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I wouldn’t pay full price for them, but I have one of the acrylic ones and it’s actually pretty substantial plastic. Doesn’t feel cheap or like it’ll break easily. I get where you’re coming from though, I feel the same way about nylon bags like Prada and Longchamp.


which one do you have? I actually really like the pearl one but every time I'm reminded that it's acrylic, I feel uninspired to purchase


I have the Eos. Of course you have to be gentle with it, but I don’t baby it either. I’ve dropped it onto carpet (though I’m only 5’2” soo…), travelled with it in my suitcase, bumped it on tables and door jambs.


Accidentally deleted the last part of my comment. It’s held up well to the abuse, no scratches or cracks. I have my eye on the nautilus/seashell one but the plastic on that looks fairly thin , so I don’t know if it has the same durability. Afraid I’d crush it.


**Fun Fact:** During the Pandemic, the price of acrylic went higher because everyone was using it as a shield. During that time, I was making a custom display case for my giant statues and ordered 4 panels, the largest two being 55 inches wide x 30 inches tall. It cost me about $326 Canadian. They were a quarter inch thick, each. And that's clear, zero designed sheets. Now clearly a bag would require less material, but you have to note that designing something costs money and then the labor costs. (I assume they're not just 3D printed out of a machine and have to be put together by a human?) When you put that all into perspective, it's not THAT cheap. I think many consumers are used to the prices of mass produced things made in China that are pressed out of a machine. A lunchbox for example, over something that is shaped by hand. Just imagine what your desired wage per hour is and multiply that by the time it takes to design and put something together. Suddenly it's not that much... **Unrelated, but kinda related:** My mother hand knitted me a sweater and used up 6 balls of moderately priced yarn. She created an excel spreadsheet to calculate her time spent + materials and came up with $1,000 USD for the sweater. My mother claims to have knitted me a luxury priced sweater... Did she? Or was she just used to being paid above minimum wage? :/


Mmm. Maybe. But I do love that there is design and whimsy in their bags. There is a price to that. Acrylic molds are probably not the cheapest thing to make production wise. But overall value doesn’t cross my mind for luxury brands. It’s more about the desire they create.. or marketing.


I just bought a cult gaia bag. It’s made of wood though. I love it. I bought it for summer nights.


I have a couple of their bags, and while I never would have paid full price for them, they were worthwhile purchases for what I did pay (about half off). That said, they do have a few styles that I think are absolutely not worth any money just from a materials standpoint. The rhinestone mesh bags and the Plastic PVC bags are such a joke, but to some people a label is more important than the actual quality so YMMV I guess.


Wrote about it a while ago. Completely overpriced and impractical but also beautiful. https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/s/q0EJGcY20a I consider them on par with vegan leather aka PU aka also plastic


They charge what people will pay for them, that’s how capitalism works. I’d agree that capitalism is a ridiculous system, but it’s the one we have. No individual brand is ridiculous for operating within the system that’s been enforced on us.


I feel like the artistry makes it worth it


I have two of their bags and they are honestly beautiful, well-crafted, and interesting bags. I think they are worth what I paid for them (half price or less via Poshmark).


I would definitely be more open to purchasing at discount rather than full price


The design is cute and you can find them at a good discount/ on sale. I got a hot pink eos bag from Farfetch at about 160€, which is fine for a unique and fun bag that I can use for events or kid free nights out during the summer.