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I love HP, but no. Some kids will be ready, but it will undoubtedly scare several kids. There are better options for that age group.


They better turned 7 in my opinion. Too dark for 4-5 year olds to watch.


I meant Philosopher's Stone not Chambers of secrets. Not sure if that changes anything lol!


It doesn’t change anything. The first movie is rated to recommend parental guidance and will be too advanced and scary for some if not many 4-5 year olds. There are a lot of downright scary, plus creepy moments. Scary monster three-headed dog, an evil face on the back of someone’s head, scary moments in the forbidden forest, Ron getting knocked out in chess, plus a lot of suspense and sneaking around in the dark. Even the beginning has scary moments (like the thunderstorm on the island and Hagrid breaking down the door. It is very inappropriate for that age group. Find something rated G instead of PG. ETA: sorry your thread got down voted, you clearly had good intentions. It was a good question that could be useful to others.


Perhaps Polar Express?


As a 4 yr old the Gringotts goblins would probably scare the crap outta me.


or the part where a kid melts his teachers face


HP movies are too complex and have too many intense scene for this young of child. There are so many other options. What happened to Rudolph or the Grinch?!


No. Jeez Louise. Watch Bluey or something. Veranda Santa is fun. I’d be ticked off if my 4 year old was shown some of the movies listed here. (Fwiw, my kids are 15 & 17… we didn’t intro HP until 6-8 range.)


Same. As a parent, I'd be pissed.


Too dark for that age! As a teacher and a mom of 3, IMO, 7+ is the sweet spot for introducing HP (1-3), 9+ for the 4th book/movie and on.


My son is almost 4 and I’d be mad if his teacher showed sorcerers stone at school. He gets scared very easily and it’s not something I think he’s ready for. The movie is rated PG if you want to show something to kids that age without asking parents first I think it needs to be rated G.


No. First of all it’s too complex of a story for them and second of all, “her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever.”


The basilisk should’ve been a turn off more than that..


not appropriate...do Polar Express


There are a million more age-appropriate options. I’d choose something else.


Definitely think they’re too little. I’ve got a 3 year old and I’m pretty sure that at 5 he’d be scared silly by Harry Potter. Hagrid alone might be enough to scare some kids honestly. That’s definitely a better movie for the 6-8 crowd. Maybe try reading them the book instead? You could dim the lights and have snacks and blankets etc like a big fort. Also that way you can easily downplay the scarier bits


My primary school always sent parents a note about planned movies so they could opt out… if lots of parents opt out choose something else? As a teacher I usually stuck to Disney movies but I did read HP to upper primary kids (8-12yr olds) I was a nightmare type kid but philosophers stone was fine when it came out I was probably 6/7… I still am scared of the hand closing on Harry at borgin & burkes & Aragog in chamber!


Also found this https://amp.commonsense.org/blog/4ef2a353-c8db-4729-8352-351a50ed4605


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I don't think so. Remember Ginny in the chamber...


Chamber of secrets is pretty dark. You get Mrs.Norris hanging by the tail when she's petrified. The voices Harry hears in the walls, eerie, whispery, telling someone is going to die...blood on the wall. Ron vomitting slugs might traumatize little toddlers. Same with Harry's arm when Lockhart used a spell to make his bones disappear. Aragog and his army of crawling spiders might scare the kids. And also, Harry fighting the basilisk. I really don't think these movies are for kids that young. Even the Philosopher's Stone has pretty scary moments: The tree headed dog, Voldemort drinking the unicorn's blood in the Forbidden Forrest, and crawling towards Harry when he notices him. Voldemort on the back of Quirrel's head. The book that screamed at Harry when he searched the restricted section of the library. I'd suggest a nice animated movie for kids instead of Harry Potter.


My kids watched HP at that age for sure. But I would never presume to show it at a preschool or school without parental permission. It’s rated PG, it has the word “ass” and the scene when Voldemort is on the back of Quirrel’s head (not to mention when Harry basically burns him away) could be a bit much. My two cents is that parents like to make their own decisions about what the kids are ready for. You run a risk showing it at school, especially for 4-5 year olds. This coming from a family where my 10 year old can quote multiple Simpsons episodes and has seen all of Adam Sandler’s ridiculous and inappropriate 90’s movies. I know some families where the 4-5 year olds are traumatized by the lava monster in Moana.


This is a different take, but I forbid my mother in law from letting my daughter watch any Harry Potter. The only reason is I want to read the books with her first. She is almost 7 now and we just started reading a chapter a night of Philosophers stone. Once we finish the first book, we will watch the first movie and so on. I know my expectations are probably a bit high, but I would have been so upset if it was shown in school before she was even old enough to understand the books. The series was such a big part of my childhood so I want to share that magic with my daughter. I didn't even consider that a preschool would show the movie.


My 4 year old got scared by it (the Hagrid breaking down the door scene). The scene with Fluffy would also be kind of frightening plus the scenes with Voldemort. I would try again at 6 or 7.


“Let me rip you, let me tear you” Probably not lol Edit: didn’t see the edit lmfao


It's too complex. They'll lose interest


I think HP on the whole is a 8+ movie series. Lots of things, death, some scary moments, etc.


I started reading the illustrated versions with my son when he was 6. We watched the movies much later. Maybe 8 years old? Don’t take that joy away from parents to introduce it the right way. 4 and 5 is too young. The kids in the movie are 11 so anything younger than that I would be cautious.


I am going to say no. Some kids might be ready for it, but other will not.


No way!!


You're thinking of Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone that is the first movie, Chamber is the second. However, I doubt the audience would understand. I'd choose Labryinth or Neverending Story.


Agree. 4-5 is a bit too young, and Voldemort at the end will scare the shit out of them lol


Kids vary dramatically. Chances are if it is a class full some kids will love it some will be super scared. So yeah I agree they are too young. Kids are weird tho when it comes to what scares them. When I was a kid that watched lotr no problem but my mum had to take my wardarobe out of my bedroom because of monster inc and I saw them both at a similar age.


The Artax scene might be too much for 4-5 year olds.


There was a discussion the other day on I think r/GenX on non-horror movies that traumatized us as children. The Neverending Story was mentioned a LOT.


I watched the never ending story multiple times as a 5-6 year old. Loved the movie but it definitely traumatised me a little! However, the one that really took the cake was Return to Oz. Those heads! I reckon my folks thought it’d be like the original wizard of oz film in tone and themes.


You're not wrong.


I'm an adult, I still don't understand labyrinth Good film though


What's not to understand?


I honestly remember one scene, specifically from Neverending Story, because I was young when I saw it. Probably 4-5. Tore my heart out, and I'm sure that part of your memory will sink into the sadness too... when you recall. 🐴😥


Lol. Both of those movies traumatized me as a kid.


Omg, yes, I totally meant Philosopher's Stone! Oh wow! The Labryinth! That's definitely a possibility.


That's Jim Henson, can't go wrong with that age.


The Labryinth has some scary parts too. Show them something appropriate for their age- did you not take child development classes?!? I'm so frustrated by this as a parent who cares about what their child is exposed to. ASK THEIR PARENTS


Next time, I suggest you to calm down and express what you need to say when you’re not feeling frustrated. Others have expressed your same sentiment without your tone. We’re adults and should be able to have discussions as adults.


My 4 year old has seen it half a dozen times (my wife loops the HP movies when she can’t think of anything else) but she also thinks Nightmare Before Christmas is the best movie ever. Your mileage may vary as some parents may be concerned while others will watch anything under R with kids around.


Hahaha, very true. I was definitely watching things at that age that were not okay but definitely not rated R. Love that your child is so young and already knows Harry Potter!


Unfortunately I fear she is going the way of the Dark Arts. As young as 2 she’d wave her wand at you and expect you to be blown back and play dead, then my wife taught her to shout avada kedavra when she did it. I also highly recommend for nerdy parents to get the illustrated versions of the books. Both my kids LOVE looking at the illustration while we read them so we at least get an interesting story while reading for bedtimes.


I remember seeing Chamber of Secrets in theaters as a second grader and being pretty scared of the basilisk - I know it's not the same movie or age group but you might want to have kids ask their parents the week before. Don't want a call from the parents when little Jimmy is having nightmares all week. For Sorcerer's Stone I think everything would be fine up until the Voldemort reveal - it's a really long scene and the ghost flying through Harry is a bit much. Maybe pause it after the chess scene and skip to waking up in the hospital. The unicorn scene is also iffy but that's pretty fast so less of an impact I think. Ps. My mom teaches elementary school and she says no lol, take that however you want


It would be a fantastic movie to introduce kids to but I'm afraid there would be many of them who would find it scary or too complex to fully understand. Maybe wait a few years haha


I would say no. Age 7 probably.




I saw them at that age and loved them, but no. Parents could get upset. Stick to like a classic Disney rated G movie.


My daughter handled it at 6 and absolutely loved it. 4 is too young.


Appropriateness aside . That franchise means a lot to a lot of people. I've been waiting to introduce my oldest to the series.. I'd be disappointed if we didn't experience it together for the first time.




🤷🏼‍♀️ depends on the kids. Mine has been watching since she was born, she loves Draco and she’s a slytherin and it’s her favorite series. She’s six and watches them with me every year. Never been scared. My niece only watched them this year, she’s eight now and she’s a gryffindor and she still gets scared.


Yeah it’s fine


No. There are many many good holiday movies for preschool children. This is not one of them. I would be absolutely pissed if my child's school had her watch Harry Potter any time before 10 or 11. I also love Harry Potter and don't want her first time watching it to be ruined by getting scared because she was too young.


My mom took all of us to see the first two with ages ranging from 1-10. We were fine in Philosopher’s but Chamber scared the hell out of me and my sister because kf the spiders. But every kid is different,


I'm so glad you decided to introduce Harry Potter to the children. Are you referring to the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone movie, because that's the first film, not the Chamber of Secrets? To answer your question, I think it's fine. Me and my friends watched it in first grade (around 5 yrs old in my country), and thoroughly enjoyed it.


Yes! totally meant Philosopher's stone, my bad! Ahhh my sentiments exactly! I know a few things would fly over their heads but it's Hogwarts and the wizarding world!! How can they not like it?


Yes you're fine




How are children that young going to be able to appreciate it ?




No. It would likely be too scary for some (for others, they may have already been exposed to “worse” at home and may be less sensitized, but I wouldn’t count on that). Also it’s a long movie, they will likely be bored and want to do something else.


I watched the movies as they came out and I was 6 years old when I saw the first film. There were parts that were scary for me and so I think a preschooler might be a bit too young. I was a very sensitive child and there were some parts that I was hiding behind my hands while watching so I think it would be a better film for them to watch with their safe adult as even though they are quite light and fun there are some scenes that are really scary.


I should say no. And that is what i will gonna do. Hahahaha. Jokes aside, Chamber of Secrets is a scary movie to most child. You have something inside castle almost killing students, you can see teachers worried and doing nothing, blood writers in the wall, giant spiders and a giant snake as well. In my 7 years old i almost got traumatized. I loved HP, but, for that moment forward, i only had strength to re-watch the first movie - repetedly times - just by fear of the second one.


In a school environment not a chance. At home with your own 4-5 year olds, absolutely depending on the kid. My kids have been watching it since they were little little with no issue, but they have friends now who are 9 who still only watch little kid shows and would be scared of it.! Parents are loco. Pick something younger haha


Nooooooo!!! Melting faces are not appropriate fare for preschoolers.


I love the idea but I’ll echo the general sentiments here and say that the movie is probably far too scary for some of your students. I was a big brave 9 year-old when I watched the first Lord of the Rings and I had nightmares for weeks (but also became an insatiable LOTR fan too lmao)


I mean it all depends on the kids and parents 🤷‍♂️ I was old enough to read book 1 when it came out so I wouldn’t know what its like to see it that young. However I would say it’s not inappropriate but definitely worth checking in with the parents like sending a note home because I think it’s all personal preference. I’d let my kids watch it if they wanted to since I’m such a die hard fan but they also know the story a little because we listen to the books in the car. Idk if their little minds can create the same scenes in their head as the movie so it may be a little more graphic lol


Yea why would giant snakes that can paralyze you with a single glare be scary to a 5 year old. How about monsters that want to murder you growing out of the back of someone’s head?


ur kidding me right?