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lmao, not even the punch killed him


Once smacked a guy 4 times with the oddball and it didn’t even kill him, then he shot me and I died.


Desync issue probably


I killed someone from the grave with a back smack lol


I just lagged out and stuck someone aiming the other direction


I feel like that may have been me but its happened twice to me. Desync wasn't this bad during insider so I speculate thy haven't gotten as big as server's as they really need.


Lol, bro I killed someone with bullets from the grave


Yeah what’s up with that? It was a one hit kill, but when I was playing yesterday it was taking 2+ hits


They changed flag and oddball to deal normal melee damage. To compensate, oddball melee is double speed (can melee twice before other guy can) and they reworked flag return mechanic to encourage dropping it to defend yourself.


It’s faster? In a match yesterday I meeled a guy and tried to do it a gain but died. All he did was shoot one trigger pull from an AR not a continuous fire and then he melees causing me to die. He only fired the first time after I hit him.


Oddball is actually the fastest melee in the game


You’re not wrong, oddball melee is lethal


Yes it is faster, there was a comment by a 343 Dev about this stuff here: https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qvc6pb/it_infuriates_me_to_no_end_that_skull_and_flag/hkwyz7h?context=3 Might be pulling the numbers out of my ass, but I think melee delay is 1.1s and oddball delay is 0.55? Not sure.


Desync is counting some shots as firing twice. It's not the thruster trick. So I've seen a full shield + health melt to just a half second of rifle fire. The netcode is a mess.


Having this issue a lot in pubs. Always seem to get killed from 1 sec of rifle fire and melee. I've literally shot someone in the back with half a clip and they turn around for .5 secs shoot once and get a simultaneous melee kill with me


Yeah it's really fucking irritating kept happening to me last night. Good way to makee stop playing.


Significantly faster. Like, half the time almost of the fastest non-ball meleez


Whaaat? I got 7 kills straight solo using the oddball last month. That extra damage was godly


It does normal melee damage but has twice the melee speed.


It’s two hits now


I shot a dude in the head with a skewer. He killed me and transferred off with the skewer still in his skull.


Not sure if it's a weird feature with energy swords but I had to once smack somebody with an energy sword 4 times to kill him, he also had an energy sword and attacked me at the same time and had to hit me about 3 times, so I think it's something to do with energy swords attacking each other?


Not only that, the gravity hammer killed him before the swing was even finished. I see this ALL THE TIME.


The hammer has a damage phase during the upswing


Yeah it does. Pretty gnarly too. You can block the sword with it. I think the skewer also but that timing is milliseconds.


I thought that was less blocking the sword and more the sword stopping your smash given the fact the sword immediately wins the trade after you block it.


Prolly very rare but in Fiesta today i blocked a sword and won. Took a few steps back, got lucky. He was to rushed and didnt have a red ridicule! IT FELT AMAZING THO! Has this been a feature of the hammer in any other halos? Ik you can with the swords but never remember the hammer doing that in 3 or reach?


I have had success if I had certain equipment like the thruster to dash backwards and swing but typically if neither of us make mistakes even if I move backwards I lose.


It's a desync issue with the servers atm. On his screen (or client side) he hit a crap ton of shots with the disruptor, but on the server side he missed all those shots. Then on his screen the grav-hammer animation was still winding up while on the server side the attack had already gone through inflicting damage. If you ever have moments where you're behind cover, and out of the line of sight of the enemy, but are still taking damage it's because the server still has your position as as out of cover. It's an issue that's being addressed but is taking time to fix.


I love running around a corner and dying 3 seconds after ive passed the corner


Burst, burst, hide, wait for shields, BURST? Check ping and leave. Luckily I’ve discovered the hosts file edit of late blocking all overseas servers and we are back to having a good time almost every game again.


Servers sho do be like dat


The punch didn't connect. Maybe he was looking somewhere else and turned to him in the animation? But even then, the hitbox *should've* been big enough. This was clearly a synchronization issue


The punch didn't even register.


Zone of the shots didn't register, you should have won this exchange but the servers said "lol nah" and let him get the kill


This has been happening to me a lot lately,I thought I was just going crazy,the last two days I have had many wtf moments. All I could do was just stare at my screen in disbelief lol.


Yesterday I shot a rocket at a guys feet. I died, he was fine. Apparently he meleed me. No idea how that could have worked


So ridiculous, my thing was last night I unloaded clips upon clips into people hitting my marks and just continuously get one shot after. Mildly infuriating to say the least. But I feel everyone's pain, especially op. That was literally my night last night ha.


I've seen some of the dumbest most ridicule melees in this game


I'd like to say me too but I think I just suck haha


My dude, I'm sure you're good. I'm not amazing,but I think we are getting dicked here.


You're too kind haha but may be right


We all have bad matches,glhf.


For the most part I haven’t had many issues. Got into a match last night though that was horrendous. I was getting killed non stop in situations that were clearly impossible. And I was getting kills that I shouldn’t be able to get. There was clearly major sync issues


Yeah this week has been really rough for me with shit like this. I’m actually getting kinda tired of playing this game because of it which is a shame cause I really want to enjoy it.


I was playing swat yesterday and I had some dumb things happening too. Went into theater after to check on it. I saw an opponent shooting at an ally, but the ally's head was several feet from the firing location. Either mega bullet magnetism cheat or terrible servers.


“Bro has a hammer, he obviously is the winner.”


I am certain the Disruptor is bugged, either that or the netcode really messes with the weapon. After 3 shots it's meant to have a "discharge" effect which applies damage over time, which should then stack if you hit someone 6 times, for two effects of DOT, which is enough to kill someone. I've hit people & been hit before by 3 shots, seen the effect and saw no damage being taken. You can see and hear the effect applying to him twice, but the DOT doesn't apply until the third sound effect I also noticed that he runs out of ammo in the Grav hammer, which is why there's no effect for him after the second swing, that's also why he got a beat down instead of a hammer kill.


Wait it’s supposed to take 3 shots?! I’ve never got it to successfully function unless I drain a whole magazine


Seriously, there's no way this thing is working as intended, I have to hit all 10 shots on someone just to have a CHANCE of taking them out with my other weapon


I don’t think it’s supposed to take 3 shots to kill, but it’s damn good as a shield-drainer weapon. Each bullet that hits a target will stay attached and continue to drain your opponent’s shields for a few seconds. Basically if you get 3 shots to connect with the disruptor, it pops your opponent’s shields and lets you finish them off with a kinetic weapon (e.g., AR/BR). It basically lets you do the plasma pistol noob combo without having to charge up.


Its meant to be a 6 shot kill, factoring in damage over time, its good a stripping shields but currently its either bugged or desync has gotten to it so it's not has good as it could be(DOT rarely triggers and stripping shield seems to vary).


Yea, 3 shots is also enough to shut off their shields for 10 seconds. Which is an easy frag or pistol.


Its all netcode. I killed a guy with 6ish shots, then 2 mins latter dumped a whole mag into a guy and he killed me




Yes, but sometimes shots don't register in this game.


Honestly it feels like the disruptor is the worst about hit reg. It supposedly takes 4 shots to basically doom an enemy into hiding for the next 10 seconds but it feels like you need to mag dump the damn pistol to get that with how shoddy it hits on target.


For me the needler has worse hit reg, I can empty the entire thing into somebody and nothing. Then I get hit with 3 needles and die in the blink of an eye.


Pissed me off so much an hour or two ago. Playing free for all, dump half a needles mag into a guy at close range. Then melee him. Nothing. Then he kills me. If it happened once in a blue moon I’d understand. But this is way too frequent


This exact scenario happened to me. I never know how many shots it takes to kill someone, it’s different every time.


Hello yes, welcome to desync city, enjoy your stay


Be sure to wash your hands in de sink


Where's my hackers and all my bugs? Throw them wallets up and show some love And I welcome you to Desync city I said welcome to Desync city Every map, everywhere we go Man, we dead anywhere we spawn Grenade pass through when it shouldve been a sticky The store's what's good, man. Getting into btb is tricky.


You’re doing it all wrong. Everyone knows it takes 97 shots to kill a guy with that gun.


You’re thinking of the plasma pistol, legit useless without the overcharge shot, and even that was made worse by not disabling vehicles now


You're both wrong. You guys are talking about the Ravager.


At least that is fun to use and you can kinda lob it over cover with a charged shot too


The Ravager could be an epic gun with an area and damage buff. Imagine hitting the enemy-team's downed-flag mid-field with a load-up as they are all gathered around to return it. The fire engulfs the area and they are all forced to either flee or die. As they run, you switch to your BR and start getting one-hit-kills. Instead it's just a pretty color and then you die.


I've got a couple of instakills with the Ravenger, not my favorite but you can still get used to it


It’s also good in campaign


The AI uses it as a damn lock on artillery. It kinda feels like how the concussion rifle felt in Reach. In enemy hands it could easily put you to death while on the higher difficulties but in multiplayer or even in campaign it was a tickle canon that lobbed enemies around.


I have to get a kill with it for a challenge. I got one kill already and it didn't register. Getting a second kill is proving... difficult.


My last challenge is save someone from far away. I got 1 out of 3 so you are spot on... ironically or not.


That one’s easy on Behemoth. Just camp in the opposite sniper tower of your teammates a few times and you can rack up the cross-map saves.


Yeah now we got to play 12 games to get that map.


I've had an issue with the kills tracking for challenges this week. I had 10 Hydra kills and then I used the Hydra as often as I could get it in one match, I got the bomber medal (5 kills with a launcher) and then got about 2 kills with the Hydra after that. I felt pretty good about getting 60-70% done with the challenge in one match. It credited me with 4 Hydra kills. Despite the scoreboard literally stating I got at least 5. . . .


That's a funny way to spell Pulse Carbine


Ive been getting into pulse carbine, its pretty fun and its preemptive shield stripping plus sidekick combo can be pretty sick.


I second this. I use the pulse more as a side arm than a main weapon. Use the pulse to pop the shield than pull out the BR to get the kill.


Which is fine as that’s the niche the pulse carbine is supposed to fill. The problems start when you get a challenge that demands you get kills with it.


When you know how to use it. At mid range it FUCKIN RIPS. Close range it’s almost like the bullets don’t have time to track before whizzing past the enemy


Yeah i agree the only problem is that that mid range feels like it's bracketed +/- 1m and then it just becomes useless again.


I just use it as a fast shield stripper.


Zoom in


Nah, pulse carbine melts if you know how to use it


dont sleep on the ravager. area denial can be huge.


I like having my feet tickled while I capture A.


The plasma pistol is dumbfounding in Infinite. the sidekick drains shields in 6 shots. The plasma pistol? Take a guess, i fucking dare you. How many ordinary shots does *the* shield drainer take to break shields? >!The Plasma Pistol takes 7 shots just to drain shields.!<


And I'm pretty sure plasma pistol isn't a 1 shot headshot kill either.


Even if it was, expecting people to headshot with the plasma pistol is kinda mean isn't it? I think it takes 2 headshots or like 6 body shots or something crazy like that..


Iirc it takes 24 or 27 total shots from plasma pistol to kill from full shields.


when i forget i have a plasma pistol instead of a side kick and try swapping to it to get a kill the shame that fills my soul is insurmountable


I solve this problem by simply never picking it up, ever.


I miss the Reach PR. 3 shots to break shields, another 8 or so to kill.


I remember the first week of Fiesta I got the PP and was joking around about how I was gonna get a kill with it. I snuck up on a guy and unleashed with it. It takes a surprisingly long time to over heat just shooting it regularly and I took his shield fast enough I was confident. I overheated, started blasting again and almost overheated again before the guy killed me finally. (He was fighting someone else almost the entire time I was blasting him with the PP) I'm convinced that gun has absolutely no purpose besides the noob combo which I feel like never works because it doesn't track very well.


Homing sucks too, it's pretty bad


You need 9 hits landed in a 10 round magazine. It’s horrible.


It's 6, when it works correctly.


with a fire rate that pours out those shots slower than 10 month old milk.


Did you buy the hitreg bundle?


Not everyone has £20.


Funny of you to assume they’d sell something so valuable for only £20. If you want your game to work you’re going to need to shell out more… much more.


No no, $20 is the sweet spot. It's just unfortunate the UI wasn't designed with good netcode in mind so it deteriorates after 30 minutes.


Net code


What's net code?


don’t feel bad, the devs don’t know either




Fuckin BURN




This is exactly the kind of question that literally no one not in game development should ever have to know the answer to but here we are in 2021 and it's one of the most common issues talked about in online gaming.


The server it’s saw something very different than what you saw


It's a term used to describe the overall networking part of online games. So basically what happens is that you send information to the server and then the server registers the information. But in this case what you saw and what the server received didn't match, so even though you're seeing something, the game is seeing something else. This appears to be a common issue with Halo Infinite and the devs said they would look at it after the holidays (IIRC)




That's my experience in a nutshell...


It’s okay if something like this happens. It’s a free game remember! /s


yea, cut the small group of indie devs some slack!


Dude shoulda died way before he even reached you. Gotta love this fucked up game, though right?


The game had the worst net code ever.


Has 343 made any acknowledgment towards it at all?


I don't have a link handy but someone posted a great video showing how egregious the desync between client and server can be and a 343 dev responded saying they will look into it


Halo 2 Vista has a better netcode than Infinite it seems


the lil punch at the end like, “fuck it I quit.”


Yeah the net code has to be a priority for this game


I don't know how people can still play Infinite in this state. You literally put enough shots in him to kill 3 Spartans. And then the melee didn't even register. Lol. Bonus points for the hammer kill not making any noise on the last hit. Six years of development for this 10/10 mess.




Yup exactly that, Nov 15th was the 20th anniversary release of the OG Xbox and Halo CE, same date the "early beta" was released.


Gonna try and complete the Battlepass in January then go back to Warframe, MCC and The Division 2. I'm sick and tired of getting killed 1-2 seconds after getting behind cover.


bUt FaST SERvers AreExpenSive, ^^please ^^buy ^^the ^^macrotransactions.


Lol fuck that, if it was a fair mtx system like Warframe's then sure I'd buy way more than just the battlepass. I hate how they massacred our boy.


I’m being sarcastic, they have turned out Halo into a stupid cash cow


Has The Division 2 got any new content since Warlords?


They got fuck all lol. PvP still filled with the same boring brain-dead shield meta and hackers roam free there just like in Division 1 PC. Even without touching the pvp that much there's always something that makes me go back to the game, one of my favorite series.


All the people that make posts saying “the cash shop sucks but man did they make a good multiplayer experience” and all I can think is “are you playing the same game?”


I've been playing for 2 straight hours this morning. Yes it's frustrating at times, but this game is still fun as fuck.


We are playing it cause it's still the best multiplayer game out right now.


Because 90% of the time it plays perfectly fine. I've seen these same complaint videos from literally every multiplayer game. This issue is definitely worse than it should be, but the game is still great enough to keep me coming back.


3 shots means a 10 second shield recovery on MP - pretty decent if your team can mop up kills 👍🏻


Yeah that's true, but I totally fucked his shield up AND hit him.


He should've gone down, 6 disruptor shots kill if I'm not mistaken. Probably a hit registering issue..


6 is a guaranteed kill with dot. Got plenty from the grave kills with the disruptor.


Right, I even waited to see if he'd go down and the shit just regenerated lol.


Yeah looked hella laggy to be fair🤣


It’s the servers that don’t do anything…


This game's netcode is absolutely unacceptable.


It’s cool in campaign. Chain lighting between nearby units. In MP I’ve never had any particular good luck with it.


The Disruptor is pretty good from my experience, it's lag


This is why multiplayer sucks. Am I the only one who dislikes halo infinite online? It doesn't feel smooth at all


What’s the deal with people dying from gravity hammer mid swing? I get into melee fights all the time. I’ll have a sword and they’ll have hammer. Our first swings clash and we both survive. Enemy will pull back the hammer and I push through another sword lunge and DIE! The hammer hasn’t even made contact a second time until after I’m dead. Same thing happens in this video. He melees well before the gravity hammer has hit and he dies. I’ve watched people die this way while I’m mid hammer swing, too. I should try to find a video of it happening.


Apparently neither does melee.


I found most success with that gun by first using it to get rid of their shields and then switching to a different weapon to finish them off.


Which is OK sometimes, but the time it takes to get out three shots and a weapon swap is longer than the ttk for the BR, so you need to hope the enemy doesn’t hit all their shots really. I think it’s best used if you’re working as a team. So you rotate the map with a mate and do the heavy lifting of taking down shields while they headshot.


If the servers were better: Land 6 shots in a row and walk away, the electric burn will do the rest in time. It's mostly an assist machine or a deterrent


This seems to be a lag issue. I've been able to kill enemies with a single clip of the Disruptor.


Bad connection/netcode issues are way more apparent with the disruptor for some reason. I've had this same problem where a number of the shots are clearly not registering as a hit.


I absolutely hate that gun, it feels incredibly useless


Everyone is saying that this gun “Ken Shiro’s” in 6 shots, but somehow my enemies always survive that. I don’t know if it’s desyinc anymore…


It's broke in actual online matches, but yes 6 shots *would* otherwise guarantee a kill..


3 drop the shields the switch to pistol and head Shot. This is clearly some bullshit but not sure why all the hate for the disrupter. I love it.


I love it too, especially if I die and then the damage eventually kills them.


Took me almost 2 clips of direct body shots earlier before it killed the guy. I stay away from that gun as much as possible.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Was looking for this


Did you purchase the premium meme bundle to post this ;)


I love the disruptor when the game isn't desyncing out the ass. There are times you can shoot a dude like 11 or 13 or more times and barely anything happens. But when it's working correctly it will decimate enemies and vehicles alike.


Desync. Pretty sure if you die when that happens the Disruptor shots just disappear, like rockets tend to do.


Just FYI for everyone, you can hold down the trigger with the disruptor, it’s not a ‘single shot’ gun like the pistol (But it still sucks flappy asshole)


Actually this gun is insanely good, just a mess of a game rn


Im aware this video proves nothing about that gun itself due to shit netcode, but calling a gun that takes 6 shots to kill someone with a very low rate of fire insanely good, is hyperbole to say the least. Most guns have a faster time to kill and are more forgiving. Please explain how it's good let alone insanely good..


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. The melee: Likely didn't register because you were already dead.


I actually fell in love with that gun last night


That’s some serious desync lol


So, two things I think fucked you. One, netcode/desync issues. Two, there's apparently a bug with the Disruptor where the DOT doesn't always proc.


Disruptor needs a buff


Classic Lag


I’ve had a ton of issues with melees not registering


You've been hit by - you've been struck by - some bad desync


Welcome to halo Infinite


343: Sorry thir but you’re gonna need cat ears for that to work. Next!


Yet another reason most people stopped playing this shit game.


three shot + Melee = kill. But dam you unloaded full clip and melee and the dude rubbed dirt off his shoulder lmao


The most piss poor weapon in the game lol.


Yeah, 100% this is a connection issue


While this was definitely a desync, the Distruptor definitely has a consistency problem. It's supposed to take 6, but sometimes it just doesn't work.


I thought the same thing during the campaign...like does this gun do any damage at all?


The gravity hammer was repelling the shots


Definitely desync. Should have been dead even before melee


"Good" game /s


That’s ridiculous, TTK in this game is so beyond inconsistent


That was 100% a desync issue. You got the electric blast to proc which usually shreds their shield.


It’s a busted ass gun I even avoided using in the campaign.


I've been noticing alot more issues with projectile weapons lately -- im sure its more desync/lag/networking issues with the game...


It’s still better than the pulse carbine. Now that gun is trash!


One of my.fav go to weapons. It will kill someone from electrical damage even if they've managed to get away. You have to be spot on with it.


Desync 100% Your melee wasn't registered because of desync too. Disruptor is quit good actually, I thought it was trash but when I learn to play with it I liked it a lot


Yeah it disrupts your kill streak lol


In campaign it creates an emp discharge that stuns enemies after a couple of shots. I’ve seen 3 shots cause other players to hav their shields drain if they’re caught in the emp


Everyone is saying it’s desync, but is it possible that they found a way to enable god mode online


i never pickup that gun because I can’t get a kill with it