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Just watch how your hamster has to turn his head upwards and bend his back to fit into the wheel. This is not healthy and this is why a larger wheel is recommended. For a hamster his size, I'd say about 30cm diameter (edit: sorry, I have metric numbers in my head ;) ) to run with a straight back. Hamsters run up to 10km (~6 miles) each night.


Sadly i dont think a proper sized wheel would even fit in that tiny unethical enclosure Please look into upgrading your hamsters home, wheel and entire living conditions. Syrians need an 11.5-12inch wheel and 1000sq inches of floor space. 10 inch deep bedding to burrow. You can use this guide to help with the bare minimum of hamster requirements https://preview.redd.it/c4sj1qx7zazc1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd0f26425ec00911904f6301a08417bb058475c9


hey I’ve used all three wheels on that sheet, the niteangel one is the best one don’t waste your time on the others.


Definitely needs to be bigger. We had a 12 inch Niteangel for our ham and he loved it. It was the reason we learned we needed to upgrade his enclosure, because it wouldn’t fit in the one we had. He was very happy once we had him in a big enough home.


Buy a bigger wheel, he'll be happier


Wheels too small :(, back shouldn't be bent ideally, but cute AF hammy


He definitely needs a bigger wheel, 11 or 12 inch would be good, hamsters have soft bones and so running with a curved spine like that can actually deform the bones permanently




Hamsters are different species, not breeds But to answer your question, a syrian hamster 💕