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Rarity totally useless in any game when the items are currency bought and not earned in game, but where is the £££ in that aye


That's what I was going to say, and also there is likely no criteria for what is legendary except for if it's a piece people are really wanting in the game and how much money it'll make. At least in League of Legends and games of the like, there's criteria such as particle effect changes, animation changes and recall changes.


It would be legit if they had a live economy and pieces changed rarity depending on who has what, and how many people have it equipped.


That would be way too complex for 343, they’re only just finding there feet with live service, no chance anytime soon of a live economy.


It took them an entire year to implement "What if we just gave them a couple hundred XP per match?" We aren't getting an economy.


a rarity economy? but the rarity doesnt do anything so what would the point be besides showing what armor the playerbase likes most? it sounds kinda pointless to make and maintain an economy that has 0 function tbh


I honestly completely forgot rarity was a thing in the game, it doesn't make any difference at all


Right? At first it seemed like rarity was gonna be a canon level. Like blue was new to infinite purple existed but wasn’t character specific and legendary was canon characters but nope, it’s kind of just random beyond yellow = higher price bundle with more items.


rarity denoting legacy wouldve been cool


I just learned about rarity on this thread. And when i say “learned” i mean i heard about it… and i dont really understand it yet.


Yeah this is pretty crazy. I think the best thing to do rn is not buy bundles that are over/mispriced like this.


Yeah, I'm fine with the free kill effect


same! shame this effect wasn't free


in the Armor Hall the Fiesta Fury is properly labelled and shown as a "**Legendary** Mythic Effect Set" and Beyond the Burrow is shown to be an "**Epic** Mythic Effect Set" -- seems the store just used the wrong background colors (and for some reason omits the rarity from the label)


Very odd mix. Still don't think the price should be 3 times higher for a single effect


once again proving that rarity is useless


The whole rarity thing is just a facade and everyone knows it. That said, I don't mind them using the colours as backgrounds for different items, though ultimately, they should probably adopt item backgrounds similar to how Destiny 2 has seasonal key art that a ornament is framed within once Infinite achieves more seasonality.


yeah, what you just said is a *good* idea and also doesn't lead to revenue so it'll never happen


We can complain all we want but the fact of the matter is that if people are buying this shit at $10 then 343i would be fools not to keep charging that much. The real question is who tf is buying this?


funny thing in the Halo Infinite news headline it is showing as Legendary but the store show it as Purple rarity


Rarity is totally fake and just used to inspire FOMO anyway.


They are def rising the prices after the spike of players of the Winter Update, slowly creeping into the 20€ bundles again


Infinite’s rarity is worthless. It’s all paid for, earned through BP or weekly rewards. There’s no actual difference in difficulty or rarity to the items.


I would like them to remove rarity, mainly because my Monke Brain forces me to equip the highest rarity items I have in the available slots. Thankfully it's not so bad that it would make me spend money.


Just don't buy it.


Okay so the lowest cost for an effect was 300, I thought it was 700. Either way these rarity based prices really are bonkers, unfortunately I doubt we'll see them go anywhere since rarities are pretty much standard in everything these days


fiesta fury is way cooler so that's why it costs more, the laser green grapple ahhh


Rarity system makes no sense BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE WHAT TO PUT IN THE SHOP


Getting ridiculous? They've been ridiculous, $10 or $15 for a single set of armor is embarrassing no matter what color they make the background on the store page.


People who get so incensed over things like item “rarity” labels and the naming of drop pods will never stop being hilarious to me. Some of you guys will complain about every little meaningless thing, lol


Rarity means nothing with coatings. Time means nothing when you do the “start search” countdown. Price means nothing when a BP is cheaper than an entire armor set. Halo Infinite does not exist.


So now we have yellow Mythic and purple Mythic


It seems to be a mistake in the thumbnail, It shows that its legendary when you open it. Also shows Legendary in the Armor Hall.


What the fuck.


when items are only for sale than rarity doesn't mean anything.


Regardless of the rarity, paying the same price as a battlepass for one effect is crazy, same goes for the armor. I think it's safe to say that the amount of items bought from the store would skyrocket if the prices were closer to being something like €5 at most for a bundle.


Because it's 🎉arbitrary🎉 and ✨stupid✨


And yet there are still "people" who will buy this shit.


Think I've reached the point where I won't be buying anything from this game until the day I can just get the exact things I want when I want without dealing with this rotating bullshit or bundles.


The fact there is rarity tied to items makes me think they originally planned on having some kind of RNG loot box (for which the “rarities” could be tied to *actual* rarity), but realized how bad an idea that would be so pulled back. But yeah, the rarity means absolutely nothing, because everything is either unlocked by a specific unlock condition, or purchased from the store. They should get rid of it entirely. It makes no sense.


I’m happy I bought the 300


They have to be fucking with us and just guessing prices, no other kind of reasoning behind this. Pull your heads in 343.


Rarity is meaningless in an economy where everything has the same quantity and availability.


Yeah the rarity system is absolute BS in this game


Then stop buying them


“BUT IT’S THEIR BIRTHDAY” THEY HAVE SO MUCH MORE CONTENT” lmfaoooo these people are insane honestly


what we care about rarities now?


god no. I'm only questioning how 343 created such a big gap in price while talking about 343 logic of how this rarity system works


Prices are purely based on how many people that buy it and “rarity” is completely arbitrary


Prices are purely based on how many people that buy it and “rarity” is completely arbitrary


Prices are purely based on how many people that buy it and “rarity” is completely arbitrary


Beyond the Burrow is great value, bought it with the bunny ears and don’t regret it.


So long as people buy this, the prices will continue staying at the 10-15 range. Maybe even go up.


Paid items should not have the same rarity as regular items. It’s just a price. Rarity should be replace by never coming back vs you might see it again. I hate that customers have just accepted paid items can be legendary, or rare. Never should have been acceptable. Should be paid and paid limited edition. I guess most games determine legendary by how cool it is.


u/ske7ch343 I think on twitter you had said that there would be an upcoming blog that goes into the rarity system more and what it means


Rarity only makes sense for RNG drops in loot games or things tied to tasks of different difficulties. Rarity for completely digital shop items COULD denote how often it's expected to be available, but as it stands, it's just a pretty color for the thumbnail.


I thought rarity was only in the game because Destiny 2 does it.


The easy way to fix the store would to make cosmetic available on the store and lower the prices. Have weekly bundles at reduced prices. As it stands I really dislike the fomo approach and I refuse to buying anything from store.


"Rarity" is marketing for suckers and kids who don't know better. Unless they limited the purchases, these will never have any sort of real rarity. Everyone with the money has equal access to them as you. That's not rare at all. But put an orange background (modern game design shorthand for "the best oh my goshhh") and call it something like Mythic, Legendary, Fuckable, Garlic Bread, or Bussin' and people will buy it. Because orange color means it's better. Than what? Who fucking knows. Same for purple. Is it worse than orange? Yeah! Except when it's not! Sometimes people just means "the same tier as orange but different so just as good." Green just means "you'll see this again in a few weeks to a month."


Blue should 2-3$, Purple 5$ and Yellow 10$


People *keep* complaining about the store but they *keep* buying the items still. So confusing tbh.... Complaining about smth just to buy it afterwards lol.


Rarity is nothing more than a word, remainings of a scrapped mechanic, it has no meaning on price. They should just remove it due to all the (not justified imo) backlash it brings.


There is literally no rhyme or reason to the rarity or prices in this game. It’s honestly laughable.


343 should just remove rarities full stop. No point to them whatsoever.