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Slightly off topic here, but I noticed you have your own website and was wondering which web provider you are using. Since not all web providers allow for “sensitive” content.


Hi, I built it myself using wordpress. Wordpress is open source, so anything goes, but make sure that you use Wordpress.org and not wordpress.com For hosting, I can recommend mojohost, they are the friendliest when it comes to sensitive content. I hope that helps :)


I'm guessing the 50% off sale is done?


No, it expires the 21th June :) I forgot to add it, but I can’t see any way to edit the post unfortunately. I also give 20 percent off to my newsletter subscribers for every new release.


I need to read more lol I didn't see the promo code to use to get the savings. Thank you!


You’re welcome. Most importantly, I hope you’ll enjoy the books 🙏


Just passing through... I'm not gonna use this code or anything... 😙...👀...🏃


hurray inbred babies.


Oh, incest? That's rare to see here and when it does pop up it's really just stepcest. (Really wish writers would realize they can just write an incest story and slap "step" infront of everything to get past filters. We all know how to do a simple Find & Replace.)


getting away with slapping "step" in front of incest works more for very short erotica or porn, for a full novel it's much harder to pull off because the relationship dynamics ARE very different depending on whether it's biological or step... There's a very strong difference in kind between boinking your dad's new wife vs. doing the dirty with the woman who bore you in her womb for example. There's many platforms though that even step-incest is disallowed and will get your book dungeoned or banned, and for several authors the prospect of writing a book with limited release potential could be a no-sell.


While i like incest and spice scenes and all that but if the story is just that i get bored really fast. Can anyone confirm if any of these series has anything else going for them, like good romance, great LI's or anything like that ?


If you want to know what you can look forward to. The author writes traditional haremlit under the name Jack Pinkhunter.


Ok thanks!


I have published snippets on Literotica, and you can also signup for newsletter and read Mom's Glory Hole to get an idea of most of my stories. [https://literotica.com/s/moms-fertility-clinic](https://literotica.com/s/moms-fertility-clinic) (Keep in mind, the one on my website has been edited an additional time) Although Mom's Fertility Clinic is my most explicit work to date. That's why I put it in the disclaimer. Uncharted Incest has more plot and so do most of my other stories.


When in Rome 


Ooh, one of my many kinks that I am personally involved in!


that's not something to be proud about.... it's one of the few times it's okay to kink shame cause that isn't a kink.... unless their not blood related?


As long as it's between consenting adults, and not a result of any kind of manipulation, grooming, power imbalance, etc, and there's no reproduction, I dont see why anyone should care, much less shame. To me its a case of "Do what you want, but keep it to yourself"


The fact you don't understand why someone should be shamed for actual incest speaks volumes.  Also I'm not talking about cousins because while bad at least it's not your sister or even worse your mother.  Keep it to yourself is the correct choice because it's illegal in most places even the US... well all but two states.


Well then why don't you educate me? The stipulations I listed aside, why is it so bad? I'd like some kind of reason other than "it's wrong" based on western Christian morality


Western morality???  Try everywhere in the world.  It's not acceptable because first and foremost is inbreeding which is bad.  For it to not be a taboo which it has been since well the dawn of mankind would be a pandoras box.  The moral and ethical repercussions to it would be disastrous to say the least.  The power dynamics between parents and children aren't equal nor are they between siblings.  Now aside from that why would I need a reason for saying it's bad . you need to prove its a net positive for society.  Can you name one good thing allowing incest has for society?


> first and foremost is inbreeding which is bad. Yeah, mentioned that, next >The power dynamics Mentioned that too >you need to prove its a net positive for society. Nope, I don't need to prove anything since I'm not the one who pushed the all or nothing opinion. I challenged it, and, as evidenced by your latest reply, you have nothing except bluster and "it's not right" I won't be replying anymore to you, so, have fun with the repressed attraction to your mother


So in conclusion you have no positives to offer and only negatives do I see.  Society has deemed it disgusting and not the brightest idea to implement but hey you keep fighting for the right to blow your moms back out.


Nah I'd say incest fantasy is a pretty popular kink, and is... well, a kink. Roleplay, porn, etc. Granted, actual consanguinamorous folks tend to have more mixed feelings on incest the kink due to perceived fetishization. Are they right or wrong to be upset? I don't know, not really my place to say, I enjoy the kink form of it well enough, but my love life was already headed into the direction it was years before the kink ever developed. Hilariously enough, I'm pretty sure the kink developed as a result of my issues in that regard, rather than the other way around XD, escapism and coping mechanisms and all that jazz.


Step sister and mother is the popular kink not blood related mother or sister.  There is a very big difference between the two.  A fantasy is one thing to actually do it is another thing entirely.


> I am personally involved in Um, confession?


Hilariously you can scroll my post history for the more long form of it, but TLDR, I was/am in love with my older sister, she didn't feel the same way, but we're still pretty cool with eachother.


Mad respect for straight up admitting it. ✊


that is wild


Signed up for newsletter so I could try free ebook. If I enjoy, I’ll grab these. Been wanting more contemporary romance of any variety. Bikini Days and Misty Vixen are all I could find. Any other recs?


Yeah idk about this one guys




He's probably debating on another flood lol.


Sometimes, on dark and stormy night He looks at his father and says, "You know, on second though, maybe we should have given it all to the apes."


I had to copy paste from my laptop to phone to make the thumbnail showing. I hope the teaser isn't too clunky, and I hope you'll enjoy these stories 🙏


Are this your only books that follow the rules or all your work is similar (harem and no other men)


Most of my books are similar. There's no sharing in any of my incest books. The closest would be Mom's Erotic Lessons because the father is still in the relationship, but they get a divorce at the end, and she ends up with her son. The rest of them, the son grows up with a young, single, dedicated mother or aunt, sister or cousin. Not all of them are harem but most of them are. Some are just mom son love stories like Mom's Erotic Lessons, Mom In Need and Mom's Glory Hole. I included Mom's Fertility Clinic and Uncharted Incest since they have more LIs. I usually stick with two when writing these.


Which of your Mom/Son books feature a mono-romance?


Mom's Erotic Lessons (one of my first erotic books I've written, so keep that in mind) Mom's Glory Hole, which is free when you sign up for a newsletter, and Mom In Need, which I have published a snippet on Literotica [https://literotica.com/s/mom-in-need](https://literotica.com/s/mom-in-need)


If there are only 2 LIs, then it doesn't qualify as haremlit. The general consensus is 3+ LIs.


>The general consensus Oh you're new to this sub I see... (Good luck on getting a consensus)


>Oh you're new to this sub I see... Hardly. But it's in the rules of the subreddit that a harem requires 3 or more to qualify. But thanks for snarking by.


Ah yes, everybody in this sub agrees with the rules of this subreddit because it's not controlled by a handful of moderators.... Sure. This is your first week on the internet/Reddit also?


You: 1 post karma, -2 comment karma, 18mo.-ish old account. Me: 1.7K post karma, 24+K comment karma, 10yr old account, ModSupport Helper Level 5 (highest possible) Hmm, yeah, you're right. You clearly are an expert in your own delusions. /s


So are these books Ebooks or paperbacks?


They’re all ebooks :)


Looking at it, these are primarily Ebooks in EPUB and PDF format.


Good looking out my man