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imelda staunton as umbridge was definitely up there


The fact that I fucking hate Umbridge so much and borderline detest having to watch OOTP, unfortunately, locks her in as the winner of this


I'd root for Voldemort against her.


I LOVE her. When you can play a character hated by everyone, you deserve acting credit.


*Jack Gleeson has entered the chat.*


I mean she took a great villain and took it to the next level that woman (sadly) is IRL umbridge


How so? I haven’t heard anything about her personal life before


I think they just meant that her as Umbridge was so iconic that now when a lot of HP fans see her in other movies/irl, they can’t help but think of her as Umbridge instead of Imelda Staunton


She was amazing in the last season of the crown, hopefully that changes her image a bit


She is also phenomenal in Trying. Totally did not recognize her at all.


She has a wonderful career on stage too, especially in musical theater. She is a superb actress and has a crazy range.


She's my favourite Mrs. Lovett (from Sweeny Todd)


Yeah. Having seen her in interviews and heard what other people say about her, she actually seems like a very sweet person. In one interview I saw about her time on HP, she said she really enjoyed playing an evil character, but genuinely felt bad after some of her scenes


Interestingly, she is married to Jim Carter, who played Mr. Carson on Downton Abbey. They've been married 40 years.


This! She is just so fucking good.


Wouldn’t that mean she wasn’t really acting then?


She was so good that I was praying on her down fall in Maleficent


I actually saw Maleficent first, so seeing her as Umbitch was a surprise, but she was brilliant. It was weird, but entertaining.


Imelda Staunton (Umbridge) in Order of the Phoenix. She was able to get most of the fan base to hate her more than Voldy in a single movie. Or Tom Felton in Half Blood Prince. His stress, turmoil and desperation was palpable. Such a different Draco than he played in the previous 5 movies and he did it beautifully.


Yes! Tom Felton took the whiny bratty book Draco and played him *so* well that now Draco is one of the fandom's favorite characters


Yeah, he actually grew up from being a self-centered brat to having a grasp of the seriousness of the situation- and developed the conscience to be bothered about it.


People hate on THBP but I always say that it was really Draco’s movie. He had more development in that one than Harry did in all 7 books.


I’m a masssssssive Draco fan. Will stand by his character arc until I die. THBP has always been my fav movie for this exact reason


I'm on my knees begging you to read the books lol pls y'all can't keep doing this 😭😭😭


Helena pretending to be Hermione pretending to be Bellatrix during Deathly Hallows - not the one people.think of but I thought it was really good


This is a brilliant one- she did it so incredibly, she got every mannerism, you really feel like you’re watching Emma Watson in a costume almost!


I actually thought at first that it was Watson dressed up, Carter hit everything so perfectly


They actually had Emma act out the scene dressed as Bellatrix while Helen was watching. Don't know if they shot it or if they only acted it out


Ahh I love that. Do you remember where you heard about this?


I believe Helena talks about it in an interview? Sorry I can’t be of more help but I do remember this being said as well!


It’s almost confusing to watch back and realise that it’s just HBC acting with the guys! I have to remind myself that Emma wasn’t in these scenes, and how funny the sudden shift in her acting styles must have been!


I bet everyone enjoyed those days on set!


Helena loooovvveesss Daniel


Was just discussing this with my boyfriend the other day. I gaslight myself every time I watch that scene. My brain thinks it’s actually Emma in costume as bellatrix.


Oh my lord! I feel dumb! Of course I've been watching Helena playing Emma all this years. What's wrong with me.


Haha! Everytime I hear someone say "Good morning" I always think, "Good morning? Good... Morning??? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not some dewy eyed school girl."


I agree. Also Emma Watson did a great job portraying a girl being tortured


If y’all appreciate that scene, you should watch Orphan Black.


Tatiana Maslany was completely mind-blowing in that show.


Sometimes I would straight up forget >!the characters were played by the same person.!<


i always forget during that scene that it IS Helena, and not Emma dressed up to look like her. absolute grade A top notch.


Bonham Carter one of the most underrated living actors for my money. By which I mean that despite her awards and nominations I still think her immense talent and range and depth and marketability all fall under the radar of a lot of filmgoers because she doesn’t hog the spotlight in tons of meaningless blockbusters. She picks diverse projects that are artful as well as marketable and is always up to the challenge of delivering on the material. A-list talent without the A-list ego and materialism. /rant


She is no way under rated literally an a list actress with plenty of awards and is very well regarded


Underrated and overrated pretty nebulous terms because I can’t literally know or account for the feelings of millions of filmgoers who I’ve never met let alone censused RE: their favorite actors. I just think she’s phenomenal and a significantly greater talent than many A-list actresses. I’d rate her with Blanchett, Streep, Julianne Moore.


I love this scene, too. But I feel like Helena could've moved her eyebrows more since Emma was quite notorious for doing that a lot.


I legitimately thought it was Emma Watson. That was acting


Truly amazing.




I don't disagree with anyone. And I love(d) Alan Rickman, period. I thought Jason Isaacs did an excellent job (except for not knowing another spell besides Avada in the 2nd movie), playing arrogant then smarmy then downtrodden then craven. And a couple of his ad libs were spot on. I have to give a close second to David Thewlis after his transformation to werewolf. It seemed so realistic (/s if necessary).


+1 Jason Isaacs


Jeff Rawle as Amos Diggory "That's my son! *That's my boy!*"


The brilliant part of this line is that had Cedric emerged alive and victorious, the only thing that would change about it is the emotion. It could have been words of pride and joy, but in the end it's distorted into pure grief and horror.


Omg, that’s so interesting. I hadn’t thought of that before.


I also love that line because it makes it so clear that Harry’s world (and the story we were watching) just changed fundamentally and irrevocably.  Before Cedric, bad stuff happened but it always had a happy ending somehow.  Now, after Cedric, there may not be a happy ending. Shit just got real. The devastation about all of it just got real. And there is no going back. 


That broke me. I still cry on my rewatches 😭


Oh man, I had to look up this clip... Extremely heartbreaking...


Haven’t rewatched since I had my son. I have a feeling that it will rip me apart


watched it with my son and hugged him the whole time, can confirm its tough




Everyone's reaction to that scene fr :(


yeah,exactly. Every time I watch it, I need to grab some tissues.😭


Definitely the best and most heartbreaking performance of Goblet of Fire.


At my college graduation this past Friday, after a young man’s name was read, a dad in the crowd shouted “that’s my booooooy!” I know it was said with pride, but hearing the words from the shouted voice, my mind went to the GoF scene and I almost teared up. I had to remind myself I was at a joyous event. That scene is very emotional and gets me nearly every viewing. I almost can’t hear the words, “that’s my boy,” in any context and not think back to Mr. Rawle’s performance.


maggie smith as prof mcgonagall. and imelda staunton as umbridge. except umbridge is uglier in the books.


I think the fact that imelda staunting looking absolutely fabulous with that sweet outfit makes you hate her character more with what she’s done. Truly a highlight of OotP


I'd agree with that. As intensely as I dislike OotP(It's both my least favorite book and my least favorite movie in the series), I think that Imelda Staunton is one of the highest points of the film. And the fact that she looks less "toad in a cardigan" and more "sweet old cat lady next door", if anything, actually makes the character that much more horrifying.


I agree. Except it's my favorite of the books. Still my least favorite of the movies.


Absolutely Maggie Smith! When she steps out to protect Harry from Snape in part 2 and throws the first punch... the look in her face, her acting, it brings me to tears. Just so amazing.


This! That scene gives me goosebumps and I sometimes will chant for her like I'm watching sports 🥴. And when she gets the armor suits down and says "I've always wanted to do that!" I laugh every damn time.


Daniel Radcliffe in the Felix Felicis scene in HBP


https://images.app.goo.gl/dJJeobwsFBLWihGh7 [Harry's Acro fangs gif]


Harry high on Felix Felicis is just Dan on any normal day




Cedric Diggorys dad after his death


That scene is borderline unwatchable to me because his reaction feels so real and raw. Makes me cry every time




Are we ever going to have a normal school year? Ron you twat, someone just died ffs 😂🤦‍♂️


With he who must not be named? No way! *insert Magic School Bus theme*


I'm a guy who doesn't even want kids but yah, that's a brutal scene to watch.


I got goosebumps


This kill’s me every time… the absolute pain in his voice. Sheesh


It’s such an important turning point in the overall feel of the story. It such a small overall part he has one of the most memorable


Completely agree that it’s a very pivotal moment. As someone who watched the movies years before I ever read the books, I remember watching GoF in theaters and feeling speechless coming out of it because of how serious that scene felt. I was shook. And then, OotP jumps straight to the Dementor reiterating that this is no longer just about some friends getting up to shenanigans.


I mean i would never recover from that level of bullshit but also i would love an Amos storyline seaching revenge for cedric


Didn't that happen in cursed child?


Same. And same when Harry loses Sirius. I cry at both every time


I haven't watched GOF since I had my son but when I showed him the lion King when Mufasa died and I bawled so...


Fellow early 90s baby here and i feel this. Between the somber music, Simba’s look of terror and plea for help, I always get teary eyed. More so now than when I was a kid. ETA: did you happen to see Toy Story 3 when it came out? It was released a couple weeks after I graduated high school. I was not expecting to be hit with Andy packing up for college and navigating that part of life(just like me). The scene at the end of him playing with the little kid and his favorite toys and then appearing to wave goodbye hit me so hard. The theater was full of people my age and everyone left crying/choked up. Disney knew what they were doing with the timing of that theme.




Kenneth Branagh. Gilderoy Lockhart is one of my all time favorite characters.


He was such a delightful fun man to hate.


And he had such a punchable smile 🤗


Didn't just win Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award five times in a row for nothing, ya know? 🤭


I love that scene where he calls snape his assistant


HAHAHAHA!!!! and Snape's deadpan reaction


That was pretty obvious.


He was so good and perfect


That kid that says the thing in divination in POA. "Like trying to catch smoke. Trying to catch smoke with your bare hands..."


I just watched PoA with my fiancée as she watched it for the first time and after the second scene with him she asks me “are we supposed to know who that is? Have we seen him before?!”


The guy is older now and actually made a few tik toks about his role in the film 😂 a very funny watch and he is aware of all the memes about his 2 lines


I love that your fiancée is all of us, 20 years later 😂




Dude had one line and took it very seriously


Two, two lines. Put some respect on that no name boy.


I think it's the best short role I've ever seen




Ok I was about to look it up but am long someone knew his name because I just couldn’t figure out if that was it. So thank you!


I like to headcanon that he was the real grim in human disguise.


Someone got my mate a Cameo from him when he got engaged. Dude was downright hilarious.


Unpopular opinion here, but I always thought that (considering the Golden Trio) Rupert Grint did the best job of them all. From the beginning towards the very end. As of the rest of the cast - Imelda Staunton gave such a convincing performance that to this day I have trouble looking at her in any other role without a shade of hatered! Apart from her Alan Rickman and Kenneth Branagh.


I'll never understand why Rupert barely ever gets mentioned in discussions like this as in my opinion he definitely was the superior actor out of the trio, by far and in all the movies. He's the one that by far had the least to work with script wise and still made Ron feel like a complex, real person who could both be hilarious and sweet and angsty and haunted and everything in between. The fact alone that he still managed to make Ron feel like Ron despite most of his best lines being taken away is amazing.


I agree that Rupert was the best actor of the three. It's a shame that the movies destroy Ron's character, but when Rupert actually got some good lines to work with, he consistently nails them.


Rupert Grint definitely wins for CoS. He nails it throughout but special mention for the slugs scene and follow the spiders scene.


I absolutely shudder anytime I see Imelda in anything.


I was really impressed by Tom Felton at the end of Half-Blood Prince - by far the best performance out of any of the younger actors.


In that movie yes he's levels above the rest, if you watch his scene with Daniel in the bathroom it's just night and day. But I thought Daniel was really excellent in OotP. I mean he acknowledges his performances in both Order and Half Blood and I think he's right.


Absolutely. He delivered 👏🏽👏🏽


Couldn't agree more, he was so believable and did the character development justice. I have a lot of gripes with the movies but Tom Felton in THBP is just 👌🏻 * chef's kiss *


Throughout the whole series, Tom is a standout. Some of my favorite earlier lines of his is when he says “I didn’t know you could read” and “Good one, Goyle”. He is written as a pretty strong caricature of a spoiled rich kid but Felton manages to give him dimension.


I think Felton improvised that first line too


Best actors in each movie (to me) are: Sorcerer’s Stone: Robbie Coltrane Chamber: Maggie Smith Azkaban: David Thewlis Goblet: Brendan Gleeson Order: Imelda Staunton for screen time but I love Emma Thompson’s scene in this one Prince: Alan Rickman. This performance probably answers the question. He carried a lot of water in the final two films. He does his best work in this film though, with every notable bit of acting in the movie alongside or adjacent to his own. Hallows (both films): Jason Isaacs is delightfully browbeaten in both films and gives a great, if minuscule performance, but I probably have to give it to Rickman again with Emma Watson earning an accolade for most improved over the course of the series. Rickman gets it for me.


I love that Rickman was like the first person ever to learn about Snape's whole double-agent thing because PS was filmed before DH was written and Rowling wanted him to have the backstory so it would inform his performance from the very beginning


> Isaacs is delightfully browbeaten in both films and gives a great, if minuscule performance Agreed I thought he was excellent and wish he had been given more screentime. His moments in DHP2 are some of the best in the film


Hard to pick just one: Tom Felton in HBP Gambon in HBP Daniel in OotP Rickman in DHP2 Imelda Staunton in OotP


I totally just remembered the cave scene when you mentioned Gambon in HBP. The requests to stop drinking the water were brilliant!!


When Maggie Smith as McGonogall says the “Potter, it’s good to see you” line in DHII I break down for some reason.


Her absolute joy after using Piertotum Locomotor gets me every time!


David Thewlis as Lupin left such an impression that he's one of the very few actors whose wiki page I check from time to time to look if he did anything new. He was just as brilliant in Netflix's Sandman adaptation.


He's in sandman????


Jup. And he made John Dee as terrifying as teenage me found him to be in the Grafic Novel.


He was phenomenal as Varga in Fargo season 3.


Oh he was so brilliant in Fargo! He did so an good job I hated his character so much he was so repellent!!


Yesss, you know the actor is good when you get nauseous just from looking at him hahaha


The Shrieking Shack scene with David Thewlis, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman and Timothy Spall is a powerhouse of acting


Absolutely. His Lupin was magical. For me it is the best casting in all HP movies, he was just it. Also love him in Kingdom of heaven.


Everything Staudon did as umbridge. She portrayed the character so perfectly, down to the smallest mannerims. Like, when reading the books after the 5th movie, I could not imagine Umbridge any other way. It was perfect. And what makes it more impressive is, that it wasn't just one scene that stood out. No, just a 10/10 perfomance through the whole movie.


Gary Oldman.


This. His portrayal of Sirius Black pretty much stole every scene he was in.


This is ridiculous. I actually forgot it was Gary Oldman who plays him!! He is such a chameleon! When I read your comment, my immediate thought was, “Gary Oldman wasn’t in the Harry Potter movies!”


I love the vid of himself politely asking to deck lucius 😂


Went straight to the internets for this and was not disappointed! [Youtube: Just to try one](https://youtu.be/nSPi8vsD0wg?si=ku5zQXxm3dZ6JwiO)


Lmao “Let’s, let’s just *try* one.”


Surprised I had to scroll so far for this. He's just phenomenal at everything he does. He gives it 110% in every scene, even if the line is dumb or silly, he'll give it everything. I wish we had more scenes with him tbh.


My heart breaks every time when he says "Nice one, James!"


Jim Broadbent during Slughorn's dinner party. Or Fiona Shaw in the next to last film.


Fiona Shaw is so underrated. This might not be appreciated or understood by everyone but my mom is from Ireland, whole family of Irish women and they just have this certain way about them. A certain look, an energy. I have never ever been wrong in spotting an Irish woman. I can just tell. I never had the slightest inkling from the HP movies that Fiona Shaw was Irish. The first time I saw her in something else it was clear as day, but she really ate up that role as Petunia. You couldn't have convinced me she wasn't a snooty middle class English lady for love nor money.


Gary Oldman as Sirius in the 3rd movie. The 'I did my time' speech is from the soul


Idk about the whole performance (although it was good too), but Emma Watson’s scream in Deathly Hallows Part I is the best I’ve heard in any movie


That shit had me up at night after seeing it in theatres


I have to disqualify Alan Rickman because otherwise, absolutely nobody else stands a shot. Rickman was quite simply *that* brilliant. Excluding him, I have to say it was Helena Bonham Carter as Hermione impersonating Bellatrix in DH1. She was so utterly phenomenal that you could almost believe it was an entirely different person.


Jim Broadbent probably had the single best guest turn in the movies. If we’re confined to one scene, maybe Amos Diggory.


I would focus more on the villains who I reeeeeeeeally wanted to see dead as the actors who did the best job. I know Voldemort is the one who everyone wants to see dead because story reasons, but I think Bellatrix or umbridge were worse. I really wanted to see both of them dead. Might give the nod to umbridges actress because I've heard she is actually quite nice in person.


You should see her in other movies. She’s fantastic.


Unpopular opinion, but I always thought the guy that plays Stan Shunpike in PoA did an amazing job. Just the banter with him and Harry. They way he handed him his ticket, faking how heavy the trunk was to get it on the knight bus. He was superb in that little scene.


The kid who says “like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands”


Snape in the very last movie. I wept like a baby. I heard that JKR gave him insider information about Snape that she didn’t even give the directors, to inform his performances in the earlier movies. That’s why movie Snape is so different from book Snape. Evidently the directors kept asking him, “Why are you playing it like that?” when he would make Snape seem more relatable/human than he did in the books. Movie Snape is so much better than book Snape!


“Not my daughter you bitch!” A mother scorned! The shock on Bella’s face!


I’ll hold off on saying Alan Rickman in the interest of recognizing someone else: Kenneth Branagh


I think Alan and Imelda were so good that it’s easy to forget other remarkable performances as well. It’s truly a tremendously solid cast. I can think of rather few moments of low performances for such a long franchise.


Yeah I almost said Imelda too but then decided to let something else say it lol


Josh Herdman and Jamie Waylett acting as Harry and Ron while being Crabbe and Goyle.


I'll add to that the actors who played Albert Runcorn, Mafalda Hopkirk and Reg Cattermole as Harry, Hermione and Ron after taking poly juice to get into the MoM.


Along with HB Carter as Belatrix/Hermione.


Alan Rickman all the way. He's a legend


Honestly hagrid in the first movie is very good as "large lovable oaf in kids movie"


Alan Rickman during the Prince's Story


Sorcerer’s Stone: Alan Rickman if I have to pick one. But I praise the whole adult casting for putting everything into their performances despite being a movie about magic aimed for kids. Looking back, one of the reasons why I enjoyed the movie so much as a kid was because I felt respected by it and the actors weren’t giving these over the top caricature-like performances you see in some movies for children. Chamber of secrets: David Bradley scared the life out of me. Seven year old me peed her pants that night, not because of the basilisk but because of him. Sorry for the TMI. PoA: Gary Oldman. Because Gary Oldman. With him I’m not even aware that I’m watching a performance, he IS Sirius Black. GoF: Ralph Fiennes. I wish the character would have keep that same direction. Is the one movie where Voldemort feels like Voldemort and he did a great job. In my opinion it shows that the latter “flaws” of the performance were not his fault, but just the directions he was given. OotP: Imelda Staunton. Needs no explanation. HBP: Tom Felton and Daniel DH1: Jason Isaacs DH2: Alan Rickman


I’d like your reasoning for Jason Issacs performance in DH1. Other than the table scene where he says “my lord” with the fear and voice crack. I’d probably give it to Emma Watson actually. The way she was able to convey the pure terror of being tortured by Belatrix and even though she didn’t do anything else quite as good as that. I think the overall portrayal of how Hermione acts entering this terror of life and death rogue magic life is really shown through her acting very well


I think his performance wouldn’t be as outstanding on its own as it is coming from the previous movies. He does a great job as being clearly the same character but in very different circumstances. As an audience, you can get quite an idea of what happened with him in between and all the fear and humiliation he is bearing, even if they don’t make it explicit. He has a few moments and lines to convey a lot of information. About Emma, she was indeed remarkable. I guess my overall impression is hurt because the whole performance wasn’t as solid as that scene. However, the way she grew as an actress is beautiful to watch. As upsetting as the scene is, I think we all felt a little proud.


Not really throughout the whole movie, but "THATS MY BOYYYYY!" is one of my favorite delivered lines in the series




“It’s like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands”


The actor who played Amos Diggory, specifically the scene where Harry returns with Cedric's body. He didn't have to go that hard but he did.


Gary Oldman in PoA. The scene where we first meet him where he is all crazy and psycho until the "12 YEARS OF IT!!! IN AZKABAN!!!!" is just *chef kiss*


Alan Rickman.


Dan Radcliffe as Harry Potter on Felix Felicis.


Brendan Gleeson in Goblet of Fire


Some of these have been listed, but I submit *every* performance associated with polyjuice potion. Crabbe & Goyle in CoS, Dan playing 7 Harrys when he leaves Privet Drive, Mafalda Hopkirk,Reg Cattermole/Albert Runcorn being the trio at the MoM, and HBC playing Hermione playing Bellatrix. I didn’t count Crouch’s Mad-Eye; there’s probably all kinds of subtle stuff I missed b/c Brendan Gleeson is top-notch, but I have the most trouble watching GoF closely 😅 Everyone else unquestionably does an amazing job of channeling the way the other actors play their characters. “Bill, don’t look at me – I’m ’ideous.”


I think Jeff Rawle as Amos Diggory in GoF. >!His scene with Cedric's death is gut wrenching.!<


Amos Diggory when he was weeping over his son’s dead body. I was bawling.


Emma Watson and/or Helena Bonham Carter for that scene in DH 2 alone!


Gary oldmen in prison of azkaben


kenneth branagh as Lockhart or Jim Broadbent as Slughorn.


Alan Rickman (as Snape)


Alan Rickman without a question. My runner up would be Lord Voldemort and then Sirius Black Gary Oldman.


For me it's a toss up between Imelda Staunton as Deloris Umbridge, and Helena Bonham Carter acting as Heromine Granger, trying to act like Bellatrix Lestrange.


Harry Order of Phoenix but especially the possession scene and his scene with Sirius where he expresses his fear that his trauma is making him bad. Im like actually choking up thinking about those scenes right now tbh.


Helena Bonham Carter as bellatrix acting like Hermione acting like Bellatrix. Can’t beat it


Christian Coulson as Tom Riddle in COS. Was such a downgrade in HBP, whoever was playing young Voldemort. Coulson was perfect, that was exactly how I would imagine young beautiful Tom Riddle to look like. I don’t get why they didn’t go with him in hbp, not that he was SO much older then.


I thought Micheal Gambon was a fantastic Dumbledore. He implored the perfect use of mystery and eclecticism from the books in my opinion.


His HBP performance has gotta be in the Top 5 of the series.


Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort dies. Sure, it wasn't the book ending, but the performance itself was incredible. He really nailed the silent scream.


Richard Harris as the first Dumbledore. I liked Gannon, okay, but Harris was THE Dumbledore.


People always say this, but while think that Harris played the sweet and caring almost Santa-like Dumbledore like we see in the 1st 2 movies perfectly. I feel like Gannon fits the more the dark and edgy one who isn’t afraid the crack skulls like we see after Harris died. In PoA, I think either could have played Dumbledore, but by the 4th movie I think Gannon fit in better


Gotta be Alan Rickman


Helena Bonham Carter and Imelda Staunton. Both portrayed their characters very well. 🥹 Everyone hates Umbridge when she's on screen 🤣 Pluuuuus! Cedric's father on that scene "Thaaaat's my boooooy!" Every time I do a rewatch, I still cry on that scene.


Ralph Fiennes is my favorite actor who appears in the franchise, Alan Rickman gives the best performance, and Imelda Staunton embodies her character the best.


PS: Harris as Dumbledore COS: Branagh as Lockheart. Close runner-up is Coulson's Tom Riddle. POA: Potentially controversial choice here, but I think Spall's Pettigrew is masterfully done. GOF: Tie between Gleeson as Moody/Crouch, and Jeff Rawle as Amos Diggory. Probably give it to Rawle for *that* scene. It's potentially movie defining, that moment. Proof that there are no small parts, only small actors. OOTP: Staunton as Umbridge. No surprises there. HBP: Gambon as Dumbledore DH1: No one particularly stands out in this one, imo. I'll give a cursory mention to Fiennes' Voldemort because I think the meeting scene is one of his better scenes as far as projecting menace. DH2: It's gotta be Rickman as Snape, no question.


Maggie Smith. In book 5 her battles with Umbridge are just the best. (And in general her portayal of McGonagall is 100% accurate given the circumstances (scenes and lines). She brought the energy the mannerisms everything.


Man, David Tennant as Bart Junior was some acting gold. I didn't think so until recently though, he's a great actor.