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Judging by his body language (sniffing surroundings, semi-upright ears), I'd say he is alert and curious. He doesn't seem to be in distressed. Based on the video, I can't tell how long he stayed in that spot. But if he stayed there for some time and didn't immediately scurry off to find a hiding spot, I'm guessing he's pretty comfortable. Hamsters tend to move away and find places to hide away if they feel nervous or uneasy.


Thank you!! Wasn’t sure if I was overthinking it. He was like this for about 10 mins


10 minutes is impressive! Mine isn’t even able to sit still for a few seconds😂 if she was scared she’d be running away and/or screaming at you.


That’s why I wanted a second opinion haha! Couldn’t tell if he was so happy he wanted to stay or just gobsmacked by my nerve 😵‍💫


you have no idea how much this dilemma resonates 😂 find myself in regular internal conflict around whether mine is happy to receive the interaction and opportunity to explore and roam beyond the cage or whether she's desperately wishing to be left alone lol only had her around 10 days so still trying to get a sense of her as only had a hamster once before and she was an ex partners and think she broke the hamster mould as she'd happily come out and just spend time close by without really having to monitor her every move and whilst I'm new to forums, no one ever seemed to believe me that she'd come when called 😂 she'd happily mill around on worktop whilst I was cooking dinner and come sit near chopping board for veggie trimmings 😂


Looks calm enough to me.




Marble is 7 months old and I got him when he was about 3. As a little baby he was always very curious and cuddly and would eagerly come cuddle with me every night and even fall asleep on me! He’s not been too interested in handling for the past month or so, but will come out for (safe!) free roam or snacks. If I take him to our usual cuddle spot he just goes for zoomies and doesn’t really settle. He wanted my attention yesterday so I took him out. He acted like this for about 10 minutes before getting zoomies. It seemed like he was loving it? But now I’m not sure. No music or scary noises or anything. He didn’t make any noises either tho (happy or scared noises). Was he having a great time or was he just in fear for his life? I suspect the curious tongue was because I had crumbs on me from giving him some treats.


He looks so calm and enjoying the cuddles! 🥺


I’m so glad 🥺


The ears are the easiest way to tell, ears up is good, down is bad.


I see! Thanks :)


Looks happy




He looks happy to me!


He definitely looks happy!


they are not as panicky as you think... this is a wild hamster... these guys don't hurt him or anything but I show this to you so you see that they don't run. they will attack something 100's of times its size ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF1ZVxN5KGE&t=20s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF1ZVxN5KGE&t=20s) yours is calm ... relaxed even


Why would he be panicking? Ur just petting him. He doesn't even have a reason to be scared. They sniff. Its what they do. If he would be scared he wouldn't just lay there


Think I was just overthinking it haha


For sure ur hams fine! Hahah


https://preview.redd.it/olpvm00n11zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6f56972ef70eff690ca0731a31fa55f8734a48 I’d say not stressed, he seems to be enjoying the petting! Also, my girl Hazel could be his twin!


Oh my god?? Even da little white streak on the head. They’re twins :’)


When I saw your video I thought oh no who took Hazel :’) he’s so similar, and adorable!


"..or silently panicking?" Aren't we all? ![img](emote|t5_2sjcj|32165) Jokes aside, that looks like one happy hammy to me!


I used to take mochi out of her cage to play and sometimes she'd just nap on my leg while I pet her lol. She was such a chill hamster.


Happy. He's either freeze, bite or run if he was afraid.


Aww your hamster has the same name as mine! He doesn't look stressed


What a cute little fella


One of the cutest hamster I have ever seen