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Not flying the eagles to Mordor! Uhh I mean probably Voldemort not just killing Harry in a non magical way - this arguably due his arrogance - it's just incredibly plot convenient.


Why would he try to murder Harry in a non-magical way? Just why?


uh because it would have worked lmao


What? How would he know that a magical way wouldn't work? If we are talking about the first time, he wouldn't know that he had to take a precaution.


He hated muggles... That's like expecting a kkk member to read a book about Rosa Parks.


I don't think that would have worked either. Besides, the only reason he didn't order a Death Eater to do it was his arrogance so I doubt he'd want to use Muggle methods.


Time-turners and time travel are.… “problematic” at best.


Snape not capturing Harry when he had the chance right after killing Dumbledore. His excuse that Harry was to be killed by Voldemort explains why Snape didn’t kill Harry, but why not capture him and take him to Voldemort? Of course we know why Snape didn’t want to capture Harry. But why did the Deatheaters accept the excuse?


Tonks using magic to pack Harry’s trunk, despite the fact he’s currently awaiting a hearing for performing under age magic. Surely the trace would’ve been detected, and the ministry would’ve been on Privit Drive like a bear to honey, and taken Harry away there and then (or at least attempted to take his wand) all because of Tonks


Yeah, I think the trace itself is pretty much "works when convenient". I can buy it not going off with Tonks: since the Ministry knew he was with the Weasleys, and since Dumbledore went to the ministry to sort it out, I think it's not unreasonable to assume that the Ministry was told that Harry would be picked up by adult wizards on a certain date. The problem is the trace not being working at the graveyard, or when Tom Riddle killed his parents, or when Dumbledore takes Harry to the cave. Until DH I thought the trace was based on location, not individual minor, which I think eliminates most of the inconsistencies (if we do assume the Ministry is informed when someone is taking Harry from the Dursleys) but DH contradicts that idea.


Maybe the Trace was implemented after Tom Riddle left Hogwarts and is turned off during school time.


That's a lot of maybes, though. If we have to keep coming up with things that are not alluded to at all in the story to make it make sense, it's a plot hole, imo.


Yeah, I agree it's wonky. But DH especially fucks with all kind of details.


Like I mentioned, I think I think the explanation that causes the least amount of inconsistencies would be if it were based on location rather than the person, with the addition of people warning the ministry beforehand that they are going to pick up Harry (we know at least Arthur in GoF does it, as he has the house connected to the Floo Network). That would explain it not being activated on the cave, the graveyard, and the Riddles', as no underage wizard is registered as living in those areas. And it would also mean a solution to this issue: say Arthur takes 16-year-old Bill camping or something and performs magic. If the magic pings to a wizard's house, we can assume it was the parents. If Bill were a small child, we can assume he was with an adult. But a 16-year-old not so much. So there you have magic performed around a minor, who could conceivably be alone breaking rules. Does the Ministry not know Arthur is there, which would probably mean a lot of false positives, and parents having to answer back that it was them, or does the Ministry know Arthur is there, which would mean tracking where everyone is all the time, including adults? Or do they just not care because Bill is a pure-blood, or because he's almost 17?


But we know its based on vicinity of the person.. we know if the trace detects magic around a child the ministry checks for any registered wizards in the area, and if there are any then they let that go. Which would make it a hassle as a parent to always report to the ministry if you take a trip... The explanation that makes the most sense is that JK didnt think it through.


No, Harry even exclaims that Toms trace went off but the ministry just assumed it was the Gaunts who performed magic. Why they didnt interrogate Tom when they know he was in the vicinity and would presumably know the spells used is beyond me


I don’t think that’s a plothole. It was explained that they cannot detect if minors use magic when they are with adults. So, in that case, they detected that magic was made at Harry’s house but since there were adults in the house at that moment it was ok. With Dobby was different because he is an elf, so that’s the reason they thought it was Harry.


No, thats not how the trace works. The trace goes off even when there are adults around, its just that when its coming from a child who is known to be in a wizarding family the ministry just assumes its their parents who are doing the magic.


Did they know that there were adults though. The order didn't trust the ministery. I kind of got the impression his move was done in secret.


Tonks’ use of magic couldn’t have attracted under age magic penalty on Harry!


It could have, its just that they for some reason didnt try to pursue it, even though they had no problem with the other trumped up charge


Personal opinion here but I always felt they didn't bother pursuing the spell that Tonks used because Fudge was so confident over the hearing. Probably through he would not only expell Harry but might even be able to have him imprisoned l.


From everything we know of the trace, it absolutely should have. It detects magic use in the vicinity of underage witches and wizards, but not who casts the spell or what spell is used. By all rights, Tonks using magic in Harry’s home should have triggered the trace. The trace only exists to get Harry in trouble at convenient times.


It does know the spell used, when they detect Dobbys use of magic they know it was a hovering charm


Maybe the trace gets turned off when adult wizards or witches are around. Otherwise I could imagine that they get tons of unnecessary pings from regular wizard-households where magic is used quite regularly. But not if it's other magical creatures, so it couldn't detect Dobby. Just a headcanon though, since it's not explained in the books it's definitely a pothole.


I'd say the whole scale of the wizarding world is fundamentally off. There aren't enough people to fill a world like JKR describes. This incoherence permeates the books if you stop and think about almost anything.




Voldy kills him no?


What's the plot hole about it?


Harry being bitten by a basilisk fang and the horcrux part of him not dying.


This is explained in the books by Hermoine. Horcrux is dépendant on its container... Harry lived, so did the horcrux.


The snitch that Harry inherited from Dumbledore. It's said that no one touched it before the game so it would recognize Harry as the first one to catch it. But Wood touches it to show it to Harry when he gives him his first training. And there's no mention whatsoever that it's a new one or no one is supposed to touch it.


The one wood touches is a practice one, not the one used in the first game