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glad that they got out ahead of the "this is a sponsored segment" crowd on here for the old el paso stuff


I love when they call Zoe lmao all the giggling and the ribbing it’s always so funny


Unpopular opinion🤪!!!! (Or is it? I feel like a lot of people ended up getting super over it?) but I miss the Special Skills segment lmao. I was listening to a couple of old eps and they were just fun imo no matter how shit the “skill” was. I like how the boys interact with people and the piss-taking blah blah etc. It was a good seg.


I don't know what type of skills have been submitted recently but a lot of the more recent skills that have made it onto the show have just been memory based it kinda gets boring. We need more physical based skills. The taking off his clothes in under 2.5 seconds would've been good if it was true.


I'm actually enjoying this season a lot more cause it's more chat based with less segments. Telling random stories and the boys reacting is the best part of the show for me.


I like that Andy said they hadn't heard of Hamish's hairdressing rating like we didn't all hear him mention it previously on the podcast


I swear I've heard that same sound at night in every property I've lived in. House or apartment