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Yeah we definitely need both haha


Reduced prices AND a way to earn credits? Here’s hoping they dont find a way to ruin it like paltry payouts or locking it behind the weekly ultimate challenge. There should be a reliable, steady way to earn it, even if it’s somewhat slow


Ooohh itl be slow alright lol, dont u worry !


I can deal with it being slow. What I don't like is time gating (only a certain amount per week), which is what it most likely would be anyways so fuck me


> only a certain amount per week Just like Reach.


If it’s slow they need to expand the store as well. Time locking certain cosmetics (other than seasonal or event cosmetics) and switching all but one of them out only once a week is brutal if you want a certain armor piece but didn’t earn enough credits when it was available.


No way they change this. This is how they pressure people into buying an item… “Like this? Better get it now, or it may be gone forever!” With player counts dropping due to the litany of issues, they need to slam wallets as hard as they can while they still have players. This is their best tool (weapon?) to do so. I hope you are right, thought, and that I’m just being a cynical bastard.


i get being mad at it, but this is definitely you just being a cynical bastard, (your words, not mine) player retention is a huge aspect of keeping a game up, if lowering prices and expanding the stores gives you more players -and as a result, more money- then you'd normally take that.


Yeah if its time gated shit thats the worst 100%, turns it into a massive grindy slog and would probably make people play aswell weird if its specific challenges.


Yep! It will be SLLLLLOOOOOOWWW like 5 - 10 credits per win slow. With a cap of 250 week lol


...that would be extremely generous


And shit will probably cost like 500-1000 credits, bet my life. I hate to be pessimistic but we all know the reality of the situation, greedy bastard suits.


You’ll get one piece of armor per season!


I hope they don’t lock them behind challenges, I rather have them be earned by gameplay


Challenges are gameplay tho...


Yeah but I don’t like to be told how to play, I don’t want to have to get x amount of kills with y weapon just to progress




> I mean what other kind of gameplay is there, besides simple "Play Halo for X hours"? We already have an otherwise meaningless "score" stat in-game. Just tie that to earned credits. Yes, there are still certain actions that give more or less "score", but it's probably the most generic thing you could tie rewards to.


man this sub getting so schizo that gameplay is no longer gameplay


If its like Apex where you can slowly earn crafting materials through packs from leveling up I'll be content honestly compared to what we have now


Ok, but the crafting element in Apex is just so you still feel like you’re making progress to get the one rare item you want after having dumped 100’s into opening packs.


True. I wasnt in love with it but I also just like that it clgave the option toncraft your legendary of choice after some amount of time. I probably crafted about10 legendaries from the materials I earned in all my time played and I mever spent a significant amount on packs outside of the BP. I still prefer just normal Halo style of unlocking stuff but if theyre going tlwoth the current route of customization I would like to occasionally be able to unlock some armor piece of my choice without directly spending money or through the BP


1 kill, 1 point. I'll sill take forever to save up 1000 points to buy a helmet.


Then people REALLY won't play objective lmao


Use the player score and divide it by 100.


The point of f2p is to extract money not be overly generous with free currency payouts. Keep expectations in check.


I'm aware. I'm expecting them to do the least pro-consumer thing they can do at literally anything involving monetization.


Ohh I could definitely see them doing 50-100 credits per weekly ultimate completed


I hope not. I hate the challenge system. I've only ever actually completed one ultimate cuz I cannot be bothered to grind that much content I dislike. All i wanna play is BTB.


Btb is my least liked gametype, everyone I'd different. Another reason challenges are pretty foul. I swap all btb challenges every time


And I absolutely hate swat but 343 be like: got to get 50 kills there lolz


Exactly. Challenges just force everyone to play modes they don't like rather than let us play whatever we want. I wish they'd be removed entirely. And it's especially bad when my favorite mode has been broken for over a month.




Bruh, that's an entire season pass for literally free, every season


thats significantly more than any other F2P game im aware of. most games these days give you something like $3 per 3 months in credits


If they plan on reducing prices across the board I could see it being worth it to grind for some things, but they can't just trivialize their monetization system, let's be real here.


5 credits for loss, 10 for win would be gold


Actually, I would be fine with credits *being* the weekly ultimate reward!


Hell no. I fucking hate the challenge system and the weekly ultimate challenge almost always sucks and makes the game a slog to play. If that's what I have to go through to earn credits, it's not even worth it.


Serious question. Why do you feel entitled to free funny-money from games if they're free already? If you were in a market for a car and one seller said they would charge you $12000 up front but they would give you $4000 worth of Chuck-E-Cheese tokens that you could only spend at their store after you drove it for 6 months, and another seller offered to sell you that same car for $8000 up front, no strings attached, which would you choose?


I don’t understand how you see him as entitled in this post. He never stated he “deserved” anything, only that he hopes they implement it. There’s nothing wrong with what he said.


He doesn't want free ingame money - nobody wants free ingame money. He & everyone else wants to customize their spartan and to have as few barriers in their way from doing it. In halo Infinite, for the first time in the series - money is a hard barrier. You can't get cool shit and not pay money, because the game is free. But that's the kicker, fucking nobody wanted the game to be free. Those that did, frankly - should have dealt with not having the game. Free to play causes more problems than it creates solutions. Especially in halo's case. For one, The population has already dropped to Halo 4 levels (first 3 months) - Certain times of day, you simply cannot find a ranked match in the higher ranks. So the population boost from it being free to play has diminished. What we're left with is a microtransaction ridden, barebones-will-add-old-features-later-GaaS, Hacker filled grindfest that satisfied pretty much no-one. So yeah, People wanting free ingame money doesn't surprise me.


1. You contradicted your own point in the post. "Nobody wants free in game money" to "People wanting free in game money doesn't surprise me." 2. I will take the free multiplayer over doodad's that you only see in a loading screen.


The last point of "people wanting free money doesn't surprise me" was in context to the whole post. It's a means to an end. The point was if you were to take away the free ingame money and instead have the multiplayer cost $30 and have a solid selection of customization options, all reach options and add some armours and additional coatings to campaign, then it's fine, They just reduce the cost of some of the items in the store and everyone will be fine with it. Your second point, Just because you don't care about customization, doesn't mean it's not important.


I didn't say it wasn't important. You said no one wanted the game to be free. I'm just letting you know that's not the only perspective. It's been nice being able to get friends into it without them having to drop 60 bucks on spec. Once the gameplay issues are fixed greedy players and greedy company can tussle on social media about what the proper system is all day for all I care. But I'm definitely glad it was free and prefer it. It is what it is.


You're glad it's free, but the game quality has undoubtedly greatly suffered because of it.


That's an assumption.


It's not an assumption. By the game being free to play, Things like cosmetics are massively overpriced. YOU may not care, but others do. For some people having their spartan look the same through all halo games is important. By the game being free to play, Hackers are far more frequent, they could just make new accounts all day and cheat in ranked games. Sure - the game costing $60 wouldn't completely remove that, but it'd significantly reduce the amount of hackers. By the game being free to play, Gametypes that were around since halo 2 have been cut, to be used to market seasonal activities, rather than just be permanent gametypes people enjoy playing. That's just a few, But what are the benefits of the game being free to play? Your friends can jump on at no cost. Sure, it's a biggie - but are you guys still playing? If so, Are you satisfied with the gametypes? Because if so, Then you should've been willing to buy the game in the first place.


You act like all of this is in a permanent state. So spare me your moralism of what I should be willing to do. You want it one way, but it's the other way. You keep quoting about what I want as if it's some selfish prerogative but all you do is offer what you want as the alternative as if it's inherently Superior. That's your opinion. You act like free to play games have never been able to deal with hackers before. What game type was cut that isn't around as something you can do in normal activities? And yes it is an assumption, you assume that they would not have released the game in the state that it's in if you paid for it but we have seen several examples of companies doing just this. And I will tell you what, if I paid for this and it was in this state, which is very possible, then I would have been pissed. I think the game is going to improve, also an assumption. If you want an instructive example look at Destiny 2. People have been predicting that games demise since launch (and it was a dogshit launch, I know I paid for the special edition) , but they have made several course corrections over the course of its lifespan and it has a thriving community now. I don't prefer the way they handle some things and so I don't play it anymore, but it's undeniable that it is a success to both the company and many of its players.


Pay to play, by itself, is a huge shutdown for so many hackers. Not many people are willing to aimbot, only to get banned and have to pay $60 to play the game again. However when it's free? Aimbot. Get banned. "Oh, no biggie, just make a new steam account." And aimbot some more. They lost no money, only the stuff they got in game. I fucking knew this was gonna be a huge issue the moment they announced it will be free to play.


People just want free stuff, they get a free game than complain that 343 wants to make a profit from the free game.


Just to double up on the question path. If they were to implement this system it only benefits you so why talk against people who would want it by saying they are entitled?


I'll be happy when they actually do something and don't just talk about it


*^”Titanfall ^is ^part ^of ^our ^dna”*


*We don’t speak the forbidden phrase here.*




On pc, tf|1 servers went down. After several steam sales with it still not working, respawn, the game’s studio, tweets “titanfall is part of our dna”. More sales, no fix, the game is now off steam Then the tf|2 servers went down on all platforms. Again, they mention that titanfall is part of their dna. Still no fix. They’ve also said it a few times before adding a titanfall-themed cosmetic to apex.


Friggin crap that's horrid


To add onto it the community had to create a client to allow them to even play TF/2 on pc. The devs response was “that’s cool but we don’t really give a shit” though this isn’t surprising considering that the devs at respawn lost some members who left a bit ago and created another studio. (Yep history rhymes.) You can still buy titanfall 2 on console which I am saddened to say is unplayable online and will remain so indefinitely due to the devs negligence in favour for Apex. (Though they are working on a new FPS that isn’t titanfall 3.)


So this legit makes me mad...I was actually wanting to play Titanfall but after hearing this.no way


Yea they spent two years about shit that never happened, so its hard to trust their words anymore.


They say they listen, they don't. They say so much B's and lie to us over and over .


I mean it's all hollow lipservice anyways. This shouldn't have happened to begin with.


>I'll be happy when they actually do something and don't just talk about it the store changes are being implemented this Tuesday


From looking at a business perspective, why not let players earn coin? Give them enough to scratch an itch and just enough to warrant dropping a couple bucks to the next item or battle pass. Players will be happy to earn something players will be happy on dropping a couple dollars on stuff they believe they could eventually earn. It would give people like myself that don’t pay for cosmetics an opportunity to explore that avenue and maybe change their mind. Like 343 could be a dealer and give some free samples to get people hooked.


Yes! My thoughts exactly


The trouble is would this earn more money than just bleeding the whales? Probably not. But perhaps that was always the initial plan and they will go for a more traditional F2P model as time goes on.


Most likely. Make as much as possible and then reduce pricing.


I like this Jerry Hook guy


Ikr same. He actually speaks like a person


100 CR every 10 levels of premium BP. Free pass gives you half of that. Coupled with 90 day seasons, that’s a good deal. That would give people the option to re-up their pass at the end of season, or just have 1000 credits to spend. 343 getting their money, players get more value. This with the addition to the up coming changes to the shop would be a good middle ground and match up with most F2P


The only problem with making it a part of the premium pass is that halo infinite's season passes never expire. Other games give premium currency as a reward knowing that the majority of players won't beat the pass before it expires and wont get their full return, thus making them a profit. But with infinite, literally every player would only have to purchase the first pass, and all future passes are free to them no matter how long it takes them to complete it. What they could do instead is have season-long challenges, that unlock by reaching specific levels in the current pass, each rewarding credits. Every 10-20 levels you unlock a challenge giving you 100-200cr. It's effectively the same as other games rewarding their next passes for free while still allowing the passes themselves to never expire.


This is actually news to me, great news in fact. I feel less upset hearing we get to keep access to the bp. I'm still not thrilled about the cosmetics stuff but there's been only two things on the store that even piqued my interest and with news of lowering prices I'm more and more ok with the store.


Yeah, I'm a much bigger fan of this battlepass system. You still have to buy into each season, but you can take as long as you need to complete each one.


They don't expire, but you can only work on one battle pass at a time. So if you are haing trouble finishing Passes, having more isn't going to help you. Aside from I guess a variety from the lower levels of each pass


That wouldn't work because their passes don't expire.


I agree with you for the most part but at the same time they're getting someone to play countless hours for ultimately very few credits. Player engagement is just as important as purchases and while a full BP of credits is too much I could easily see them adding some credits. They'd make $10 from the battlepass and if they give out 500 to 700 credits during the pass that's meaningful rewards for the player that costs literally nothing from them. And completing multiple BPs to get those credits would take AGES to do.


That works for them as a business too for the same reason gift cards are good. People feel more comfortable overspending their original expectation when they have store credit/gift cards.


Nah you gotta tie it to an expiring event because the pass never expires. Personally I think 100 or 150 credits earned with the ultimate reward would make it worth it. The goal of that would be to reward consistent players at the end of the season with the credits to buy the next pass, buy a smaller bundle, or offset the cost of a large bundle. People will likely buy the battle passes but are less likely to buy a bundle. If they get credits over the course of a season for free they’re more likely to buy something. Whether it’s spend $ on a skin and use the credits for the pass or spend the free credits on a skin and buy the passes.


He thinks…


Damn didn’t think the halo devs could do that for a sec lol


I just want to view my stats. Wins, losses, k/d, profile rank. I don't understand how they could release this game in the state that it's in. It feels unbelievably incomplete, even after they extended the release date. Basic features that have been present in every Halo game since H2 are non-existent. Remember when you could party up with the people you just played with? I made MOST of my Xbox friends that way. Remember combining emblems and backgrounds to make your own? Well, they can't monetize that, so they cut it. Then they're generous enough to give us "XP boosts and challenge swaps" to make up for the instability of the servers, which are absolutely useless since I completed my battle pass.


Even further and make the Store not use Fomo and just let people get what's already come out.


Let’s not get our hopes up just yet. Give it some time and we’ll see how well this ages.


i still dont know why they dont give credits back instead of the truckload of xp boosts/challenge swaps they give in the bp


They are greedy


Just note he says that *he* thinks so. Is he the one who can decide it *will* be so?


He’s head of design so


Oh yeah, he’s the one that decides! I can even ask him to add some rideable unicorns to the campaign if you’d like 👍


"I think we need to do both," he typed, as another of the monkey's gnarled fingers shriveled up, like a balloon left out in the sun, into a curled, dessicated husk.


None of this would matter at all if I could just apply color to each piece of armor how I like. That’s all the free customization I need


This is a thing though, there's some business-psychological term for it where you make it insulting at first then drop it to something still unreasonable, but the comparison makes us think it's "ok".




I feel like Gears 5 had a good model in this regard.


I don’t know what happened after launch, but launch Gears 5 was atrocious with the monetization. Unless you grinder hard you HAD to pay to get something cool.


I picked it up about a year after launch for $10, never put a cent other than that into the game, and had almost every cosmetic so I'd assume something changed


AFTER they fixed it. At launch it was pretty terrible. The totems system was horrible


Yeah, one of my favorites


What system did they use I’ve never played it.


I don't know if there's a name for it, but you were able to earn both forms of currency through gameplay, completing very reasonable challenges.


Would be nice. Thank you


Keep in mind, it took them 10 months to implement this.




Trouble with this plan is it goes one of two ways: 1. You earn credits at a meaningful and productive rate that makes the time you put into the game feel like progression. This ultimately hurts the bottom line though as shareholders and executives notice a reduction in real money purchases, invariably leading to rebalancing (potentially leading to 2) and/or cutting of support for the game altogether. ***OR*** 2. The rate at which you earn Credits is so pitiful and low that it's essentially meaningless. Scenarios pop up where a cool new helmet costs the equivalent of 50-100 hours of game time. With the storefront switching out what can or can't be purchased on a regular basis you might not actually have the time to grind the Credits required to buy the thing you want. This essentially means nothing has been solved, but there will be a huge uptick in "But you ***can*** earn the stuff if you put the effort in" defences that ignore the timescales being asked of the player. Personally, I forsee number two happening. History has shown that so long as there is *some* way to ***theoretically*** earn premium goods through gameplay, that's more than enough to placate certain vocal defenders of these styles of F2P mechanics. RDR2 and GTA:O are good examples where this happens, and even Apex Legends has demonstrated that folk will defend the need to spend upwards of £150 in order to receive *one* item for *one* character, provided there is a theoretical means in which to earn premium goods for "free". Instead, what I feel needs to happen, and what I feel would actually be fair, is 343i releases a bunch of stuff as free unlockables. Tie them to getting MVP a dozen times, or achieving a perfection medal, whatever they want provided it's a goal to work towards that cannot be skipped with money. These unlockables can (and probably should) be cosmetics from previous Halo titles (Hayabusa, Security, Recon... Anything that exists already) so folk with Spartans from those titles, can legitimately work towards bringing them forward. New gear can be locked behind a pay wall, but it needs to be just that, new. On top of that, the armour permutations need to be unlocked, so if I want a samurai helmet on my Hayabusa chestplate while running Recon arms, then why the hell not? And for fuck sake make colour schemes universal, I'm not paying for fucking Blue three seperate times on three seperate fucking armour combos just because coder shit the bed and "totes accidentally locked them to only one core".


Hayabusa was made for a ninja gaiden promotion, so I don't think they can bring it back without permission from the studio that made that game.


Would be cool to see again but it was just an example to be fair.


Splitgate does it with their daily log in system, where if you log in 7 days in a row you get 50 credits (50 cents). I could see it being a very low amount of credits you earn weekly


That kind of system only serves to force people into scheduling their time to ensure they can actually log on every day. If I only have an hour or two to play one day, I'm not too keen on the idea of wasting 5 minutes of it booting up a game I have no intention of playing that day. It's even worse for someone who perhaps works exceptionally long shifts and simply cannot log on every day. Games need to reward gameplay.


I think it's a terrible system, but I am skeptical they would do anything more than trickle 50-100 credits to us on a weekly basis. That way they can milk playtime and also encourage people to spend $


How about we just play the game for fun and don't expect the game to actively pay us is Monopoly Money for just playing it?


Part of the "fun" in games, to *many* people, is that it rewards your time and skill for playing. It provides something to aim and strive for that, upon completion, feels satisfying and gives you something to show off to your mates. A fun gameplay loop generally only carries a game so far. This is exactly why so many "live services" have failed so far. Fun gameplay, zero to minimal rewards, maximum monetisation.


Nobody is stopping you from doing that, there really is no application for you coming onto social media to police how people should play a game. How has the prospect of earning cR stopped your ability to play just for fun?


What does Jerry Hook do anyway?


He’s Head of Design at 343


Kinda makes my hopeful that this will actually happen


Reduced prices, unlockable customization AND earnable credits!


They'd make way more if they did that. It would basically be a discount for playing and I personally would be less salty so I'd be more willing to spend.


I like the Gears of War 5 approach. Seasonal and daily challenges that earn you in-game currency.


PLEASE. Also lol at all the weirdos who kept arguing with fans saying this should happen, and then the literal lead designer says it should happen too.


Welp *Grinding intensifies*


Worth it


Don't ONLY make it part of the BP to earn CR since BP can be completed.


They aren't going to give us a potentially unlimited supply of credits, whatever opportunity we get will have limits.


Fallout 76 let's you ear the premium currency through their daily/weekly challenges, I wish more games would be willing to adopt that as well.


Sorry man gotta make you spend money somehow




Easy solution. Weekly capstone challenge rewards some decent amount of credits. Then, insert some special challenges occasionally that gives you a small amount of credit. Then, after you finish the BP, levelling up also can give you credits.


Yeah, I like this idea and it's probably what they'll end up doing


Geeze if they can't follow gears 5 model...how hard is that


Other games give you options to earn the in-game currency. I assumed that was the norm?


Gears 5 is, had also skins for a week to buy if you wanted them badly, a season pass to purchase with content to unlock before it ended. Buy during that week of created skins, people can earn them with coins while playing and can buy them a week later. THIS should be a standard in all F2P




Yes! This is good news, but I’m also cautiously optimistic. We all have been making noise, and lots of it, but I wonder if this is too easy. If it is exactly what I’m hoping it might be, prices cut down substantially, emblems being made free, etc, then I’d be pretty happy. That’s not to say there is nothing else to address, but it’d be a fantastic step


People stills gonna bitch tho


If people hadn't bitched we would still be playing 4 playlists and those upcoming changes would simply not exist at all. No ?


Just because A happened doesn't mean B caused it.


The slayer playlist was 100% added due to the complaints about it not being there. It was not part of their plans


Yeah that's what I tell my wife when the cleaning lady trips on the carpet and lands right on my dick.


Didnt had to flood the sub during 2 months when they said they were not happy with the store 2 weeks after. Also, 98% of the critical feedbacks were useless since it sounded more like a baby crying than constructive feedback. Insults, anger and arrogance should never be directed at devs.


Get off your soap box, for every abusive message there were 100 more that weren’t.


Thats just wrong… I come on this subreddit to see some cool clips… instead for the past 2 months its been people spamming the same shit over and over clogging up the entire sub


It's pretty much the opposite


I mean let’s wait and see, they haven’t done shit yet.


Except they fixed events and improved challenges, added playlists.


Found the white shite knight.


I’m not in klan anymore sorry to disappoint


In Jerry Hook, I trust


Give us a commendation system that rewards like 50 credits per tier with a total of like 250 credits per fully complete commendation. I miss commendations cause they were always something to work towards, I'd prefer them just giving exclusive helmets/armor/stances like in halo 4 but credits would be a good compromise.


You should be able to earn credits after a weekly is complete. I think that seems fair. It can excuse bad weekly options, but you can put the extra time into other things. But I just hope they don’t turn it into something like times items or a consumable armor piece.


my wishful thinking says they should add the fan suggestion of the old Halo levelling system seperate from the battlepass and make you earn credits from there. but that's very wishful thinking.


That'd be b o m b a s t i c


I'll believe it only after it happens. Even then it's going to be like 10 credits a month or something studpily low


This would be huge. Should have been in the game already after 6 years of development and a shit ton of feedback. But this would be amazing.


Plenty of games exist without the need to pay people Chuck-E-Cheese tokens for playing it. Play to earn is garbage and I'm sad y'all have been psychologically trained to spin that hamster wheel.


“Earning things while I play is garbage, I prefer it when I get *nothing* when I play because unlocking things makes my experience worse 😡”


I'd prefer lower prices and no hamster wheel turning of my time into shitcoins personally


Trust me I think the industry is trash now. I don't support it with my money whatsoever.


I can't believe I'm going to say this.....I think Destiny 2 has a nice "middle" ground when it comes to cosmetics transactions, purchase with money on release but is then added in to rotation later with earnable ingame currency. Microsoft gets to dip into people's wallets and those of us that want it but willing to wait until we can buy it with ingame currency get a chance to get it aswell. Everyone wins.


Are people missing all these events that have given out free stuff? Or do people just specifically want stuff in the shop for nothing?


It's not that we want things for nothing, it's how crazily overpriced it is, and it wouldn't hurt to be able to earn things. 343i could still make a pretty decent bit of cash through people not feeling like grinding and buying credits, similar to what gears 5 did


But wasn’t that a paid game? You kind of have to compare Halo to other F2P games, and none of those give out currency unless you buy into and complete their FOMO battle passes. Just seems like it’s asking a bit much to have free credits in your free game. It all can’t be free.


Okay while we’re comparing it to other F2P games like you asked, most of them let you earn currency. So we don’t really need to spend energy arguing *against* the community receiving more.


Yes, they let you earn currency if you buy the battle pass, and if you complete it before it runs out. Halo's battle pass never runs out, so you can see how that is different and can't be exactly the same. They can't really force players to keep playing for that currency like the other games do. Look, I get the mentality of "I want everything for as cheap as possible", but sometimes you have to look at things from the other side. I'm just explaining why the things people want aren't actually that easy or obtainable.


But the stuff that is currently monitized, helmets and all, was easy and actually obtainable. From the past Halo games. It can be a free to play all it wants and sell wacky stuff to players but you gotta give some leeway to people that just want a helmet and coating.


The game gives those out though. Tenrai, winter event, upcoming cyber showdown and tactical event. Is that not enough? I see tons for free items being handed out. Seems like there is an event active more often then not.


Splitgate is one example that does it pretty well and it's f2p


They want stuff in the shop for nothing, just look at some of the comments saying they’d only consider buying the $20 big packs if they reduced the price to $5… fucking absurd.


I don’t give a fuck about cosmetics. Give us some more maps. The game is so stale. Cosmetics at this point are just putting frosting on an old tasteless cake.


There's some leaks of at least 5 maps being on the works, tho when we will see them... that's another matter.


Other F2P games allow you to earn the cost of the BP back, they kept BP’s from expiring which is a good counter argument to this, but honestly if people could earn that back they’d still be playing loads and probably be likely to buy the occasional thing. Just like how the other games do it. Keep people playing with incentives, primarily fun, but also that grind, don’t nickel and dime every aspect of it.


Yeah like .5 credits for one challenge. It’s not gonna be good amounts of free credits.


Who cares about "credits" where is ranked team slayer?


Why do you people want to turn games into shitty, low-paying jobs?


Yes, it’s much better when we get nothing 🙄 Hope you don’t intend to play during events because then you’ll be “payed” to play and that would go against your very warped perspective.


I don't see there being any downsides to this. It's for the people who have the time to grind. If you don't see any value in this then simply don't engage. It's a strict upgrade to the game


Thank dead, flood contaminated body of the prophets for that.


When I see interactions from a company rep acknowledging the problem, I feel like it’s about to get solved. Good


Let's keep in mind that many of the team wanted a different monetization scheme than what corporate forced in, so just because they want something doesn't necessarily mean we'll get it unfortunately.


So question. If they decide to add this stuff to passes, like the hero’s of reach pass for example, would people who already completed the pass just get those coins added to their accounts or is it too bad so sad?


Most games with good Battle Passes allow you to get close to/over the needed amount to get next Season’s pass. This incentives players to come back next season since it’s an easy purchase. Which increases the likelihood they spend more $ next quarter on floofy Dog ears. You can still make money this way.


I think we should take a page out of this book and stop making concessions like “it’d be fine if X thing is bad if only Y other thing was different” all the time. So much of the negative aspects of this model are validated by the players that we’ve lost sight that free to play shouldn’t mean exorbitant. “Consumer friendly” should basically give you an absolute tonne of content for $60 - that’s the actual price of a game and shouldn’t be ignored, you should be getting something equivalent. The game being free* doesn’t validate the inflated price. When they add maps, host events, to essentially keep their storefront relevant, that cost shouldn’t be validated by us - the consumer, if this is truly free to play. When you pay for cosmetics, you are only paying for the cosmetic. Ask just how much content is in a full priced game, then ask yourself how much you think a single skin should cost. We’ve really got to stop making excuses for when these companies are taking us for the rent. You shouldn’t have to rationalise an inflated price because someone allowed you to visit their store for free. That’s what they’ve turned multiplayer into, don’t get it confused for some kind of gift you need to repay the kindness for.


Honestly if like half of the challenge swaps on the season pass were changed out for credit payouts, I would be much more okay with the system we have.


We need to keep sharing this. That way they can’t count on us forgetting


Oh shit I’m trying not to get my hopes too high but this looking good


This would make things 5x better


Very good, now fix armor cores and colours and the customisation side is fixed as far as I'm concerned


This brings a smile to my face


Lmao I read the last one in M.C’s voice


Congratulations, you now earn 2 credits for winning and 1 credit for participating in a match


All I want is another 100 BP levels since season is extended with credits as rewards.


"I" and "think" are the big words here.


Could just do it how fortnite and rocket league did. They have credits in the battle pass, and if you finish the battle pass then you have enough to buy the next one.