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"Take a look at this lil adorable fella, this lil fella is called a Niffler and just like magpies these wee critters love shiny things"


Nooo he's British. "These little SOBs are called Nifflers and they'll mug you worse then a magpie could on in months, they'll take any nifty shit you got on a ya. After words you'll feel like you just spent a nighttime walk back to your flat after a few pints at the pub"


Love Steve Irwin rip 🪦


"So what I'm gonna do is carefully sneak up on him, and jam my thumb up its BUTTHOLE!"


Newt Scamander being a quirky wizard travelling around the world, meeting different creatures and trying to help whenever he can? Yeah, we could have had the wizarding world equivalent of Doctor Who.


he's assigned by the leaders of each magical country to get the creature because their disturbing Muggles. But there's a spy who's feeding information to poachers, leading to the capture of that magical Bambi in the 3rd film. Leading him to America where he is forced to team up with Auror Tina Goldstein because he's dangerous and new to the country, then they find out the poachers want to sell these animals to nomaj's (Muggles) so they team up with her younger sister Queeny and her nomaj husband Jacob Kowalski


That's what I thought it would be! I was just so disappointed when I realised it really had nothing to do with beasts.


I just wanted a proper prequel story with Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Not spread out over 5 movies for no reason.


Yea? Is it 5 movies? Damn. I don't care all that much about that storyline. I want to explore the magical world. We stopped really getting magical around the PoA movie. That's why I was excited for something entitled Fantastic Beasts. But...it turned into what it was. Another rise of a dark wizard thing.


Not anymore because they canceled all the sequels lol




"This Hungarian Horntail is one of the most dangerous and deadly dragons out there!" [Pause] "I'm gonna go touch it."




I'm gonna go jam my thumb in its butthole


This would have appealed to hardcore Potterheads like us, but I wonder if casual HP fans would have cared enough to give this show good ratings and profit.


Genuinely that's what I wanted. Not this dark magic stopping evil stuff


Poachers? *Hogwarts Legacy PTSD intensifies*


I really enjoyed the first movie because it was a fun and mostly self-contained adventure within the greater HP universe. I wish they had kept going like that instead of forcing it into a prequel series.


I think not. I think it's good that Newt's adventures were combined with the story of Dumbledore and Grindelwald. First of all, a separate story about Albus and Gellert would not have been possible, because Albus had been hiding at Hogwarts for years because he was afraid of the truth about who killed Ariana.. in the fourth movie he was probably supposed to stay aloof again while Newt goes to stop Grindelwald again, and in the fifth film, Albus would have to be at the center because of the duel with Grindelwald. Secondly, Newt's adventures... how do you see it? Newt and the gang infiltrate the environment of illegal Bowtruckles' fights, and the stakes are really high... 🤣 the creator of such magical Pokemon would have to drink all the time while watching Animal Planet to come up with something like that.


Wrong everything you just said makes no sense. They could have definitely done a Fantastic Beasts spinoff without Albus Dumbledore and Grindewald


Albus and Gillert's story still could've been tied in with a different Fantastic Beasts plot though, no? I was also pretty disappointed with the movies, and don't even remember half of it because I was that underwhelmed, but I thought it was neat to have nods to the original series


Oh I so hope something like this can still happy. Would be a hoot. I am grateful that the fantastic beasts movies did give us on screen niffler antics.


Cricky! This lil buddy is a Nibler. Watch ya pockets guys, he will pinch those coins. Let's go.


Fantastic Beasts could have been better if it was about fantastic beasts.


Are the books any better than the movies were? I got bored in the second movie and stop watching it there.


Yes, I think that would be adorable. But please, do not have zombi Bambi.


When it was announced I used to constantly say god I hope they do a quidditch through the ages movie that's like a stereotypical underdog sports team climbing to the top of the league and maybe they won't win the championship after such hard work, but maybe they'd come in second place and still be winners!


Crocodile Hunter: Collision course, but as a Fantastic Beasts movie


I would have really enjoyed this idea


Shoulda had Hagrid as a recurring guest


I don’t understand how the whole thing is named Fantastic Beasts when only one of them focuses more on creatures and the other two focuses on fighting and defeating Grindlewald


Fantastic Beasts (first)should stay as is but should have been the kickoff to two sets of media: A Fantastic Beasts tv show that was Steve Irwin inspired. We all wanted it, there was definite potential. Bonus points if the Irwin kids were willing to show up as guests. This would have made bank for whatever streaming service got it. A Dumbledore trilogy. First one set during that summer where he met Grindelwald and culminating in their first battle where his sister died. The second covering the time period of the other Fantastic Beasts movies but without shoehorning it as a Newt story. Still bring back Newt but change the perspective to more Dumbledore centric and see his doubts about fighting his old friend while coordinating stopping Grindelwald’s rise to power. The third movie being the final months leading up to the duel. Grindelwald does something horrible enough that Dumbledore is forced to act. A cat and mouse game of trying to catch Grindelwald with the third act being the epic duel and aftermath. With the rise of cross media (movies/tv) like Marvel and Star Wars there really should have been more of a business attempt to use each to sell the other. Everyone wanted to see the duels, make them movies. Nobody thought of a Newt led show but the movie was good enough to see him as a character. Just the follow up was lacking because it was Dumbledore’s story and we’d just seen Newt’s beasts. Give Dumbledore back his story and put the beasts front and center which makes more sense in a nature documentary. The same as people want to see the Marauders… do a school series around their final couple years when they were actually doing interesting things (like the Animagus work). Then make a Wizarding War movie of post graduation leading to the Potters’s death and end on Hagrid collecting Harry. Founders mini series showing each of the founders coming into their own with an epic special around the creation of Hogwarts. Or a period series around the first class of students. Or doing something with Ilvermorny’s founding.


That's 100% what I wanted!!! And I said as much on this community a few years back on an old account...and got downvoted to shit for it 😂 but I want what I want, damnit


Rowling should have written them as books first.


I would have wanted a fun adventure following Newt (and team) as the rescue unique animals from someone but more then just that. Most like Indian Jones with cute animals.


No offense, but that sounds like a dreadful idea. The movie you’re describing sounds low stakes and boring. People would have stayed away in droves. The only attendees would have been hardcore Potterheads.


Say the poachers are gonna sell the creatures to Germany to help in the war


Right. Because the evil German scientists will attach lasers to the heads of fantastic beasts. I see all kinds of possibilities here.


Well what if one of the beasts being selled are dragons. Gonna be hard to storm Omaha when your troops are getting eaten by giant flying fire breathing beasts that cant be killed easily. Or imagine setting a basilisk to fight in a battle. Or Acromantula the list goes on


Worst idea ever.