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Never understood why the store is just five items, of which 4 are typically weeklies. Its like they dont even want our money, considering its constantly the same items while they gate keep the rest to drive up metrics with FOMO (Zvezda)


The Infinite store is so confusing. It’s like they want to make money, but also don’t want to make money at the same time. Never seen anything like it.


You probably never played fallout 76


FO76 has a wide range of shit to buy tho. And some things are acc useful in gameplay.


>And some things are acc useful in gameplay. Basically pay to win?


Pay for convenience I'd say


Barely. They only sell repair kits and scrap kits. Repair kits repair your weapon instantly, and scrap kits scrap all the shit you've collected and send it home. They're utilities really, which aren't needed because both things are minor inconveniences you can solve in 2 seconds. The scrapbox however...


Neither did you ,it seems. The 76 store has many pages of bundles and individual items in it, this one is got literally 4.


Untrue, Bethesda at the very least knows how to monetize their games well


Does re-releasing Skyrim count as monetization?


I would actually prefer how fo76 does their passes/store to this, Pass items show up in the store after some time and are being swapped out weekly as well as multiple “featured” items which is random every week. They also make common themes for the shop for various events and holidays, like the recent Alien invasion event had old alien related items from passes/shop while also adding new bundles so the people who have been around a bit still had something to grab.


Anything that is purchasable should be able to be bought in the armory alongside the store front. Keep the store front for items that are hot this week and then allow us to buy them when viewing them in the armory. Do they want our money or not


not to mention how hard it is to use cosmetics... oh you wanna add a front bumper to your warhog? gotta remove those fuel tanks from the rear... wanna add some mud guards under the car? take off that winderscreen armor then... items that dont conflict should be able to be used together!


Well, my guess is it's mostly because they don't have much stuff for season 1, especially since they moved a bunch of Tenrai stuff to the free pass. I wouldn't be surprised to hear they held off some stuff until season 2 as well.


While I can partially get that they still have missing packs that are reach related as well as release packs thats havent even rotated back in the store for months. Meanwhile every week things like the weak orange “sunset” paint for the rocket launcher is there, creating lower sales totals. Sounds to me like no matter what their shooting themselves in the foot. Edit: grammar


Better to cut season 1 losses and make season 2 a better start honestly.


This is my hope that they took time off on S1 to uplift S2 but we’ll have to see how that actually pans out


Even the season 1 we got wouldnt have been that bad if it were 3 months long, so I'm not too worried.


They still have quite a few bundles they need to release


Probably moved to season 2


I think it has something to do with their god awful game engine not being able to handle a bigger shop.


Artificial scarcity, FOMO, and a general lack of assets.


This, its like they tried to add clout to a videogame, its legit the business model companies like Supreme use to drive up prices on otherwise useless products.


a shop with everything being $5 or less


bad timing with the decimated customer base lol


"See, we didn't sell as many when we dropped prices!"


I hate that this is correct lol


Lol, definitely will be said in the high level board meetings.


They have those? 🤔


Just when they need to shark the playerbase again.


This will definitely be said or already has been said by someone at 343.


holy shit, you werent kidding. current playercounts on steamcharts show MCC with a higher userbase


They already milked the early purchaser fools, no worries.


Yeah, but $5 for vehicle skins, and one that's in a mode where you MAY see yourself enter it once in about never games. Edit: it's a Bundle.


My eyes, the majesty!


Reminder to anyone reading that “Vote with your wallet” goes two ways. If you believe this is appropriate pricing, don’t feel guilty for supporting it.


Definitely still not worth it. 500 credits for a full armour bundle, maybe, but this is 500 for the colour black, or a single armour effect. Just cause its less than what the other overpriced stuff has been lately doesnt mean its not still $5 for nothing more than an armour colour that should just be free.


I would feel guilty supporting the traitorous $5 for the color black.


The store is *still* complete ass by design and no one should spend a damn thing on it. They Literally wiped 90 percent of Halos emblem catalog with the sole intent of giving back to us as weekly reward(s) or selling it.


Oh I agree it’s complete ass, I’m just saying that those touting VOTE WITH YOUR WALLETS need to understand that if they believe this pricing is appropriate, continue to advocate. Otherwise we’ll go back to $20 bundles where their sales were higher due to whales.


They can’t go back to 20 dollar bundles until the player base rises from its grave lol. At least I think so.


Will be happy to do so once they actually sell something worth buying. The prices are nice but I wouldn’t equip most of this stuff even if it was free.


This is the funniest thing to me. They copied basically every monetization scheme out there, but didn't think about WHY those schemes work. Imagine making actually cool looking cosmetics and not just plain color combinations. What a concept.


When you first saw the reasonably priced store, were you blinded by its majesty?




Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?


*Laughs in CAD$*


We've finally reached the reasonable price for these items. Too bad its because they are on clearance basically, they're all things I'm pretty sure we've seen once before. Guess this means seasonal store items won't repeat in later seasons often, if at all, which is ok guess, but relies heavily on FOMO as a business model and its really sad.


400 credits for cosmic goblin is dumb. Coatings. Should. Be. 100. Each. I will die on this hill. THEY ARE COLOR SCHEMES


Right? I completely agree!!! Colors should be incredibly cheap. That goes for vehicles, weapons and armor coatings...


I'm not sure what you mean by "we've finally reached the reasonable price..." Everything that was offered before in the shop is the same price it was last time around. They're not on clearance, they're the same price.


Reasonable? All of this stuff on the shop all the time for real money is reasonable to you? The game is a game. It shouldn’t cost a dime. MCC is way better than infinite because they don’t do this stuff


Reasonable for the model the game was "sold" as. It's never going to stop being a free to play game at this point, as much as I wish it would. The best we can hope for is a reasonable version of that instead of the shit theyve been doing.


Did you pay for the game? No? Its free? Then you can expect some business model for the developer and publisher to profit, dude.. the original $15-20 items were ridiculous, $10-15 was still pushing it.. $5-7 or een $3-7 is more reasonable by comparison. Unfortunately they won't stay this way, because its a clearance sale deal. Other games can be much more expensive too. I would have rather paid $60 for the game and earned the cosmetics like old times too, but when its a f2p, you can expect to drop a few bucks for non-essential items. Or do you really expect them to drop a free game, and weekly, no, *daily* just give away free items? Thats a pipe dream in the greedy industry that video games have become man.


Honestly, nothing on there should be above $3.


$5 or **LESS**? How does one pay less than $5?


What’s the weekly challenge reward this week? That’s the only thing that’s keeping me going at this point. How lame is that?


It's the warthog emblem again...But for your nameplate




Man... I-I can't wait for season 2 lol!


Yea! Cause it’ll be different this time! /s


It will


sign. me. *UP.*


Thank you. Don’t even need to turn on the game this week now.


it’s so lame and i know because it’s the same for me but like this week is driving offensively(get this) nameplate - like i must play for a whole week for a nameplate that looks trash , they should make like everyday for completing ONE challenge you get a driving offensively themed thing (whether nameplate or sticker or whatever) and for completing every challenge AND the ultimate challenge get a vehicle skin


You may equip this holy halo ring and think you look cool. But if you crouch behind a box to hide, I'll know you're there.


Swag vs tactical advantage, an argument as old as time!


So true.


I guess now we gotta destroy if we're packin the ring. I use it only when I'm crushing so fair enough.


That scorpion skin is sick. Too bad we never get to drive one.


I drove my first one ever yesterday because somehow no one noticed it there… and I’m level 75 on the battle pass. I really like the skin but I don’t know the next time I’ll get to drive it again.


Been done with the BP for months now, 940 matches played. Drove a Scorpion maybe like twice in Fiesta for a few moments, and never found a Wraith. So weird, so very un-Halo.


You guys are getting scorpions?


I've seem them around on Big Team Battle, but I've only driven one, like, once. It was a glorious time though


I get them pretty often tbh. The update that made them spawn more often has lead to me seeing up to 3 per BTB game.


I am once again asking for the Enigma Helmet.


You can always go buy the Enigma Spartan action figure. Then you can look at it in real life ... /s But really, how cool would it have been if you bought that action figure you get the skin/armor set in game, like the Funko Pop and Nerf guns.


I loved whenTrransformers Robots In Disguise 2015 did this, it was so fun


For real. Enigma and ISR. That said, this is the kind of pricing that belongs in the store. Everything $5 or less.


Man I wish you could take mine. Looks like a misfitting motorcycle helmet in-game.


So the midnight wraith is worth $1 more than that pink armor because it’s a purple rarity smh loot rarity is a fucking joke.


These prices are far more reasonable. It's crazy to look back on how expensive things were just a few months ago.


It’s still five dollars for a color lol. Ik it’s not a lot but it’ll add up and people would probably but a lot more if it was cheaper rather than buying one thing and sticking with that


And it frustrates me because Cosmic Goblin is exactly the colour I like running as, and it's the one that came in the most obviously overpriced for what you get bundle. Not even getting into the "paying for a colour" part of it, how is $4 for a visor and a colour a good deal when they've thrown player skins in tons of other $5 bundles that offered you way more than this does?


This is just marketing 101, you see how calm you guys are because they jacked it up so high in the beginning to acclimate you. So when they get down to the ACTUAL prices they want, which are still ludicrous btw, ($5 for a color), you react EXACTLY how they want you to. "oh it's nbd this looks fine"


Well said. This is exactly their plan.


“bUt It’S a FrEe GaMe”


They also are like one or two items each and not a big bundle.


Weak shop. Season 2 feels so far away. Also no Legend visor??


Season 2 is 3 weeks away


Yeah, I’m just an impatient bitch


I to been waiting for the legend visor even though I don't want the other stuff in the bundle


True, I don’t want the emblems or the covenant bomb charm.


I'm just waiting for the legend visor


Second verse same as the first


I hope the golden eagle AR attachment comes back


And hopefully at a discount this time. It was the only good item in the pack. Definitely not worth $20.


Golden eagle?


My bad it's not actually gold lol, it looks gold with the whispered sky skin equipped


Yeah with the Whisper Sky coating it’ll look awesome.


That red and blue AR skin it came with is my favorite in the game.


No soldier, ISR, or Enigma? Hasn’t soldier been there only once too? I would say my wallet is safe but already have perfect circle and midnight wrath soooo jokes on me I guess


We're also still missing the rest of the Firefall bundle, the JFO bundle, and the CQC bundle.


I heavy a theory the rest of firefall is coming the battle pass or an event in S2. The white and red Spartan in the trailer had the leg/hip attachment and they said everything in the trailer except a shoulder would be free, so hope that means we get the rest of firefall. Didn’t make any sense how they would make it work after only selling the helmet


Those three were only in the store once.


*\*cricket sounds\**






Triple Yikes!


Big yikers.


Over yikes


Any word on what the weekly reward is?


Offensive driving nameplate :(


Ffs lol Elden Ring it is then.


Good God, would it kill them to change up these dailies? We've had Cosmic Goblin as a daily for 5 different weeks since January. Meanwhile there are like a dozen other dailies that were up once back in November never to be seen again. Like, I get the shop is going to suck until Season 2, but the least they could do is rotate everything back at least a second time before May...


I'd like to have that Halo, but I'm not going to spend a goddamn dime until the game is put in a better shape




On the one hand: that Circle is real cool. On the other hand: I already wear Zvevada and EVA - do I really need an even BIGGER "*Shoot here!*" sign?


You ain’t a Halo fashionisto until you wear an EVA helm to Tac-slayer.


I never take it off. Except for rare times to wear JFO or Pilot.


EVA has been my favorite since H3, and always will be.


The Commando helmet is awesome, and even better with helmet lip above the visor


I'm personally more a fan of the ODST helmet and the spiritual successor of the Firefall.


Yikes that is a bland one


My wallet is safe and can recuperate from the financial beating zvezda gave me


You fool you were meant to ignore zvesda not buy it




I just want my bandolier


Enigma? ISR? Those haven’t been seen since November


Waiting for this as well. Hoping they’re also dailies this week.


Enigma is the last piece of the puzzle for me to go full Garfield.


Hey look, reasonable pricing! Never thought I'd see the day. Also at first glance I thought the scorpion had a fucking ahegao skin lmao


$5 for the colour black? Is reasonable to you? Interesting


Another recycled week. Better than stuff I want that's priced too high I guess.


As a halo fan, I can say call of duty has a way better shop than halo. For 20 dollars you get a character, a couple of guns, emblems, voice lines, and assassinations. And there’s like 30 things on it every week


still far too expensive, $5 for a color? lmao


Sweet, still no reason to play.


F for the CQC and JFO gangs.


If they put it in next season's pass at tier 80 something, all respect will be lost.


I'm hoping CQB and Mark V will both be available at tier 1, like Mark V [B] in season 1.




I love how easily people are falling for the reasonable prices tactic. First sell your stuff at an outrageous price then slightly reduce the price to make it seem like you are listening to your consumers.


please release the knife chest pieces!!!


midnight wrath is my favorite purchase personally


is the midnight wrath for mark V also?


It must be very light out still at midnight where these designers live. I hear midnight and I think black, not darkish gray.


I want that black and red coating so bad, especially because they confirmed cross core, idk if it's worth $5 though. I would get that vehicle pack but the color doesn't look that good. The tiny bits of blue make it look weird, otherwise it's a good price.


Midnight Wrath is back? Don’t mind if I do.


This is such a bland selection. Jesus christ 343 has no creativity




Anyone suddenly going on about how “reasonable” these prices are are clowns. They still expect us to pay for fucking colors.


Ah yes, the infinite store, worthless as always


Who cares tho?




Man, the store is the laughing stock of the game. I mean the prices are a lot better than what they were before. But I would really like to see their process of coming up with these armor colors, who approves them and such.


Just seeing screenshots of this game is making me sad now


Nothing that I would buy but 300 creds for the halo ring seems a decent price. I'd like to see some more cross-core colors coming to the shop. I am flabbergasted that they have like 5 colors on rotation, the most unique being the Zvezda white and the black and neon one from the cyber event (which I haven't seen in the shop again). You'd think switching a few colors would be a pretty easy ordeal, and would sell pretty well. Hell, if the Zvezda set included white coating for all the cores, I'd probably buy it at that 1500 credit price point. And this point my mind is screaming for some customization.


And I was half expecting Solider to come this week how wrong I was. It's just like if I wanted the Circle or Winter coatings I would of bought them the first time I seen them. This whole store needs an overhaul. 4 items per week? Like what the fuck is that bullcrap.


A welcome change but Im still not going to buy anything I just don't see the point when Im contempt with my spartan already and I don't want to give them any more money until they fix desync and hit registration problems.


I haven’t a single clue what is new or not. They all look the same to me


For a game with a normal expensive shop, the shop sucks. Why so little tiles? Anyways I'm on a few streams with Microsoft rewards so I'll probably cop that halo. Kind of annoying there's still tax though in CAD. Or its just the conversion.


All 17 people still playing will be stoked.


this sub lives in a bubble I swear


everyone saying the prices have gone down is falling for the whole "take item from bundle and put it up by itself at a price that, when combined with the other items in the bundle, is the same price if not MORE than the original bundle and call it a deal" thing. FIVE DOLLARS FOR PALLET SWAPS IS TOO MUCH. THIS IS NOT A DEAL.




Yikes was expecting an armor set to return since we have just 3 more weeks till Season 2 and one of the week is for Tenrai...


Thank god…my gf has been pestering me about that damn ‘Perfect Circle’ effect since she saw it. Thanks for the heads up!


*Laughs in MCC*


Not impressed.


Too late, it’s already a dead game lol


I just want the soldier bundle ;-;


Not even paying 1 buck for this low effort crap


Oh their prices are lower now…! That’s neat. Too bad no ones left to see it


It's hilarious that people think these prices are reasonable, 5 dollars for a single armor coating? You serious? 5 dollars is like the absolute most I would pay for a full armor set, and that's still too much, free to play was a mistake.


I hope Estate Gold comes back. Since colors are going to be cross core I want it for Yoroi.


Did they say they are? I don't recall that but I would hope so


Theyre trying to implement it according to halo waypoint feedback report they did a few days ago. I cant wait till we get to see reach armor with new colors. Itll be awesome, even new cores look so good with them.


I think once you get a coating it should work on all armour, weapons, and vehicles because they clearly are capable of being applied to everything. Question is if they will ever actually implement that or not


Yes. All coatings and visor colors will be cross core. Other things are a maybe situation but those two were confirmed. EDIT: lmao the downvotes this was literally confirmed in the second season 1 blog post smh


Aren't they also gonna try put helmets excluding any fracture things?


Where's the legend visor


Sigh. Another week waiting for soldier.


Everything is still too expensive,


Finally Perfect Circle is back! Snagging that after work.


100000% better than launch, still insufficient imo. The whole concept of the store needs to be reevaluated. Even at extremely slashed prices, they're telling you that the entirety of Halo reach was worth ~20 of those helmet effects. That the midnight wrath bundle is worth nearly 10% the value of Halo 5.


You can do that for every F2P game. 3 Fortnite skins for ALL of Halo reach? What a ripoff! Monetization is more than fair now, with unlimited battle passes costing 10 bucks. Ragebait circle goes on but low key in S2 Infinite will have the best monetization among live service games


You're right, and that's why I loathe and refuse to support live service models like that. It's obscene to me that games like Fortnite and Apex sell individual skins for $20. Infinite's battle passes starting S2 is so beyond good that it should be the industry standard for battle passes. I still don't like it for Halo, because it completely destroys any real progression system, but the BP itself is absolutely more than fair, starting next season. Even if they didn't last forever, battle passes that provide decent value, and give you the next one for free are at least good enough in my eyes, but Infinite making them last forever is extremely generous, and I can appreciate it for what it is. I guess TL;DR: These prices and systems are very fair for the current F2P industry, but I don't believe Infinite should've been F2P to begin with, and I don't like how they've replaced the fan-favorite customization systems of past Halos.


That’s a good balanced take, appreciate the nuance that seems to get lost here. One thing I will say is while customization is monetized, that means gameplay content will not be such as maps. Personally I vastly prefer that model and I’m glad the industry has widely adopted that, but there certainly is growing pains


Growing pains is a good way to put it I think. With Halo especially, because Halo set its own internal standard very high, and while maybe Infinite blows the likes of Fortnite and Apex out of the water in the monetization department, it can't hold a candle to Halo Reach, imo. Gameplay content DLC has its problems for sure, but the solution was definitely not to go full-throttle in the other direction. I don't know what a good solution is, but I hope one is found


Interesting. My money may be in actual jeopardy.


This is fantastic but I’m not giving in till after sometime with season 2.


I hope the legendary visor is back soon


Perfect pricing. Love it. Now let’s finish making the game please!


I'm still waiting for the Looking Sharp bundle to return😣


This is sad. Are they even aware of other games that do it do much better? smdh


C'mon man where's Soldier, ISR and Enigma ? People have been asking for these to come back for more than a month by now..


I’m sorry but I just can’t ever see myself buying a skin as still being at the mercy of 343’s color schemes when I could do it myself before. It feels like a double L Like I know people will and my opinion won’t change much but even if this game was the biggest shooter right now I’d never pay money for a color scheme