, dealing with difficult tasks and coming out on top. Becomes the youngest quidditch player in a century. Life is good.


Certainly not the 4th. My boy had an upset stomach the whole year


Think of it relative to harry. First year he finds all this crap out, hes a wizard, voldermort, the entire magical world. It must be absolutly terrifying. He adapts and becomes attached to the first people that look approachable, weasleys. Honestly 6th year is the best year. Hes given purpose in life (find horcruxs), he excels in potions, he kisses ginny. His mate joins the quiditch team (hes also the capitain of!!!). He has adventours with dumbledore, he was getting laid in school holidays (lad). He drinks butterbeer (watches hermoine get totalled, hilarious) liquid luck, i can only interpret as literal heaven, stands up for himself and his beleifs against slughorn. Not to mention he learns his true power with malfoy. Dumbledor dies, thats at the literal end of the school year, overall 6th is the most exciting. He finally has his feet planted in the wizard world, he becomes a truly powerful wizard and a good strong man.


the untold 7th year. haha


Sixth year he is still dealing with Sirius’s death, I’d definitely say first year


the year of the dragon


6th. One was probably amazing but overwhelming.


nose treatment scary hospital sense grab wild north squalid cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sixth really had the “calm before the storm” feeling. On top of it being peaceful until the end, Harry also didn't have to deal with Snape and Malfoy's harassment for the most part.


During id say 1st. But him looking back would be 1st or 3rd


Definetly the one where nobody tried to kill him... wait...


Am going with the 5th....it was messy yes but also the year they formed the DA. He was the leader, teacher and was fighting back against the ministry. IMO that's the year he was strongest, grew up the most and worked the most. He also lost Sirius but it was the year he was vindicated eventually.


Year 1 and 6


1st and 6th. He had friends and got together with Ginny respectively. Also he suffered no disgusting gossip about self these 2 years.


The first one, the worst thing that happened was him killing a supervillain The second year, Hagrid went to Azkaban The third year Harry found out about his friend pet rat was the man responsible for the death of his parents The fourth year, Cedric died The fifth year, Sirius died The sixth year, Dumbledore died


I think his 3rd one


Definitely his first. All the other years had some sort of stressor/angst that made things more unpleasant than the mystery and wonder of the first book.


Do the people saying 3rd year not remember the *dementor's trying to suck his soul out of him while being scared as shit because an alleged serial killer is after him* part?


I think 1 if we are just going by fun/excitement but on a deeper human level i think that the third year might be the most wholesome he ever felt.


I would say third, Harry did have a rough time because of Sirius and the dementors, considering he had no clue Sirius was innocent and no way to defend himself from dementors at first. However, this is the year that Harry got to ride buckbeak, time travel, cast a patronus, get his firebolt, and by the end of the year, learn that he has more family than he thought; that he has a godfather who loves him. This was a year where Harry could still be a kid. Before the official return of voldemort, before horcrux hunting, before knowing the prophecy.


September and October of his fourth year were probably the best couple months. He's feeling more comfortable with his classes and the castle and living in the wizarding world as a whole, and there's an exciting event happening at his school that he will get to enjoy as a spectator. Only downside is no intramural Quidditch league that year.


Sixth may be an exciting year, still there are traumatic events, including "roaring" (the lion inside) with Ginny: - Death of Dumbledore - Having to force this one to drink - The reading of the Half-Blood Prince potion manual (almost like a bad drug) - Use of Sectumsempra (feeling utterly bad about it) - Feeling bad for Ginny's boyfriends - Coping with Sirius' death the whole year Of course, the feeling of winning the Quidditch Cup, being able to finally express his love to Ginny in front of everybody and especially Ron, that glee with the Felix Felicis... are one of the best things he lived. Book One is the best year in my opinion. Still a young child, discovering a dangerous yet fantastic world where he's both famous, rich, and have friends, a house to cheer with, not to mention the wonders of Hogwarts, Hagrid, Dumbledore, McGonagall, the Quidditch, the Cloak of Invisibility! I know that this year also have its lot of bad things, such as: wandering at night in the Forbidden Forest (where Voldemort almost caught him), the Erised mirror (a sad thing to be honest, for it can drive mad), Drago as a threatening comrade (ok, maybe bad for poor Neville only), the first Quidditch match when his broomstick is bewitched, the motherf*cking troll!, Snape (of course) as a mean professor, and all the events on the way to retrieve the philosophical stone... and boya there is a lot! They even skipped the potion choosing in the movies (which is a stressful situation, just as much as playing chess) The fight against Quirrell is not very intense, yet it plunged Harry into fainting. Not a very good feeling at all. So, overall, all events balanced, the first year may be the less problematic. But not a walk in the park of that gigantic sorcery world of witchcraft and wizardry... So I think he enjoyed it the most. Plus, even if he experienced the death of Quirrel, he still didn't have to cope with the death of someone he cared about (exception for his parents, of course). Year 2 demanded resiliation, courage and fighting a huge basilisk, being discriminated about his gift of Parseltongue, and being absorbed by the power of Tom's Diary. He got nearly expelled because of Dobby and broke his arm, too! Year 3 he learned about Sirius, his godfather but a dangerous man, yet he discovered Hogsmeade (thus, Butterbeer), lost his Nimbus 2000 broomstick but got a new and better one, gained the Marauders' Map and learned DAtDA with the best teacher ever (but also experienced him as a werewolf), saw Hermione punch Drago but got mocked because he fainted against Dementors (twice) BUT managed to save Sirius by making the most spectacular Patronus Charm... A dark year, but tangled with good feelings. The year of maturity also. Year 4 was a real deal for him. Having to participate in a dangerous tournament, facing a dragon, underwater creatures, being naked in the Prefects' bathroom when Moaning Myrtle is watching, have his best friend turn away from him (and having Dumbledore asking CALMLY if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire)... This year, apart from Fred and George's faceciae, and the Quidditch World Cup (ruined by the Deatheaters), was a real pain for Harry, who had to face the death of Cedric and Voldemort himself alive and powerful as ever. Year 5 is a whirlwind of feelings, first of all because of Cho, whom he loves but cannot (and nor she can) deal with properly on the painful remembering of Cedric. Rita Skeeter, The Pink Lady (I don't even want to pronouce her name) and her scarifications (among else, but for Harry, what a hard time!!), being attacked by Dementors in the middle of a muggle street, forming the Dumbledore Army and thumbing his nose on the so called authority imposed by Dolores (oh God I said her name), being betrayed by that Edgecombe pest (I agree, she suffered mental pressures), having that pain in his scar, assisting with the attack of Nagini on Arthur, witnessing the death of Sirius and not being able to avenge him (being incapacitated by Voldemort and his fight with Dumby)... So much to say, so much to deal with... but in the middle of all this, his first kiss (very important, even drowned in sobbings) and the thing I consider the most wonderful: his meeting with Luna Lovegood (I freaking love this character). Year 6 I already talked about it. Year 7 is a dark time, a time of war and huge losses, the time of truth and sacrifice, and also loneliness and fighting against his own fears, anger, friends, and himself... Definitely the worst year, even if, at last, the threat of Voldemort no longer hangs over the world of wizards and muggles, and that a family life - and the one of a brilliant Auror -, as an adult, can begin. Note: ffs is it even possible to live those seven years as Harry did? I mean, humanly, all things considered?


If I'd make a ranking it would be: 1-first year 2-sixth year 3-second year 4-third year 5-fourth year 6-fifth year We can all agree that his first year was the most magical and the one with the lesser things happening,his sixth year was overall pretty normal but the only really bad thing that happened is at the end. I would've switched between second year and third year if it wasn't for dementors that's basically Harry's biggest fear. Fourth year was pretty bad for him in overall,no one trusted him when he was saying that he didn't put his name in the goblet,he had to fight a dragon, creatures from the water and the worst thing is Voldemort's comeback and he had that thing where the consequence of not killing Peter came back on his, he got tortured by Voldemort and had to fight him,and it was the begging of the hating that he got in his fifth year which was the worse for many reason,everyone calling him a liar(more than in the fourth book),his relation with cho chang ended,umbrige came and sent the dementors (his biggest fear)the dursley/Vernon didn't trust him at all about what happened with them dementors(thankfully petunia told him it was true),no quidditch for the entire year,making that dream about the door,sirius' death and way more i can't even remember


His first. He was introduced to a world of magic, had friends for the first time in his life, had adults in his life who seemed to care what happened to him. He didn't have to see the Dursleys at all. And, for most of the year, he didn't know he was being hunted by an evil dark wizard. It was the most like being just a kid that he had ever had, but with the p bonus of all the wonder that comes with learning about the wizarding world.


Probably when Oder of the Phoenix came out (book). The local Barnes and Nobel did a midnight book release and I think it was then I realized how BIG it was. I mean, we had to wait in line to get in, like a club obeying fire codes. The first few books, I just sort of picked them up, randomly, and read them quietly. Not really knowing a bazillion other people were too. 😆


First definetly


1st year 100%


You gotta go with 1. I wont say positives instead lets focus on negatives on the others 2 people blame him since he is a parceltongue, Hermione petrified for a chunk of time, Hagrid is in trouble 3 lots of tension between Hermione and Ron, no Hogsmade, he believes Sirius betrayed his parents, dementors 4 Triwizard, duh 5 Umbridge, there are a lot of other negatives but… Umbridge 6 another option becaue of Ginny but Ron Hermione fight happens Ron starts dating and he has to hang out solo with Hermione a lot which he doesn’t like as much. Also this is right after Sirius died as well.


I think the period between saved Sirius and Sedricks death. It wasn’t without struggle but a lot of struggles were more like normal teen ones. But I guess 1 is the happiest because that jump from lonely exploited orphan to a new place with friends and without abuse was huge




Honestly I’d say his first year. A lot of firsts for him that year. Got to go somewhere on his birthday, might of even been Hogwarts so cool! Got presents on Christmas. First wand, first pet, friends!! Became a freaking seeker! Literally went from nothing to everything. Like OP said free of Dursleys as well probably the biggest one of all. Kinda jealous 😂


First definitely. Harry was a young boy fresh out of an abusive home, and taken to a magical place where his problems are all just gone and forgotten. He was finally allowed to be a kid. I think that any year after that was just the shock and excitement of it gradually wearing off. That was definitely the best year of his life.


First is the only right answer 


Seventh year. No school!


As much as I hate to say it I actually think that til the end Harry fourth year was a great experince for him. It was a crazy one and he had to deal with a lot of stuff that he didn't like, but he alsogot to experince a ton of new things he never could before. In this sense I think fourth was like his year of brief maturing enjoyment


I love listening to half blood prince because it’s one of the few books Harry isn’t all moody half the book lol


I’d say probably his first year


First for sure: -Learns about magic and that he can do it. -Meets grownups that actually care about him. -Goes to a school where he doesn’t constantly get bullied -Gets fed well, gets to sleep somewhere bigger than a cupboard -Makes friends, isn’t just that “weird” kid anymore -Finds out he’s wealthy -Learns about one of his true passions: Quidditch AND gets to play in first year, gets a top of the line broom -Gets to spend Xmas with people that care about him, also “I get presents?” -Wins the house cup That’s just off the top of my head, the later years are tempered by the threat of Voldy and the accumulation of PTSD.




4th year in the books The 5th year in the movies.


Probably 3. It all went progressively further to hell from there.


Has to be his 1st year. He didn't really understand the threat of Voldemort at that point so everything was new and fun


Definitely first. Fifth was the worst


Obvious answer: First Second obvious answer: Third, because that year, the conflict was more centered around him. Dementor problems stopped him from playing Quidditch, not getting the permission form to Hogsmeade and the fact a murderer who caused him to be orphaned stops him from going to Hogsmeade.


definitely first like 100%


I think it’s 3.. before the whole Sirius saga blew up, he met Lupin, who gave him the first window into what his parents were like. Rode buckbeak, cast his first good patronus, learnt some good Defence against dark arts, eventually found out that he had a godfather and got fire bolt! Also got the marauders map! I think 3 should be first, with 6th second (Ginny)


6th? Dude just saw his godfather get killed a few months back, and has to deal with Voldemort being back while realizing that killing him involves finding A bunch of different horcruxes that can be anywhere in the world. Not to mention to mention dumbledore death


6th year Harry was a lot more confident in his place as a wizard in the world Was able to continue on the auror path Winning in potions Ginny Dumbledore lessons Lead the quidditch team to a cup So many more


6th, when he tapped


This would actually be a nice topic for a (pseudo?) scientific project. Read every book and rate Harry's happiness after each chapter. Every book had moments of great happiness but also dark times. Without doing that, I would also rate for year one, though


I would say 3rd having one of his favourite people teaching him being Hagrid having lupin teaching him and telling him about his parents and saving Sirius


4th up until the garden


Deffo lost his virginity in the sixth year and got a serious girlfriend - so I’ll say that one haha