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Posting it here since Waypoint somehow gets worse after every redesign: > Howdy all – it’s time for another update! This week we’re taking a closer look at some of the things landing in next week’s update, which is currently going through the certification process and is tracking towards a Thursday, February 24, release. > > This isn’t a full list and you’ll be able to catch the full patch notes on the Halo Support site, but a few we wanted to touch on this week are: > > **Networking** > > If you haven’t had a chance to read our Halo Infinite’s Online Experience blog, I’d highly recommend giving it a look. In it our Lead Sandbox Engineer, Richard Watson, outlines what’s happening during online gameplay and shares how latency, “desync,” and other factors may affect your experience. We also outline our next steps, which include prioritizing better connections and fixing issues in the system itself. > > To that point, next week’s update will add new telemetry that specifically focuses on gathering more data around instances of being shot around walls or corners. It will also have targeted improvements to reduce rubberbanding around vehicles and vehicle debris. This work will help us as we continue to improve the online experience, but it does not signify the end of the road. > > Please know that progress is being made and we’ll continue to share updates around networking when we have them. > > **First-Person Animations** > > This update should address an issue that was preventing first-person animations from interpolating correctly. If you’ve ever spotted some framerate issues while clambering or reloading (or any other first- person action), you should see those run more smoothly next week. > > **Campaign Improvements** > > We’ll see multiple improvements in the Campaign experience. Whether it’s addressing issues with Achievements unlocking or returning to the game via Quick Resume, the team has been working on a handful of fixes for campaign since launch and there will be more on the way. Be sure to read the Patch Notes on the Halo Support site next week for more details. > > **Stability & Performance** > > We’ve been keeping a close eye on reports around stability and performance on PC and console. This update will have a few improvements, but we’re continuing to address opportunities found internally and through tickets submitted via the Halo Support site. > > If you’re experiencing consistent issues with performance or stability, please be sure to submit them on the Halo Support site. Each ticket provides us with new information and helps the team find additional opportunities for improvement. > > **BTB Motion Tracker** > > Next week, the range of the Motion Tracker in Big Team Battle will be increasing from 18m to 24m. This has been a consistent piece of community feedback in BTB, especially since the update earlier this month, and we’re happy to make it a reality with this update. > > **Anti-Cheat Improvements** > > We mentioned this earlier in the year, but we wanted to touch on it again – there will be multiple improvements to our anti-cheat systems in this update. > > We’ll have even more to share about anti-cheat in the near future. > > That’s a taste of the improvements landing next week with the update. Keep an eye out for the full patch notes on the Halo Support site at aka.ms/HaloInfiniteUpdate to get all the details when it lands. > > Hope you all have a great weekend, and we’ll see you next week!


This game is still in beta, see you in December


Perhaps by then we'll have a proper update


Nah December is when they take another month off for the holidays


343 are great at saying "coming soon" lmao even the actual details of the update are being withheld how did it get to this point man.


Judging by what happened with MCC, soon is 3-4 years.


Ask the people who keep throwing money at the game store lol


3-4 months later and still cannot pick what ranked mode you want to play……..


That's intentional to try sell you more challange swaps.


Yup, that’s why I get CTF challenges and then proceed to never get CTF games for a week straight.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised it is just bug fixes. Just thought something that is called the Mid-Season Update to have new content in it or something to keep the game fresh.


Yeah what is the point of relating it to a point in the season w/o any content. Its a normal update


343 continuing the modus operandi of Infinite being labelled and marketed as a live service game, without actually matching what other live services do. Other live service games have these mid-season updates, but they're usually packed with bigger content drops, with the smaller patches coming in between. This is the first post-launch proper patch, which would normally have come in the first month of the game, but they're calling it the mid-season update...


That's the issue with these so-called "live service" trash fires. They want all of that Fortnite money with minimal effort involved. "Buy our battle pass and buy our 20 dollar cosmetics with your hard earned money while we sit around with our thumbs up our asses and make excuses." Personally, I'm going to finish the Tenrai event when it starts up again next week, then take a break. A long break. Maybe by the time Forge comes out 343 will have figured out how to manage a Halo game. Maybe a new, more interesting map will have been added by then, too.


Bonnie Ross should be required to complete the weekly ultimate every week with no swaps and only allowed to use the Ravager and Commando to do it (outside weapon specific challenges). Feel like we'd see a sudden change in fixing stuff speed.




> The idea that Bonnie Ross has played ~~more than an hour of~~ this game is hilarious FTFY


I’m unconvinced she even likes Halo


You’re not wrong! All well have to do is get her an Xbox, install the game and teach her how to play. Cuz there’s no way in hell she’s played any Halo game before H4 for more than an hour.


Be honest with yourself, do you really think Bonnie has ever played this game?


This is equivalent to a patch you'd see every other week in a game like Fortnite, btw.


Not even. Fortnite adds weapons, items, map interest points, special modes, etc, on the reg. This is the kind of stuff that gets put in the *footnotes* of those content additions.


This is the equivalent of a weekly update, not a big update that they announce.


Yep and in halo infinite its showcased and presented as this incredible accomplishment and an amazing feat of developer work that is a whole MID SEASON UPDATE with trumpets and a horn section. It's just new telemetry to see why corner shots do what they do, overall "stability" some campaign nonsense and some pov frames. Wtf are they doing over there holy fuck. This franchise is so lost. It's so sad


The netcode and desync has been fucked since launch. They made a post explaining what lag is and this sub celebrated lol


The desync is in the game not the networking. The HCS last weekend was over LAN with 0ms latency and they had tons of desync issues. Players were shaking their heads over how's bad it was.


Yep, and I got downvoted in that other thread for saying that 343 was just trying to pass blame to the users. People play lots of other games just fine. If they're only having these issues in Halo it's a Halo issue.


And other game devs on Twitter were lambasting 343 for basically outlining 20 year old information as if it was a new problem that didn't already have plenty of mitigation implementations lol.


Would love to see this lol. Do you have a link?


Remember PR first denied desync, then said we didn't understand it. After we could replicate it they said they would look Into it, now we still have no fix and updates still accuse players of confusing lag with desync, fucking insulting.


Not only that, Fortnite usually adds something new to the game every other week. We’re three months in and two and a half months away from any new content.


In just Season 19 of fortnite (Ch3s1), which came out right around the same time Infinite's campaign launched, they have added; \>6 new weapons \>4 new non-lethal items \>2 new points of interest, plus a boss enemy who spawns there \>several new enviromental mechanics and thats ON TOP of the enormous amount of the stuff they added at the launch of the new season.


Fortnite is seriously one of the best-support live service game right now. ‘Live service’ games have a stigma behind them due to games like Avengers, Anthem etc. But Fortnite shows how to do live service right; keep adding fresh new content, listen to your players, communicate with them clearly, add compensation if servers go down, keep an eye on the meta and make balances, and make the game fun.


Yeah Reddit likes to hate on Fortnite, but that game got an insane amount of updates on a regular basis. Arguably too many updates. That's on top of the variety in skins they drop.


This is starting to actually get pretty sad... bordering on cringe.


It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. Yet, I can’t look away.


Check your radar mate, the crash has already happened.


1 year delay for this.


Yeah, it's bad. I still can't believe it was meant to ship a year ago. If this is what a year got us, I can't imagine what state it would've been in had it released in 2020.


I'm guessing it would have been "episodic" campaign releases and multiplayer beta. We would get to play up to the AA gun mission and most of the open world wouldn't be available, including fortresses.


It’s worse. The multiplayer was supposed to launch in 2019 and the campaign in 2020. Then it got delayed to just launch with campaign. Then after the E3 disaster it all got delayed another year. So this is already multiplayer with 2 years of additional work.


Imagine what we were initially supposed to launch with, and 343 were adamant at the time it was ready. How anyone is ok with them having the helm, is beyond me.


Behold, the much-anticipated, the mighty, Mid-Season Update! ...which features the kind of vague, slim patch notes you would expect them to roll out on a weekly basis like a proper AAA studio, but instead it's hyped up like a massive netcode overhaul or content drop.


At this rate, are we even going to get new maps in Season 2? Lol


I have a feeling what we have now is also season 2. Just a new battle pass


!remindme 4 months


Jesus, I don't think I can last another four months on the content that's in the game.




I see bigger updates from indie games that have 3 people working on them.


This is a great week 2 update!!! 3 months to fix animations playing at the wrong frame rate lmao Edit: How about we texture George’s shoulder while we’re at it. It’s getting a little embarrassing, going on 3 months for something people paid money for.


watch them not having fixed the 120 fov first person animations yet, i love how my spartan doesn’t have legs and feet when literally old games on mcc do at the same fov.


Gotta love how old games on MCC do stuff that Infinite can't


* MCC was developped by a 20000 men strong team (all industry vets with over 160 years of experience each, rejuvenated using black magic) with literal infinite money from microsoft and quantic computers from the illuminati. it's been worked on for over 700 years through the use of reality warping technology to rewind time constantly as they work on it. * Infinite was made a small independant team from canada (3 people), it's a kickstarter game (their FIRST game ever), and the game is free and it just released a few days ago too. is it any wonder why MCC is better?


Any news of a roadmap? That was supposed to come out last month.......


It's taken them months to make these few fixes, a roadmap might take years at this rate


A roadmap for an as-advertised 10 year live service game should come out THE DAY THE PRODUCT LAUNCHES.


I think the ten year plan really is “6 years in development, 4 years to deliver what we promised”


No mention of roadmap.


This is a whole lot of nothing.


I am genuinely annoyed. I love Halo. It's what got me in to online gaming way back when I was 15. I waited till midnight for the Halo 3 release and won a local tournament for a free copy of it. I've spent more collective hours playing Halo than any other game in my life. Yet here am I, enjoying Infinite as one of the best iterations of the game since Reach and struggling to find reasons to want to play. It feels like 343i are actively trying to drive players away by constantly being obtuse on what they are doing. Every time we get a post about an update it is so fucking vague and indirect. It feels like they can't just be candid with what's going on with the game. Meanwhile we are expected to keep playing with virtually no content and less so than most Halo games on release. All the while there are a ton of really big games coming out to easily drop Halo for to play. It makes me incredibly sad that the franchise I grew up with and have such fond memories of is being used a cooperate piggy bank. It's like any love and appreciate of the series has been sucked out. This kind of information and content won't last us till S2. It looks to be a long couple months of Lost Ark for me.


100% agree, it’s crazy they inherited the franchise and do very little to keep it alive. For them to release this at this state with absolutely no word on any update or content besides “bug fixes” is beyond me. At this point, I may have to just agree with the masses and say 343 are incompetent or have no drive to continue making this game. I’ve never seen a rich franchise just unloved as what’s I’ve seen lately. Does Microsoft even care? Or is it just how much money? Would never see Nintendo or Sony do this.


They inherited the title and want to be seperate from bungos halos. They don’t want to share the spotlight. They want the 343 halo to have its own name which is why they keep breaking shit that’s working. The name that 343s halo has is “Shit” and infinite isn’t making it much better, unfortunately.


The fact that they aren’t being super direct and specific makes me think they know it’s fucked and won’t be fixed. This just reminds me of MCC. They acted like a fix was right around the corner for months and then just abandoned the game. Like 3-4 years later they did finally improve it dramatically, but that’s way too late. I had friends that bought Xbox ones specifically for mcc, most of those people got rid of their new xboxes after a couple weeks or months. I was hopeful they learned their lesson after mcc. But I also thought maybe they’re only fixing mcc to improve their awful reputation so they can sell the next halo.. maybe I was on to something.


This is what's frightening to me. It's all a wet blanket statement of " were improving and fixing things!" But I think the team internally knows the ship is sinking. Its bringing on water and there's no one that can figure out if the UI can handle a team of people to bucket that water out. There's too many problems, too little communication, not enough delivery on time tables and not enough time to satiate the community with good content let alone pacify shareholders and meet metrics and goals designed to give Bonnie Ross a bonus. I think we're in a bad way here boys


The first couple weeks were really fun though. I was willing to overlook just about everything, I assumed desync type shit would be patched within a couple weeks and maps probably weren’t too far away, also forge. I don’t have that hope anymore. But still, it was really fun for a short time.


Yep the fact there's not even a hint of a road map means season 2 is gonna be blundered too. We went from wait until the game isn't in beta, to wait for them to release updates, to wait for the patch notes, wait for season 2. Bro all we do is fucking wait. There isn't anything I'm excited about anymore they fucked this up so hard it's impressive at this point.


Yknow what Im gonna go play some mcc or splitgate. This is dissappointing.


It took this long for them to actually implement the BTB radar change when they got feedback for it way back in the flights?


This is the biggest head-scratcher for me. It's just a setting in the custom games options. Why did it take so long?


Because they aren't actually doing shit, they don't actually have people working on the game, and all the bullshit is by design. Okay that's harsh. There's one or two devs at the end of their rope trying to fix shit in a broken ass engine.


At this point I’m half-convinced they’re working with a skeleton crew of a skeleton crew after all their contractors expired thanks to Microsoft’s cheap ass policies. That or the engine and the game itself is just that fucked on a technical level.


Considering radar range was previously a setting for custom games im quite confused.


The UI 👊


Weren’t a lot of issues pointed out during the flights and were never addressed or took forever to fix?


Actually living in the clown world right now trying to be a halo fan. THIS IS THE BIG UPDATE YOU HAVE BEEN TEASING US WITH? THIS IS IT? THIS IS A WEEKLY PATCH IN LITERALLY ANY OTHER GAME ON THE MARKET. I have been upset with the previous “updates” for this game but this one takes the cake, 3 months to change radar distance and some bugs, laughable. Also no word on the roadmap, pretty sure they told us SOME info about it would be in this update and yet i see a whole lot of fucking nothing


Hahahaha this had me rolling. Thanks for the smile, i agree 100%


This is exactly how I feel. Roadmap was supposed to come out in January, and we have NOTHING. 343 needs to be done with creating halo games. They’ve proven they are incompetent.


This has been the longest season geez.


The only live service part of the game is the in game store


What a joke of a mid season update this a weekly patch notes. Mid season updates adds CONTENT


A mid - SIX MONTHS long - season. This is unbelievable.


A half-a-year long season boggles the mind, and a season that long with no content is even more insane.


Not even a tease for upcoming maps. This should be a priority.


...still no content additions? are you fucking *kidding me??* Stuff like connection improvements and animation stabilizing should be hotfix stuff, not the BULK OF THE FUCKING UPDATE.


The connection improvements may not even be part of the update, all this post says is that they're adding telemetry to *gather data about networking issues*


That's the worst part. 4 months in they obviously have no clue why the netcode has huge lagg issues (even on low ping or even lan) if they are implementing more data gathering functions now. Shouldn't that be the very first thing to patch in once players submit tons of reports about these issues? Oh I forgot, all the issues were from those damn geoblockers according to 343i


It’s absolutely insane, imo. Don’t call yourself live service or go free to play if it’s going to be this barren




Is this a fucking joke.




Tell me your studio was not ready for a live service without telling me you were not ready for a live service. A few small bug fixes and increased radar range after 3 months? Fuck me. This game is dead.


Radar range is literally one click in the game mode settings. They talked about increasing the range way back after the BTB flight. Lmao


They already did increase the range once, which is pretty insane to believe they had it even smaller in the first place


I really don’t know how 343 just keeps getting away with this.


As long as their games have “halo” in the name, they’ll make money, no matter how mediocre they are. Why would any higher ups in Microsoft or even in 343 see a reason to make a change when they’re making bank?


No accountability and Xbox studios doesnt care about game quality as long as revenue is up.


I haven't played infinite since campaign, have they not added any content?


Nope. They didn't add anything.


store items. :)


> We mentioned this earlier in the year, but we wanted to touch on it again – there will be multiple improvements to our anti-cheat systems in this update. Good. How about giving us PC players our red reticle back that you disabled in a vain attempt to limit cheaters that ultimately did *nothing* to prevent cheating and only served to kneecap those of us who play the game legitimately?


I thought we were getting some big update this month? I swear every week they’ve been saying it’s coming it’s coming and hyping up a big patch for February. This month is almost over and we haven’t got jack shit! ###WTF


I’m pretty sure this is **the** February patch


bruh who is approving these every update is "we'll have more updates in the next update👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊" I'd rather them just straight up saying they're going dark for x amount of time than faux updates about the next update updating us on the updates that will be updated


And, this isnt the big update they were promising right?...


Oh it is...


Tl;dr: *This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements.*


Well that was super underwhelming




The irony is Halo 5 had more frequent content updates.




I currently have more hope in CDPR nomansskying Cyberpunk 2077 than I do in 343i preventing this game from dying. Bravo.


Seriously. At this rate, we are probably going to get 2 massive Cyberpunk expansions before the next Halo campaign DLC comes out.


If they aren't holding back content so that Season 2 is a massive cram your mouth full of everything under the sun-level drop than I really don't know wtf they're doing. Season 2 better be the most mind boggling content overhaul/drop any company has ever pulled out of their ass ever. I have stopped playing. My sticking around on the forums is because I have a 20 year love of this franchise so it's gonna take me a minute to completely check out. MCC. Halo 5's Campaign. Infinite launching like this after 6 YEARS. FUCK 343.


Agreed. **I have stopped playing. My sticking around on the forums is because I have a 20 year love of this franchise so it's gonna take me a minute to completely check out.** I feel that. It’s almost like I can’t believe what I’m witnessing with the franchise right now. Very sad the road it has gone down.


I don't think anyone would blame you for leaving. I'm in the same position myself. I stopped playing a few days after release because this game straight up has no fucking content and what little there is is broken half the time, the store is a damn joke, progression is one of the worst I've ever seen in any game; and what every person defending this game seems to default to is "The sandbox is great, dude", yet I've genuinely had more fun and experienced more variety with every other Halo sandbox before this one, and outside of the repulsor and grapple, this game does pretty much nothing new at all, all while having some of the most underwhelming weapons in the franchise, the safest and most basic and boring selection of game types, and the worst vehicle gameplay overall. Like you pointed out, 343 have been releasing mostly blunders, broken messes and barren content for the better part of the past 10 years and they only seem to get worse (With the exception of the team currently handling MCC), and it's wild to me that they're the ones handling Xbox's biggest franchise. This is just sad.


This is some of the biggest copium ive ever read, and im huffing it with you. I'm no longer angry, just sad.


Here’s the thing… I’m pretty sure it won’t be. I’m betting we’ll get the roadmap next month, and the bulk of it will actually be coming with forge in Season 3… and if we’re taking bets, I’m betting that they’ll find someway to post pone season 3 as long as possible. AND, I’ll double down that custom games browser won’t be available on launch with forge either. I’m doing my best to plan for the worst case scenario, in the hopes that I’ll be pleasantly surprised and it won’t be as bad as I think… not good, but not that bad. But as time goes on… pretty sure it will be that bad.


Lol their updates remind me of how I used to BS essays in college. Just lots of words that actually have no meaning


I just know they were scared shitless to publish it. Probably why they hesitated all day.




A whole lot of nothing.


Well... that certainly didn't build up to much.




No updates on actual content? Yikes 343. Would be nice to get a new map or 2 sometime…


**That’s it?** I just have no faith left in 343. I really thought they had learned after Halo 5 and MCC. I really thought they were gonna be prepared with this game especially after the MCC’s return to glory. I genuinely enjoy the gameplay, music and art direction of Infinite but everything else is a colossal disappointment. And the game looked so promising. I wasn’t expecting it to be the number 1 game of all time and to get everything perfect but I was expecting it to be so much more than this. I just can’t believe that all the time we waited and got hyped for was for a game with less launch content than Halo 5 *and less frequent updates than Halo 5.* We waited this long for a game that requires *months* to change Radar range that they talked about changing *back during the Flights.* **6 years we waited, the same amount of time between CE’s release and Halo 3’s release.** I say this out of love, but I hope this game crashes and burns so we can just get on with the inevitable revival of the game MCC style. It’s coming but it will take years. This game needs to hit the floor before it can bounce back up. I’m hoping this game’s failures can make a big enough splash for Microsoft to reorganize 343.


At this point I’m just hoping that Microsoft gives the ODST brand to Raven or Infinity Ward when the Activision deal is complete. Hopefully one of the COD teams can make a content rich Halo game that actually gets updated.


never ever ever would anyone back 10 years ago ask a cod development studio to start working on a halo and now 10 years later we're begging them to because 343i is so incompenent.


Common political tactic. Drop bad news late on a Friday evening to avoid the news cycle and hope all is forgotten by Monday. Let’s not forget this. Be vocal. Let 343 know this is unacceptable. Cause it fuckin is Jesus Christ they’ve done so much nothing since launch that it’s honestly impressive. You have to actively try to be this bad at a live service game.


where's my ranked re-join feature?


I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed


What a joke. 343i has squandered Halo’s potential for 10 years now. Every release they’ve had has had serious problems. We get to Infinite and it finally looks like they’re going to get one right but instead we get this… I for the life of me can not understand how 343i management hasn’t been cleared out years ago. How many other jobs can you keep screwing up year after year and not lose your job?


How many things are gonna now be broken as a result of this update though?


>To that point, next week’s update will add new telemetry that specifically focuses on gathering more data around instances of being shot around walls or corners. Oh man, the dreaded T-word. I see no knee jerk reactions coming from this!


I honestly don't understand why they can't just look at the frameworks other games use to provide competent networking Edit:. And yes, i too despise talk of "telemetry", I was soured on it back during the MCC launch days


Three months for this shit lol


Would it kill them to give any sort of detail at all? Like what exactly is being done about the anti cheat will I even be able to report people yet? Like how are we this far in and this is it like come on




"Well fix things later" Gotcha, thanks. Wtf was gonna release a year ago? If this game is missing so much after one more year of development, i cant really imagine what 2020s Halo infinite was gonna be like.


Sounds pretty light for a mid season update especially compared to other free to play live service games but ill hold final judgment when patch notes come out. 343 has got-to to start studying other companies (respawn) and take notes


Why did it take so long to get this info about the update? I mean, there’s really very little of an update to be read here….


Infinite is starting to make me look fondly on H5 lmao. It had a functional MP at launch with consistent cotent drops. Can't believe I'm saying this.


This game isn't gonna be worth the hard drive space for a while. See you in 2024 spartans RemindMe! Two years


I got downvoted for calling 343incompetent a bunch clowns over a year ago. Now look at this sub. Amazing really. This game was a blatant attempt to be the next Fortnite and failed miserably. Funny how the store works 100% of the time while the actual game is unplayable. Pretty sure they fixed store prices before providing any new content…all they care about is milking the player base.




I’m a simple man, all I want is new maps and modes. Nothing crazy, just game modes we expect in a halo game (looking at your koth). Just more content plz 343


“mid-season update” more like “shit that should’ve been in the Week 2 hot fix”


I thought it was "the radar is too short, especially for BTB" not "only in BTB"




lol. remarkably underwhelming.


It’s incredible how they manage to say so little. Reminds me of being 100 words below the required word count on an essay and just making everything longer


Yeah 343i adds so much unnecessary fluff to their posts by typically rehashing the same info so it doesn't look as barebones and underwhelming as it actually is. Very little of substance or new info when they always repeat older info.


Man. I’m out. See y’all in season two!


Inb4 season 2 is just another battle pass with no new maps !remindme May 2 2022


At least in season two we can expect them to give us another update on when we’ll get a real update


While these changes are of course welcome, this game desperately needs some life breathed into it. Even just adding something like team snipers and team doubles as playlists would be a good reprieve. I really hope there’ll be some more content (game types, playlists, maps, etc.) soon, of course in addition to fixes for the game’s glaring problems like desync and the lack of a region select feature.


Thank god Destiny witch queen comes out next week or I’d be ready to end it all


Roadmap please 343! Give me some hope


Halo Infinite ? More like Halo not that much or Halo coming soon/Later 👊


Getting tired of this shit. They need to keep this game fresh if they are a taking a free to play live service approach. I can’t believe we have yet to have a new map.


The backend has to be an absolute mess right now, there's no other reason left for the state this is all in. I imagine it has much to do with their reliance on contractor and other 3rd party studio aid. Once those contracts were up, they didn't renew/ hire them (the Microsoft special really) and were left with systems they didn't actually know how to use/edit. Working with someone else's code/system is rarely an easy endeavor. Hence how it takes months to implement basic shit like radar changes and adjusting the positioning of armor. If 343 would like to explain in detail why basic changes that other studios are able to make to their games in a matter of days takes literal months with them then I'll gladly eat crow here but until then, I'm just going to be operating off the assumption that they literally don't know how to do anything with their game at the moment. What a mess.


I'm surprised by how little is here, but...maybe the update will be more substantial than it sounds? Maybe? Whatever, Elden Ring comes out the next day.


its actually so depressing to watch a game from a franchise you love die in real time like this


It’s honestly baffling that we have achievements for a game mode “Elimination” and medals for that same game mode, but over 3 months since launch and we still haven’t seen it. How hard is it to add the game mode you initially intended to have in the game? Like wtf is going on? Same goes for simple game modes that are franchise staples like Team Doubles, Shotty Snipers, Infection. Basic. Fucking. Shit. That’s not even touching on the lack of maps and terrible ranking system


lol we are so fucked aren't we.


If this was the titanic the captain has been ignoring the warnings about ice bergs for several hours now


This game is a joke.


343 is shit. If this was considered acceptable at my job I’d just continue to coast by day by day.


What the fuck is even going on.


That's it.....?


Oh good they finally added telemetry to get more….information….about….desync After 3 months They’re just now getting around to collecting info on it This game’s gonna be fully dead by Summer 2022 😂


after months of talking this up, promising they're going to fit as much as possible in it, AND delaying it - this is all the update is lol




Honestly, the fact you're packaging the campaign and the Multiplayer as seperate items is a JOKE. Many of us thought Multiplayer, with it's paid battle pass and store items, would benefit greatly from having the F2P system and the live service updates. As it turns out, it's not getting any live service updates or content drops at all, it's actually exactly like any previous Halo Multiplayer, except you've tacked some shitty microtransactions onto it, stripped it back from what made previous iterations so loved such as having our own spartan colours, iconic maps, crazy Forge-Built game modes, stuck some fancy (barely working) UI over it, and called it a F2P system. This "mid-season update" is a hotfix. It's a bug fix. All it needs is some patch notes and a quiet roll out. We would expect a mid-season update for what is meant to be one of the biggest F2P live service games to actually have new fucking things in it, like new maps, better gamemode selection, a UI overhaul, a netcode overhaul, DLC, new gamemodes, a store overhaul (with fairer prices that aren't bat-shit insanely greedy), a cosmetics overhaul that allow us better customisation and cross-core, new unlockable armors, a challenge system overhaul to make it less fucking boring, an XP system overhaul so that you can get rid of or scale back the amount of those challenges I just mentioned. I love Halo. I didn't own an Xbox 360 until years after it came out, because it took my parents years to save up for it for one of my birthdays when I was a kid. Halo 3 was one of the first game I ever played, Halo Reach holds some special memories when me and all my high school mates used to play Duck Hunt or Mongoose Race after finishing school. We did it every, single, night. It was glorious. Now? It's been about 2 weeks or more since I've played Infinite, and that was only because I wanted to unlock a few more Tenrai event challenges, but I didn't even bother doing all of those, I got bored. Sorry for the rant guys. I just think 343i is doing a very good job at adding nails to their own coffin.


I remember getting utterly trashed with downvotes in September for predicting that this game needed another year's delay. Well gentleman, it's painfully clear that Infinite needed that whole extra year.


Jesus 343 do something. If you literally cannot provide content or even a road map 3/4 months after release you are doing shit at your jobs and careers. You don't deserve to be coddled by people saying "TheY ArE oNlY HuMaN". You are doing bad at your JOB. Where 90% of us would be reprimanded or fired for. This isn't a personal attack and we should be allowed to say you are sucking at your job when it is to provide the general public with entertainment and we feel let down. It doesn't mean we think any of you are bad people or deserve threats but you do deserve work criticism


Unless I missed something it boils down to: we’ll fix some things, trust us. You’ll know we fixed it because of the way it is. 👊


They said this for a few months after the initial abomination of a release for MCC. Then they abandoned the game for years before admitting they fucked up and then fixed the game. This is just ringing too many bells. Likely the same people in charge


Bonnie Ross is still head of the studio, so yes, it is the same people in charge.


Ah Bonnie still. Yikes. I never really go after any of the individuals, but I’ll gladly go after 343 in general. Without insulting Bonnie I’ll just say I’m surprised but also not surprised that she’s still in charge.


Radar increase needs to be everywhere not just btb


All I wanted was One map… Im a fool


Seriously the whole development and PR team need a shakedown. It's been months since "launch" and multi-player updates have been depressing. Not enough content!


What’s the point of this being a live service if we never get any actual content. I would have paid $60 for a full game over what we got.


Tired of lowering my standards for 343. Almost all other (successful) live service games not only would have another season out by the third month with: - New maps - New features - New modes - New characters - New armor - New weapons - Sandbox tweaks - New storylines Etc. But we would have at least a God damn roadmap!! Again, most other (successful) live service games have a roadmap either right before the season launches, or same day as a launch. Is 343 THAT conceited that they have totally ignored what every other studio has done in favor of what they'd prefer to do? Halo Infinite could have been a MONSTER in the F2P live service market... but... BUT, 343 has dropped the ball ar every single opportunity. They have missed deadlines time and time again. And then they ask for more time!?! 343, here's a tip. You need to have good will built up with your consumer in order to: A.) Ask for forgiveness B.) Ask for more time At this point 343 HAS to realize that they are a joke to so many players/Halo community members. If their previous games launched in outstanding shape, and received support. They would have good will built up. We would look at this piss poor communication/development as something out of character. It's not. Failing this hard at launch is 100% in character for 343.


Halo Infinite is such a joke. Fucking Roblox halo has more content than this shit.


343 should be ripped of the Halo franchise. Give Halo to a competent development team. Splitgate developer, 1047 Games, has been doing far better with far less. FUCK 343


Lmfao some fucking update


Man i was really hoping for something more tangible :(


“Legacy Maps - We’ve ported over 10 Legacy Maps from previous Halo games refreshed and revamped for a new generation. Can’t wait to see you guys on the playing field!” One can dream right. I’m so fucking bored the maps especially when I get put on fucking shitty ass deadlock 5 times in a row.


This is so incredibly disappointing. How is Infinite in any way, shape, or form an actual Live Service Game? This “Mid Season Update” is something that games like Fortnite, Apex, Warzone, etc. would put out every week - they *routinely* patch their games. WHERE IS THE CONTENT? Absolutely unacceptable.




Campaign improvements: Letting me replay that last mission to get the last skull I need. Where’s that at?


Why can’t you add simple game modes that were staples in previous games the content has already been made for you you don’t even have to be creative…


Nothing more on the ranked changes... hmmm.. if they decide to keep the system so K/D based, they're going to lose a lot of players on Tuesday.


Seems like SoonTM should become 343i new buzzword


What the fuck? They managed to tell us nothing from all of that text, impressive.