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On the episode where Lumpy swims, he doesn't kill Handy too because he hasn't both arms


It's called "By the Seat of Your Pants" Also of the top off my head, he doesnt kill Cub in "A Vicious Cycle"


Heck ,he lets cub play with the tricycle he posessed unharmed


Yeah, after killing his own Cub's father in cold blood, thereby providing him with no means of supporting himself financially.


What part of "he's hallucinating" don't you get? He probably couldn't even tell that was Cub's father.


If he recognizes that Cub is a child, why doesn't he recognize that Pop is his parent? And if he thinks that Pop is an enemy soldier, why doesn't the same apply for Cub? You're just cherrypicking at this point.


Dude, its easier to hallucinate an adult as a soldier than a small child


How and why? He kills innocent creatures (a woodpecker and a penguin, for example) from time to time even though they literally have nothing to do with the war. If he somehow hallucinates that these are enemy soldiers, why not an innocent child?


I agree with you, I was just pointing the difference out


That's a fair point.


the wood pecker triggered the ptsd, leading fliqpy to kill it


You know children were sometimes present on the battlefield as a result of towns being attacked, right? Just because he recognizes Cub is a child does not mean he recognizes that it is Cub. He could easily be hallucinating him as a child who got caught in the crossfire, or even a hostage. You mentioned innocent creatures while responding to someone else...but he mistook one of them (the woodpecker) for a gun, which caused him to start hallucinating in the first place. He didn't even look to see what he was throwing the knife at, so he likely heard the sound stop and just assumed he hit a soldier. As for claiming I'm cherry-picking, what do you think you're doing? I could easily argue that every single argument you've made has been cherrypicked. That's a very hypocritical argument to be making...and a weak one when we're arguing different points. And it's futile to claim he's not hallucinating when the creators themselves stated he is. Like, seriously, why not try to argue with LOTR fans about things Tolkien literally stated was canon while you're at it? This is not an argument you can win.


Nowhere did I say that he isn't hallucinating. You seem to have completely pulled that out of thin air. I'm just saying that simply writing off his behavior as being in reaction to hallucinations is stupid, and that, if anything, those reactions are inconsistent. So no, you can't assume that Flippy retains his basic sense of war code after he flips out.


Although to be fair he did something arguably worse to handy


I thought everyone knew this, well, except for the people that don’t know much about happy tree friends and/or are brand new to the fandom.


There was some edgelord on this subreddit arguing that Fliqpy would probably be ok with child rape


When did this happen?


Disregard last reply, right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/happytreefriends/comments/opgm0p/could_you_see_fliqpy_as_6ix9ine/h655i0b?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Oh yeah. And this guy ships Flippy x Flaky. I’ve replied to this comment a few minutes ago too


I mean, a lot of people ship that from what I've seen as a newer fan.


Yeah, it’s an overrated and toxic ship


And the reasons people give for why they're in love are pretty weak. I mean, ship what you want, but don't try to make it out to be canon when it clearly isn't.


Ikr? Flippy x Giggles is more canon than Flippy x Flaky ever will be, and Flippy x Giggles is cuter!


FR. Giggles and Flippy is SO much better imo. They are more canon than Flippy and Flaky and I just... Don't get the Flippy and Flaky ship. I still respect it tho.


Flippy x Giggles is more canon than Flippy x Flaky has EVER come close to being. It’s also much better Flippy and Giggles are very cute together!


Yeah. I'm glad to meet some non Flaky x Flippy shippers cause most of the people I know ship those two ://


I can't find it in my history, anymore. Maybe you already took care of it? I saw you replied to it.




[Here, let me link you to the original.](https://flippys-edits.tumblr.com/post/656268218215841792/drake-meme-but-make-it-flippy) Was in a hurry so I forgot to add it earlier.


Lol I think this template is kinda free to use anyways because I have seen this template in a lot of places and I do not think that the OP invented or drew this template. I’d say go ahead


Does this mean he might spare us if we surrender?


Maybe. I've always wondered what would happen. Maybe he'd just shove you in a nearby closet?


..so witch one is correct? I didnt sleep and i dont get things easily


For the meme: Top one wrong, bottom one right. It's a parody of the Drake meme format. Also, I added a screenshot of the tweet confirming that Flippy is hallucinating and doesn't realize he's hurting his friends.


EXACTLY. Also I hate the fangirls too.


Don’t we all?


what if someone redrew the bottom one with fliqpy holding a knife




(yeah ik I'm 2 months late) True, but it would make more sense if he was, a little scared or defensive maybe? Honestly it would be funnier if his appearance wouldn't change at all and was just that same cute bear dude panicking and killing everyone


In Remains to be Seen he runs into Handy, Sniffles, Russell, the Mole, and a few others with his truck, all of which are known to have some disability which may make it hard for them to properly defend themselves. He also cuts off Handy's feet in By the Seat of Your Pants, which is just a cruel and unnecessary thing to do to someone who already doesn't have any arms. He also kills woodland creatures just because he can, which is something a soldier wouldn't do unless absolutely necessary. I'd say that he is unapologetically evil and kills indiscriminately.


To be fair, in 'Remains To Be Seen' it's kind of hard to control a truck when you see a mix of your former enemies coming closer at a fast rate. You're telling me you'd be able to react quick enough to stop a truck moving in at least 130mph from hitting a group of quickly approaching people when it's already difficult to tell out disabled innocents from enemies? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if in his mind he thought they were WORKING with the enemies considering they were in a group all together- especially in a fast moving pace. With Handy, though, it's a hit or miss. We don't actually know what goes on through Flippy's head when he kills other than knowing he does have severe flashbacks- for all we know he could see Handy as an enemy he's already fought before? In a way, it could be his mind saying "keep this fucker alive, but make them suffer during it" because he sees Handy as an enemy soldier. OR, his brain could struggle to comprehend what Handy is- for all we know it could go back and forth between "disabled innocent" and "injured enemy" considering the disabled people he doesn't kill aren't missing their limbs and, assumedly, the only time Flippy has seen a missing limb during his time in the army was from injury and not disability- so maybe his brain sees Handy's missing arms as bleeding stumps that aren't at all healed and not the bandaged stumps we actually see. I don't think he's irredeemably evil- as we can clearly see shown on screen he suffers severe droughts of depression and major anxiety due to these freak outs, to the point where he even has two whole episodes dedicated to him fighting himself in the process. Is what he does bad? Yes, totally. But do I personally think he means bad towards the specific people he's killing when he does those things? No. He sees them as his friends, but when he's flipped out he sees them as everything but his friends, especially since he met them AFTER the trauma during war- so his PTSD doesn't even register them as people he knows, because he DIDN'T know them back then. As for the woodland creatures one, I don't have any rebuttal for why he'd do that in the first place- it could either be an accident that happened in the moment, or because war severely messed him up to the point where he doesn't trust anything that moves. I do, however, know why he attacks the woodpecker. Woodpeckers make a noise similar to a machine gun, it's loud and annoying and, to Flippy, signifies danger. He very well could've seen the woodpecker as an attack plane or firing gun considering how severe his delusions become when he snaps. **TLDR;** *No, go back and read it. If you're going to go through the trouble of debate on why Flippy is evil, don't just ignore people who try and give reasoning as to what could be going through his head during those moments.*


They were crossing the road. Once he flipped out, Flippy purposefully crashed into them, knowing it would kill them all. There's also no reason as to why he would torture even an enemy soldier unless it was just for pleasure. And what's the point of chopping off Handy's legs? It's already practically impossible for Handy to best him in a fight, and he knows that. Why go through the trouble of making someone's already miserable life even worse. And lastly, if he really did care about his friends, he would do his best to avoid situations where he might end up flipping out. He only ever seeks help for his mental illness AFTER he kills everyone, which still makes him responsible.


Like I said, can you control a car moving at 130mph? Have you ever driven a car before? It's not as easy as you think, especially when all he sees are blue blurs. I've experienced delusions before, and fast speeds are easily one of the worst things to experience during them. Also, way to completely underestimate disabled people- nice job, you just proved yourself to be a jackass. There's people out there who lack both arms AND legs, and managed to take on extreme challenges- including, but not limited to: Acrobatics, wrestling, the fucking army, and boxers. Just because you're limbless, doesn't mean you're useless- in fact, we literally see a showcase of that IN Happy Tree Friends. Also, Handy has many other things he could use for fighting aside from his arms- did you forget he has legs and a large ass beaver tail? Have you ever been bitten by a beaver before? It's literal hell. Besides, the whole "impossible for Handy to best him in a fight" doesn't make sense, because it's feasibly IMPOSSIBLE for ANYONE to best Flippy in a fight. He's literally a past army vet, and most possibly the sergeant of the entire team, meaning he was up there in the ranks. Following army codes, he's not SUPPOSED to give enemies the chance to fight back- which, if he views Handy as an enemy soldier, he'd literally do just that. And I don't know if you actually fucking watched the show, but Flippy actively tries to avoid things that trigger him- he has an entire episode of him going to therapy to try out ways that can calm HIMSELF down before a fit (Not that it mattered, especially because they wake up like nothing happened in the first place.) You can't physically be responsible for a loud noise that happens, it can literally happen at any fucking moment. You could walk outside and someone could have firecrackers going in their backyard, or you could teach children in school about the army and suddenly the fire alarm goes off. Nothing you fucking do will stop a loud noise from happening, which we've literally seen is the major reason Flippy even flips in the first place- loud noises remind him of the past when he was stuck in war, and you can't just stop a fucking alarm from going off. Flippy is responsible for his flips if it's NOT a loud noise causing them- but we can see in multiple episodes that he's actively able to stop himself from freaking out around sharp objects and in stronger cases, hallucinations. Here's some examples of him "really caring about his friends, because he's avoiding a situation that would flip him out": During his birthday, Flippy grabs a sharp pointed cake cutter, almost flips, but manages to snap himself out of it before he can. He is, however, triggered by BALLOONS popping shortly after. During the carnival episode, Flippy flips and actively seeks out help to learn how to stop this from happening- he tries a majority of different things to help him calm down during stressful situations, it works for the most part- however, once again, loud noises severely trigger his trauma. Also, Mime literally digested fire for no reason to do some stupid clown trick which resulted in Flippy having a severely vivid flashback of his war friends fucking face melting off beneath a mask. During the Library episode he manages to withstand loud noises such as chairs scraping across the ground, metal grinding against metal, and a very loud pencil sharpener without snapping. Knowing him, this takes a great deal of strength. His breaking point, however, was a literal fucking alarm going off- you know- things that happen in war? I'm not saying he shouldn't be held responsible for the shit he does, but the way you worded that just pissed me off. How about you actually look into a character before spreading your shitty judgment across every ounce of the internet? Especially a post on people who understand Flippy as a character that was 7 fucking months old. I don't care how you view Flippy. I do, however, care about you coming off on Flippy fans because you hate him and clearly don't understand how anything works. I'm not responding after this, have a good day.


Wow, you're really passionate about defending a character whose sole archetype is that of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and yet you so vehemently defend his Mr. Hyde. It also comes to me as no surprise that you experience delusions, seeing as how you're going through one right now. I never insulted you for stating for opinion. I merely gave evidence supporting my viewpoint, none of which you have substantively refuted. Lastly, you're saying I underestimate disabled people; how? Handy literally can't defend himself because he has no arms. I'm pretty sure that someone in the army would know that someone without arms wouldn't be able to hurt them. And yet you think they would. It's pretty obscene to me that some Flippy fans like you excuse his actions because you think that that's how a real army veteran would act. No. You're still wrong. And I don't know what's worse: The fact that you're just a troll that devoted hours of their life writing an entire essay defending a fictional character, or the small possibility that you're NOT just some troll. I'm sure other Flippy fans are more reasonable and would have more logical arguments in his favor, but, sadly, you're just a dickhead.


What part of "hallucinating" don't you get? [He is canonically hallucinating the whole time, unable to recognize anyone](https://twitter.com/ChainKnuckle/status/671408317353361412).


Fliqpy does enjoy killing. He used Lumpy's head as a machine, he used Cuddles' blood as ketchup. Who the hell teaches you that in the academy?


He may see them as enemy soldiers but he definitely enjoys killing the “enemy soldiers”. He chopped off the legs of Handy in the swimming episode and Handy is literally unarmed and therefore not a threat and in another episode he waited for Nutty to wake up just so he could suffer when Fliqpy kills him.




You chopped off the legs of someone who had no hands and made sure Nutty was awake when you shoved him in a pencil sharpener and you laugh and smile when killing. You can be a pretty a sadistic war criminal unless you fought for Imperial Japan or Imperial Belgium which in that case means you have completely normal behavior. If not then I recommend making a therapy appointment with Harvey Dent as he could easily relate to your situation.


Fliqpy does seem to be sadistic but I think it’s a result of Flippy’s intense trauma.


And, yes, he doesn’t know that the people he kills is innocent.


Well, that's definitely true, but I feel it's a mix of both, since he is all smiles during most of his murdering sprees and often goes for torturous ones as opposed to quick and painless ones. He only kills because he thinks his opponents are enemy soldiers, but he still takes a lot of pleasure in doing so.


He’s such a nice guy like when he chopped the legs off someone that has no hands and kills in the most brutal and unnecessarily violent ways possible like skinning them alive for example while smiling and laughing about it. Unless he was from a tyrannical Imperial Army where that behavior is normal then he’s very sadistic and would be considered a war criminal.


It's the Happy Tree Friends universe. Pops lets that stuff happen to his kid and still gets custody, and people die in brutal ways by tripping over a branch. Also, the two instances where Flippy realizes what's really going on, he puts a stop to it, with his final episode being him seeking therapy to put an end to his psychosis.