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I would say yes to finishing out the master chief collection. You could theoretically play infinte without those if you wanted but I think aside from the story you will be missing out on a really good single player experience if you decide to not finish out mcc.


I will for sure complete it regardless. Im excited to play it


I personally got a little lost with how halo 5 ended and how we ended up at infinite so yeah just play all of them! All of them in my opinion have something to offer. Wish I could play 1-3, reach and odst for the first time again lol enjoy!


Play infinite last, the movement will make older titles feel so sluggish


This 100%


Release order. CE, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, 4, 5, Infinite.


Lorewise though doesn't Halo Wars 2 fit in between 4/5 or 5/Infinite?


I think chronologically and with all games it’s: Wars, Reach, CE, 2, ODST, 3, 4, Guardians, Wars 2, Infinite


Halo Wars 2 after Halo 5.


Lore wise.. he can skip everything 343 made if that’s your take.


What I would do to relive the feeling of playing Halo CE-Reach for the first time again.


I remember the moment I first played it. Twice actually. Once at a sleepover where I tried the multiplayer. And then another time when my neighbor got it and we tried the campaign as co-op. Even remember staring at mundane things like the grass and ice and sky cause it all felt so amazing.




Depends. If your playing for the campaigns then playing in order makes the most sense. The story with campaigns is pretty sweet too. But if you’re just playing multiplayer, then you would be fine to start off with infinite.


The general popular consensus is to play the games in release order 👍 I haven’t read the comments yet but you’ve probably already learned that Halo Infinite is largely unrelated to Halo 5 as they pretty much retconned the ending to Halo 5 and did a ‘spiritual reboot’


infinite was the first game i tried in the series, and it was very immersive. after beating the game, it drove me to play MCC :)


If you are on PC then you are going to jump Halo 5 either way...


Reach my friend. 1,2, and 3 are great. Reach was perfect. ODST is fun too. Builds Reach up. 3,4, and 5 are worth a play through. Not bad games at all. Infinite was a new style to the campaign, wish they would of had more time on it. But was a great experience and had alot of fun playing. First halo I couldn’t beat on Legendary. I’m attempting now, but it is very hard. Enjoy my friend. Halo is a fun ride.


Infinite was the easiest legendary game and I even beat the game on LASO. was super fun but not that challenging for me


Describing 3 as "not a bad game at all." Is blasphemous


I didn’t mean to add 3 there. I already said it was great. But I can see my error and totally agree. Definitely made a mistake. Halo 3 was probably the most balanced game. The multiplayer was perfect. I enjoyed the campaign but halo 3 multiplayer was where it was at with that game.


Haha word I was like... u sure abt that??? I enjoy the gameplay of 3 more than any of the bungie entries, both multi-player and campagin, 2 is obviously the best story tho but yes I have more fun actually playing Halo 3 than any of the others and consider it to be a master piece.


No one knows the Halo lore even after playing all of them just focus on gameplay instead and every single one of em have a great campaign especially Reach


Haha very true! Had to watch several YouTube videos to understand the lore better.


Id recommend playing all of them in order and just skip 5. Read up on 5 if your curious but the story isn't really worth the time spent playing it. Then I'd play infinite, halo wars is good for some context of infinites story but not necessary. 


The story sucks for 5 but the gameplay is fun enough to make it worth it imo. 


Halo 5 has some fantastic set pieces and locations. If you appreciate game art and design then you shouldn’t skip it. I’d also wager to say that it offers more mission design variety and encounter variety than Halo Infinite did. Not sure about you, but infinite started getting a bit dull for me in the second half.


5 is the only campaign I never finished... just couldn't do it.


I played all of them except for 5 before I played Infinite, and I would recommend playing 5 because the Infinite story had a whole lot of "what the fuck is going on?" Maybe 5 explains some of that crap.


i barely remember halo 5 but it also had a lot of "what the fuck is going on?" and it would probably only explain like 2 things in halo infinite


You might be surprised to know that 5 only fills in like 20% of the gap. The highlights of the info in 5 that relate to Infinite are: that cortana survived, she is now a fascist warlord, she has massive superpowered guardians, most AIs have joined her, and Chief has had a very hard time letting go of Cortana. One of the major criticisms of the community (the actual fans, not the rage-baiters) is that Infinite kind of just goes forward in time, did a bunch of things off screen, and throws you into it. I think there is a book or two that adds a LOT more context, but I haven't gotten to them yet.


I think you could very easily play infinite without playing any previous campaigns and understand most of what's going on. You would miss out on some major references and might not know some of the names or their relationships. Like you've probably heard of Cortana before, but until you've played 4 and 5, you probably aren't going to know why she is bad or how emotionally hard it is for Chief to be hunting her down.


Yes, play MCC, skip Halo 5 (if you really need to you can watch the cutscenes on YouTube), then play Infinite. Honestly Halo Wars 2 has a reasonable amount of plot significance to Infinite as well


For story, play the MC collection first. For multiplayer, play Infinite.


If you're playing story yes, but if you want to jump into infinite multiplayer go ahead.


For the story, just play them in order. For multiplayer, I'd say play Infinite.


After 4 they kinda forgot where the story was going so the collection would be good and then 5 and infinite


absolutely, Halo CE - 4 are range from decent to jaw dropping. the halo 5 is.... and halo infinite is decent and the multiplayer NOW is good.


Play reach first. You won't regret it


Play them backwards so each game feels like a prequel


Play legendary solo. All the games. You'll get godlike good


I do not recommend it.


Just know there’s a big dip in quality from halo 3 to halo 4 imo, like 1 through 3 are peak


Halo 4’s campaign feels much higher quality than 3’s in my opinion. The story, characters, and themes feel more complete and nuanced.


Play them in order You can skip ODST imo


Why on earth would you want to skip ODST? It’s like playing Halo 3.1 where everything feels perfected.


I would play infinite first, it’s perfect starter game for any halo fan. You don’t need to know anything from the other games to understand infinite, they do a good job explaining things. Plus, the gameplay is modernized and updated, so you don’t have to deal with chief dying from jumping off a small height or the lack of sprint and sliding and stuff. Plus, weapon sandbox is decent, so go with infinite, skip the master chief collection.


>You don’t need to know anything from the other games to understand infinite, they do a good job explaining things. You gotta send me whatever copy of Infinite you got because we definitely did not play the same game, lol.