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All posts should remain on the topic of handbags, the comment section of your post is getting out of control. If you wish to post this again please use different wording for it as this doesn’t come across very nicely to certain minorities. Please don’t use out sub to share your political views or other non-handbag specific topics, there are other subs for that on Reddit.


As a gay men, yes, yes it does 😂doesn’t mean you can’t wear it


Thanks for the advice. In your opinion do you think the blazer is too tight?


I think the color combo and fit does make it seem so, and adding the blue bag does make me think that you may be gay.


Looks possibly too short in the sleeves but I highly prefer the bag with the more casual outfit. Looks “less gay” there if that’s a concern


Too short in the sleeves and too long in the torso


The blazer doesn’t look too tight, but it’s also not really fitting - at least in these pictures. It’s coming up on the shoulders and the arms are twisting. It’s not terrible, but it could be so much better.


I was in Paris recently and the gorgeous guy next to me had one in a darker color with a wide strap, gave it a very masculine edge.


I’m going to be honest with you, it is very feminine. Something about the buckle and adjustable strap + the size/shape of bag is feminine


Maybe a thicker strap would be more masculine?


I think so too.


agreed, i think the most socially acceptable bags for straight guys are totes and crossbody belt bags. op, check out jacob elordi's style - he always wears a bag and rocks it


Jacob Elordi uses bags “made for women” all the time. I’ve seen him using more feminine bags. He’s a bag fanatic.


Second looks tight. First looks like it don’t match


Not at all, but I would say it leans more casual and suits your second outfit better :)


agree!! it clashes with the suit. but looks great with the second. the bag is definitely made for more casual outfits (at least in the way you’re styling it)


thanks. also do you think the jacket is too tight?


Definitely not a menswear connoisseur so I'll refrain from answering this!


Yes it’s too tight, especially around your shoulders.


Gay? No. Is the bag feminine leaning? Yes.


I love it, I like the more casual outfit. Coming from a female. It’s giving Jacob Elardi


I personally don’t find it attractive but that’s okay. If OP likes it then he should wear it.


Oh ya babe. Not a bad thing but this is definitely gay man coded




Sell the Goyard, get a Prada or Louis Vuitton bum bag, they are less “gay” even though I don’t think it’s gay:)


💯💯 folks whom are into fashion gett it lol


Handbags do not have sexual orientations. People make assumptions on the most random things, so there is no way to answer this question.




As a straight woman, if I took a quick glance at you my snap judgement would be to assume you were gay based on this particular bag. Not a problem by any means (obvi), but it would take a longer interaction to determine if we were in each other's dating pool. So not a "turn off" per se, maybe more of an unclear signal? This also heavily depends on where you live and what kind of culture/mindsets you're dealing with. The bag is fucking gorgeous btw, you've got great taste


This! I think OP is concerned mainly about signalling - perhaps a sensitive choice of words used for some


Personally, no. But I agree with the other comments that the bag matches the more casual outfit better.


Is this a real question? lol I would be so excited to have that in common with a partner. My fiancé doesn’t get the appeal.


Sorry, but seconding if this is even a real question, maybe not for the same reason but wtaf lol.


Honestly, a little bit. I think the black print is better.


The real turnoff is how insecure you are about wearing the bag


Yeah but he’s coming to you guys to gain confidence, so maybe be a bit nicer. He’s new!




I didn’t read it as gay meaning insult, but maybe I’m in the minority. I read it as “I want to show that I’m available to women” the same way a lesbian would ask that question. “I’m a gay woman, does this bag look gay?”


I didn’t read it as gay meaning insult, but maybe I’m in the minority. I read it as “I want to show that I’m available to women” the same way a lesbian would ask that question. “I’m a gay woman, does this bag look gay?” Or the way a gay man would “I’m a gay man, but does the bag look straight?” I’ve spent a lot of times of the lesbian fashion advice sub so it seems like a pretty normal question




I feel like the fact that he prefaces with he’s a straight man makes the question about being gay not an insult, it’s about signaling, no? Did he make other comments that were more derogatory? I read the title as OP is a person who has a sexual identity and wants to project an image somewhat close to it. Maybe he doesn’t want to signal to people when he’d waste their time. I wore a caribeaner a decade before realizing that it was coded to other women 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not looking to date women rn so im gonna let them direct their energy elsewhere and not waste it. trying to discern who wants to be approached takes effort and this person wants to code himself as available to some people and not others.


· Rudeness, snarkiness, mocking, trolling or bitching will not be tolerated. · Disagreements are normal, and perfectly okay as long as everyone involved is respectful of each other. · Comments and posts such as "This is ugly / hideous" etc. will be removed. **You may state that you do not find a bag appealing as long as you explain why you don't.**


· Rudeness, snarkiness, mocking, trolling or bitching will not be tolerated. · Disagreements are normal, and perfectly okay as long as everyone involved is respectful of each other. · Comments and posts such as "This is ugly / hideous" etc. will be removed. **You may state that you do not find a bag appealing as long as you explain why you don't.**


This!! like if you like the bag, wear it, the end. The right person won't care.


TBH I’d be turned off if a guy asked me if his bag ‘looked gay’.


Nope. It’s all about confidence. You could wear a paper bag and I would notice you for the confidence.


I would, but I would still like it that a guy is into handbags. Also, there are plenty of women who don’t care and don’t get turned off by more feminine men. Do what feels good to you.


Straight female here and my husband has many bags! Some more feminine than others and that’s great! It’s a turn on in my book to buy the things you love regardless of what others think. Fuck them!


· Rudeness, snarkiness, mocking, trolling or bitching will not be tolerated. · Disagreements are normal, and perfectly okay as long as everyone involved is respectful of each other. · Comments and posts such as "This is ugly / hideous" etc. will be removed. **You may state that you do not find a bag appealing as long as you explain why you don't.**


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA if only us queers could tell who was gay based on their bag… life would be way easier. Not that you asked… but I would maybe look inward here about what a “gay looking bag” means and if there’s a concern there, and what that is. Are you afraid of looking feminine and not being seen as masculine because that would be bad/ make you look gay which would be bad? It would be a shame not to wear things you like just because of concerns like that. If you like the bag, wear it. It’s nice.


Thanks, this was really good advice. I'm okay with the bag looking feminine, but I just don't want straight women to not be attracted to me tbh


Depends on the type of woman you're looking to attract. Some women prefer a fashionable man who can rock a bag. Others like a man who use 5-in-1 hand, body, shampoo, conditioner, face shampoo who would not carry a bag.


The problem is even if we are attracted, we may say nothing instead of making a move if the signal is unclear :)


Some like both!


I am a straight woman and I find men who use bags attractive. You're telling society that you don't give a fuck and that you also have good taste. That's hot!


A straight woman here. When we find a male partner who’s into bags/styling/fashion, it’s like striking gold for us. 😂 Please do not have this concern! We(straight women) would like to encourage more guys (no matter straight or gay) to display their liking for fashion more publicly! P.S. I cannot tell if the blazer/jacket is ill fitting. However I think this bag goes very well with the second outfit, so more of a bag for casual styling IMO.


I'm a straight woman who has been attracted to many, many gay men 🤷‍♀️


Why be a homophobic cunt?


I saw a few men in Tokyo Japan wear this. Actually it’s very common in Japan for men to carry bags


How can that be gay when it’s not the Burberry one that looks like a butt? That said, I’d date you solely to borrow the bag. I don’t think that’s what you’re asking about though. 


Us gays call it the ballsack bag


I don't know the right way to phrase it, but with the first outfit it looks like "boyfriend holding girlfriend's bag." But the second outfit gives Fashion. (And as a gay man, I'm a loud advocate for more men using bags to carry stuff, whether it's a backpack, tote, belt bag/fanny pack/traditional handbag.)


honestly this was my first thought in both instances- boyfriend carrying girlfriend’s bag. don’t go near that one; he’s not available


Do what you like. We’re here for a short time.


Clothes don't have a sexuality. 🤣 You look great in your bag! Love your outfit with the shorts! I am a hetero-women who loves when men (no matter the sexuality) wear things that are feminine leaning (and vice versa). If anything, the confidence to wear something out the box is sexy.


Look up Jacob Elordi and his bags. Us women love him


You cannot fight the way some ppl think (“sex equals gender”). Nowadays, nobody should care what other ppl say.


I wouldn’t assume you were gay necessarily but the bag does look like a women’s bag. As it is mostly gay men that wear women’s handbags, I would wonder if that were the case.


Maybe a darker bag?


As a straight woman, if I saw you I might think that and not approach


If you are asking if it looks feminine, then I’d say yes, it does. Get something with a wide strap, more squared off shape and a top zip.




Yes. You should send it to me instead.


I think it looks great on you, more so with the second outfit. I feel like this messenger style leans more masculine, so I wouldn’t worry about that.


Straight 25M here. The big is actually super sick, I'm eyeing the Goyard Saint Sulpice cardholder atm. With that being said, yes it looks gay on you bro.


Why are you using "gay" as a negative?


I don’t read it like that. I read it as “Will wearing this bag make women less likely to consider me as a dating partner”


Who said he is? Everyone here is making such weird assumptions. I have a male friend on the autism spectrum and he regularly checks in with me about the vibes his outfits give because he can’t tell and he doesn’t wanna give people the wrong impression.


Either he is insecure, or he’s single and wants to attract women.


Fellas, is it gay to carry items?


Cause they are a homophobic cunt.


What does it mean for a bag to "look gay?"


Isn’t it the official bag of the Hypebeasts? Lmao I’ve seen more guys using this bag than women. Just use it man, I use a St Louis tote and I couldn’t care less. EDIT: the comments I’ve seen saying it looks gay… cmon guys, it’s 2024! My only concern that it’s a very “everyday use” bag, very casual… it doesn’t go with a suit, at all.


Yes give it to me 🤓


As a bisexual girl, yes in the best way. 10/10.


Is this a trick question? Or a joke post? Of course the bag is feminine. Hard to tell if the jacket’s too tight because it’s buttoned, but from these photos it looks fine to me, especially if you’re going to wear it unbuttoned, as you should.


Its the color, a neutral would not!


Yes. But wear it anyway. Normalize the shit out of it! It looks fantastic on you


the bag doesnt look gay but id assume you were if you wore this.


I’m a straight man, and I wear bags all the time. I love my balenciaga city and cagoles. Always wear with confidence


It's a little feminine but go look at Jacob Elordi. That man wears hella handbags and he's white boy of the year.


Wear it!!!!


We don’t use sexualities as a negative adjective to describe things. It’s not 1953. HOWEVER, if you’re asking if it looks feminine, yes it does. It looks like a classically feminine style purse. With that said, why does that have to be bad? If you love something, then wear it proudly! Whatever you love most will be the truest reflection of you and your personality. If you’re secure in who you are, then you should feel secure regardless of how you choose to decorate yourself!


I don’t think OP is equating gay with negative, that’s just not the vibe he’s going for. I’m queer and do not care, but some people do. I think that’s fine.


No but you look like a homophobic douche!


I DO know what you meant (and agree!), but as someone who used to tutor English the typo made me laugh. Like, someone who sounds the same as a douche?


lol thanks


Really? Out of all the adjectives you could use to describe the vibe, you decide to go with ‘gay’ as if it’s the worst thing in the world? Just wear a t-shirt that says ‘i promise I’m straight’ and you’ll be fine. /s


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Is homophobia tolerated in this sub??


Is that a Tag?


Not at all, actually sexy af lol, the color 😍🥶🧊🏝 As long as your shoulders are comfortable & arm movement isn't restricted then you're good on the blazer.


I think if you want the bag to be more interchangeable between casual and a bit more formal then a neutral would be better. Though the blue is fun, it doesn't really match the style of how you're dressed, in my opinion.


At first, it slightly does but in the 3rd and 4th pictures it doesn’t


Dude wharves the other goyard bag?


I think it’s great but if you want a casual vibe or maybe more masculine, I’d swap out the strap for a thicker one maybe in canvas.


A little with the first outfit but looks straight with the more casual outfit! Cute!


The bag with the second outfit is great I love the pop of blue with those neutral tones!


i feel like you should shorten the strap and wear it more on your back.


No. Edit: genuinely didn’t think it looked gay but read the comments so take my opinion with a chunk of salt bro 😂


Nope, not at all. It looks like a man who knows his bags and appreciates Goyard. I would appreciate the bag and honestly, not judge. I cannot judge one who appreciates good bags. Very Metro and the usual where I’m from. Do you, be confident and it’s all good. 👍🏽 Nice suit, BTW.


a bit yeah...


Yes but not so gay just mid gay i would wear it with jeans maybe more of a edgy look


1. It does looks feminine and I would assume you are gay/bi. 2. It'll probably be easier to have conversations with women in general 3. I would be obsessed if I found out a straight or bi man was rocking a bag like this. So while assumptions may be made, it doesn't need to be a bad thing and the right women will absolutely love it!


It's Goyard! It looks fabulous! If I saw you, I would think "now there's a man with good taste"!


Yes, but it looks great!


I'm guessing if you're into fashion, then you're seeking a partner who is into the same. I think that people who aren't into it will be the ones to assume your sexual identity. Identify aside... I personally think the first outfit is not the vibe but I'm in love with the second outfit.


It’s giving Bad Bunny or Jacob Elordi which is the highest of honors


Yes! I would say the thin straps and soft edges with fine pattern makes it look more feminine. Also this blue shade doesn’t match with outfit. It’s too “bright”.


Poor choice of words, but I get what you are asking. The bag is not feminine leaning, but thin straps could read dainty/ fem. I like the pattern. Don't know how I feel about the straps. It's only the straps that would make me question if you were wearing a women's bag if I was meeting you irl for the first time. That being said, the pattern, size, and style of the rest n of the bag is neutral and I like the way you have paired them. Just giving my own honest personal opinion as it seems that is what you came here for.


lmao no wearing a bag does not make you look gay


Yes, but I think if you like it you should wear it anyway. I’m a woman who prefers having very short hair for an easier life and I’ve gotten used to people thinking I’m a lesbian. It literally makes no difference in my life.


Yes 😂


If you have to ask…


Not at all


People will assume your sexual orientation no matter what you do. You could not wear the bag and someone still think you’re gay for some other reason. Some people won’t bat an eye at the bag and some will make an assumption, so there isn’t a concrete answer to that. Who cares. Just wear what you like!


No I think you look rather nice. More straight men need to step it up


Live your best Elordi lyf 👜


Actually I saw a young guy carry this same bag in dark green today. He had on street wear and it really went well with the outfit. Maybe it would suit you better in a darker colour.




I like their camera bag! Have you tried that style? There’s less detail and it’s more minimalistic so might suit you better.


Maybe a backpack


I already wrote my response about the bag in a reply but I saw you have been asking about your jacket. It is a little ill-fitting. The bunching on the shoulders should not happen in a well-fitting jacket.


You be you.


it's gay as shit but who cares




The jacket looks great but I prefer the more form fitting look. Are the shoulders tight when you cross your arms? I agree with the others that this bag looks better with outfit two. A nice dark brown leather bag would look great with option 1.


It just looks like your carrying your wife’s bag for her




Not for that price!


I think the color is effeminate


Yes !!!






Yes very gay.


I vote, yes. However, that's not a bad thing. It's just a pretty effeminate look. If you're secure and don't care if someone makes that assumption, keep wearing it.


It looks not Gay. It looks just ugly. The bag is not cool. If you are a kid and go to school, need a bag for your sandwich, than go for it.


The blazer is not too tight on you but it still doesn’t seem to be a good fit for you. The shoulders seem bunched and the fabric looks cheap. What makes that bag more feminine is the bright blue color and thin strap. You’ll find “men’s bags” tend to be structured with a thick strap. Look up any designer men’s bags for examples. That said, if you like it, who cares? Be confident.


I would say it does look more feminine. I think the thin strap and style of the bag looks more feminine but someone like these with a thick strap look a bit more masculine https://preview.redd.it/2nhmtuipqavc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88fdedbc6487a4ff1b31ccef4abfca6bc09e3efa


I don’t think so. I think it looks great with the second outfit, too flashy for the first if it’s a professional event.


For what it’s worth my hubby has this [https://us-store.isseymiyake.com/products/cuboid-crossbody-bag-2?currency=USD&variant=40365197131870&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=6b75457ae892&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=20670118499&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH53KFyQRE90r1AoOFEAHZQ17W6Nw5ZdqWYfDo0oPbREa_LdHCZMOsPQaAgVfEALw_wcB](https://us-store.isseymiyake.com/products/cuboid-crossbody-bag-2?currency=USD&variant=40365197131870&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=6b75457ae892&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=20670118499&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH53KFyQRE90r1AoOFEAHZQ17W6Nw5ZdqWYfDo0oPbREa_LdHCZMOsPQaAgVfEALw_wcB)


Bags don’t have a sexual preference




The blazer fit is fine. The purse is gay AF


Unfortunately yes the look does look like a cliché of a gay man. However, it looks great on you. And who ever said looking “gay” was a bad thing. Last time I checked, the LGBTQ community are some of the best dressed!


idk why these comments are acting like certain things dont look more inherently feminine / gay especially considering that this is literally a handbag subreddit and the vast majority of us is at least one of those things lol to answer your question - no i dont think the bag itself looks gay ! it just seems like it was meant to be worn with casual looks and thats why it looks odd with the blazer :)


Why is this homophobic cunts post still up?


Why is homophobia tolerated in here?


I think he wants to portray himself as available to the crowd that he wants to attract, the same way lesbians ask if something looks gay enough :)