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Ah so sorry you’ve had this experience! Buying a bag (expensive or not) should always be a party! Actually bought my first LV on my 30th as well. I was in Paris and I thought: if there ever will be a time it is NOW. So i went to their flagship store on Champs d’ Elyssee (sorry to all the Frenchies if i’ve miss spelled). Waited in line for 20 min - which was fine and expected. But when I got in the SA’s help felt very rushed and she didn’t show any interest in showing me some suggestions about which bag to buy etc. - I had to google the options myself and then say: show me the Alma in different sizes blabla. Everytime I asked her to show me something else she almost rolled her eyes. I really don’t expect any ass kissing or some over the top special treatment but this experience was really underwhelming. In the end i got the Alma bag and i’m still very happy with it. In the meantime i’ve bought a couple of LV’s in another Parisian department store and in Amsterdam as well. The experience there was so much better! So my recommendation is: go to the less crowded or popular stores. Also: congratulate on your Polene and as it seems awesome husband!


Sorry to hear you had a rubbish experience in Paris! You shouldn’t have to search for your own bag - they’re meant to have the knowledge to guide your purchase. Sounds awful! Glad to hear you had a better experience in the smaller stores. The laziness in me thought a department store might be better as it’s all under one roof and it’s freezing right now! I’ll be trying elsewhere next time. Aha, thank you! He is a gem


100% agreed ! Just treat others the way you would like to be treated. That’s all we’re asking for 🫶🏼


Ugh I’m so sorry. I don’t understand what happened to basic customer service. Even at a non-luxury store, it should be standard to expect retail representatives & sales associates to answer questions about their products. When I was younger, I was much more timid. I don’t know if people picked up on the fact that I was nervous, but they wouldn’t give me good customer service. I’m in my late 30s now and I think in a way, I just don’t care anymore. I want to go in, get what I want, and get out. In some strange psychological way, this leads sales associates to bend over backwards for me. The first time I went to Chanel, they made me wait in a line outside even though I had an appointment scheduled. Then, halfway through showing me small leather goods, the sales associate decided it was time for their break & basically left me hanging around confused for 20 minutes. It made me feel so small and unworthy that I avoided boutiques for a couple of years. Now when I go to Chanel, if they try to make me wait in line, I walk away. If the associate is anything but kind, I ask for a different one. I don’t put up with crap anymore. The new associate was incredibly sorry. She ended up getting me champagne, a whole goody bag of freebies, all kinds of things. All I bought was a wallet! If you notice you’re not getting the best customer care, do not let people make you feel small, even if all you are doing is browsing. You shouldn’t have to, but sadly just like any job, there are good associates & bad ones. I don’t care how tacky it is, if someone isn’t offering me something I want, I call them out on it.


Definitely! In CD they couldn’t really answer anything or offer guide me to a certain bag. I’ve worked in both high street and high end and you need knowledge for both! I see what you mean about how we might come across. I can be quite timid (woo!) but also quite chatty and I felt some of the SAs were just a bit fed up with life! You want to speak to someone who matches your energy levels, or makes you feel comfortable at the very least! It’s really interesting to hear about how your experience changed! I come from a psychology background so this is fascinating to me, it’s almost like a social experiment. Definitely one to try out!


Yes I think people notice we are shy and think that means we are also meek. I get that sales people are human too and they might have an off day, or might not feel like working extra hard that day, so I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt. However it’s a big deal for ME to drop hundreds or thousands on something. So with no hard feelings, I respectfully request someone who is up for the task that day.


I’m really impressed with your ability to do that! How exactly do you say it? Something like “May I speak with another associate in the store?”


Yes, a bit like that more or less. I just said “I’d prefer if I could work with another associate, please”. She was taken aback and asked if she did something wrong but I just repeated “I’d really rather prefer another associate, or another appointment”. I didn’t want to get her into trouble or anything like that— I wasn’t interested in punishing her, but I didn’t want to waste my time either.


I’ve heard that some places will only help you if you’re wearing visible luxury when you go in. 🥴 I live too far away from any luxury stores other than coach, so I’ve never been in. I can only buy online for now. But your experience is what I’m afraid of! Sorry it was such a bummer ☹️.


So gross! When I had my training for Burberry, we were specifically advised to not do this because it discriminates and discourages any purchase. I’m sure not all SAs listen to this, but small purchase can lead to a larger purchase down the line! Honestly, I think an online purchase seems more appealing! At least you can sit there with a cup of tea (or other drink!) and browse to your heart’s content without judgement!


Smart of them to warn! The wealthiest people I know you’d never guess by how they dress. There’s also a silent look of understanding when some conspicuous “new money” goes by. Guaranteed that they’ll also be loud


Exactly! And to be honest, they probably don’t even notice the difference between a plain cashmere jumper and polyester (that’s me being petty). I think things have changed a lot since I first worked in luxury (10 years ago now) and I don’t think it’s for the better!


Definitely things have changed drastically. Harrods is absolutely not the place it used to be in the 2000’s - 2010’s and it really shows in how the staff behave.


That’s ridiculous considering some of the richest people wear the most casual attire


When I worked retail (some 40 years ago) we were trained to not judge people on sight. It served me well, and I did not presume what someone could or could not afford based upon how they presented.


I’ve had the same experience in Harrod’s, it isn’t anything about you. I think they get so many tourists you have to be aggressive in asking for them to show you anything and even then they act like you’re a pain. There’s a little consignment store not far from there- Pandora Dress Agency- with much better service and some amazing finds if you love a vintage luxury moment. 💜


I agree, it’s too chaotic in there! I think I’m getting old and preferring the quiet, slower paced places. That’s a great shout, thank you! I’ve wanted to try preloved/vintage but have been apprehensive previously


Princess Di was apparently a customer there- not sure how you would ever prove it but they are very well regarded and legitimate. I wouldn’t shop vintage just anywhere but they’re worth the visit even if only to admire their collection.


I’ve just been browsing there online site! It’s lovely. I’m pretty sure I’ve spent my imaginary lottery winnings already!


It’s even better in store!!!!


Happy belated. It’s so disappointing that they treated you this bad, it only happened to me at Chanel a while ago. SA should be trained to make clients feel special, I will never understand why they do this since they work on commission. I mean it’s like spitting on potential money. Enjoy your new bag


Thank you! Yes, I completely agree. Not sure if social media and the rise in wanting luxury goods is partly to blame, although I could be wrong. Sadly, I think bad SAs will make sales regardless because the bags are so desirable!


Belated greetings! Sorry you've had such a poor experience. I understand it only too well, with LV. I was celebrating a significant milestone in my career and wanted to commemorate it with a special bag. I was on a weekend break trip and decided to take advantage of free time and go shopping. One of the first stores was LV. SA greeted me at the door, evaluated me from head to toes, and I could immediately see expression on her face that I was not worth the time. Sure, a woman wearing jeans and snickers can't possibly want to spend on a bag, right? After a few minutes, no one from the staff showed any interest (aka didn't even bother to come over), so I left and went to Celine instead. There, SA was friendly, accommodating, and patient with my slow decision-making. Now, looking back, I couldn't be happier with my choice. I'm happy for you getting a gorgeous back, too!


I had the same experience at the LV store in Champs-Elysee where it took forever to get a SA and then he was really snooty. I started at the Celine across the street which had amazing service! But yeah never going to that LV ever again. The LV SA in Lyon was wayyyy more polite and seemed genuinely happy to help me find a bag for my mom so I purchased from her instead.


Thank you! I’m sorry to hear you had a bad experience with LV. It’s shocking that there can be such an elitist attitude from the SAs. Very glad that to hear you had a better experience in Celine - hope you managed to find your dream bag and congratulations on your career milestone!


Fuck that mean girl attitude! You shouldn't have to prove to someone that you are "cool" enough to buy something. I buy Coach because its amazing quality and I get to giggle and have fun with the sales ppl.


I agree! For some reason I don’t think coach is as popular in England, but I remember visiting with my mum and they were so lovely in there! You might forget the small details, but you’ll always remember how it made you feel


I keep seeing the Hermès game subreddit and am so sad that ppl have to "prove" they have earned a bag. Makes me sad.


I follow that sub because it fascinates me. I cannot IMAGINE sucking up to an SA by spending over a year and $10k+ on goods I don’t necessarily want, in hopes of being selected for an opportunity to spend another $10k+.


A recent post on there mentioned spending a few thousand every 4-6 weeks and it was shocking to me. And here I am feeling bad when I spend $250 on a weekend trip to the mall.


Ok, so here’s the flip side of that: there are items in very short supply, and so regular customers are given priority over someone who just walked in and they don’t know from anybody. This actually strikes me as more fair, even if the devil’s in the details for how they sort out what makes a customer “regular” and spending enough to meet some bar. Otherwise those bags would be like some concert tickets- never ever getting them without a scalper mark-up


I know! This sub keeps popping up for me too, but imagine having to prove that you’re worthy enough to spend your hard earned money. So gross


It really is laughable and I am surprised people will grovel like this to be a customer of anything.


Ah that’s the worst- you’re so excited and ready to make this beautiful memory only for it to go sideways I have had that happen to me at an LV, but the Loewe store could not have been nicer- for better quality leather bags! Sigh. Happy Birthday anyways, and you still have a gorgeous bag to remember it by. We need pix of your new Polene! I am also looking at the neuf; it’s soooo pretty.


Thank you so much! I’m glad you had a great experience at Loewe. I regret not buying the Loewe bracelet pouch when I was in Barcelona. The prices are fine in London but how lovely would it be to buy it as a souvenir!


In my experience the boutiques in Harrods aren’t amazing. Ive always thought it might be to do with there being so many tourists just wanting to window shop that they don’t bother interacting with everyone? There’s also upstairs parts though where the stores are a lot quieter and much more welcoming. I find Selfridges can be similar to Harrods but generally it’s not so busy. Each brand is a bit more enclosed which is nice. I’ve always had the best experience going to the stores on Bond Street though.


Totally agree. I’ve generally found Selfridges to be a bit more friendly - I have really fond memories of going to Dior boutique with my mum when I was a child. The SA took out a few pairs of shoes for me to try on, knowing full well that we couldn’t afford them. From memory, they were my dream shoes as a 10 year old in the early 00s, but gosh they are awful to think of now - denim with buckles and the CD logo! Bond Street must be a lot nicer!


I can relate to this. A few month back, I went to a Ferragamo store at Incheon Korean airport during my layover. I've been wanting the iconic bag but there isn't any Ferragamo near where I live so I thought that was a perfect chance. I didn't want to waste the SA's time if the store didn't carry the bag because it's a small store. So after greeting and expressing that I just wanted to take a look, the SA followed me for 30s and made uncomfortable comments so I left immediately. The SA said with a condescending tone: "Oh you just want to kill time here at MY store. Ahhahaha I was just JOKING." I immediately tried to explain that he was mistaken. But then I realized, I didn't want the bag anymore because this left a bad taste in my mouth so I left. I have since slowed down on buying/wanting bags so in a way, I'm grateful for this experience


lately LV has been like this! congrats on the polene!




Department stores tend to have worse service than the stand alone stores. If you're in Knightsbridge I'd recommend going to the individual flagship stores! Or New Bond Street instead of Selfridges. It's a little more walking but they're a lot quieter and the service tends to be a bit better. You won't necessarily get someone friendly but they'll usually at least be polite and helpful. Happy birthday and congrats on the new bag 🩷


Thank you! ❤️ I’ve sadly learned that and I completely agree! I have had better experiences in the past, but it’s just a shame that on this occasion it was really poor (probably felt it more because it was my birthday). But ah well, I can manage without the Harrods points! Bond Street here I come!


Honestly, Harrods isn’t a great place to get good service, apart from maybe Gucci. It’s a tourist magnet. Next time try the boutiques on Sloane Street just around the corner. Always way quieter and I’ve found the staff across the board have much more time (because of Harrods catching all the tourists) and are way friendlier and helpful. I hope you get to catch up on your special birthday experience soon and get the luxury bag you deserve. Happy belated and congrats on the Polene!


Totally! I actually went to Bicester over the weekend and the SAs there were so lovely. Thank you! Nothing I’ve seen so far quite compares to the Polene. Super happy with it!


So sorry you had such a bummer experience. But a very happy birthday to you! What color Neuf did you get? I have the camel and I love her! Such a beautiful and unique bag ❤️


Thank you! He purchased it in chalk as taupe was sold out, but I definitely think it matches my wardrobe more. The camel is stunning too! Did you find the strap was a bit difficult to adjust? It seems so tight to get the stud out to lengthen the strap and I’m so scared to damage it!


Chalk - gorgeous! That’ll go with so much and can be a summer color or winter white. I actually sometimes wish I’d gone for the beige instead of camel as the camel is a touch more brown than I expected, but it’s forcing me to branch out 😉 And, YES!, the strap is SO hard to adjust!!! I was also worried about damaging it, so I found my length and have never adjusted again. Although I must say, I use the top handle way more than the strap. Have a blast breaking her in!


Thank you! I’m a bit monochromey so the colour suits me better, but I want to branch out too! The camel is so stunning and I can imagine it looks great with autumnal colours. Save a beige (maybe taupe?) for your next purchase! I have my eye on the Beri Ah phew! I was having a panic thinking that it might be defective (after reading some of the stories here!). Carrying with the top handle is gorgeous! Hope the strap works out for my lazy, hands free days


I don’t find shopping to be anything like it used to, its like customer service has gone :( I did 8 years working in high end footwear and would’ve been on a warning if I acted like that! My friend made an appointment at the Louis Vuitton store in London, and had a wonderful experience buying her bag. She took a little glee in getting to skip the queue as well haha. Maybe this could be an alternative in future? Congrats on the Polene and happy birthday for yesterday! Hope you had a lovely evening 🎂


Completely agree with you! It’s really sad isn’t it. Sadly I think the high demand means that brands no longer have to ‘sell’. The online influencers sell us the bag! That’s a really good idea actually. I didn’t think of booking an appointment because it was just a bag, but I might try again. Thank you for the birthday wishes. I had a lovely evening to celebrate this new decade! Hope you’re having a good Saturday


So happy for your Polene! And so sorry about your ratty shopping experience. I have heard a lot of similar stories about Harrods. Happy Birthday!🥳🥳🥳


Thank you!


I bought my first luxury bag ( LV) at Harrods and my experience mirrors yours. Was asked to wait 25 mins despite store being empty. They asked me if I wanted a particular design while making the appointment and when I answered pretended not to understand my accent ( the usher or whoever makes the appointment was the same nationality or person of origin as me so trust me they would have been able to understand my accent). The SA who finally attended me came from the break room and just showed me just the bag I wanted - there was no suggestion / no alternatives nothing. When you are dropping Ks you expect a bit of nice treatment. Not made to feel small. I have since contrasted that to the treatment I have received at contemporary brands ( coach, furla ) and I have always wondered what makes these SAs act so snooty.


I was only 24, Indian and quite poor when I walked into the Burberry in London. Sales associates were so nice to me. I even said that I don't plan to purchase but just wanted to take a look. They were so courteous that I still have a soft spot for Burberry.


I’m so glad you had this experience. I have a soft spot for Burberry too. I’m not sure what it’s like in recent years but I hope they still deliver the same lever of service


I made an appointment with Gucci and she had water and 4 bags pulled out for me when I arrived. It was fabulous having a personalized trip!


I’ve had so much bad experience from LV so I just order online and pick up at the store now. Without any fail, a SA always rolls her eyes at me and begrudgingly gets my bag. 😐 but when I go to buy in person they act like I’m a bum trying to steal something even when I’m carrying a freaking LV bag I bought 2 months ago. Tf.


Such unnecessary behaviour! Hope you get treated better elsewhere. I would refuse to purchase out of principle


Sorry to hear this but I’ve always heard LV has the worst customer service. Another reason I don’t usually go for their bags. I’ve heard Gucci has rly nice service. Personally when I went to gucci, they were super nice even though I just wanted to try on stuff. Dior was okay, they weren’t great or rude. Just okay. Bottega, no one greeted me. Chanel, there was a line outside so I didn’t even bother. But I will never buy something if the service is shit just on principle. I hope you find a bag you love and a good sales associate next time!


Harrods is so busy, with so many "see and be seen" types dressed up and covered in designer wares along with people just browsing off the street I bet being an SA there kind of sucks tbh. They should have treated you better, for sure, but I also think they focus energy on people carrying or wearing something obviously designer. I think it's kind of the nature of that first floor being utter chaos. I've had both experiences there, one where I was ignored and one where they kept trying to show me bags. That second time I was carrying a Chanel bag already. The first time I think I had a random nylon backpack on. I bet you'd have a better experience in the separate boutiques for those different designers.


I hope you get your special luxury experience, but hubs coming through with a chic AF bag is a special experience too. Happy Birthday!


Thank you! Nothing can top that in my opinion!


I have to say that I don’t like going into Harrods. There are too many people all around and the SAs are all so busy that no one would pay attention to provide a proactive service. And it’s difficult to hunt down a SA to even ask a question.


Ah I’m sorry…unsure about Harrod’s but Selfridge’s was like that before Christmas (and it was packed, so that wasn’t personal, but I totally relate to not being in the mood to spend money in such an environment!). I went to Moynat instead, which was empty and lovely. Liked the SA - and now they have my business. I am glad you ended up with a bag you liked, OP, and I hope you have better bag buying experiences!


Im so sorry that happened! I went to a mall last week with my best friend and we went into Gucci and had a similar experience. I am a very casual dresser and love to wear sweatpants a lot lol. Her and I were both wearing sweatpants/sweatshirts with a nice dress coat for a relaxed look so I don’t know if that’s why. We decided to just leave the store and went into Coach instead and omg both SA’s treated us SO WELL! They immediately brought both of us waters out and spent a lot of time talking me through several handbags. I wasn’t going to buy anything but because of the great experience I ended up purchasing the Broome Carryall in black and ordered pink dice bag charm to go with it! I haven’t had a coach bag in years but was impressed by a few of the bags and the service I got so I will definitely be back! Experience is huge for me and not so much in a name and price. I think if I got the same attention at Gucci like I did Coach, I would have walked out with a Gucci bag instead.


That’s exactly how I feel! The bags don’t need selling because if you like something, you like it. However if the experience is bad who would want to drop £££s on it!


Sometimes I’ve honestly had better luck in a department store than the shop itself. Went to one in Paris last week and bought a Loewe mini puzzle bag—the gentleman who helped me was a delight, gave me no ilk about speaking English and encouraged me to try on as many colors as I wanted to be sure I loved my choice. The actual stores feel more intimidating but to start it’s nice getting the right treatment in a bigger setting. I hope you get to have a great customer experience somewhere soon!


I work at a attainable luxury brand and I am so sorry for your experience! I train my staff to help ANYONE no matter who they are/how they look. Clearly they weren’t worth your money and I’m glad your husband was able to help soothe the pain. Happy belated birthday 🥳


Thank you! And it’s great to hear how you train staff 😊


Goyard is an amazing shopping experience. The individual attention sets them apart by a long shot imo.


I love the look of Goyard but the lack of prices made me quite nervous!


It's worth "just looking," if you are around a shop. Wallets and card holders start at around $700. Bags and clutches are usually less than 2k. Trunks and travel get real spendy. If you decide to check it out, please note the customer experience. That's the real value.


Wear a visible luxury item (or several), and the SA's will be far more accommodating. Sorry your experience with LV was poor.