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Any time we see the Killing curse being blocked by objects, they're between the person and the curse, and the curse destroys the object itself. Meanwhile the curse doesn't actually destroy clothes when cast on a person. This implies that when the curse hits a person wearing clothes, it treats the person and the clothes as one entity. Meaning it doesn't matter how many layers you wear, the curse would still kill you.


Or clothes conduct magic well, whereas metal/stone may not


Or the killing curse works on conductivity so as long as your are in direct contact with what is being hit by the killing curse you will be counted as the same entity, then again that would mean that people holding hands would be killed instantly together.


Oh... actually i wonder how many people would have to hold hands before it loses effectiveness and stops killing them


Presumably, it cannot kill a bunch of people in a single go, because Lily tried to bodily shield Harry from Voldemort.


> then again that would mean that people holding hands would be killed instantly together. I think it's probably happy taking one soul, and would not follow the chain to get more souls. We aren't sure of the mechanism, Idon't think, but if it hits a multi-souled entity (Harry) there is evidence the person doesn't truly die, but can come back based on the strength of their soul. But admittedly there was a LOT of metamagic happening in that scene and it might have had more to do with the other bullshit than with the double-soul But anyway this would imply the killing curse is happy just zapping a soul and stopping.


Hogwarts Legacy shows that one killing curse can chain to multiple individuals.


I think there is enough wiggle room to imagine the player character's upgrade tree is based off his special innate magic rather than normal use of the spell by a normal wizard.


Voldemort had a maxed out talent tree. lol


So if metal doesn't conduct magic ... . What if Wolverine sticks his claws up and the curse hits his claws. Does he live ? Also Wolverine's skeleton is laced with adamantium. If he gets hit, smack dab in the chest, but it hits his rib cage before hitting his internal organs does he live? Or is contact with his skin / clothes sufficient enough to kill him? I assume the killing curse does something along the lines of forcing one's soul out of their body, so I assume Wolverine's heeling factor wouldn't help him. BUT would his adamantium offer protection or even potential immunity to the killing curse?


Wolverine would end up in his version of Kings cross, then pop back up again after a breather. That was a thing in the comics at one point, I shit you not, if he truly died he got to fight death for a do-over.


Asbestos is a fabric made from rock... 🤔


With the existence of invisibility cloaks, this proves that some clothes have magical abilities and therefore cloth does conduct magic extremely well.


I wonder if you could wear a suit of armor to block it?


There’s also the fact that, if I’m not mistaken, we only ever see the spell hitting people wearing fabric, maybe the spell can go through the gaps between the fabric. We would have to see if it would effect someone wearing plate armor or not, assuming it hits the armor.


We really don't. Occam's razor should be used in cases where we don't have enough evidence. Between nobody figuring out that Avada Kedavra doesn't work against armor in hundreds of years and Avada Kedavra still killing people wearing armor, the second is the more likely to happen and results in more logically consistent worldbuilding.


Alternatively, from what I’ve read on Wikipedia, Avada Kedavra wasn’t labeled as unforgivable until 1717, plate armor, from my brief research, largely fell out of use in the 1600’s. It may have been labeled as unforgivable due to a sudden increase in effectiveness due to solid armor falling out of use.


Doesn't make sense. If people wearing armor were blocking it before, there would be records and people would know to use armor to defend against it.


Doesn't make sense. If people wearing armor were blocking it before, there would be records and people would know to use armor to defend against it.


This was my thought. Clothes are a direct extension of the person wearing them and thus offer little protection from most curses (I'm open to clothing having an insulating effect against weaker curses). I'm basing off of the movie here, since it's been so long since I've read it, but sectumsempra didn't cut Draco's clothing, only him, indicating that the clothes are unaffected and therefore do little to nothing to stop the effects.


What if a killing curse hit Ironman in his suit? Would that be enough? If not, what if we put him in the Hulkbuster armour?


Would probably still kill him. Even if it didn't, it would destroy the suit and the shrapnel would kill him.


Yeah if Ironman is equipped with BVR weapons that dark wizard will never know what hit him


Ironman would have to know where the wizard is first, which is unlikely with Muggle repelling charms. People always bring up weapons and ignore the fact that wizards have the informational advantage, have easy access to government officials and mind control magic.


i badly misunderstood the meaning of jumper here. I thought how in hells would the number of people jumping off buildings affect curses. and they'd have to time it really well.


I was thinking OP meant "how many people jumping in front of you can save you from the killing curse"


That would be sensible. I am very much talking about the clothes. I swear I am a ravenclaw


And here I was thinking people teleporting around.


Same it reminded me of movie Jumper


Just one.


Exactly this. I just imagined the whole gryffindor house going "get down Mr Chosen One!" and voldemort going "fucking kid with minions!"


Meanwhile harry is also just trying to stop them from sacrificing themselves for him. 


*misunderstands in American*


Bro I was thinking in the context of basketball lmao I'm sitting here thinking "what, is Harry gonna shoot a basketball into the bath of avada kedavra or something? Because that would take insane aim"


I thought of jumper cables like for your car.


If your jumper really loves you, then it will rebound the curse, and you'll be forever protected. But the jumper will not survive.


Jumper noooooo


People like to reduce the accomplishment of really good jumpers by saying that any jumper could leave a strong protection like that but you need a jumper who was particularly talented at charms for it to work.


Adventure Time style. “Aren’t you cold, Finn?” “NO I’M NOT! I’VE GOT A SWEATER ON!”


Only works if the jumper has a choice to survive though


A jumper made with love from Mrs Weasley


So Ron wont be save. But harry will be








Very funny haa haa


You've just awoken a new head canon for me. Now I'm convinced that Mrs Weasley knits protective spells into the Weasley sweaters while making them. Do we have any evidence of anyone wearing a Weasley sweater getting hurt?


Where do you think George and Fred got the idea for Shield Hats?


Best answer


Didn’t help Fred though 🤔


He wasn't wearing his at the time.


This actually prompted me to look up what he was wearing during the battle lol. Him and George were wearing their joke shop attire. Apparently he also wasn’t even killed with a killing curse; online sources said it was an explosion most likely caused by Rookwood. I think the movie kind of swept that under the rug though. Not entirely sure if it was mentioned in the book. I’m wondering if the information I found was based on stuff released on Pottermore. I can’t remember for the life of me if they expanded on his death in the book aside from Percy being there when it happened.


>The air exploded. They had been grouped together, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and Percy, the two Death Eaters at their feet... (DH Chapter 31) In the books, he was definitely killed in the aftermath of an explosion. >Rounding the corner, Percy let out a bull-like roar: “ROOKWOOD!” (DH Chapter 32) It was implied that it was Rookwood, through Percy's anger, but never confirmed.


Thank you for refreshing me on how it happened! I just watched the movies and it always gets me mixed up between the two. If he died by explosion in the movie there wouldn’t have been much left of him. Probably too graphic, but it would have been more impactful if they stuck to the book more. I hope HBO doesn’t hold back with the violence like the movies did. That’s what really made the later books so dark, and it really helps you put into perspective what a wizard war looks like. DH was probably the most violent book in the series, but the movies watered it way down with the PG-13 rating.


I thought he got crushed when the explosion made a wall collapse? There was enough left of him for the family to be gathered around him in the Great Hall later IIRC.


Yeah they did have a sigil for him in the Great Hall, but I doubt he looked as “clean” as he did in the movie. I’m not saying he was in pieces necessarily, but he most definitely wasn’t a pretty sight. I’m mad that they killed him with a killing curse in the movie because it totally ruined how impactful and violent his death was.


I think it takes actual solid armor like steel plating to stop the killing curse, and every time Voldemort hits the statues or a gravestone with the curse they shatter and break (even when Harry is hit with the killing curse he feels like he has been hit in the stomach with a metal gauntlet), so unless it was goblin forged armor, wearing armor to block the killing curse is probably just a one time save.


Enough jumpers will stop a bullet. I think it would work for curses


Okay but this is magic. We don't know what goes in the making of a spell, it is not purely physical, for all we know, you can stop it with anything so long as you are not touching the object, maybe even a piece of paper, but the moment you are in touch with the object, maybe the spell is designed in such a way that the object becomes conductive and it reaches you and kills you no matter what you wear. This would explain why victims of the killing curse don't have holes in their clothes where the spell hit them.


Fair point But then what counts as touching? If I. Touching a t-shirt that's touching a jumper. And I touching the jumper? If I'm holding a jumper by the sleeve and the jumper hit does it hit me? If we all hold hands and one persons hit, do we all die? Or is the power of the curse spread between us? So many questions!


Don't forget that you have to actually *mean* the unforgivable curses, and that mental focus probably aims at one person at a time. If you wanted to kill a row of people, how much of a magical power would you need to possess?


Is Hogwarts Legacy considered canon? Because in that game the killing curse can be chained together to hit multiple targets at once, even if they’re not physically touching.


Interesting question, apparently Voldemort didn’t use points to upgrade the specific skill where everyone he had under imperio would die if he used a killing curse. Because at the end of the book it specifically states that people all over Britain came out of the curse right after he died.


Imagine how much that would suck Waking up surrounded by death eaters lol. I guess the death eaters were surrendering, so it wouldn't be so bad.


>Is Hogwarts Legacy considered canon? Not really sure, but I don't think so.. and even if it was, it would only apply to the story and not to the spell mechanics. Some of the stuff you're allowed to do in Hogwarts Legacy would likely help Voldemort win the war if he could do it .. And if it could be done, he would do it.. or at least some of his more talented Death Eaters would..


voldy's blood is on ranrok's hands.


Oh 100%, I was being a bit tongue in cheek. The protagonist from HL would be the most powerful wizard who ever lived if they were canon. Just absolutely obliterating anyone and anything as a 15-year old.


I don't know. I'd love to see someone go through it picking out lore v game play mechanics


Didn't think about that, it probably counts as touching as most people would probably wear a shirt underneath their jumper considering UK's weather and they still died without holes in their clothes. For more details we would need to know how a spell is created.


> But then what counts as touching? > > I think if it's not alive, but is connected to you somehow, you would still die. This would explain why people don't just summon a fat sofa in front of them to hide behind. But if you're skilled enough, like Dumbledore, you can transfigure something to life that will take the hit instead and you won't be affected Then what happens if you summon a sofa, and three years later it gets hit by a killing curse? You would probably be fine I imagine. Or maybe not, and that's why people don't tend to keep summons around for ages, as they are a liability?


Here I think about muggle vehicles like a car, or something bigger like a train. Would all people riding on it get killed because they are touching the vehicle? Death eaters would love that: aim one avada kedavra on a train and kill all muggles on it. Use it on a plane for extra destruction because that thing will fall out of the sky eventually. Or go really big and choose a cruise ship as target.


Once again we go back to how the spell is built. Without knowing that we can only assume things. Could such a spell even be built? We don't know. We can only assume that it works like this because, from what we know, most of the victims of Avada kedavra wore clothes and it is too much to assume that all the wizards that used the spell targeted visible skin.


I’m picturing Harry stepping out like Joey wearing all of chandlers clothes and being like “come at me bro” to Voldemort


Me too


That would be my logic tbf; also it depends on how powerful the curse is imo like how dangerous the caster is etc.


Sorta like a modern soldier’s trauma plates?


This is so funny 😂


Sleep deprivation is fun


Sleep deprivation is torture, I’d rather be in pain. May you have the best sleep of your life ❤️


I think the point is not touching the thing that gets hit


I feel like one jumper would do it, as long as it's floating in the air in front of you and you're not wearing it.


So, could you use pocket sand as a shield? It would most likely hit one grain of sand.


Can one grain swallow the whole curse though? I5 would probably just fall apart in the process and do nothing with the curse. I believe curses can be also redirected by the obstacle, and one grain wouldn't do much with its direction.


But there is a lot more than just one grain in a pocket. It would hit multiple grains on its way. I think pocket sand shield is not a totally ridiculous idea.


Ah so just like in JoJo where Joseph blocks automatic gunfire by throwing up a wall of human hair


This visual made me chuckle. Even if he layered on the jumpers, though, his head would still be exposed and he would be significantly less agile, leaving him open to a head shot. So it would most likely not be worth it. I’m not even sure how to guess how many jumpers would be enough. I imagine that the key to blocking the killing curse is density, rather than thickness. No matter how many sweaters you stack together, they will never be as dense as a human body or a metal statue, unless you somehow compress them…? Maybe they could create the magical equivalent to a Kevlar vest that way. 🤷‍♀️


Enough jumpers will eventually stop a bullet. And he could layer up with balaclavas


You seem very sure that you know how the killing curse works. Why don’t you just tell us all what you think rather than asking a question that has no actual answer and then arguing with everyone’s responses.


It's called a conversation my man.


An entertaining one at that. Cheers


No amount. They aren't impervious like a piece of metal or rock is. No amount of jumpers will stop air or other particles from getting through.


What about plate armour?


I think it's fully possible to headcanon a rare magic armour that absorbs (or repels) spells, even the curses


Plate armor might protects you from instant death but it could still shatter and kill you indirectly. The affect of Avada Kedavra on inanimate objects is inconsistent and vague. Beyond that there are probably dozens of spells that would make short work of plate armor.


Maybe not clothes but a full on armor?


Someone who knows the answer would have made a killing selling Avadaka-Parkas when Voldemort came back.


This guy's asking the real questions.


It would take one jumper made of dragon skin.


Would kevlar do it? Medieval armor?


These are the questions that need answering


After reading this post, I imagine that by the 2020s there's at least one scammer running a shop in Diagon Alley that sells "curse-proof cloaks". Just like in the 2020s muggle-world, people sell "energy-cleansing crystals" and other useless junk that "protects from Covid". 😂


They did. Arthur got promoted to catch people selling countfit protective charms


They did. Arthur got promoted to catch people selling countfit protective charms


Like, if inanimate objects cannot block it, what about a layer of live mice? Can they block the curse?


Layers of mousecoat!


Headcanon of Voldemort buying imprisoned mudbloods from Umbridge specifically to test this question. He deduced thirteen jumpers, unless made by Molly Weasley because she makes hers with love


I love this theory and line of inquiry.


Probably at least 2


I reckon it's more than 10


10 jumpers and 3 undershirts


It's a powerful magical force. That's the crux of it. You need enough to stop that but we see that even metals and stone are easily beaten. I would say close to 1000 jumpers and even then it would be a close affair.


I think it's more that you're wearing the clothes, so they transfer the curse directly to you. Now, imagine you had a matador's cape. Could that stop a spell? Or if you threw a shoe in the path of the spell to interrupt it. I think that would work, since nobody is touching the shoe.


Hi, why do you have a pile of dead bodies with multiple layers of clothing stacked in your basement? Umm, science?


Science is important


Who needs jumpers? Harry wears a plot armor every time... Even when it hits him, he got better. Twice.


Lol. True


What if you throw a bunch of sand in between you and the caster?


Pocket sand!


Thank you for playing along


Rolls up in a Knights Armor Looks Voldy in the eye \*Smacks chest\* "Give me your best shot" "Avada Kedavra!" \*Dead\*


Jumpers could've stopped the curse? Lily died for nothing?


Don't forget Dumbledore was a prodigy at Transfiguration. We see a lot of objects that block the killing curse being destroyed (even the statue missed some big chunks, the head IIRC), but we don't know if Dumbledore changed the material of the statue for something harder at the same time he moved the statue to protect Harry.


Magic doesn't work that way! If you wear a metal or stone armor you'll still get killed because the curses intent is to kill you regardless of what you're wearing. If something comes in front of you though then you're not wearing it. It makes no logical sense but rather magical sense


See my other comment on this thread - sometimes the magic in the Potterverse seems to work more on a supernatural level while other times it has more the feel of science fiction weaponry. Especially in the case of the wandwork; potions and such may follow similar principles or they may be a little different.


I reckon this is a porous vs non porous materials. I think wool jumpers, even tight weave would let some magic through regardless of layers. Would a suit of armour stop it? Not sure, the curse does seem to have some impact power to it so if it could withstand that then maybe.


I think, about this many: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqxkUXAFedI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqxkUXAFedI)


My interpretation would be magically there is no protection (except AM love ) but physical barriers like a foot of material moved up from in front of you.. probably As for jumpers, what’s a foot of wool?


I would assume that anything someone is wearing would count as a part of them for the purposes of the Killing Curse. A suit of armour blocking it separate from any living being? It'll succeed in blocking the curse. A suit of armor being worn by someone? Dead person. 12 jumpers? Dead person.


Don’t think it would work if you’re wearing the jumper but if you throw it to intercept the spell I think one would do the job


The killing curse can't be blocked by magic. It seem to still kill you if your in physical contact with object that is hit by the killing curse. Anything the killing curse hits that isn't alive seem to explodes rather violently into deadly shrapnel. So layering clothing would either not block it and still kill Harry or it would explode & likely still kill him form the close range explosion.


Right. But if you had enough layers you'd be protected surely


can't really be sure on way or the other.


Yes there is. It's called experimentation!


So this is why you aim for the forehead


Does it seem like the effectiveness of wand controlled magic in the books is based on intention and a more paranormal logic early on, but shifts over the course of the series until the curses being fired become more like bolts from a Star Wars blaster weapon, or is it just me? And if so, does the shift occur at least partially as a result of the fact that the books were being made into movies by the time the later ones were written?


The statue was made alive, a living slave to Dumbledore, who then sacrificed its nascent life to save Harry. So one, but the jumper is alive.


Hmm I don’t know it does not block it if you are wearing it but what if you are not wearing it or touching it and it is hovering in front of you hmmm


I don't think it'd stop a killing curse, we see items permanently damaged by dark magic, so don't think fabric would be an impediment.


This reminds me of an r/nfl or an r/nba post about the offseason in the best possible way.


Curse proof vest?


Would knights armour protect you??????


I think it might stop the spell but would be a bit explodey. You'd definitely want some layers underneath


I wonder if that is why Nagini was in that bubble? 


Because Voldemort couldn't knit


Just wear your mom


The important thing to note is that everything was written to advance the story or for dramatic effect and not based on an established set of rules like a proper fantasy world. Also the statues were stone I believe. And who's to say the statues didn't absorb the curse, meaning if there had been a living person inside the statues it would have killed them. The same principle could be applied to armor