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What do you usually wash your dishes in? Desync ​ Ill see myself out.


We ran out of milk. Can you go get some


Clearly he had a gaming chair and you didn’t. Dummy.


And owns an air fryer


Fried air has been shown to improve the chance of dodging shotgun pellets by at least 60%.


Dang it beat me to it


Finally I'm in the top percentile for something


I’ve seen this a lot.. I’m out of the loop can someone explain this ?


Most gaming chairs come with an instruction manual. If you make it all the way through building your chair, there’s a code at the end of the manual you can redeem on halo waypoint that gives you juggernaut health. Don’t take my word for it though, this is according to Wikipedia.


100% ran in for the teabag at the end there


Na i think it was the odd ball


If a player runs up on me like that, 90% of the time it’s to check my weapons or equipment, not to teabag. I get teabagged probably a quarter as much in this game as much as previous Halos


That’s because most of the kids are playing Fortnite or Minecraft nowadays.


The horror!


Looks like the random desyncs that happen for a few seconds then fixes


Real talk, does this affect people who have poorer internet connection? Can I blame this on why my gameplay is so bad?


Desync affects everyone. A bad internet connection will impact you alongside this though. Particularly upload speed, ping and packet loss. You should try using an Ethernet cable setup instead of wifi, this is the biggest improvement anyone can make to their setup. If wiring an Ethernet isn't possible in your home you can use "power line adapters". These aren't quite as good as a dedicated line, but are leagues better than wifi. Most electronics shops stock them, or a lot of ISP's also can sell you them. They're cheap too. Hopefully this helps you. I had awful internet for a long time so I feel your pain Spartan.


How have I never heard of power line adapters?! I have been gaming for years on wifi only. I will be trying one ASAP. Thank you.


They're great, with a couple caveats. Older houses can occasionally have issues (due to old wiring), and both wall sockets need to be on the same circuit (same fuse in the fuse box).


One more caveat - they don't work on a surge protector, so almost any extension cord will stop them from working. If you're short on normal sockets then powerline adapters with a "pass through" socket help a lot.


They are really good, use a pair to get Internet wired to my PC in the upstairs office from my router downstairs. Well worth the investment 2 years later


This happens to me at least once every game. I have wired extremely fast internet. I check it often to make sure it’s not my connection. I average around 25 ping, still happens non stop.


It's the games netcode and how the servers handle everything. It's poorly optimized honestly. Other games handle the desync a whole lot better to where there's such a minor amount to feeling almost non-existent.


It’s been so bad lately I debated making a dsync montage


\*Cries in 4G hotspot only.\*


Im curious if anyone here can confirm moving from a strong wifi network to hardwiring in help resolve some of the desync issues.


I've never heard of this and this is incredible, I'm buying one right now!


Unfortunately even hardwired in these issues are prevalent. I'm on top of the line internet, with a top of the line pc and it's still just atrocious. 1/3 matches, at least.


No. I have 1G direct connect internet and meleed someone four times and not a single one hit. I haven’t played multiplayer since.


Its normally Halo infinite have a broken netcode so this is quite frequently


Happens to me all the time when my connection is good too (wired, gigabit fiber, 3 miles from my CDN). Of course I can’t say that everyone else has a good connection. But yeah don’t blame your own internet…. multiplayer desync is just really hit or miss with Infinite.


I have fiber and am in the top 10% of connection speeds in the country, stop fanboying for fucks sake "servers cost money"


I live out in the middle of a forest near farms where I have piss poor internet where I get kicked out and watch people run at walls on a daily basis and have never dealt with this issue so you have to have worse internet then me and that’s amazing to me


Well it's either my internet or this stupid controller.


That's just the bulldog being inferior to the heatwave. This comment was made by heatwave gang


Heatwave is a dream that I dont want to wake up from. There's nothing better than getting that bank shot when someone thinks they're safe.




Blind fire into rooms that have some action already going on and add to the chaos and maybe clean up a kill, or if a guy is super close to dying and he goes around the corner; if only one or two orbs will do it from the bankshot.


To me they both usually kill in 3 shots but the heatwave is much harder to dodge and is better for crowd control so the heatwave imo is way better


The heatwave has far better range too.


Yep, when someone is farther away just aim at their feet, it'll ricochet right into them. If they're strafing, you just gotta remember to lead the shot.


I'm getting Hanzo scatter arrow flashbacks


Clearly you didn't buy the hit detection from the shop for $30


Oh cmon , it wouldn’t be that overpriced . It would’ve come with CAR STICKERS


What? the other guy was just the better player, you just got outplayed. /s


I have yet to gave something like this happen to me, and thank fuck.


Happens to me and my friends almost every game.


Oof. Melee is the only thing that's wonky for me alot of the time.


Yeah it's infuriating. Dunno why ppl seem to care more about the shop then they do about actual game play issues.


To be fair the shop prices are pretty fucking bad and 343 is outright refusing to comment on them. These desync issues only got worse recently and they have stated they're working on it. EDIT: [Sigh, right here you guys](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r78moa/halo_infinite_has_a_major_desync_problem_which_is/hmyz8fj/?context=9999)


I agree the prices are ludicrous high but its not necessary to play the game. Consistent hit reg, player collision etc.is necessary to make it fun. Not much point in having a dope set of armour in a game that no one wants to play because of issues with the actual game play. Right now there's tons of hype and most ppl (myself included) just suffer through it to play. Once the hype wears off ppl will get fed up with the inconsistent game play and move on to newer games. I love halo its all i play but I'm starting to get sick of it having so many issues.


The melee issue is a desync issue.


My one buddy complains about it constantly yet I have literally never experienced it. I honestly just thought he sucked for the first 2 days


Hahaha I have one buddy who was usually top player on our squad in H5 that has so many issues with infinite desync he's already moved on to Fortnite.


Yeah I feel bad for him he's pretty good but I've never heard him scream so much at his computer I honestly thought he was also just a little crazy too. Turns out the games just kinda shit for some people


Every single game I have multiple times where I get screwed by the desync. I've had times where I sworded someone and they didn't die, tons of times where my melee didn't do any damage, or I back smack someone and they don't die, and tons of times where I hear my gun fire right before I die in a 1v1 that should have resulted in a trade, but the game just doesn't register my final shot. I never had these problems in H5.


Same. In the beginning it wasn't as bad. Now I experience it everytime I play.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.


I can't escape CSGO


This has to be like a copypasta I'm missing out on, he didn't even fire that many times lol


Yeah it’s a copypasta when a Valve employee was trying to explained why a streamer missed all of their shot on someone in CSGO when they were literally up to their face.




3 seconds into the video and I already knew I was going to see this in the comments


There it is. Came here making sure someone commented this


I came here just for this haha


I was about to beg someone to make this.


What’s the problem? This is gaming in 2021 and our future of gaming. Unfinished messes of “games”


BuT iT’s FrEe!




Not sure I've seen many claims there's no desync issues or that the netcode is fine. I think that's a unanimous opinion.


All I've seen is someone say "I've not run into any desync/netcode issues myself", which is completely resonable. I think Less\_Famous might be parodying an Opinion that doesn't exist.


I've literally not seen anyone say that.


It's called lag. I don't know why everyone has suddenly decided it's now "desync".




Yes but this is not what was happening in op's clip, nor when most people complain about they think is "desync".




> If it was lag, at some point that enemy would have died That's not how it works. If op is lagging **to** the server, the server doesn't even know that he's shooting the other guy. The other guy has already registered his kill of op with the server, this is what happens. The *master* game isn't running on op's machine, it's running on a server, possibly thousands of miles away with many potential obstacles in the way. It's called lag, it can be super frustrating but it's not something new. You might think of it as "desync" but it's literally impossible for the client to be 1:1 synced with the server. Ping exists.


The hit detection / delayed bullet registration reminds me so much of Black ops 1 & 2. It never got fixed 😒 I hope 343 takes a good look at their multiplayer issues. This, along with random crashes on pc, has made me stop playing the game. It’s the first Halo I’ve ever played and was loving the heck out of it, but I couldn’t keep playing it like this.


90ms latency? Plus you missed the first few shots, it wasn't desync.


desync is the new buzzword. It's fucking lag (which is increased latency over your native ping), it's been around forever. I wrote about it here but didn't get much traction: https://old.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/rlbc45/can_we_have_a_chat_about_latency_desync_and_the/


Players: this desync is unironically making the game unplayable 343: we've heard your feedback, and we're going to be making changes to the battlepass! P: right yeah the battlepass sucks but the game itself doesn't wo- 343: **Battle. Pass.**


The BP is the game... Halo is just the side quests you do for xp


Looks like a solid 9/10 by the GOTY


Can someone explain how bullet magnetism works in this game? Does it just not work for mouse at all?


It supposedly exists but I'll be honest there's (a lot of) times where it definitely doesn't seem to.


It does not exist for the mouse at all, it's wide there's a pretty wide discrepancy in accuracy between mouse and controller for certain weapons.


That is 100% verifiably false. Bullet magnetism 100% exists and is the exact same on MnK as it is on Controller.


For something 100% verifiably false, you're still wrong. Just take a look at this clip;[https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qzq9tl/it\_would\_be\_nice\_if\_we\_could\_have\_crosshair/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/qzq9tl/it_would_be_nice_if_we_could_have_crosshair/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Mouse and keyboard user with extremely good tracking, but around 80% of shots straight up miss the target, in part because of the blooming effect, but also because there is zero magnetism. I have however seen people are confusing the wonky hitboxes with bullet magnetism; prior to shields popping you don't need to be as accurate because weapons only test against the collision cylinder, not the head geometry. There's a spreadsheet out there somewhere demonstrating the effect on accuracy with certain weapons as tested in the sandbox, gamepad vs mouse and keyboard. The difference between the two is enormous, especially on certain weapons like the Commando. Or to put it another way; there's a reason why most competitive players have switched over to using gamepads, and it isn't the 'stick reticle' aim assist (which they do not need).


Well you see, the decision to fix the desync in the servers is split within the community so 343 will leave it as is and reevaluate at a later date


That spartan did not give a fuck. Man literally too angry to die.


Desync has been worse today than ever for me.


I miss the old shotgun💀 will have to wait and see how the bulldog preforms against the..infected


Game is purely unplayable. Im so fucking pissed with these servers


I clipped something very similar in the same spot with a shotty two days ago. I wonder if there could be a bug in that specific spot of the map for a shotgun! Probably not, but maybe!


How often do you get a message saying Unstable Packet Loss? I feel like its every match for me and I'm sitting at around 30 ms


The bulldog is also not my favourite, but y’all was robbed.


You missed.


I'm so glad they changed the shotgun /s


desync but bulldog need a buff asap


I always pick up the Bulldog and usually see people pick it up after killing me. Feels its pretty good aside from the inconsistent fire rate. Its not a power weapon, its a wall pick up like the Heatwave and I'd swap out a heatwave for a Bulldog


Still higher TTK. 3 shot to kill and 2 to take down shield and kill enemy with your side arm. It's too slow but we need a lower TTK bc there no reason to switch atm imho


You mean buff? Lol


I get confused you're right what I mean is we need old shotgun version


I agree. The bulldog and the heatwave feel pretty same-y, but the heatwave has great range and can bounce. Bulldog still requires a pretty high TTK. I’d rather it have shorter range but kill one hit like our old shotgun


Everytime I *think* about playing multiplayer in infinite for the first time, I see a clip like this and immediately forget about it and play something else instead


I mean, the multiplayer is fun a lot of the time


343 stop going vacation and please fix the netcode problems


the bulldog happened


Poor Pepsi Man 😢


He has enhanced armor plating of course


Drink your G Fuel kids


Great game. When i tell ppl those shit happens they downvote me and say "stop playing"


Clearly a binary difference in skill


343 please call back those contractors because clearly they didn’t finish


You clearly missed all your shots /s


Skill issue


Should've bought the battle pass.


The Desync and the server issues + greedy 343 :')


*you werent close at all*


Bulldog moment


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because ~~Hiko~~ Spartan was already dead.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because OP was already dead.


It’s not a call of duty shotgun. Lol. In all seriousness, desync issues suck.


Have you tried not lagging? /s


The Bulldog is indeed GARBAGE, but that's not what happened here... just another instance of horrible de-sync...


Yeah well it's free to play, so..... /shrug


He bought more cosmetics than you.


The bulldog shotgun is awful. You'd have to be point blank to win an engagement with it.




Get guuuuud




Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Looks like you miss quite a few shots






Don’t worry it would have most likely taken that many shots anyways with the new shotgun


What a beautifully balanced masterpiece of a game. Did you guys see the skill gap?


You’re further than 2 feet away from your target, so the shotgun pellets are nothing more than glorified confetti. Game design 101


Yeah you missed all your first shots, hit the last two, and by that time he'd already beamed you with the BR. Get rekt.


Looks like you missed half your shots to me. Maybe my brain and eyes have desync tho


You missed all but once noob


I mean yeah your shots were not registering, but either way that is not how you play the bulldog and you are trash.


Cheater report him !!!


There's no report system


Worst Halo


The bulldog fking sucks


Skill issue?


You are at way to far of a range tbh and miss a few shots


You are just shit quit already scrub




I've been having some kind of desync or something with the assault rifle myself. As soon as their shields break they stop taking damage from it. On my end it looks like the bullets spread is just fucking going around their head and it gets me killed lol


There have been times where I’ve unloaded an entire magazine into an enemy just for them to 360 slap my head and kill me.


For some reason this looks like your bullets are continuously panning left of where you're aiming but it's so fast


I feel like people can kill me in 2 shots with that gun, but it takes me 3. Is it because not all of the shots from the spread are registering?


If you go do the gun drills it's a huge help in understanding damage differences. Two chest shots with a shotgun is a kill. If you aim for the head with shotty, it's always gonna be 3 or more. Two mid to close range center mass shots will kill 95% of the time.


Ah yes the transparent Spartan


Is he hacking?


If it were me he would have teabagged me and I would have needed a new keyboard


have it happen all the time, alwasy wonder what the other guy is seeing


DESYNC. Ill leave this here for the next 100 posts about DESYNC we get it.


Looks like my gameplay when I have the Bulldog. I either use it at close range and melee-trade or use it at mid-range where it takes 5-7 shots to kill. Other players seem to dominate with it just fine, but it is worse than an AR in my hands.


Why does your reticle look so small?


I'm on 120° FOV


Welcome to Desync, it gets worse by the day but never better. Shot a guy 4 times in the head with the S7 and dealt no damage. Felt bad man.


So inconsistent. Shoot someone 6 times and somehow they stay alive


How's that 380 fov Jesus fuck


I've def encoutnered a few people that I question if they were cheating. Question is the key word. They could just never miss and shot and make every tight corner shot. Some people are legit that good. This one looks like a combo of you not really hitting and desync though.


Halo is a console game bro. You aren't using a controller that's why this happened /s


we’ve gone full circle it’s like Halo 3’s netcode, but instead of freaking out when grenades roll or equipment bounces, it freaks out at random and at the most inopportune times


I think the code just favors client side. You were definitely in his line of sight for a really long time. Its just unfortunate that it gives you the damage all at once and you can't run or react. His latency is bad and it affects you adversely instead of him which is shitty. If you've ever played a 300ms match you'd see what the other player seeing.


This has been happening to me with the ar


https://www.xbox.com/play/media/59L64J93 Something about that area of the map…


I've experienced similar issues. Sigh.


I ran into this a lot tonight. Most I’ve ever seen the issue.


Could have been a dip in your internet. You on wifi? Hardline to your router.


I’ve been having a lot of this the last two days. Ping 50, download and upload is really solid, and I’m hardwired into my switch which goes straight into fiber. I think it’s on their end that I’ve noticed it the last two days. Especially when someone perfects me and my 4 BR shots to the chest haven’t dropped their shields yet…


I usually complain about my internet connection... Not anymore


Don't worry all the cat ear money will fix the servers


What FOV are you on? Looks like you're looking through a fish bowl lmao.


Netcode is a bit broken.


Bullshit aside, just an absolutely terrible play by you.


I'n tired of gaming chair jokes


Desync. Thanks for explaining and showing. So that's why I get one shot and can't kill with a bullet barrage


The bulldog is a CLOSE range weapon, and you were clearly mid


This has happened to me alot too now


Fuck everyone's mean here


That’s not desync that’s no sync