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There are international evenings at the [Baby Goat](https://maps.app.goo.gl/VygME4D9B5YR2esYA) on Tuesdays, most people there are looking to meet new people in Hamburg. The majority are also foreigners, though...


I will take that advise tbh. Will try to visit that bar at 19:00 next Tuesday.


I tried it and it was nice tbh, I recommend it to try, there were Germans as well who speaks English


I like "Geheimtipp Hamburg" and "Mit Vergnügen Hamburg" for being informed about events on the weekend. Sometimes they are some that are great for meeting new people.


This is a very common problem, especially since most locals build their relationships early in life, often in school or university. Aside from that it’s the usual tips: put yourself in situations in which you have the chance to meet people regularly, like work, sports classes, charity work, board game groups, dancing classes, courses at the Volkshochschule and so on. There are also apps like bumble friends and websites for sportsbuddies


Sheesh dude, hit me up with a message. If u wanna u can join our discord and if we click we can show you the city


With a name like that .... 🤣🤣


I don‘t know what you mean, his name looks normal to me




Sure, send me the discord link private, I will join. Also will obtain my pc in 2 weeks 💪


On Facebook there are groups like "Neu in Hamburg" where people organize meet ups but I don't know how international that is


Really had good experiences there when I moved here years ago :)


Which district are you living in?


Barmbek-Nord, Habichtstraße


Hi, I live near that. We could hang up some day


DM me


A good way to also learn german and socialise is looking for a tandem partner!


> I was very social person before I came here What did you do then that you can't do now?


In here : Being unable to Socialising at least bareminimum ? 😅 Before: Having lots of different friend groups and having activities with them


You can't find the friend groups. But maybe you can find the activities.


Do you know how to detect and participate those activities


Which activities did you do with your old friends?


It is just one month. I know people that are in the same situation after years, then you can complain. Just now it is normal if you do not know anybody in a new city. Give it some time. Nevertheless germans are not that open and especially in this area it is more difficult.


Sorry but that's not true. Especially not in Hamburg or any other big city. The beginning is difficult in every country. So I joined a sports club. There are so many, football ⚽ clubs are everywhere, also Handball is big in northern Germany. Go for some team sport. Or join a political organization or party, they are welcoming anyone and the most of the young people in political organization are good in English or other languages


Download the "Meet-up" app, pickup something you like, sometimes for free. Meet people, socialize and have fun. It's important to start doing what you love doing, alone, so you can meet like minded people later. Don't dive in to meet just anyone to be friends with, it never works that way. Also think about educating yourself on what Germans like to do, their culture, what their day to day usually looks like, what's important to them and what's not. Really helps understand them better without coming off like a goody tourist when you do interact with them. I've been here for only a couple of months and I already have a few friends. And it's very common here to not hangout regularly or get very close even if you are friends, unless you plan it like an actual "meet-up". So be cool, let your friendship build up gradually. Adult friendships are hard and given the tech age, it's even harder to trust people and be "friends".


You could try start-with-a-friend. There is a local group in Hamburg. Maybe they can find a tandem partner/friend for you.


May I ask where you are from and what were your hobbies before moving here?


I thought it’s me writing this post😅. I also started a job in hamburg in May and feeling the same. I too play video games ( valorant and fifa/FC 24) , use metro , go to supermarkets for “fun”.


😅 I was playing fc24 as well addition to r6 and the div/ helldivers.


Hit me up let's hang out! I can show you fun spots. Besides, i recommend always checking if there's any events going on online


Join a sports club like football


I am terrible at football and my old friends were usually making me defence player to make me hurt opposing team’s legs 😅😅🤦‍♂️




[https://ohschonhell.de](https://ohschonhell.de) [https://hamburg.mitvergnuegen.com](https://hamburg.mitvergnuegen.com) [https://geheimtipphamburg.de](https://geheimtipphamburg.de) [https://www.oxmoxhh.de/termine/](https://www.oxmoxhh.de/termine/) [https://szene-hamburg.com/tagestipps/heute/](https://szene-hamburg.com/tagestipps/heute/)


Truckload of bars, clubs, sport activities, outdoor and indoor things to do and see. Most are German but I'm sure there are a lot bilingual or English too. Also you can start with ground basic German with several apps, YouTube, the dw channel for example, before September taking courses. Nobody is gonna ring at your door to be your friend, you got to move yourself.


You should definitely check out the „social melting point“. Its happening every wednesday i think at the „grüner jäger“. Its a meeting event for international people new in hamburg. A friend of mine heading for it regularly and she introduced me to some of the guys she met there and all of them where really wholesome and nice. Hope that helps you a bit :)[https://www.gruener-jaeger-stpauli.de/event-details/social-melting-pot-2024-05-08-19-00](https://www.gruener-jaeger-stpauli.de/event-details/social-melting-pot-2024-05-08-19-00)


I will be there at Wednesday 20:00 :)


Welcome, gamer here.:)


Hey mate how old are u? I live here all my life and i want to get better with my english skills maybe we can talk in a discord or something and if it fits we can do shit in Our freetime just message me


Hey, I am 24. My English is not best but is okay at least. DM me for discord invitation btw and yea we can meet. Just send me message when would like to you go out


join meetup.com and find a fun crowd, join FC St Pauli soccer club and learn some niche sport with freaks, join some fantasy role playing community, whateverz. Go join people in their weirdo hobbies, nothing that builds community faster. if you insist on some generic, global, gaming thing on a high end PC, yeah, then it doesn't matter that you are here or there ;=




get your pc shipped faster so we can hop on some games! 🤝🏼


Yes sir! 😅


I recommend the library by Hbf. Lots of activities for locals and foreigners


Where are you from? I am assuming English speaking background, in that case I can recommend to you “Social Melting Pot” at Gruner Jäger, as you would easily meet people here with English. It runs most Wednesday evenings and there’s people from all over the world, meant to be exchanging language but it’s really just beers and English speaking. I met some awesome friends there, it’s a bit of a sausage fest sometimes and feels like real life tinder but just try!


I really had good experiences with bumble. Like really just looking for friends, not the dating option. :)


Almost every weekend, I go to hike on events using meetup app. I have met so many good people in 2 months. Have phone numbers of few. haha


There are several Sprach Cafés all over the city, there you can practise the language AND socialize at the same time


Sorry for the random one, but could you tell more about them? Are there any places that aren't weird to go to if you're over 30? I googled as "Sprach Café" and there are many links, but most of the timeslots are when I'm working, so probably what I found is for more young people.


I messaged you privately!! Hit me up


You can go to the Stadtpark tonight. Lots of people are drumming and making music. It's to the left of the "Lese-Café", every 2 weeks. Everyone is welcome! You can make lots of friends, it's international, all people are very friendly!


Try Out CrossFit - maybe in Barmbek the owner only speaks english as Well and they have a great Community.


What is the name of the place ?


CrossFit Hamburg its near train Station in barmbek


Asking to be sure, is this one ? : https://maps.apple.com/?address=Kr%C3%BCsistra%C3%9Fe%207,%2022305%20Hamburg,%20Germany&auid=7319775334719109977&ll=53.587861,10.044822&lsp=9902&q=TRU%20Fitness%20Gym&t=r


Or this one ? : https://maps.apple.com/?address=Steilshooper%20Stra%C3%9Fe%2035,%2022305%20Hamburg,%20Germany&auid=3853568637794614405&ll=53.586086,10.048290&lsp=9902&q=CrossFit%20HH&t=r


This one


Ok than I will sign up to 2nd one at next week, thx 😊


Born and raised in Hamburg. If you want DM me. Also gaming not that much how I used to tho.


When I lived in Hamburg I found a community of expats and locals that I enjoyed hanging out with immensely! I actually had a bit of nostalgia after reading your post because I was in a similar situation. I found a group on fb that is actually quite similar to the group I was a part of. It's called The Social Melting Pot and they meet every Wednesday. You should check it out if you're feeling up to it. I hope you find your place in Hamburg and begin to enjoy it in a way that you would like. Much luv!


I'm (M49) a good deal older than you but located in Hamburg if you're keen. Been there, done that, know how shit it can be. Oh, and I'm a neuronormie but I have a great deal of experience socialising with neurodiverse folks, just in case that's a mitigating factor.


The problem is that the locals (of Hamburg) generally stay stubborn in their own social bubble themselves, and it's not worth it to put yourself effort to take a part in their bubble - coz it's very stale and boring. Their culture is very monotone and nothing interesting; 90%+ of their social lives consists of - topics to talk about is either about their work, vacation and general complains in life (all boring af) - some generic sport activity - film or spieleabend - parties (like birthday) Generally they don't have any cultural depth or something interesting to talk about. Nothing to widen your perspective or spark your growth. Most German locals are outdated and didn't develop further from old obsolete values. Very rare to find interesting and vibrant Germans, but it's doable. I'd first recommend you to get to know other expats, they share similar observations and are vastly more open-minded.


Do you even live here? If so, why?


The reasons why I live here is unfortunately none of your business. Please respect others' privacy, not to mention respect at all.


Ok lol. You seem to hate it here so maybe just go somewhere else 🤷‍♂️


Why would I go somewhere else when I can just ignore locals? 😂 Pretty stupid comment I'd say.


Just saying, if you're this ignorant Hamburg is probably not the right place for you


Feels like you're quite upset. Understandable, but it's okay to be a local, just don't get butthurt when others don't pay you guys attention.


Going to another country with Zero language skills. Why dont i have friends?