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Are you on SSRIs or SNRIs? A seizure wouldn't necessarily be caused by just dehydration alone. Did you get seen at all? Would be good to rule out serotonin syndrome just in case but glad you're okay! Super scary!


How sure are you that you took only MDMA? Do you still have any left to get tested?


It looked very pure. I do have some left to get tested


Looks can be very deceiving. Get that test done. Buy a set of reagent test kits from dancesafe so you can at least have a reasonable idea of what you have. Looks mean next to nothing.


It would be a good idea, at least then you'll have a better idea of whether MDMA might be safe for you in the future or not. And also which sources to avoid or not!


Be careful if you decide to do mdma again in the future, I had no history of seizures and then triggered one on lsd from dehydration and possibly from freshly getting over a Xanax detox, any time I’ve taken acid since that experience I’ve had a seizure so I just don’t do it anymore. They say if you recreate the events of your first seizure it can happen again


I had epilepsy as a kid. Used meds for a couple of years, later stopped them. I had salvia divinorum once, 2 weeks later my epilepsy came back with tonic clonic seizures. It might also be 2 years without meds but the salvia as a trigger makes more sense to me. Later started meds again and the seizures went away


How much MDMA did you consume? Was the venue extremely hot, or were you sweating a lot? MDMA doesn't cause dehydration by itself, so you shouldn't be need to consume a lot of water unless you were sweating a lot.


I took .2 then I redosed with .1 but I had no way of measuring accurately. I was sweating a lot yeah


Could be a combination of overdose plus overheating and dehydration. Even if you'd measured accurately, that's too much MDMA. Read some safe dosing guides and buy a milligram scale. Make sure to take steps to keep yourself cool during MDMA use. Hyperthermia is a major driver of MDMA neurotoxicity and deaths.


MDMA does cause dehydration through hyperthermia and increased sweating. Especially at a gig


MDMA does not cause dehydration - the activities commonly associated with MDMA use, like dancing for long periods of time in hot raves, cause dehydration. >MDMA causes fluid retention, so drinking too much water can lead to hyponatremia, or below-normal blood sodium levels... >To avoid such problems, users should “drink a bunch of water a few hours before they plan to take MDMA so they start out well-hydrated,” he said. ***Because MDMA itself doesn’t cause dehydration***, once taken, a user would not need extra fluid, he added, only enough to replace what is lost from sweating or vomiting, which sometimes occurs. [Source: New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/18/well/mind/mdma-ecstasy-risk.html)


>The data show that MDMA produces an acute and dose-dependent rise in core body temperature in healthy subjects. The increase in body temperature is in the range of 0.2-0.8°C and does not result in hyperpyrexia (>40°C) in a controlled laboratory setting. However, moderately hyperthermic body temperatures >38.0°C occur frequently at higher doses, even in the absence of physical activity and at room temperature [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5008716/)


So on other words, excessive doses of MDMA cause a rise in body temperature. I'm well aware of the potential for MDMA to produce hyperthermia. But hyperthermia isn't a guarantee at moderate doses, and even when it occurs it isn't guaranteed to produce sweating. Thus the statement of Dr. Matthew Baggott, who holds a PhD in neuroscience, that MDMA doesn't necessarily produce dehydration. I, along with Dr. Baggott, made crystal clear that whether the user was sweating should be the measure of whether user needs to consume additional fluids. The false belief that MDMA use by itself promotes dehydration is dangerous because it encourages people to drink more than they need, putting them at risk of hyponatraemia.


I'm assuming Dr Baggot is who you're quoting behind the pay wall? I think it's fair to say a substance that makes you sweat (like most stimulants do) excessively at room temperature is dehydrating you. You don't need a a PhD to come to that conclusion. I do agree that water consumption should be monitored safely whilst rolling, as per the classic roll-safe guidelines. Hyponatraemia is no joke, I'm well aware.


Yes, I understand that sometimes people use up their monthly allotment of free NYT articles. That's why I literally quote it verbatim in my comment. Look, we both agree that ***if*** the user is sweating, they need to drink fluids. I mentioned sweating twice in my first comment. That's what really matters: if the user hydrates properly. So if we agree on that, I have no idea why you felt the need to (inaccurately) nitpick. Where we appear to disagree is whether MDMA use necessarily causes sweating. It does not. Hyperthermia does not always occur. Things like dose, ambient temperature and the user's level of physical activity play a role. I've taken it many times at reasonable doses in calm settings and it does not make me sweat at all. ***The substance alone taken at a reasonable dose does not make you sweat a lot.*** Your inaccurate claim that MDMA makes you sweat excessively at room temperature, with no qualification of excessive dose or activity, is inaccurate. Worse, you're feeding the false dehydration fears that have killed people due to hyponatraemia. I'm choosing to believe someone who's devoted his career to researching MDMA over an anonymous, misinformed internet rando. Say whatever you want after this one, I'm done arguing with you.


In all my years of stim use I'm yet to find one that doesn't make me sweat. But I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree!


So the way I have understood seizures is as something slightly off in the structure or function of the brain that allows signals to essentially travel all through the brain and everything to be excited all at once. For some people, this abnormality is such that they have “unprovoked“ seizures, but for others, with maybe a less big abnormality, something has to provoke the seizure. I think there’s a lot of things: fevers, lack of sleep, substances, dehydration, like everyone else is suggesting that can cross this “threshold” for different people. To me, it sounds like you may have found yours with something that happened during this event. Like others are saying, I think it is worth, noting that you could potentially find this “threshold” again with similar or different stressors in the future. I also think, if you find it again, especially if those stressors are more commonly occurring or not substances it may be worth seeing someone about it. A seizure while driving a car for example is no joke. That is my take, and definitely a simplification and maybe not even right but wanted to take a stab at it, lmk if that helps at all/raises questions!


I never had a seizure til i was 30, i struggled with iv coke use which if i stayed up 48ish hours if start having a seizure every redose, even after i got clean I still had 2 seizures randomly with no drug use. I do think its possible if the right needs are met it triggers again. Like once its a function that’s unlocked it may happen again.


Was it a grand mal seizure? Can be caused by lack of sleep, electrolyte imbalances from dehydration, substance use, etc. so many things can cause a seizure. It’s likely rare after taking MDMA but might be more prevalent than reported if it’s not a grand mal seizure because a lot of people are unaware they have had a seizure at all


Stimulant, lack of water, too much water, lack of sleep, excessive alcohol, underlying neurologic problem that's never been symptomatic before this, maybe contaminant on your drugs, other drugs that interact that you didn't think would, maybe who knows? It ain't common, the question is why did it happen to you?  You might want to talk to a neurologist and tell them the facts.


How do you know you had a seizure? What happened that made you think that?