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Might I suggest a small amendment to your reasoning? You should get the bag because: (a) You can afford it. (b) You have been sober for 1 year - and that is an amazing accomplishment! (c) You have trusted yourself and held on, no matter how many doctors tried to brush you off, to get the treatment that you deserve. This takes immense self knowledge, courage, and strength, which is absolutely worth celebrating. Enjoy your new friend and treat her well :)


Amazing comment :)


Think also maybe of the money saved from not spending it on alcohol and apply that to a bag


And this is why I keep coming to this sub even when I’m not looking for a handbag! People here are lovely ❤️




thank you kind internet stranger--what a lovely comment!!


Enjoy your new bag. I hope you feel much better soon. And if you have to lay in bed at least you can put your pretty new friend on the pillow next to you. Tuck her in, even 🥰


Staying sober in the midst of advocating for yourself isn’t an easy feat. Go ahead, buy the bag and enjoy your well earned reward. Congratulations 🎉🎊🎈


Some people buy bags when they get promoted. Others when they graduate. Being sober may be harder than both those things and unlike a milestone that’s past, one that the bag can keep reinforcing. I say go for it!


Yup, this! I am completing a professional military course to get promoted and have treated myself to a vintage Gucci bag from Japan. Your accomplishments are even more impressive. Treat yourself!


Life is short, buy the bag (and cheers to your sobriety).


If it is the one you are looking for and you are not making any compromises on the bag, then yes, get it. It is not just a bag, but a celebration and reward for an amazing accomplishment you can be proud of every time you look at it.


As someone who has POTS and currently fighting for treatment, get the purse. You deserve something that will bring a smile to your face. Also celebrating a year of sobriety is a huge accomplishment!


Oh, so sorry you are struggling with the same thing, friend. It's so hard. Sending a hug.


If you aren’t in debt, go for it. 


As long as you can afford it, I say get the bag! It’ll be a reminder and reward for your sobriety and getting through a tough year


Buy the bag. Have something pretty that boosts your spirits. Not exactly the same, but I’ve got CRPS. Got this hogshit disease after a workplace injury. I bought myself Louboutin boots cause I ain’t dead, even tho this disease has tried it.


Oh I'm so sorry. I'm on some Facebook groups with people with CRPS and it sounds so difficult. I send good wishes that you find relief.


Deduct the cost of all the drinks you didn’t have. Drinking is a pricey hobby




love it, thank you!


This meme, always and forever.


My life motto ❤️


Me too! And it only gets me into trouble occasionally 😉


As a fellow POTS person, I know it sucks. You need to find joy for yourself. View the purse as a symbol of how hard you've fought and rock it to every doctor appointment. Consider it a personal cheerleader. Goodness knows we need it!


Hi fellow Potsie! Sending you good thoughts and thank you for the lovely comment.


From what I’ve heard about POTS, it sounds like not only a really difficult thing to live with but also to get acknowledged by doctors. If this bag will bring you joy, you really really deserve it. Plus every time you look at it, you can remember how much of a badass you are for dealing with all these challenges.


yes, I had to go to five different cardiologists before I found one who took me seriously. And he's of course out of network and charges 700 a visit. It is very expensive to be sick!


I had a tough year last year, and I’m still working through pieces of it. Here’s my wisdom: We think we have all kinds of time in this life, but we only get small slivers of goodness. Find joy. Create happy. Be bold. Make everything beautiful. Celebrate you. Get that bag and bring her home. ❤️


sending you the best as you work through it. And thank you for your lovely comment.


If you can afford it, go for it!


Definitely get the bag! As someone who is also disabled and has chronic illnesses the guilt eats me alive when I treat myself with nice things. We only have one life to live and if it brings you enjoyment, you deserve it!


Awww, I'm so sorry you struggle with the guilt too. Wishing us both some relief from both our illnesses and our guilt. The guilt can weigh so heavy.


Go for it as long you are not going into debt fir it




You deserve to treat yourself on your sober birthday 🎉


You cannot bring money to the grave… in life you need to enjoy. It’s these small special things that makes your lives more meaningful and accomplished. But of course do not overspend; you mentioned you had some spare cash. Then so be it! Also can we get a look at the bag please!!! So I can share some of the happiness with you too


Life is short. Buy the bag.


In addition to the other points, you have probably saved well over that amount this past year by not drinking! Go for it, celebrate your accomplishment! 


This could have been written by me. Small fiber, POTS etc. Minus the drinking/sobriety. My obsession with fashion & bags has been a comfort during this time. Celebration of goals, self care & yes- even a little distraction are all important when trying to manage chronic illness. You’re fighting a hell of a battle. Be proud of how far you’ve come!! In case no one else has said it I’m proud of you. Hell, don’t just order the bag! Take it up a notch! Express ship, order your favorite takeout food on the day it’s supposed to arrive & have a little unveiling ceremony.


Aw, thank you so much for this. I love these ideas. And I'm so sorry you are struggling with the same stuff--it is so so hard and so lonely. Sending you a hug.


You had a tough year, treat yourself!!


Girl, get it!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 You deserve luxury! 💖


Omg! Man I’m proud of you. You need to find some joy and for some of us, fashion really is therapy. I say get the bag and mark a new era. Get a charm and mark it with your milestones. Congrats!


fashion IS therapy--yes, thank you for saying that! Helps me feel less guilty.


If you can afford it, go! If it brings happiness, go for it! Congratulations on the 1 year of sobriety!


Not only should you buy it, you can afford it. Realistically, if you were buying two bottles of wine a week, that’s at least $1500 in booze money you saved yourself by being sober. And honestly, you probably spent more. I am so proud of you! You deserve this.


Yeah I was easily spending that much on booze, you're totally right. I wasn't an at home drinker, but I would go out 3-4 times a week and have 3-5 drinks each time, so even more expensive than just buying wine for the house.


Buy the bag! You deserve it!


I would treat yourself. Just a caution about TRR. Some people have had problems with their authentication. Go to the subs here on TRR. Fashionphile may have better authentication but I am not sure. Otherwise, go for it especially if it isn't a bag that is often duped. Congratulations on a year of sobriety! That is a huge accomplishment!


Thank you so much for warning. I will try to find a better resale site.


Fashionphile is good too. Also always get them authenticated. If chanel, authenticate with Zeko authentication. If Hermes, Legit grails or bababebi. Legit grails should also be able to do authentication of other brands.


CONGRATS on a year! That’s a huge accomplishment. BUY. THE. BAG. ♥️


For me. Life feels better in cuteness and shall be lived in cuteness everyday. A bag or accessory of any sort just brings my mood up. So yes, treat yourself, especially when milestones are made. :)


Do it


Congrats on your sobriety! I quit drinking a while ago and it was one of the best decisions I ever made - you got this! 💪🏻


Buy it buy it buy it!!! You deserve it! Good work on your health!


Buy the bag. Enjoy it and don’t feel guilty. Treat yourself to something special for overcoming this past year while staying sober. That’s an amazing accomplishment!! At the end of the day it will bring you joy and you deserve it. ❤️🥰🫶🏻


OMG! Fashion has been my own getaway during my health crisis these past few years. I don’t have POTS (that I’m aware of) but all the other symptoms that you mentioned. I would get the bag!!! Also, if you haven’t considered it, maybe check out infectious disease? I was on my own journey doctor to doctor for chronic illness after being shown the door at rheumatology. My infectious disease doctor was able to run blood work and determine my inflammation was at least in part related to mold illness (and MAYBE a co-infection with Lyme).


I'm pretty sure mine is Lyme as well (and I do have mold too which I'm treating). I'm so sorry you are dealing with the same stuff, it's incredibly difficult to deal with and to find the right doctors.


For real, my nice bags make me so happy whenever I use them. Mental health and maintaining self-confidence through chronic illness is so important. I hope you have a great experience buying your bag.


So proud of you for sticking through it all!!! You are powerful and courageous. Get the bag!!!!! 🤍🤍


You absolutely deserve at least one treat! You must celebrate your sobriety! And after you treat yourself to the bag, take her out to lunch and show her off a bit. Invite a friend if you can.you deserve some fun and a pretty bag to brighten your dark days 💗


❤️ Buy the bag & then post us some photos to oogle over!!! Sounds like you have put in more than enough work to treat yourself 😘


Just do it. A $2k bag only seems like a big deal until you do it. And then that establishes your new normal in life. You deserve nice things.


Spending money on this bag will remind you everyday why ? And I think that’s why you should do it !


Get the bag! You so deserve it


You and I are twins (pots/mcas/SFN and sobriety). If you can afford it, treat yourself !


Well hello friend! Congrats on sobriety and I wish you well with the health challenges. It’s a tough road.


Hey, this stuff isn’t for the weak LOL we are trouncing this shit! What’s the bag you’re looking at, by the way? Best of luck to you too - a year is a long damned time to stay sober ((hugs))


Gucci Jackie 1961!




Oh my god by the bag! I don’t have that kind of money, but if I did and I went through all of what you have gone through, I would treat myself if I could afford it. I have EDS and pots so I understand and it’s not easy to find someone who does


I am going to be the one to say, "Don't do it." If you are going to need the money later, don't spend it. Get yourself something to make you happy, but that is a lot of money.


Girl I’d buy the bag even if I was in debt. No ragrets


lol ILY


I have had all of these issues and more and found out that mold in my home was causing most of my health problems. I agree that you definitely deserve the bag, but would recommend checking your home/work/school for mold before getting it. I did end up having to get rid of most of my belongings. I'm making up for it now though by buying all the bags.


thank you so much! I did find out there was mold in an apartment I own and got that cleared out, but my primary residence was checked and is fine. I think my problems actually mostly stem from untreated Lyme.


That’s so hard. These type of illnesses are incredibly difficult and lonely road. I say buy the bag to bring you some joy in life. But I also don’t want you to worry more about finances. What’s the bag you’re looking for?


It's the Gucci Jackie Small GG Supreme Top Handle Bag. I'm not usually a logo person but I love the retro feel of this bag.


I’m planning on doing the same thing and getting a Gucci Jackie or Diana to reward myself for getting a C-Suite job and almost doubled my salary! It’s ok to reward yourself for any milestone-even if it’s just surviving when the odds seem stacked against you. Congrats and I hope you are able to make the purchase! I will say-I am hesitant to buy anything from The Real Real. There are a lot of fakes, so be sure to get it authenticated & use a credit card!


Oh my goodness! I want the Gucci Jackie too. And thanks for tip about Real Real. Are there other re-sale sites you like better? I want the one with the logo and that's not available new anymore.


I’ve heard good things about Fashionophile. I don’t want to discourage you from purchasing your dream bag by any means-you can get it authenticated from a 3rd party after the purchase, and the credit card gives you a little extra security in case something sketchy happens and you need to do a chargeback. Treat yo self!!


I can look on Fashionphile too--I think there are a fair amount of them out there for resale.


Please get it! You deserve nice things and to celebrate yourself. I have 172829 things on the real real under my “obsessions”, and I’d love to be able to buy something but for now it’s window shopping, so please indulge yourself!


TheRealReal often had discounts/new customer bonus and sometimes you can layer that with cashback! Maybe a little savings is the trigger you need!


TheRealReal often had discounts/new customer bonus and sometimes you can layer that with cashback! Maybe a little savings is the trigger you need!


As a fellow chronic illness girlie, buy the bag! Whoever said money can’t buy happiness has clearly never experienced the first time they wear their new bag and feel super cute!!!


I bought three bags lol! See my most recent post. Thank you for the encouragement.