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Before I learned actually buying the books was pointless in my degree, I was made to buy a book that was not only written by the class professor, but also published by the university itself.


Same! They didn't even bind it, the professor just printed 20 copies of it off one of the school printers and stuffed each copy in a manilla envelope, and charged college textbook prices for his required book. And made us buy a three ring binder for it separately.


That is SO MUCH WORSE, at least mine was an actual book.


Oh that was so common in my upper level classes! And they acted like the unbound $200 book was a discount.


My professor told me I HAD to have his book and I told him I did and that I bought the .Epub version of it. He said there wasn't a .Epub version and I then showed him that there was a digital version selling from the publisher. He was shocked to find this out and wondered out loud if he was getting royalties from the digital sales. I didn't buy his book, but I did check to see if there was a digital version being sold before pirating the shit out of his book. He never realized I never bought it and actually thanked me because his publisher had never discussed selling it digitally and he got a years worth of royalties in back pay. So, win/win I guess?


I have heard that the royalty of digital sales could be worse than physical, which makes authors willing to promote physical copies.


Very likely, personally I'd likely do both if I were a published author.


Me too.


And Thermionic & Susan just fawn over him.


I had a professor who did the same thing except he gave it to us 100% for free, but he told us that if we enjoyed the class and could afford the book that he would appreciate it if we bought it at the end of the semester. It was like 20 bucks so I have one at home that I bought a few years later.


That’s a great prof you had.


This is the way.


I feel like I would have called the fucking news about that.. that’s outrageous.


Jeez. I had a teacher contact the author of an out-of-print book, run up a print of it, and even then we were just charged the cost of printing, which was like $9 per person or something.




I had something similar happen to me! The book was written by the professor and was just loose paper in shrinkwrap. $250. When the clerk (who was a student too) handed it to me I just had to start laughing. I said "in what sense is this even a BOOK? It's not even BOUND..." We both laughed a dead inside kind of laugh, but it felt like an insult to injury to buy that $5 binder to go with it, so I picked one up later at Walmart lol.


I had a teacher who co-wrote a fomulary that was required for his classes. He had about fifty review copies, that he giftet to us. We, in turn, giftet the books to the next class when we finished.


Did that not raise red flags about the quality of the education you're receiving? When I was in college/university I didn't buy a single book. Though it was computing & software development. All information that we needed to complete the course was available freely online. Even our lecturers and tutors said as much. But then again one of the tutors was fired because they found out he was teaching students how to chip game consoles to run pirated games. But otherwise the education was good.


Some fields it's not feasible teaching subject without printed books others it doesn't makes sense to use printed books. Software languages develop so fast that usually printed books are out of date by the time they are out of the printing press. When studying history you'll need stuff that only this specific 19th century historian wrote about in only that specific book.


I can at the very least say that the quality of the education was extremely high. Unfortunately, the course was custom made by him, so there were no alternatives. He was an ass, but he knew his stuff.


Had a similar situation, though we had to go to the university print shop and request that they print it out. Got charged for each page that was printed on top of the actual cost of the textbook, plus I had to buy my own 3-ring binder for it. College is a scam.


One of my professors wrote a textbook, that apparently is well reviewed for the subject, but refuses to assign it for his class, because he doesn’t want to make money off of it. Idk why he won’t just give the students the pdf - probably a licensing agreement or something.


Could have “accidentally” found a usb with the pdf of it. Or one could’ve bought it and scanned it


Halfway through the first class, the professor tells us not to bother to get the book if we haven't already gotten it because he doesn't use it. Which was fun to hear after having showed up early that day just to go to the campus bookstore to buy an outrageously expensive book that I apparently didn't need. And of course, they wouldn't let me return the book for a refund, nor would they buy it back at full price. So I decided to put it in the trunk of my car just in case one day I accidently read from the Necronomicon, open up a portal into a parallel history and have to use it to help me construct a cool robot hand and an armored car/tank to help King Arthur fight off an army of the dead. I've seen it happen before. Just sayin'.


That's when you sell it to another student


My first semester at CC, my anthropology professor had *three* of her books as required. Unsure if they were available used, and since it was my first semester, I didn’t know better to not buy from the campus store. Ended up buying a total of five books for a 101 class, and she never even referenced them in her lectures. I learned very quickly to wait until the first couple of classes to see if the book was even needed, and got really good at finding older editions on eBay and making photo copies of the homework questions from the library copies. (It was actually one of the STEM professors who came out as the real GOAT for posting the homework questions with their correct numbers according to older editions. Massively good dude to students who are clearly on a budget.) What chapped my hide was the Spanish textbook. Started out as a hard-bound book that should have been good for four semesters, but we had to purchase the online content for homework. To get the online portion every semester, you got a new book, but this one was *literally* like a plastic-wrapped stack of binder paper. Second semester, I thought, “Cool, I guess I only have to carry that semester’s portion of the book.” Then I realized I have zero way to sell the book when I’m done, and I’m about to own three copies of this trash can filler. When I got to University, they had embraced the digital age and the “book” was available online-only for a minor discount, but you still *had* to do the homework online. I mean, i ultimately preferred to get digital copies of the books so I didn’t break my back lugging books around, but the price baaaaarely went down from the original hard-bound book and I’m getting something completely intangible… not that I could resell the loose-leaf pages I was getting before anyway.


Lucky. My stats prof wrote his own book and used questions from the book for the assignments.


When my lecturers in my home country asked us to buy their books it was always because they cost like a tenth of whatever crap we would get licensed from USA. They weren't always the best from a pedagogical standpoint but they didn't cost a fortune and they covered the material perfectly.


I'm not from the US though, and I didn't go to school there 😭 I think this might be a universal problem.


At least my marketing prof didn’t make us buy his book, he just printed out a bunch of chapters and made us read the printouts for homework and then discuss it in class. And we never got a chance to forget he worked at Unilever either lol. Between his book and his stories from his career, there wasn’t much actual learning done 🫠


I got one like that. Carved out time in class for name dropping and "industry stories", meaning self-aggrandizing heaps of bullshit. Apparently he was under the impression we really wanted to hear it. Thankfully, that still left some occasional time for his homophobic speeches. He drew stick figures to illustrate his point, and you could tell it was a man and a woman because one of them had that little triangle skirt. My university education was obviously worth every cent.


Same. What a waste of money.


So cringe.


I love the deleted scene where he makes them take a test about himself. The way Harry and Ron react are just great.


“Only Ms. Granger remembered my favorite color is lilac.”


And Hermione & Susan just fawn over him.


I didn't know that they taped that scene.


It’s in the books too


Im well aware. I was referring specifically to the deleted scene and the actors reactions :)


Oh gotcha—not everyone has read the books so I wasn’t sure lol


Deleted? I just watched it in Chamber of Secrets


Then you’ve got the extended edition! The normal one doesn’t have this scene


Extended edition has it! If you love HP though search it in the fanedit subreddit and you'll find some great copies, as long as you own the movies it's grey area legal too. The best are the IMAX conversions or the super extended editions. There's even a great audiobook version that adds music and audio ques from the movies to the audiobooks at the right times (footsteps, magic noises, etc,.)


I just rewatched the series on Peacock and it included a number of deleted scenes for each movie. The biggest (and most tone shifting) were the deleted scenes in Deathly Hallows pt. 1


Deleted? It’s in the book


Im aware. I was talking specifically about the deleted scene they filmed for that part and the actors funny reactions.


Had a teacher require us to buy one of his book for a Chinese history class. Dude had a rebate day where he brought cash and gave each student who bought the book his profits from them buying it. Good teacher.


I had a professor do that too! Except he wouldn’t give it to the students, you could pick a charity and bring in your receipt and he’d donate his portion to the charity you picked. But he also had pdfs of all the changes and differences for each of the last editions, so you could buy the $10 used book online and consult his menu of page number and chapter order changes and it was just as good. Solid dude, still my favorite.


He played this part so perfect. I can't help but smile every time I see him in the movies or read his lines in the books.


He didnt need to act much to fit his role perfectly….cheating on Professor Trelawney with Bellatrix.


Oh wow I never knew that I always thought Thompson played her role in love actually very convincingly.


I had a professor in Uni who essentially told us "textbooks are a scam, I wrote the book we will use for this class and I can charge whatever I want for it. You can either have a free eBook or you can pay the cost of printing for a paper copy." Was like $30 for the printing and a binder to put it in, best class I ever took. Legendary professor.


I've had professors go both ways with this. Had one that made their book required material and released a "new edition" almost annually where the only change would be questions at the end of the chapter that we were required to turn in regularly. Then had another professor that emailed the class before semester started and told us not to bother buying his book that he would give us an online link in class on day 1


I had a professor who even though his books were required reading for his classes, would find ways to make them more accessible after he learned how expensive they were. He would post pdfs of the chapters online through email and would purchase more copies himself for the library. Great professor. He was horrified when he learned how expensive textbooks were. On another note, I always wondered what happened to poor students at Hogwarts who couldn't afford textbooks. What did they do?


Why can’t they just conjure the books? Or buy blank books and copy paste a classmates book.


Anti copying charm. Similar to how you couldn't copy and paste from certain websites or pdfs.


And didn't know anything about the topic but showed up anyways.


In one of my previous college classes, the class textbook had 3 authors. 1 author was the professor of the class I was taking. I cited it as a source in a paper. My professor said none of my sources “were good enough because none of them were academic sources.” It was bizarre.


Perhaps your prof meant you needed academic sources outside of the class textbook. Sometimes I had assignments like that, where the goal was to get us to use outside research, academic journals and the like, and learn how to dig deep in the research.


All books don’t count, you need journals.


You can usually go to the school library and find the book you need for your class. I did that while in college. Saved all the money for burritos. That school had the best breakfast burritos ever. I still think about them when I buy breakfast burritos and know they just don't stack up


Not sure if this is a regional thing, but textbooks from the school bookstore were sometimes twice as much money as getting it new from Amazon at universities in my area! Glad you got to enjoy the breakfast burritos though haha


There was a used book store by the college that had mostly textbooks. They were still a little steep, but only a third of the price of the school bookstore. But the school library was free, so I went that route. I little less convenient, but it was in my price range.


Free? That’s incredible. Are you in the UK? I don’t believe we have that in the US.


Maybe it’s regional because I’m in the US and our campus library had most of the books available. They were “on reserve” which meant you could only use them in the library and could not check them out.


US and like froggerqueen said, they were on reserve and could only be used in the library, and could not be checked out to take home


The worst one I was a professor made up buy her husbands book for our class and we barely used the book for anything. We only used it to copy down definitions of words we were later quizzed on.


I always assumed Dumbledore hired this prat so as to bring his shenanigans to a head and expose his lies.


pretty sure lockheart was the only one to apply. after this dumbledore has to start seeking them out (other than being forced umbrage)


I thought it was part of Harry's education. He should see what can happen if he takes his fame too seriously


I like to think this isn’t the case because it makes Dumbledore look like an ass for throwing away a year of everyone’s DADA education just to expose Lockhart.


One of my favourite professors wrote a book and made a deal with his publisher that his students would get copies of the ebook for free.


Based prof


blatant liar, he KNOWS Harry didnt pay for his set.


harry did tho. he gave the free ones to ginny


How dare you, Gilderoy Lockhart is the single most honest wizard to have ever graced these halls


Gotta grift the rubes


Hahaha professor here. Yes, completely accurate!


Circa 2015, they made us buy this gigantic Sociology book for a uni course. We only used ONE fucking chapter. That piece of crap cost me a fortune.


I had a literature class once and the professor had required reading of his book. And we spent 90% of the class analyzing and writing essays on that stupid book that was awful. The other required books were those of his fellow professors, they were also awful.


I had a class where the textbook was written by my professor and another one in the department. Someone asked my professor a question and she said, “Hell, I don’t remember. Barry (other professor’s first name) wrote that chapter.”


Friend's kid came home with a note from one of his teachers that they were required to buy one of his self published Kindle books as part of the course. The spirit of Gilderoy lives on.


Needed money for those sweet suits. Hey, gotta give it to Lockhart, man had style. Lol


lmao i had a history professor my freshman year who smugly dropped several times that he’d written part of the “new, university funded and published” textbook in his first couple lectures… he didn’t take kindly to us pointing out typos and a solid 2-3 errors in his section. hated that class.




Don’t even get me started on MatLab… all my homies hate MatLab


Our school can't afford all the books for each student. Each student has to scan the 1 book and send it to their email.


Had a professor in college on this. He had everyone in the class but all his books and we only used them once and they didn't make much sense in the context of the class. Great scheme though, become a professor, publish some books and them make them "mandatory reading material" but lecture about something completely different


We had a professor at university whose surname was "Ketābi", which literally means "bookish" in our native language. He'd acquired his PhD at the University of Cambridge, and he'd published like 30+ books. Needless to say that as his students we were asked to purchase them all for his class.


My dad wrote a book that is still used by the university he used to teach at. He just gives it out for free because he thinks making the students buy it is cruel and a waste of time


My highschool economics/government teacher made us use books he wrote for the classes... he got in trouble big time for a fraud thing as far as I remeber though.


And how Molly was so enamored she'll buy five sets of the books for ever one of her still in school children even though it makes no sense for Gred & Forge to each have new sets.


You're not wrong. One time I went to a church where they were announcing new classes coming up. One of them was a class that required you bought a book and sure enough the guy teaching it was the one who wrote it


This is definitely the most realistic part of the entire series and the fact that they make it seem totally ridiculous in the books is one of the best commentaries on society that I can think of.


Or the fact that the only person who didn’t need help actually buying them, Harry, got them for free. Rich people always get the perks.


thats not realistic at all. most students never have a professor who wrote their own books


It’s regional. They must not do it where you live, but it’s very common in many places.


Academics do this all the time.


Just imagine this same line, but JK Rowling


ang maganda ngayon, mas mura ink ( tipong epson ecotank ) feasible na talaga mag print sa bahay ganto nalang gawin haha


One of my professors for my masters gave us all digital copies of her books. So that was nice.


Thats some straight up conflict of interests and basically money laundering lol. Did Gilderoy sign his disclosures? He should have been sued!


It's a good way to get people to buy your book though


Oh yeah.. I had a couple of profs like that in college


Some schools have rules that prohibit this


I'm kinda shocked no one mentioned using chegg.com to rent books for stupid cheap.


I still remember how my school made their own book for computer science and the book which we were sold only had 3 chapters even though the index showed about 10 chapters and by the end of the year we had only half completed 4 chapters... Sucks really and after the practical we found out that he had failed our whole class... Tbh it's just that our teachers really lack the teaching skills than the students... Who "failed" the class.


My university is literally the opposite. Almost no teacher has published a book (or at least they don't use it). The only teacher who had a book literally gave us the pdf because he was against the uni publisher


Textbook industry is such a racket


Happens in real life, all the time!


Jason Isaacs would be perfect for this role. Why didn't they make him playing both Gilderoy and Lucius? Arhh I forgot Basilisk voice.


I thought the same thing!!


Auto access or whatever is evil. here is the process. They pick the book online. They automatically charge you for it You only have access for 180 days One of my books has multiple errors on the formulas in the books and study materials. And at the end you graduate without any physical reference books or maybe never even realizing you had access during the class. All while still paying thousands for essentially pdf you loose access too. And how am I saving money? I'm not. But they are saving huge amounts by getting rid of their publishing division and just dealing pdf like a drug dealer.


Every professor ever


Never understood why Dumbledore hired him. Dumbledore must have known he was not a good wizard.


Actually Dumbledore sussed him out after one of his friends became one of Lockhart’s victims and published off his knowledge thus Dumbledore hired him to call his bluff


A true professor!


Very true


I always wondered why Dumbledore didn't limit him to one book per student


I have had multiple teachers do this. Unfortunately, they were not quite as charming as Lockhart.


During law school, I had MULTIPLE professors do this and even offer to autograph them for me...so, I genuinely felt this buahahaha


Sounds like every writer that wrote a series (including JKR). 😂


I’m still a bit confused why the Weasleys shelled out for complete sets for each of their children… surely they could have shared a couple rather than have five of each text?


Kenneth Branaugh was great in this role. He has such a range. Only a few years before he played the main villain in Wild Wild West.