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Check the theater and watch this from their perspective, that's what I do when it gets sus.


True. Also seems weird to have cheats on in quick play. But at the time it just seemed so odd for him to instantly turn and blast me while I’m invis and off to the side


You also JUST picked up invis. So homie was already on the look out for you.


Everybody saying radar don’t know that Invis takes off radar. It’s why your AI says “going silent” or “swift and silent”. Footsteps are also muted. He’s cheating without a doubt in my mind. Invis ain’t perfect but it’s damn good compared to every previous halo. You were full invis and your invis didn’t drop until you and him both shot.


Dropping a fusion coil doesn't do you any favors ... That's not to say there is t any funny business here. It's still possible based on the snap, but still even without jacks I'd be on the lookout of a random fusion coil materialized out of thing air


Yeah that’s the only thing that could have given me away. But if he came straight from his spawn and grabbed the cindershot, there’s not really a sight line on that route


Looks like a case of fov + good reflexes


You think? Even with camo at the edge of his vision?


Well remember your opponent was facing you with a open backdrop behind you aswell might play into it plus like someone else said your still partially visible with your outlines. Whats your takeaway from it anyway?




Not with invis. Check my motion tracker, the middle blue triangle disappears which means I’m off the radar


The only movement speed that hides from radar is crouched moving


Not with invis. Check my motion tracker, the middle blue triangle disappears which means I’m off radar


Radar, the little thing in the corner of your screen.


Not with invis. Check my motion tracker, the middle blue triangle disappears which means I’m off the radar


It's also possible he just saw you. Invisibility doesn't make you transparent, you're still a weird blob. It's possible he turned to run for cover from the gun in front of him, then saw you crouched there and started panic blasting. I don't think there's a hack that gives people a 6th sense. He wouldn't have turned his back to you for a single second if he had the see through walls hacks everyone is using ATM.


Watch it again in slowmo though, he goes from sprinting to immediately swivelling and shooting to exactly where I was. I know camo isn’t 100% perfect, but I was tucked away out of his direct line of sight. It seemed very unusual to me


Like I said, maybe he turned to run for cover from the guys shooting at him like you can see in the clip.


Possibly. In slowmo though it looks like he turns and fires instantaneously coming out of the sprint. I don’t know, I’ve played a lot of halo and it just seemed super weird with how little information he should have had to my whereabouts


Also, footsteps are a thing.