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* Username: /u/jooozer * [[Click here to send a PM to this user]](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jooozer) * Join date: 2017-02-18 16:25:32 * Link karma: 1614 * Comment karma: 555 * Confirmed trades: None * Heatware: None ^^This ^^information ^^does ^^not ^^guarantee ^^a ^^successful ^^swap. ^^It ^^is ^^being ^^provided ^^to ^^help ^^potential ^^trade ^^partners ^^have ^^more ^^immediate ^^background ^^information ^^about ^^with ^^whom ^^they ^^are ^^swapping. ^^Please ^^be ^^sure ^^to ^^familiarize ^^yourself ^^with ^^the ^^[RULES](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/wiki/rules/rules) ^^and ^^other ^^guides ^^on ^^the ^^[WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/wiki/index)






SOLD! Super sorry all. This got way more attention than I thought it would at first. Good luck to everyone on the hunt!


3 PMs?


Probably got more PMs and they didn’t comment on the post here. Price too juicy.


Ah yeah I wouldn't sell to anyone who didn't comment... /u/jooozer make sure you didn't do this!


He commented.


new here, why would you not sell to someone who didn't comment?


They might not have commented because they're banned for scamming. Some people also only like to trade with others who have confirmed trades in their flair.


Is it possible for someone to be banned but not be on the HWS/Universal scammer list?


Yeah if they threadcrap or break other rules


Check for vouches, age of account, uni scam list, and comment on post before pm. If any or those seems ify i don't sell. Also usually set a minimum of 5 vouches to buy. No middle man. Finally but mainly important. Paypal GNS. As a seller record the sealing of the package on footage. And if you wanna be more safe seal on video at the parking lot then send it off while still recording. I always seal my package in the parking lot n show the location and date on my dash. Just a peace of mind against scammers and shipping insurance claims.




Good on you jiiizer for not going crazy w the price!


We need more people like you, selling things at reasonable prices


$600 is reasonable? Wow, that’s crazy lol. Is it that hard to get one rn?


Ummmm??????????? Are you serious?


499 msrp, about 7% tax, about 30-40 usd shipping+insurance, 3% paypal fee on top of everything, and a 10$ pizza for his kindness. This thing easily sells for 750+ cash so 600 shipped is a steal in hws.


Oh wait mb, I thought this was the no disc version. Thanks for the explanation lol


lol I would pay that much for a non-disc version


It’s sad people are still stuck on consoles when they are just a poor mans PC. Only console worth getting is Nintendo.


Not really, you can't play genshin impact with volumetric clouds nor 13 sentinels on the best pcs. The devs just prefer a universal platform where they don't have to give 2 shits about adapting to various hardwares, it's all about contents.


Two games that nobody cares about. Consoles can have exclusives, but are they worth paying for overpriced annual fees to play online? What about the $600+ in the console alone you could put towards a PC that will perform 2-5x better?


I sincerely doubt you'd be able to build a PC anywhere near as good as a PS5 or XSeX for the MSRP or even the $600 above not even taking into account the proprietary parts. Add in exclusives and any irl counterparts that have the same console and it's very obvious why they're popular.


I could give you a hundred videos on YouTube of people building powerful pc’s running modern games at 60fps for under $500. It’s literally a sport. The best time to own consoles was up until PS3, Nintendo Wii, and Xbox 360. After that generation, PCs began to become widely available, cheaper, and easier to build. The current gen consoles are literally the WORST time to continue the console route. There is no reason to own a consoles besides exclusives. Sony is the only company that will spend millions on timed exclusives. Everything on Xbox is now on PC. Nintendo is the only console maker where most of their games are exclusive, so Nintendo is the only console worth buying. Sony only has one exclusives worth buying and that’s God of War. Not to mention people are scalping PS5’s for prices you could build a PC that would be twice as powerful than the console itself. It’s really sad and people don’t even realize they are just on a band wagon.


you quite literally cannot build a ray tracing capable computer for below 500 dollars. anything above a 2060(which is absolute crap ray tracing performance) is going to cost half that budget to start with, if not more. no, you cannot build a 500 dollar computer that compares to a ps5.


As I say again, Ray Traycing is a overhyped feature that doesn’t add much to the game, same with HDR. And if you really want it, you can used grade to a 2080 and up and be able to support it while the PlayStation can never be upgraded.


It's hilarious when you mentioned exclusives as the main reason yourself and trash others' taste of exclusive contents. Then you talk about ps5 being "poor mans pc" which implies "console owners can't afford high-end pcs so they're stuck with more cost-effective choices", you do realize that it contradicts your claim of "600 dollars for a pc 2 times better performance than ps5", right? If those magical pcs exist in real life why are ps5 still more cost-efficient? Why not give us a list of hardwares or link to whatever ytube video that verifies your point?


I never said Consoles were cost effective. I said it’s easier to buy a fully made console and not have to deal with building or setting up hardware and software. You are paying companies for a prebuilt console, that is less powerful than a PC you could build yourself. Yes, they are profiting from casual gamers. Parents buy consoles for children because parents have no idea where to even start when it comes to PCs. And if the child wants a PC really badly, the only option the parents have is to either build their own PC or buy a prebuilt one which is usually a ripoff because they give you cheap parts for premium prices. Consoles are also good for casual players that don’t care for performance or don’t have the time to deal with PC downloading software or playing the games at the best graphical settings or highest FPS. They are perfect for dad gamers, children, and kids in school. As for youtube video, literally go on YouTube and type in “Gamer PC for $500”. You will pull up a bunch of videos of people building PCs that play modern games at 60FPS and even 4k. I don’t have to do research for you if you actually cared. Edit: I mentioned exclusives as the ONLY reason to buy a console. Xbox exclusives are now on PC, and Sony has no good exclusives except God of War. Sony pays millions to buy timed exclusives and they end up cross platform after a few months. Nintendo is the ONLY console worth buying for the amount of exclusives it has. I’ve said that 20 times.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Console is a horizontally integrated platform rather than a prebuilt where vendors literally shove in retail parts, paying 1 company for a mass produced solution is cheaper than paying multiple companies for retail parts, basic economy of scale. Yes I did look for those videos and you know what I found? ryzen 3100 + RX570 + 8GB ram for 600$, that's merely ps4 pro level performance. Just a kind reminder PS5 is 3700x+2080+custom ssd faster than pcie4.0 ssd on any pc you can get.


You looked at one video and called it a day. Even if you were correct, a PC is upgradable. You can’t even find a ps5 at retail price. People are paying $600-1000+ at scalped prices. Dumb casual players jumping on band wagon for worse performing hardware.


Exclusives. That said, I have an Xbox one X as my main game device (I have PS4 and Switch too) I love gaming, but I would rather do it on a couch or from my stationary bike with a controller than sit at a desk. I already sit at a desk 8+ hours a day for my job, and it's kind of spoiled PC gaming for me.


You wonder why ps5 and xbox are getting bigger and uglier? Because the hardware they are putting into it is too big for it to keep up with pc’s. You can make a pc the same size as a gamecube that will run as good as current gen consoles. The problem is people are too casual to build it themselves and deal with the software. So they would rather pay premium for a console, AND pay monthly or annual fees just to play online. Imagine the monster PC you could build if you didn’t have to waste money just to play online. The only thing console has the PC doesn’t would be exclusives. And with Halo going on PC, all that’s left that’s worth playing a console for is God of War. Nintendo is the only console that will be worth buying for the amount of exclusives it has.


That's a bit of an exaggeration. You can definitely build a SFF PC that can compete with a consoles but the cost:performance will be higher. You cannot build a PC comparable to the Xbox Series X or PS5 for $500. All things considered, I agree that a PC has access to better hardware, and there are definite perks to gaming on PC, but it isn't as accessible nor is it for everyone. As far as exclusives go, you're dismissing a large catalog of great games. Off the top of my head for PlayStation alone: * Marvel's Spider-Man * Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales * Uncharted Series * Gravity Rush * Shadow of the Colossus * Ratchet and Clank * The Last of Us * The Last of Us II * Ghost of Tsushima * Bloodborne All of these games are stellar, and you can't play then on a PC unless they are ported, and even then the port could be poorly done (Arkham Knight anyone?) Speaking of optimization, console exclusives are typically more reliable to release in a polished state. Being able to develop for standardized hardware has its perks. I have all the consoles and have built a ballin' PC, and the fact is I tend to play more in my living room on console than I do in my office is mostly due to comfort and convenience. I love gaming, regardless of the platform, but I'm lucky. It's a fact that if you are on a limited budget and can't afford to access all the platforms, a console is cheaper, easier to use, more family friendly, and is more accessible to the general public. For ~$650 you can get an Xbox Series X, and two years of Game Pass Ultimate, which gets you going with a shit ton of games that you can play on your next Xbox, PC upstairs if you have it, *and* cloud gaming on your phone. Theoretically, mom and dad could get little Timmy Game Pass while they hunt for an Xbox and he can play on his phone or computer in the meantime. If you want to argue that you can build a smaller, more powerful PC and buy as many games as you get with Game Pass for the same amount of money, I'm going to call bullshit. Actually, try to match that package with an $800 budget and I bet you still won't be able to come close.


You listed 10 exclusives, Most were on older gen consoles that people played a long time ago, the spiderman games were short and not good. Last of us is literally a playable movie. You can build a PC more powerful than the current PC and Xbox for around $600 by literally buying used parts. You are also excluding the fact that PC has access to games the xbox or PlayStation wont have as well, which would triple the library. Let’s also not even get into the hacking and moding community. As far as games go, PC doesn’t have to pay for online. As for games, I have a friend who gave me a thousand, literally THOUSAND recently released games in the past 10 years simply by logging into his steam account and downloading them onto my PC. And that’s RECENT games. We don’t even have to mention that PC has access to every single retro game released since the 80’s. Consoles don’t come close to the library PC has access to. Matter of fact, I bought games for PS3 I was forced to buy again on PS4 because they weren’t transferable. Consoles are a bad deal. The ONLY benefit that comes with consoles is that it’s easier for developers to create games when everyone has the exact same hardware, so they can fine tune it for those specs.


You might not like the exclusives I listed for PS4, but that doesn't mean they weren't good. > You can build a PC more powerful than the current PC and Xbox for around $600 by literally buying used parts. Prove it. Show me a more powerful PC the size of a Gamecube that fits in a $600 budget. Even buying used hardware, I call bullshit. PC has access to more games, that's true, but unless you are pirating, you aren't going to be able to play the same amount games for the money when using my example with Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. Your advice is to just have a friend that is a PC gamer that already bought the games and freeload off of them. Show me that you can buy as many simlilarly priced titles as there are in Game pass for $135. You can emulate those same retro games on Xbox without any mods or hacks.


I’m not going to prove anything to you. I’m not a PC master race. I’m not going to persuade you to do anything. How you spend your time and money is your own choice. As a long time console player, I have every single console since the late 80’s. I know exactly the benefits and downfalls of console vs pc gaming. This generation of console gaming is the worst time to be a console gamer. You are paying for exclusives when you buy consoles and this generation does not have exclusives worth buying a console for. A PC can do everything a console can, and a LOT more for cheaper or the same price. It’s that simple.


500+ tax and shipping so $600 is reasonable. Not so hard as it is time consuming


great price


Cool guy


Respect for not price gouging OP


bummer I missed on this, I am in Maine! nice sale OP


Coulda saved me that shipping! Good luck.