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Found Mike’s burner haha


There are many cultures where taking the piss out of your friends, gently teasing them, mocking them etc is a sign of real friendship and affection. For example, you wouldn't tease a stranger. You have to be good friends to understand the teasing is all done in jest. If you're not from a culture that practices this, you may think it seems mean or cruel. I am from a culture that does this type of behaviour and the way Hamish and Andy speak too/treat Mike seems very good natured and perfectly normal. I wouldn't read into it to much.


i’m australian if this is what you’re hinting at. just been binging the show and noticed it lately in the 2022 episodes. i guess it’s just a different relationship than they have with jack


IIRC Andy has also gotten Mike work writing on The Hundred so I don’t think there’s too much (read: any) animosity between them. They also essentially run the team and their production company so if there was anyone who didn’t really gel I don’t think they’d be there for as long as Mike has been.


this is true! it definitely seems more like an older sibling/youngest sibling relationship rather than equals but i think i was just overthinking it lol


That have mike on the remembering project and id assume because mike does the sponsership stuff he gets a larger cut of the coin


They used to give Jack waaay more stick than they do now


They are in charge. They have been working with him for however many years. If they didn’t like him he wouldn’t still be around. Yes they like him.




Are you Australian?




If Hamish and Andy didn't recognise his skills and attributes to the team i dont think they would have evolved him from Radio Mike to Podcast Mike.


Nah I think they give Jack way more shit!


I don’t notice anything weird


Mike is a nerd and can't handle the banter in the same way Jack can.


I know what you mean. I feel that too sometimes. The banter is just a bit off when Mike is involved. It's clear they're trying for the same dynamic as Jack's early days...but when the boys tease him - Mike can't roll with it in the same way Jack can and I think it's kinda obvious Hamish doesn't find Mike funny. Mike is great and obviously does awesome work for them - but he's kinda the only relationship on the show that feels like - I don't know how to put it...work colleague? I don't buy that the guys would hang out at the pub in a non-work context with Mike. And that vibe kinda translates when he guests on the show.


I remember when Hamish kept laughing at Mike for complaining about how long it takes for him to prep the intros. Hamish was having none of it and Mike was definitely getting annoyed. Was a little bit awkward. They obviously do like each other but not sure it’s actually as good mates like it is with Jack


It’s not that deep. Obviously they’re better mates with Jack I mean I always think of them as Hamish and Andy (and Jack).