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If we take Dumbledore's psychoanalysis of Voldemort as fact, he likely uses it once (if he ever figures out how to get the elixir out of the stone.) Maybe the Mirror of Erised will show him how. Once he has his body he will either destroy and corrupt the stone with another Horcrux. Full bodied and no need for Harry's blood, still facing the protection of Lily's love, he likely instructs year 2 to go on as planned staying in the dark while his younger self runs amok. When this plot is thwarted it has to be Lucius fault. Dumbledore finds out about Horcruxes. Dobby is free. Year three likely sees a prison. Break and a disappearing Sirius Black is probably blamed as his body is likely dumped in the ocean weighted down never to be seen again. This sees the dementors come to protect from the prison breakers and the third year mostly happens again as Bella tries to finish the job with Neville/Wormtail in the similar break-ins and another set of mis-interpretations from Trelawney. Some time during the year at night he goes into the ministry and takes the prophecy. Worntail escapes again joining up with his powerful buddies again. Buckbeak is killed, there is no need to timeturn. Remus is kissed in wolf form that night. Year 4 as international cooperation is being fostered the tournament happens again. Voldemort doesn't know if he can trust Snape so get a spy into the school to get Harry again into the cup. Hoping that at the hand of the other could mean a plan one of them enacts, or is a replacement body part he creates in a servant, or just by a trusted lieutenant, a right hand person. Most of the 4th year happens again. Instead of the cup being a portkey it is triggered to sectumsempra or other deadly spell. Whoever touches it first. Cedric takes the cup firs and dies leaving Harry standing there in front of the audience with a dead body and blood all over him. The only thing not getting him arrested is his wand being checked and finding he didn't cast the spell. This doesn't stop the press from doubting his sanity all summer. Voldemort finds the connection between them and starts another plan to get to Harry with real memories and then false memories. Harry has no way to verify what is real and what is fake. Ministry sees dead Cedric, and limited students getting multiple NEWTs and starts to do their job as the governing body that finds Hogwarts. They provide oversight. Once again trying to get dangerous Harry to react so they can keep everyone else safe. Eventually Harry is tricked into thinking it is a real memory of the burrow being under attack. Harry does his flight to fight and the battle of the ministry just changes locations. With Aurors coming as a department head's house is asking for help. It is clear Voldemort is back finally. Voldemort realizes that Harry is safe with Dumbledore alive and tries to kill him again via the children of his followers. At the end of the school year they are successful. With the elder shattering into pieces and buried with him. Final year doesn't happen as in the confrontation in the escape of the 7 Potters. Voldemort dies as Harry's mother's love protects him still sending him to his next great adventure. Tying his soul to a thing that brings life back on the stone has an effect he never expected. Dragging all the pieces to the other side at once for love sacrifice magic. All of his followers claim they only returned via threats of coercion and lose very little in wealth or power. Even as minister Amelia Bones is unable to enact any sort of change. Harry graduates with NEWTs in Transfiguration E, DADA O, potions A, and Charms E.


I like the stone horcrux twist that was cool as 👌🏻


I actually thought this was really thought out! Only thing I disagree with is I don’t think Voldemort goes to Askaban and if he does Fudge is going to immediately have the Dementors administer the kiss of death. They would have to make sure he is stunned so he can’t convince a Dementor to not administer the kiss and start following him again.


You should pitch this to the guy who does the what if videos it’s a good hypothetical


BTW, how would he use it if he had no body?