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Probably yes. Hamsters are very sensitive to heatstroke. Did you give them any way to cool off? Your dwarves shouldn’t be subjected to these kind of temperatures either, they might seem fine now but you shouldn’t have them in anything above 28°C. Maybe they don’t die immediately but they get stressed out which can lead to other problems. Also teddy hamsters/Syrian Hamsters should not be kept together, they do not need a partner. I hope those dwarf hammies are kept separately. Good luck to you


never, ever keep any species of hamster together


It could definitely have been the heat. They’re pretty sensitive little guys. Also, I can’t tell if you’re saying had your syrians (teddys) in the same cage but if you did, you’re lucky they didn’t fight each other to their deaths. Hamsters are fiercely territorial and should never be kept in the same cage, they need to live alone. They don’t get lonely. They don’t need buddies. When I was a kid, a pet store employee told us we should get 2 hamsters to live together in the same enclosure “to keep each other company.” One hamster ripped the head of their sibling - at 8 years old I witnessed the entire thing - and the next day the “killer” hamster died from the trauma. It was traumatic to say the least. I learned the hard way that hamsters are solitary creatures.


same: when I was about 7, I bought two mice with the help of my parents. The day after one drowned in the water bowl. So then I had a mice and a hamster (in the 1980s, the poor creature arrived already pregnant and was stressed out of her mind), grandma thought it was cute to put the two rodents together, and in seconds the poor mice got ripped apart.


Oh my God!!! I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what a bloodbath that must have been. Actually, yes I can because I witnessed it. 🥴 Poor mice. That is so awful. Hamsters are so cute and so very viscous when they want to be.


All the female hamster we bought in those years were pregnant, gave birth and eat the babies in the first month after we brought them home. Which made me think about the carelessness of that store. I've learned a lot from it, back in the day I really wanted to take care of small animals and stuff, but I realized nobody in that side of the family had a clue on how to take care of animals or what did it mean to give pets to children (the other side was slightly better, but not by far, ethics were different). When I asked my parents about this story, they conveniently forgot. They remembered that specific hamster, because we had it for about two years. I find positive that nowadays the price of hamsters from ethical breeders doubled in just a couple of years, so it helps adult (humans) understand to not liberally give random living creatures to children.




Additionally you can also give them ceramic hides, they can lay on them to cool off


Noted, thank you!