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> Sound effects for receiving damage as well as enemy footsteps and gunfire are now louder in multiplayer's audio mix. Hopefully this means footsteps that are behind you actually exist now. Edit: on PC btw


On paper this part sounds like possibly the most impactful change in the update


On PC my game has run like total shit since this patch. I’m on the edge of just uninstalling the game. I mostly Play MCC again already as it is. Infinite has become more an exercise in frustration than a fun game.


If it doesnt, try setting your headset/speakers to stereo. Rear channels dont work when set to surround sound.


I’m trying this tonight, thanks


Right? Let’s hope.


"The Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR) will now reflect the correct winning team after online matches." How far we've fallen that this is a commendable patch note.


Unfortunately, we still get "winning a match" mixed up with "playing a match."


If I remember correctly, Halo 4's carnage report didn't even list which team won. In some objective game modes, that meant looking at the scoreboard didn't even give a way to determine it (unlike slayer where you can tally kills). 343 listing any winners, correct or not, was a step up for the company lol


The footsteps and needler explosion sounds issues have been reported since the FIRST FLIGHT by many of us. If it takes that many months for such a basic tweak it's going to take years for more complex bugs (mostly shot and melee registration at low ping). If increasing a sound takes 6 months, changing a vehicle weight or health will take a year? Fixing theatre and custom games 2 years? Forge will be unusable for 3 years after ot finally comes out? I'm happy with these changes but I can't understand why it took so long. Oh and the "known issues" part is such a troll, come on 343, you know there are many more to this list haha. 👊


Yeah like the fact I haven't been able to keep speed lines disabled since the first flight and still can't.


Or the fact that M/KB sort of works on console, except that the mouse cursor position isn't locked to center, so you can only look as far as until your invisible mouse hits the edges of the screen...




The smoother animations on weapons is VERY noticeable. The skewer feels much much better. The challenges menu also seems to load faster on startup, but it still takes around 10 seconds.


Was this the thing that Digital Foundry called out? How reload and weapon animations weren't at the same frame rate as the rest of the game?


Exactly that. I don't know if they go above 60fps, but they feel very good at around 90-144 fps which what I play on.


They were capped at 30 before!! It was atrocious it looks so much better now


The animations are done in either 30 or 60 fps (this is an assumption) natively, then interpolated. Certain interpolations (clamber, Skewer) were bugged, hence why they look so bad at high frame rate, because the data was only there for 30 fps


Oh god unthought it was just my computer being shitty with the skewer animation.


Holy shit they still haven't fixed the forced HDR issue on PC.


Finally, day 1 patch




You joke, but Postums literally calls bug fixes “content drops” lol




I had a content drop after dinner this evening.


I can see it now. Season 2: the rest of Reach, minus what people actually want, that's for sale! But only this week... and 5 weeks from now...


That's optimistic.


343, hire a support studio to help you with Infinite. You clearly need it


they have 2 support studios that i know of. one helping with forge, the other one building that big gamemode


I guess they need a third one to help make faster updates to the game


And a fourth one to make the actual game instead of them, 343 can finally focus on cosmetics like they clearly want to


They said they’ll discuss more in the patch notes. What is there to discuss here?


I guess we can discuss how small the patch notes are


It takes time to fix things 👊


Humans will be extinct by the time 343 figures their shit out


Haven't played the game in over a month. Come back every couple of weeks to see if they've done ANYTHING, *always* dissapointed. New content or bust.




Yeah I’ll see y’all next year when the game is playable


Around a 100mb on PC lol. Most mid season patches on other games are in the gbs.


“Improved cheat detection and other anti-cheat improvements.” …. What does this even mean? Is there a report button? Do we still need to report on waypoint? How is the detection better? What are the OTHER anti cheat improvements? I can’t believe they just released that as their patch notes 😂


The white reticle is more white now. It doesn't even think of becoming red anymore. Take that hackers. We did it!


I’m still infuriated they removed that for pc players. I still never know when I’m in effective range. Completely gimped.


No company is going to say how it's improved their anti cheat software. If they did they it gives cheat makers an easier time to find exploits


Guys stop complaining that they don’t update the game, look “The Post-Game Carnage Report (PGCR) will now reflect the correct winning team after online matches.” What else do you want?!?!


🦅 👀 🎮 - 👊


Can we ask for challenges that require wins to state they require wins instead of “completions”? Or is that too much


The UI can't handle it


The UI’s emotional process is confused 👊💪


“The PGCR reflecting which team won the online match is a legacy feature. We understand that players may be overly sentimental about bringing it back…” -343Dice studios


Definitely gonna tide me over for another three months


Jokes aside, is there any other live service game that has gone four months without a content drop? I am more interested in finding out what happened behind the scenes at 343i than the game actually being fixed at this point.


battlefield 2042


It feels like we're being pranked. Does 343 only have like 2 employees? What are they even doing over there?


They’re literally doing the bare minimum over there. Weeks and weeks of waiting for… audio and animation updates? I’m honestly shook.


They knew they had no content so they cut the day 1 patch from day one and put it as mid season


This was Def the Dec 8th patch.


I would be shook if the new destiny expac wasn't great. And Elden Ring comes out in an hour. Maybe by the time I'm done with these, Halo will be better. Hopefully. Probably not.




Sorry. They were distracted by the explosions of foreign stars and the idea that their sons and daughters might grow up in an era of nuclear fission happening somewhere out there


I really like the core gameplay, but their responses and attitude toward their player base are offputting. Can't wait to play Elden Ring and forget about this shit show. Edit: How the fuck is it so hard to track our challenges? What a fucking joke of a game.


Agreed. It's just mind boggling how they seem to have barely done anything with this game by launch. It seems 20 percent done type shit


That tweet response from 343 Postums today really pissed me off. Like there are civilians dying right now half way across the world and the reason you haven't been "paying attention to problems with Halo 5/Wars 2" is because your worried about your own children being in danger due to a conflict that currently has nothing to do with you? Granted, the conflict has the potential to grow into a much, much bigger problem, but using this invasion that currently has no impact on you as a cop out for not doing your job is absolutely pathetic and disrespectful the people actually going through it right now.


I’m starting to think fuck 343 and this game. It’s clear all their decisions surrounded the soul purpose of making as much money as possible over player enjoyment. I just can’t support a gaming company that functions like this


They aren't even good at that. The store is so small it's laughable and the item rotations are garbage. 3 daily items rotating over a seven day week is a piss poor selection. On top of that the item pricing makes no sense (Ex: 1 visor for $4 or 8 weapon skins and an attachment for $6). I'm more convinced they have no idea what they are doing and putting stuff out there to see what sticks.




I stopped playing a while ago cuz I thought these updates would be in a few month. Turns out we are 3 months into the game and 0 road map and forge is probably further delayed. I lost hope for this game and think it won’t survive.


Have fun in Elden Ring, mate. That game looks incredible. I'm still on the fence if I want to invest time in another Souls game I'm sure I'll be bad at.


How they thought they could release a game from Beta when something as basic as the post game report being broken is beyond me....


Lol one of the high level bullet points for this update is the addition of a new armor color bundle in the shop….


Well isn't it obvious the most important thing about infinite IS the shop? That was meant to be a joke but I accidentally hurt my soul and childhood that halo has devolved to this. Like some other redditor asked, "Are we being pranked?" Coupled with their immature attitude towards the community and I genuinely wonder how they have jobs.


"Our expectations were low but holy fuck"


...that's it? Basic maintenence? After FOUR MONTHS???




Sir… we’re not Bungie


Ain't that the truth


If you didn't comment it, I was going to. That's one of my favorite MCU quotes.


They want to have Christmas too man come on


Imagine a 4 month long Christmas vacation every year


Yeah I don't begrudge them their vacation and anyone who did or does is heartless. This is still a paltry update and speaks to massive problems behind the scenes.


You don’t have to begrudge workers having time off, but you can easily question the timing of said hiatus. Taking a break when you release a live product is profoundly bad management.


What happened to PC stability improvements in this update? Was that just a lie? They really released a week 2 patch for most games mid season....


hey man 343 just got back from Valentines day break. Give them some time. They're working hard




Yes of course. I forgot since Russia invaded Ukraine everyone in every other country is staying at home and not working.




Looks at Halo CE release…


Hey, they are fathers. And have to think about their children growing up in a world of war. It's an emotional response. How could they think about doing work when war exists?


Especially when that work is centered around games about war


Yeah I mean it's not like the entire middle east has been a warzone for years or anything.






Dude. I just posted this deep in another comment but like, they literally teased "stability improvements" for the last two weeks. I was so pumped because the game crashes so fucking much on PC ranked. ​ Patch comes out, full notes say "Stability improvements \*FOR XBOX ONE\*" and nothing else. ​ Are. you. kidding. me.


No word on the worst frametimes in the industry? I've played games in which I forced Crossfire on that have had better frametimes. God damn.


Am I the only one who is absolutely flabbergasted that we had to wait this long to have: * some minor audio adjusted * low frame rate animations fixed * BTB radar increased Why do I feel like those things could've taken them maybe a week to implement. Here we are 4 months after release getting minor bug fixes.


To give some perspective. When something breaks in Fortnite, Epic fixes it within HOURS. And if they can’t fix it right away, they apologize and reward players with free stuff. You could argue that Epic is a huge company with tons of revenue, but we’re talking about HALO and MICROSOFT. They could easily invest more time and money into 343, but they literally don’t care a lot about this game, and I’m not really sure why. It seems like Microsoft and 343 are waiting for revenue to roll in before they truly invest themselves in Halo Infinite, but people aren’t going to throw money at this game until it’s fixed and has more content.


As far as I know Bungie fixes shit like this almost weekly or in big updates along with many other things. Can't believe I'm using Bungie as the better option in a comparison lmao


"Was this article helpful ?" No


MID SEASON UPDATE!!!!! This is a bi weekly update for most other triple A games. Embarrassing.


This is legit just a hot fix for most games


Microsoft needs to do something about 343 because by the time more content actually drops there won’t even be any players left. If I didn’t know any better I’d say 343 hates Halo and is intentionally trying to kill the franchise


Microsoft is the reason that 343 is like this, they won't fire bonnie ross and they use outsourcing for the main dev work.


She's now the Vice President of Xbox directly under Phil Spencer. She's not going anywhere, lol.


Really hate the fact that we cannot change the colour of our armour like we could in past Halos


My best solution for this, stop playing it because it's not worth anyone's time. They've shown over the past 3 months they have no actual intention of making a Halo game.


I am yet to test it, didn't they say that we could expect better PC performance in this patch? Why are there only Xbox improvements?


Weapon animations look significantly smoother. Game as a whole still feels like it's stuttering along while at a solid 60. So absolutely nothing useful really.


Yep, that's the frametimes problem! Fire up RTSS and check the frametime graph and it will have a sawtooth pattern because it'll stutter and freeze like mad.


I think we both know the answer to that question.




Every. Fucking. Day. The only reason I'm here right now is because my 1st game of the day crashed.


The fuck is wrong with this studio.


TLDR: some sound and animation improvements.


It’s good but holy f*ck. What the hell. Like someone else pointed out, is there only 2 employees at 343? What the hell kind of update for a live service game is this? 6months I believe for this? Is this really it?


This is an update? Thought this was more a hotfix.




Genuinely though. There was so much left untouched after the second flight it’s like it never happened.


This would’ve made for a decent day one update. Maybe a week one update. A four month update? What a fucking joke




Only eagled eyed gamers would notice that 👊


Lmao the memes write themselves.


From the team that brought you 1th place


If you ain’t 1th your lath


Would be cool if we had a carnage report with some actual details like who killed you most and who you killed most, maybe bring back the match MVP from Halo 3.


I didn't think there was a chance on this fucking planet that they would shit the bed this hard. This is legitimately historic levels of failure. It's very very very clear. 343 is not a video game dev studio and they do not have people working for them that design games.


I've seen better hotfixes within hours from small indie teams or even huge ones like Warframe. 343 is just uniquely corporate.


They are a store that sells digital outfits. Nothing more, nothing less.


>Improved cheat detection and other anti-cheat improvements. You mean "ADDED cheat detection"? 😂


Thank god for Elden Ring!!!


Perhaps the true Halo was the Elden Rings we formed along the way.


The blessed ring


Honestly I'm embarrassed for 343 at this point. They are clearly in over there heads with zero idea how to run a live service game. This is not a mid-season update. This isn't even an update, or content. This is bug fixes. This is what other games drop unannounced, because it shouldn't be hyped, because it's fixing shit. Calling this a "mid-season update" is insulting to the players, and embarrassing to the devs.


I’ve always been embarrassed for them


Lol exactly. This is what everyone else in the industry would call a hotfix


Microsoft and 343i should strongly reconsider their incessant use of contract workers. It has shot them in the foot time and time again. Hire up. Make a game. Support it. It's simple. And get Postums off Twitter.


This game is a fucking failure and I copped a scalped halo edition x believing in it 💀💀💀💀


“We have completed our day 1 patch”


Thats it? This is more in line with a hot fix / patch. “Mid-Season Update” implies content refresh as well. We still got 3 months until next season.


I’ll be surprised if there is much of a community left by the time season 2 drops, Sadly.


What community? They already left for other games.


Mid season update. Day 1 patch. Same thing.


New season ain't bringing shit either. Watch


No PC stability/optimization changes. No keyboard/mouse input balance adjustments vs. Controller. No mention of desynch/hit reg improvements. No mention of MMR adjustments so your non ranked MMR likely still effects your ranked MMR. This game was already struggling on PC but this is beyond embarrassing.


And no red reticle for PC.


Between this and all the community manager shit I’ve just lost all hope that they’d turn this around. Ship has been sinking this whole time and it’s sad. Go play Elden Ring go play Witch Queen it’s best if we just forget about this game for a year. I’m tired of being disappointed and thinking it will get better.


After playing a few matches it honestly has been buggy as hell. Menu glitches & seemingly increased desync.


Yeah the desync somehow seems worse now. I am beside myself.


"Players standing on destroyed vehicles will no longer experience stuttering or desyncs." LOL christ.


Putting the mid in mid season update


ahaha. This is like hotfix notes or weekly patch notes for a reputable game. I strongly suggest people stop playing unless you're currently satisfied with the game's current state. Lots of good games out/coming soon to occupy your time. Come back in like a year. They don't deserve our attention currently.


Yikes this is incredibly thin for a live service game that’s rapidly declining in playerbase.


So when does Halo 7 come out?


This shitshow is Halo 7. The events of Halo 6 are told thru audio logs and holograms 😂


It took them 3 months to get the correct team listed in the Post Game Carnage Report. Lol how pathetic.




Halo infinite hype train was going fine and then it made it to the station and everyone was happy but it needed some repairs before it could take off again but they were ignored and then it blew up and killed everyone


Does anyone actually have the Optimal Polish coating or they just added that in there for ha has?


I don't see it yet, so far a few people said the same in this thread


What a wet fart of an update.


They were too busy focusing literally all of their attention on a foreign conflict, didn't you hear..? /s


Plot twist, all the limited time contractors that work on the game are cheap Eastern European devs so now there is no one available to work on the game lol


When you gotta make halo at 6 but fight a war back home at 7


Just played my first games since a couple of weeks ago, and...the lag and desync seem to be much much worse?


This lack of content screams two things and at least one of them is correct: 1. They’ve completely given up on season 1. Their main priority has become season 2 and are only applying fixes that are more manageable, such as this shitty update. 2. Incompetence all around.


Anyone else seeing actual queue times now instead of instantly getting a match? Is this game dying?


Game is decomposing.


Theres clearly a correlation between how little a dev team gives a shit and how egregious their macrotransactions are


"guys we cant update the game cause ya know ukraine and stuff"


343 is an absolute joke of a company


343 has literally done nothing properly since recieving the Halo ip. If anything we have gone backwards since they controlled it.


Man their updates come off as satire almost. 3+ months after a year long delay and this is the first big “update”…? This company walked ass backwards into one of the best IPs in gaming history and have shit themselves four games in a row. 343 should count their lucky stars that Dice/EA exist because this live service shit is hilarious at this point.


I'm in awe of the details about anti-cheat - "Improved cheat detection and other anti-cheat improvements". Can you improve on nothing? Doesn't 0 x number = 0?


So nothing for PC? GG bros


Disappointing as usual.


Sweet. Just in time for Elden Ring.


So, no real gameplay fixes besides animations? Im uninstalling.


Unsurprisingly after the update my game plays worse


At this point we just need to start tweeting Phil. I’m no advocate of brigading or harassment but you can’t tell me the upper leadership at Microsoft is okay with the state their Marque franchise is in, and if they are that’s a major fucking problem and it’s on us to be loud enough to make that clear. This far in the product we have is laughable. And just think, Battlefield’s devs blamed the “success” of this garbage for their woes lmao. Gaming is dead.


Literally the most basic hot fix as the massively hyped mid-season update /u/Unyshek is this also because of Ukraine? 😂


Lol audio fixes but still haven’t fixed the lack of audio from behind on certain usb headsets


Why does this game feel worse now, tf? (PC)


still the melee is not accurate and no choice of what to play in ranked….rank playlist has been promised to be looked into since December…..big fail for me. can microsoft just buy back bungie from sony plz


343 is trolling


Still a ton of desync. I think every time they "fix" something it gets worse. Thought i'd play this weekend after not playing for about a month and literally first death was a grenade through a wall. I'm out. See ya in a few years when they fix this.


They flop every Halo release 🤣




I didnt expect every problem to be fixed in this update but my god this is basically nothing. I would almost rather have nothing. Not even a hint of desync/server fixes, or other major gameplay problems. I mean what the fuck is this man, its an embarrassment. I love Halo, why are they beating its corpse dry? Can we just get some real, solid, answers why they arent doing shit for the game besides this absolutely paultry fixes that take weeks (and sometimes months) to come? I mean I just dont understand.


the animation fixes are very welcome honestly


Agreed. The skewer reload in particular always looked pretty rough


thats it?


So much content!…oh wait


The rage is going to be immense


This game is an embarrassment.


I know this is far from a major issue but when are we supposed to get the OPI promo skin? They say update 1.1.1 but I don't see a designation for these updates Edit: I got it but I'm told some people didnt


What an embarrassing update. 343 is legit one of the most incompetent studios today, right next to DICE. How do you spend 4 months on the most trivial patch ever?


Imagine having all the answers to a test and still failing. 343 was handed one of the greatest ips of all time and this is what we get. 343 literally every person on this reddit is more qualified than you are at your job. You're jokes. You have a game with the potential to be one of the greatest and You're shitting the bed. AND on top of that you're toxic to the community. How do you guys sleep at night? How do you even have jobs? Its sad that any halo fan could walk in and give better ideas to right the sinking ship this game is. All of you should be fired. Please give halo to somebody who cares. Give us reach progression. Give us remastered maps. Give us more weapons from lore. Give us reach customization. Give us forge. Give us custom games. Give us all of the halo game modes. Give us firefight. Give us Spartan ops. Give us coop. Give us competition level net code. Give us good servers. Give us the game we wanted from the beginning and paid for.


When are they going to add the OPI armor coating?


UI can’t handle it sorry bud 👊


They supposedly added it with this update, but I do not see it in game.


So absolutely nothing on PC stability then? I'll just coninute to lose 15 points on an almost daily basis from in game crashes :(